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What is everyone watching this time of year (other than PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN)? I know that once the leaves start changing color here in Tennessee, I jet to the local video store and spend mega bucks to try to scare my socks right off!

So far, my favorites have been...in no certain order:

IT'S THE GREAT PUMPKIN, CHARLIE BROWN! (One of my childhood faves)


LEGEND (Another guilty pleasure, another Tim Curry flick)



So, who else out there grabs those scary movies around this time of year? Halloween is the best season for spooky movies. I don't like most of those senseless blood and gore movies. I prefer one with a twisted plot like THE OTHERS and SIXTH SENSE.

Anyone have any ideas on movies to see?


Capt. WE Roberts

"I shall uphold my indignity with the utmost dignity befitting a person of my undignified station."


well Capt Roberts,

ifn yer lookin for twisted plots;

13 ghosts


the haunting

rose red


you could get stupid with

scary movie 1 & 2

urban legend

for this time of year I like to watch a good selection of vampire movies(I have over 50) & blackbeard's ghost

today I had a Roger Corman fest while I worked.just got the 2 cd set with ;

a bucket of blood

little shop of horrors

the terror

the wasp woman

and after halloween I must see my 2 favorite, leading-into-christmas movies;

nightmare before christmas

edward scissorhands

and 'tank girl' is for all occasions-hehe

...gotta see rocky horror again-its been too long...

Capt Weaver

"No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; for being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned. A man in jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company. "

Dr. Samuel Johnson

Capt Weaver's Pirate Perversions


Funny: Young Frankenstein

Silly: Spaced Invaders

Edge of your seat: The Mummy with Brendan Frasier :lol:

Edge of your seat (non-Halloween): The Rock

Classic: The Mummy with Boris Karloff


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


Sleepy Hollow with Johnny Depp!

Delicious Tim Burton-ness! And, of Course, Nightmare before Christmas (For Halloween and Christmas)

Also, Sid & Nancy is my Halloween movie for some reason. Mm. Gary Oldman as a dirty punk. Guilty pleasure. Sinful, dirty pleasure. :)

And always a classic: Abbot and Costello Meet . . . Anyone

(the Wolfman, the Mummy, Dracula, or my favorite- Dr. Jekkyl and Mr. Hyde)

And the second season Buffy the Vampire Slayer Halloween episode.


Sleepy Hollow


Bram Stoker's Dracula

Vincent Price stuff like House of Wax and Pit & The Pendulum, etc.

The old classics, the Hammer films....

I'm getting the restored version of the Exorcist this week from Netflix....haven't seen it for ten years...still not sure if I dare watch it again.

JoshuaRed Posted on Oct 22 2003, 02:00 PM

  I'm getting the restored version of the Exorcist this week from Netflix....haven't seen it for ten years...still not sure if I dare watch it again. 

*shudder* I'm terrified of the Excorcist. I haven't even seen it. Too afraid to. The book left me shaking on the floor. B) I finally got up the nerve to see The Shining, but Excorcist was the third scariest book I ever read, after 1984 (scariest ever) and Bunnicula. B)


Thanks for all your help. Keep posting those great suggestions!

I love SLEEPY HOLLOW with Johnny Depp. I also like NOSFERATU and BRAM STOKER'S DRACULA.

I LOVE VAMPIRE MOVIES! I just watched a pretty good one called THE VAMPIRE JOURNALS. It was a slightly different vampire story.

Another one of my favorites is the one with Willem Dafoe as Claus(?), and John Malkovich as the director. Can't remember the name of it. It's pretty creepy. I believe it's called SHADOW OF THE VAMPIRE.

Also, another good one to watch, if you like Ed Wood's campy stuff is PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE. THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL is another one of my favorites. All of Vincent Price's stuff is great. I also like the version of BURIED ALIVE with Tim Matheson, Hoyt Axton and Jennifer Jason Leigh.

I thought 13 GHOSTS was a little hokey, but it was filled with screaming, blood and gore. (A tanker truck filled with blood?? Who thought this up?)

Of course, you can't forget the greats like MISERY, PET SEMATARY, POLTERGEIST (shudder) and Saucy Kate's favorite...THE EXORCIST. Of course, with those movies, I have to watch them in the daytime with the lights on and my honey close by. I'm a little bit chicken, and my imagination tends to get the better of me. Especially now that someone said that I live a half-mile from a crackhouse.

Also, for pirates like me who are young at heart, the Disney Channel is featuring an all-day Halloween special from 11am-9pm Central Time.

Fun, fun...


Capt. WE Roberts

"I shall uphold my indignity with the utmost dignity befitting a person of my undignified station."


It's The Great Pumkin Cahrlie Brown

Nightmare Before Christmas

Rocky Horror Picture Show.. for reasons, that if you are not aware of ....I'm not telling. For those of you who know why... shhhhhhhhhhh.. Flint



I have a good reason to be afraid of POLTERGEIST. When that movie first came out, me and my mom and dad loaded into the car to go to the drive in to see it. On our way home, the car died. I mean, one minute it was fine; the next...dead. No lights, no motor, nothing. I panicked. Hard. Hey, I was a little kid then. Since then, I can't stand the movie. Especially the part about the raw meat and the bodies in the yard. Yuck!


Capt. WE Roberts

"I shall uphold my indignity with the utmost dignity befitting a person of my undignified station."


Capt. Roberts,

If you like Vampire flicks, check out Near Dark off of my list above.

Great story of midwestern vamps, with Lance Henriksen (just remembered: Pumpkinhead should be on that list, too), Bill Paxton, and Jenette Goldstein. It's sort of an Aliens cast reunion.

The dialogue is a bit iffy at times, but it's a great treatment of a classic monster.

Also see John Carpenter's Vampires. James Woods rocks as a vamp slayer.

Rumors of my death were right on the money.


Scooby Doo and Zombie Island.

Scooby Doo (the new non-animated movie)

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.


Coyote, I saw VAMPIRES. James Woods was pretty good as a vampire slayer. I thought he was the best one. Was that Thomas Ian Griffith as the head vampire? Wasn't he on one of those Karate Kid movies as the bad guy, Silver? I don't remember. It's been a while since I've seen it.

I'll definitely have to rent NEAR DARK, if I can find it. I have seen PUMPKINHEAD once, and I liked it, as far as I can remember. Wasn't he a pitiful kind of kid who was abused because he looked different? Or was that another one? I don't know.

It seems as if 90% of my childhood was spent in front of the television set. Nowadays, I blame my creativity on television. I was even considered "gifted" in school and tested for genius level. I guess I failed their tests. I never heard anything else about it. :ph34r:

And people say it rots your brain...what do they know? :ph34r:

Keep those good suggestions coming. I'll keep my video store busy for a long time! (Once I pay my late charge...heh.)


Capt. WE Roberts

"I shall uphold my indignity with the utmost dignity befitting a person of my undignified station."


Near dark was a great flick. I liked how they prepped the vehicles for day by spray painting the windows black.

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.

Was that Thomas Ian Griffith as the head vampire?  Wasn't he on one of those Karate Kid movies as the bad guy, Silver?

Yes. And yes.

PUMPKINHEAD Wasn't he a pitiful kind of kid who was abused because he looked different?

No, that's the name of the creature that Lance calls up to avenge the death of his child.

El P. Yes, the spray paint was a great idea. I loved Paxton's over the top attitude, especially in the bar.

Rumors of my death were right on the money.


What a great list! I'm printing some of this out for a trip to the video store!

Ghostbusters...still cracks me up

Alien....still tense

Music CD's of Halloween Hits...monster mash....etc.

  Cap said:
El P. Yes, the spray paint was a great idea. I loved Paxton's over the top attitude, especially in the bar.

Bill Paxton has come a long way since then.

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.


But will alays be remembered for:

Near Dark: It's finger-lickin' goooood!

Aliens: Game over, Man! Game over!

Rumors of my death were right on the money.

  Cap said:
But will alays be remembered for:

Near Dark: It's finger-lickin' goooood!

Aliens: Game over, Man! Game over!

and don't forget the nasty asshole he played in

wierd science:"how about a greasy pork sandwich served in a dirty ashtray."

Capt Weaver

"No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; for being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned. A man in jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company. "

Dr. Samuel Johnson

Capt Weaver's Pirate Perversions

  captweaver65 said:
  Cap said:
But will alays be remembered for:

Near Dark: It's finger-lickin' goooood!

Aliens: Game over, Man! Game over!

and don't forget the nasty asshole he played in

wierd science:"how about a greasy pork sandwich served in a dirty ashtray."

How dare us for get him as Chet.

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.


Pirates of the Caribbean

Sleepy Hallow

Nightmare before Christmas

A Child of Glass (old disney non-animated)


The sixth sense

Except fore Nightmare before Christmas, do you see the Ghost theme?



Like any unmanned ship, a novice sailor will eventually steer into the wind and then in circles.


What's the ghost theme to POTC?

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.

  El Pirata said:
What's the ghost theme to POTC?

Tis the undead skeleton pirates. "You better start believing in ghost stories...you're in one!"



Like any unmanned ship, a novice sailor will eventually steer into the wind and then in circles.

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