Lady Seahawke Posted August 22, 2006 Posted August 22, 2006 Hey, was watching Wife Swap this evening and in one of the commercials for the new season ... upcoming 2 hour episode... The swap... the one family that embaced the pirate.... all of the family members outfitted in gear...they showed the pirate wife getting a bit irritated and attacking some gardening with her cutlass. The other wife tooked one look at the family pictures and her reaction.... "I'm going to get killed" Should be interesing. Lady Cassandra Seahawke Captain of SIREN'S RESURRECTION, Her fleet JAGUAR'S SPIRIT, ROARING LION , SEA WITCH AND RED VIXEN For she, her captains and their crews are.... ...Amazon by Blood... ...... Warrior by Nature...... ............Pirate by Trade............ If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...
Rumba Rue Posted August 22, 2006 Posted August 22, 2006 I don't normally watch that show, but I had to watch the one with the Wiccan gal and the normal people. Funny how that turned out, I'm glad the Wiccan family got a dose of reality, and vice versa and it all turned out really good. Depending on what's on opposite of that show will determine whether I watch it or not.
flying-dutch-man Posted August 22, 2006 Posted August 22, 2006 i watch that show all the time with my to see that one!!!! "yoho,hoho,a pirates life for me!"
silverhearted maggie Posted August 23, 2006 Posted August 23, 2006 Yeah, I was a-wonderin' about the pirate wife...i thought it might be somebody on the list. Guess not since nobody's tellin us about it. Long Live the crew of the CrimsonPermanent Assurance!
Cap'n Slappy Posted August 24, 2006 Posted August 24, 2006 Ahoy, me hearties! Being one o' the characters in this upcoming Wench Swap, I can tell ye that the family be none other than Ol' Chumbucket and Mad Sally. As ye may or may not know, Ol' Chumbucket is the co-founder o' a wee holiday called, "International Talk Like a Pirate Day!" (Sept. 19) How do I know this? Because I be the other co-flounder - er ... rather ... co-FOUNDer. At any rate, RDF productions approached the Baurs because they were looking for a pirate family to "represent" on their wee show, "Wife Swap" (henceforward known as "Wench Swap.") Thar be shocking tid-bits galore and moments to make a pirate proud. It's "Must (go to) Sea" TV! Enjoy! Cap'n Slappy My Webpage
Black Hearted Pearl Posted August 24, 2006 Posted August 24, 2006 Cap'n Slappy: Do you have any information on an Air Date for the episode? The website doesn't have any information yet. ~Black Hearted Pearl The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.
Cap'n Slappy Posted August 24, 2006 Posted August 24, 2006 Aye! She airs on Talk Like a Pirate Eve - Sept. 18th on ABC at 8pm (7pm Central and, I think, Mountain) The whole process was very interesting. "Reality" TV should come with some disclaimer about the nature o' "Reality." But what the hell do I know, I'm a drunken ol' pirate! But the family gave them enough material for the two-hour premier, so that says ... well ... somethin', I suppose. (And yers truly makes a special guest appearance in a sequence that'll warm the cockles o' yer ... well, whate'er part ye got what's got cockles.) Regarrrrrrrds! Cap'n Slappy My Webpage
Cap'n Slappy Posted August 26, 2006 Posted August 26, 2006 Ye can see the promo for the episode o' Wench Swap at Craig Fine's web page. (He's the father o' the non-pirate family involved.) Thar be a quick shot o' meself rompin' with a friendly wench just before ye get a quick shot o' Ol' Chumbucket and Mad Sally's dog wearin' an eye patch. Cheers! Cap'n Slappy My Webpage
Cap'n Pete Straw Posted August 26, 2006 Posted August 26, 2006 I told my wife about this upcoming episode. I told her the show was going to take a woman and make her live for awhile with a family that was totally into pirates, and talked like pirates, and turned every topic slowly around to pirates... She was going to be immersed in a veritable sea of All Things Pirate... I asked her "Can you imagine how horrible it would be for that poor woman?" And she just stared at me.... "He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do... "He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"
Cap'n Pete Straw Posted August 26, 2006 Posted August 26, 2006 OMG! I just watched that promo, like, 5 times! I am SO watching this show! "He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do... "He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"
Black Syren Posted August 26, 2006 Posted August 26, 2006 *Grins* I too cannot wait to view it, and yes I can well imagine such a look from yer wife as my husband does the same. If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)
Black Hearted Pearl Posted August 26, 2006 Posted August 26, 2006 I just showed it to my crew. They all laughed at the promo. I live like this everyday in Snottsdale, AZ. Huzzah to Mad Sally! I think I would have done in more than just the flowers. edit: I went to read about the family that Mad Sally went to stay with. Oh poor Mad Sally. Could there have been a worser fate than living with the Fines? Mad Sally deserves a purple heart for having to endure such pretentious people. Good thing she's married to Ol' Chumbucket. I would need a bucket after spending time with those people. ~Black Hearted Pearl The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.
Ol' Chumbucket Posted August 27, 2006 Posted August 27, 2006 Thanks for the kind thought Black Pearl, but it's me, Ol' Chumbucket, who is the luckiest man alive for bein' wed to a wench the likes o' Mad Sally! Stuck in the beige, soulless home of the "Fine" family (that's a word we try not to use any more) she responded as only a pirate can! Mad Sally is the new hero of International Talk Like a Pirate Day, and no mistake!
Cap'n Johnny Bones Posted September 5, 2006 Posted September 5, 2006 OMG! How stupid could I be. I saw the promo last night on tv and knew I saw her before. It didn't hit me until I read this post today. Without even knowing who it was I set the DVR to make Wife Swap a season pass so I wouldn't miss it or forget about it. I won't forget about it now. This is awsome!
Story Posted September 18, 2006 Posted September 18, 2006 A reminder for t'nite. Yaargh, etc. Dances for nickels.
Black Syren Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 oK I was told 7 and it is not on here in Texas as of yet..We have a diffrent wife swap airing..Does it come on later? If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)
Captain_Jack_Sparrow Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 Dear lord that non-piratical family has issues...I want t'hug the Baurs right now...
Nathaniel Stevens Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 Honestly, I felt sorry for the daughter in the Fines family. Good lord, the girl can hardly function if things aren't perfect.
Captain_Jack_Sparrow Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 Nathaniel Stevens said: Honestly, I felt sorry for the daughter in the Fines family. Good lord, the girl can hardly function if things aren't perfect. The little wench needed it....and 'er parents talk about bringing up their children with morels? Wench, please.... little whelp wouldn't respect a blad o' grass ifin it weren't prefectly vertical
Patrick Hand Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 Quote We have a diffrent wife swap airing.. Drat.... same thing where I live..... it was a stuck-up family and a slob family..... can't figure why it would be a different broadcast in different places.......
Captain_Jack_Sparrow Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 Patrick Hand said: Quote We have a diffrent wife swap airing.. Drat.... same thing where I live..... it was a stuck-up family and a slob family..... can't figure why it would be a different broadcast in different places....... there be two episodes mate, the one right after th'pne ye be watchin be the Piratittude episode
Black Hearted Pearl Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 That fine girl is the most self-centered, rudest, manipulative brat I've ever seen. She only agreed to do the pirate play after Cap'n Slappy told her she would be on TV doing it. And the makeover of Ol' Chumbucket was horrifying. The Label Nazi turned him into a clone of that Ol' Arrogant (add noun here) she was married to. It was good to watch the show. It helped restructure my husband's priorities, if only for a half hour, that perfection is an illusion that leads to unhappiness. Embrace Pirattitude and you'll live a happier life. ~Black Hearted Pearl The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.
Black Syren Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 Nathaniel glad to see you posting! OK...That family is just wacked! It seems the hubby finally got it in the end but it seems his wife wears the pants and may not keep the Pirattitude going and tis a shame. The little Girl????? OMG was she a robot? She should be doing girl things and playing with her friends and not spazzing about perfection because perfection does not exist! As for the house Mine is not messy as I run a tight ship to some extent but that was a little overboard! Barbie go home... Mad Sally if'n ye read this, Ye gave a good accounting though personally I would have lopped off all the heads of the flowers! *And possibly more.* If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)
Captain_Jack_Sparrow Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 What I despise is the fact that that little girl's family asks her if she wants to grow up like Tori, as though being yourself was a bad thing!
CrazyCholeBlack Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 Aye, we agree 'ere wit what everyone else has said. Me little swab suggests Mad Sally come to our house next time instead. I can't imagine what that little girl will be like when she's older being so concerned with make-up & the like at only 13. Tis a shame to loose the fun in life at such an age. "If part of the goods be plundered by a pirate the proprietor or shipmaster is not entitled to any contribution." An introduction to merchandize, Robert Hamilton, 1777Slightly Obsessed, an 18th Century reenacting blog
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