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  Mad Matt said:
Am I the only one who loved seeing a Caribbean-tanned Elizabeth?


Naw, yer right, she did look good sun-kissed! :)

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No complaints from me.


"He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do...

"He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"



Well, at first I thought yeah see the third movie...but the more I think about it... am more negative about it.

I doubt very much that I will see the third one...at least not in the theatre. If you need to see the DVD in order to understand what is being presented then, why waste your money going to the theatre in the first place. I made the mistake with #2 and I won't make it with #3.

I'll just wait till it comes out and then rent it or borrow it from someone else.

Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...

  Red Sea Trade said:
Keira Knightly ... I didn't see her in her recent Jane Austen film, but I assume that she hacked all of her suitors to death with a Stilton spreader.

Actually, she just used her tongue.


  Dusi Sparrow said:
Can I interest you in "Sparrow with fruits on a stick"? :lol:

Ah, Dusi:

You stole my thunder! After watching the movie for the second time last night, I decided that's what I'm serving at my next BBQ! With crab legs on the side!

(Okay, well, I'm actually substituting chicken for sparrow, 'cause the latter's too hard to find at the supermarket, and I don't have the hand-eye co-ordination [or heart] to hunt the little blighters myself.)

Cheers, Hester


Look, I've gotten through the first fews pages of all this, and all I know, is that I'm happy that the Pirate genre is back, with some exciting and well-directed results. When I think back to the days when Cutthroat Island and Muppets Treasure Island were all, movie-wise, we had (not withstanding the classics), as opposed to the excitement about pirates, along with the scholarly volumes about piracy generated by that excitement, that these movies have brought, I don't give a rat's arse if Barbossa's really dead or he's taken up ballet. This is the greatest thing to happen to the study of old-time piracy that could ever have happened. Look at all these entries discussing pirates! Hell, look at all the pirate web-sites! Look at you mates who didn't know anything about pirates until we met Sparrow for the first time. A nice shot in the arm. BB

Capt. William Bones

Then he rapped on the door with a bit of stick like a handspike that he carried, and when my father appeared, called roughly for a glass of rum. This, when it was brought to him, he drank slowly, like a connoisseur, lingering on the taste, and still looking about him at the cliffs and up at our signboard.

"This is a handy cove," says he, at length; " and a pleasant sittyated grog-shop. Much company, mate?"

My father told him no, very little company, the more was the pity.

"Well, then," said he, "this is the berth for me."

Proprietor of Flags of Fortune.


Whoo Hoo!!!


Sorry I missed you out at Disneyland last week mate!!

PM or call me when your back on the Disney lot oh Mater of the Black Powder!! :blink:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


Look, I've gotten through the first fews pages of all this, and all I know, is that I'm happy that the Pirate genre is back, with some exciting and well-directed results. When I think back to the days when Cutthroat Island and Muppets Treasure Island were all, movie-wise, we had (not withstanding the classics)....

Hey! What've you got against Kermit as Capt Smollet, huh? :huh:


After the first movie everyone was looking into the pirates sites. Over at another website, after the first movie came out there were too many applicants to handle...and we (who write in the pirate genre) were expecting a massive influx into the site after this new PotC movie came out...

It didn't happen...not this time. "Dead Men's Chest" didn't inspire nearly as many as the first one did. Only the real die hards are still participating in the Pirate threads...Dead's Man didn't rate...not this time.

Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...

  Lady Seahawke said:
After the first movie everyone was looking into the pirates sites.  Over at another website, after the first movie came out there were too many applicants to handle...and  we (who write in the pirate genre) were expecting a massive influx into the site after this new PotC movie came out...

It didn't happen...not this time.  "Dead Men's Chest" didn't inspire nearly as many as the first one did.  Only the real die hards are still participating in the Pirate threads...Dead's Man didn't rate...not this time.

Aw, it can't be all that bad. The movie's already taken in $379.7M and the only thing that's edged it out of the top spot the last two weeks are new movies. Miami Vice beat it last week and then fell below it this week. That's pretty good staying power.

I have my complaints (listed in nauseating detail on the first page), but it's tough to make a movie like POTC: Curse of the Black Pearl when the expectations are so high.

And it is nice to see the pirate genre get a leg up, even if there is precious little actual piracy going on in this movie. Better this than nothing, eh?

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"


  Caraccioli said:
Aw, it can't be all that bad. The movie's already taken in $379.7M and the only thing that's edged it out of the top spot the last two weeks are new movies.

In actuality it's now over $790 million. Not bad for such a *dreadful film* and that is not counting the merchandising which is beyond expectation.

And that amount is also not taking into account the folks that come to Disneyland for the new updated ride and the chance to see Captain Jack Sparrow in the flesh (or his shadow anyway who is terrific)... I watched almost all day one day last week and the kids adore him. They could care less if he seemed foolish. Young hearts are no so easily put off with pre-concieved ideas or notions. Now they are asking for Davey Jones, that hideous Monkey :huh: and even Pintel and Regetti . Yeah kids, what do they know? Don't they know it was awful movie?

(Shurg) The nay sayers can croak at us all they like on our way to the bank and to the sound stagesand locations to finish the 3rd film. :huh:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



My, my, my. All this bashing of what we all knew would be a cliffhanger before it ever premiered? I don't recall such grousing about the "endings" of the first two "Lord of the Rings" flicks, nor "The Matrix", etc, etc, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

Are the "PotC" movies cinematic masterpieces destined to stand with "Citizen Kane" or "Gone with the Wind"? No. Are they damned good fun? Yes. Have they spurred a renewal of interest in the Golden Age of Pyracy? Without a doubt.

Personally, I enjoyed the additional slapstick in "Dead Man's Chest". Sparrow was already a slapstick character in the first movie. This was simply a logical progression.

Let the flaming commence.

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

  Iron Bess said:
In actuality it's now over $790 million.

Is that the international total or something? (I got my number off my favorite movie site - Rotten Tomatoes.)

  Iron Bess said:
Young hearts are no so easily put off with pre-concieved ideas or notions. Now they are asking for Davey Jones, that hideous Monkey

I thought the monkey was named Jack. Or was that just one of Barbarossa's little jokes? Or was it one of his jokes that can no longer be considered a joke because of the fan-base and is now canon?

Release a life-sized fully articulated figure of the undead monkey! I'll buy one!

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"



Is that the international total or something? (I got my number off my favorite movie site - Rotten Tomatoes.)

Yes, as of last week it was $790 Mil but most likey that is higher now.

I thought the monkey was named Jack. Or was that just one of Barbarossa's little jokes?

No, it's name is Jack but even if it's name was Fred it would still be a hideous little monkey. It bites and tears out hair and is in general a pain in the tail.

Release a life-sized fully articulated figure of the undead monkey! I'll buy one!

I'll pass that along. :huh:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


  Caraccioli said:
... Release a life-sized fully articulated figure of the undead monkey! I'll buy one!

I'll have mine medium-rare with a side of onion rings, please. :huh:

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

  Iron Bess said:
  me said:
Release a life-sized fully articulated figure of the undead monkey! I'll buy one!

I'll pass that along. :huh:

Woo hoo! My POTC collection will be complete with the life-sized undead monkey. (That, 18" happy Jack, every undead toy they've released and...well, that's it. Besides my old 70s POTC models, of course.)

I have forever been working on a life-sized model of the Brain Gremlin that is massively complicated by the fact that the only life-sized gremlin model they've made is of Spike. So I have one that I am converting. Slow work, especially when I put it off so often. (I have this dream of articulating the thing - resin is hard to work with, though.) I wish they'd just release one, then I can comfort myself in having wasted $200 on a model I'll never finish. :huh:

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"


  Iron Bess said:
Release a life-sized fully articulated figure of the undead monkey! I'll buy one!

I'll pass that along. :huh:

LMAF! Now that's a Halloween treat I'd love to have! :huh:


People flocked to the second and went to the revamped ride because of the first...therefore, the truth will be had when the third movie comes out...

Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...

  Lady Seahawke said:
People flocked to the second and went to the revamped ride because of the first...therefore, the truth will be had when the third movie comes out...

Aye that's so... but one persons *truth* is not the same for everyone else. Really, even though there are others that didn't enjoy it the way they did the first film, what you're posting is pretty much you're own opinions and not the generaliteis you seem to indicate. The box office supports that

Look, you think it's a bad film and I think it's a fun film. So what? No amount of you're complaining and no amount of my opposite opinion is going to change the mind of the other. I think we agree on that anyway...

On one side, you are being unkind to people that spent years working on it and are proud of their efforts. (Shrug) You don't like it? Okay. You're entitled. Just as the majority of people who have posted are entited to like the film and enjoy it.

I'm thinking that perhaps you don't realize your being unkind on a personal level with many people here that contributed to the movies making? Maybe you just hate the film so much (obviously) that you haven't thought of that fact that you're belittleing peoples talent, work blood, sweat and tears? Maybe?

No one begrudges you you're right to hate the movie and then blather on about it.

However, I do think you could be less selfish about it though, a little more broad minded and take into consideration that others personal work was involved and they are proud of what they accomplished.

You're truth in not my truth. Your truth is not the truth of the millions that are enjoying it. Is it a steller film that wil rank in the annuls of history forever?? Give me a break.... it's a summer popcorn flick that is making box office history for the fleeting moment and will be put aside with all the others even the like of Titanic.

Go ahead and hate the film. :) But try and show a little respect for those that do not share your opinion and that have the right to be proud of what they have done. I respect your right to hate it I would ask the same courtesy from you.

I m'self and damn proud if it and everyone that worked on it... and are STILL working on it.

Now, where's that monkey? I want to shoot something! B)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Amen Bess! That's great and so true! We all agree to disagree with this. Some will either like this movie or they won't. I for one enjoyed it immensely and thought those who all worked on it did an awesome job! Aye, let's find that undead monkey and shoot it! B)


Just a note to Billy Bones and Iron Bess:

I think you are mis-understanding here, commenting about what one likes and dislikes about a movie is quite normal.

I was into to pirates long before POTC came out and the Pub was started well before that movie came out.

I remember in my early days of PRP, there weren't any decent pirate anything around. I'm glad that movies like POTC have come out, it's made people become interested in a subject that use to be at the bottom of a barrel.

So please don't lump everybody together. A few of us hearty souls were here long before POTC hit the screens.

  RumbaRue said:
Just a note to Billy Bones and Iron Bess:

I think you are mis-understanding here, commenting about what one likes and dislikes about a movie is quite normal.

I was into to pirates long before POTC came out and the Pub was started well before that movie came out.

I remember in my early days of PRP, there weren't any decent pirate anything around. I'm glad that movies like POTC have come out, it's made people become interested in a subject that use to be at the bottom of a barrel.

So please don't lump everybody together. A few of us hearty souls were here long before POTC hit the screens.

Well, Bess was just tired of the same old thing from Lady Seahawke. She didn't like the movie, fine, but no need to keep going on about it. It was getting old to have her go on with her complaints against the movie.


I can't believe how thin skin some people are!!!


and correct me if I am wrong but, isn't the title of this thread


Therefore, any complaints and opinions given on the lack thereof is fair game on this thread. If'n you a problem with it...then don't read it. Also, how can someone do better if they don't hear what those that are disappointed feel...why they were disappointed? HUMMM????

Sorry if anyone feels that only positive remarks should be made...and please note that I have not named anyone at all in my posts...contrary to others who feel they can call me out on something. Ah yes I know I must be careful...I know there are those that feel that since they are friends with the Admins that they can do as they please and censor contrary opinions...but, again correct me if I am wrong...aren't those in the industry the most vigorous defenders of free speech ...unless it seems to be, IMHO, contrary to their opinions. Yet, here it is a statement basically telling me to shut up...hummm again, free speech only for a certain few. OH well such is life!


Well have a wonderful day!

Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...


Well, Bess was just tired of the same old thing from Lady Seahawke. She didn't like the movie, fine, but no need to keep going on about it. It was getting old to have her go on with her complaints against the movie.

Ok, I can't help it but comment...


so using the same justifications as above...I can then say on the other hand, you liked it so why keep going on about it?

Logic is lacking. One can say as much as they like because they liked it, but the other must censor and limit what is said because they didn't. Am I correct on that?


Also, there is nothing rude and unkind in what I have said. I have stated, perhaps in another thread there were a couple of scenes that were ok. I just didn't like the holes in the storyline.

As stated I have reported what those that have talked to me have said AFTER they have seen it. So, yes the money was spent and thus anyone can say "look at the box office" but, as stated the comments I have heard are those AFTER money spent. Thus it will be interesting to me to see if the same will be had on the third. Perhaps it will, perhaps it won't...only time will tell.

But, to say I am being rude and unkind ...well...such is your opinion... and I feel sorry for anyone that is that thin skin.

me I have never been a Yes'er person...so again...all I have to say is



Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...

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