Gentleman of Fortune Posted July 27, 2006 Posted July 27, 2006 (oops! sorry about the spelling error!) The first one was "amusing", but I thought the second was a little tiresome. I am probably alone in thinking this, but Jacks antics were "fresh" in the first movie, but, now familiar with his character, they felt "overplayed" in the second edition. I had no problem suspending my disbelief and went into it with an open mind too. I don't think Disney will trick me a third time though.... Anyone else? GoF Come aboard my pirate re-enacting site Where you will find lots of information on building your authentic Pirate Impression!
Cpt Sophia M Eisley Posted July 27, 2006 Posted July 27, 2006 Yes, to answer the subject's question. I liked a few parts of DMC, but for the most part, found it to be drawn out (could have been under 2 hours, mho) and I was rather bored with it. To be honest, I am surprised at how I felt about this movie, considering how much I loved the first one. Did some of the action scenes seem a little like formulaic Bruckheimer to you? What I mean is, did it seem like a few scenarios were slapped together (take main characters, plus a handful of expendables, throw them into an action sequence akin to American Gladiators, and voila!). Granted, his other movies didn't involve astronauts or the armed forces fighting the bad guys whilest rolling through the landscape on/in wheels, but it just seemed to me like action sequences that were thrown in because they needed something there. I'm just hoping the next installment is more like the first. Perhaps we'll meet again under better circumstances. ---(---(@ Dead Men...Tell No Tales. Welcome, Foolish Mortals...
Gentleman of Fortune Posted July 27, 2006 Author Posted July 27, 2006 I agree.... Maybe I just need a little bit more dialog in my old age. The sword fight on the wheel was interesting, and no disrespect, but a swordfight is a swordfight (I know you avid swordsmen would disagree.... ) just like a "car chase is a car chase". Hollywood has us by the short hairs, if a movie is sucessful, take the same recipe with the same ingredients, and serve it up again. GoF Come aboard my pirate re-enacting site Where you will find lots of information on building your authentic Pirate Impression!
John_Young Posted July 27, 2006 Posted July 27, 2006 The swordfight was perhaps the freshest innovative concept to hit the screen in years. A swordfight is not a swordfight, a car chase is not just a carchase. The Bourne chases are always a fresh exciting visual spectacle that to compare them to say... Blue Brothers is a disservice. Yeah Potc2 was a bit long. But I think it was overall a very funny, action packed thrill ride that deserves the same, if not more respect, than the first movie. Of course that's why it's currently the Number 1 movie for 3 weeks in a row at this point. "Yo Ho, all together hoist the colours high Heave Ho, theives and beggers Never shall we die..." "I don't care who ye say you are lad, if ye say 'savvy' one more time, I'll bury this cutlass in that thick skull of yers!" -Captain John Young - PILF
JoshuaRed Posted July 27, 2006 Posted July 27, 2006 Heck I enjoyed it. I appreciate that Gore takes his time telling the story, without trying to squeeze it into a more palatable 90 minutes for the increasingly ADD audience. And I thoroughly enjoyed watching Davey Jones.
The Doctor Posted July 27, 2006 Posted July 27, 2006 Nicely put, Joshua. I and my bride enjoyed it immensely, and the time passed all too swiftly. :) Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?
Cpt Sophia M Eisley Posted July 27, 2006 Posted July 27, 2006 Now one thing I think we all have to take into account is that some folks are going to like the movie, and some folks aren't. For me, as I've said, I was disappointed that I didn't like it. Heck, I wanted to like it! But for various reasons, I didn't. *shrugs* I hope I find the next one enjoyable. And JoshuaRed, I know you may not have been pointing fingers with the ADD reference, but I hope yah realize I'm someone who sat through episodes 4 through 6 of Star Wars when it was rereleased, and I only got up once! (I'm saying that purely with tongue in cheek, and no offense is intended.) Perhaps we'll meet again under better circumstances. ---(---(@ Dead Men...Tell No Tales. Welcome, Foolish Mortals...
Caraccioli Posted July 27, 2006 Posted July 27, 2006 It neither as good as I'd hoped, nor as bad as I'd feared. It was definitely an action picture - perhaps a bit too much action. You know, I think it was all the odd characterizations that made the first movie worth watching so many times. A bit of the freshness of Johnny's characterization was missing - so was a little bit of his spark. Characters like Gillette, Murtogg and Mullroy, Twigg, the big guy, Koehler (whose character was killed - alas), the prisoners in the cell next to Jack's, the Harbormaster and so on were sorely missing in this one. Instead we seem to have gotten slapstick performances by the headhunters, some of Davy's crew and various folks in Tortuga. In the first movie, you had several groups of people, yet enough individuals stood out to be remembered. In the new entry, you also had several groups of characters but they were more individually discernable by their physical features than their personalities. Even the Black Pearl's crew suffered this fate to a degree - somehow Cotton seems to have gotten more screen time, yet managed to be less memorable in my mind. Several other performances were toned down or overshadowed or something - I longed for a bit more of the over the top stuff seen in the first movie from Lee Arenberg, Mackenzie Crook, Kevin McNally and Jonathan Pryce. But then there was Jack Davenport - kudos to him for his really interesting turn in this one. Throughout the movie, I found myself wondering what he was going to do next. As I said elsewhere, one trip to the theatre was plenty enough for this one. As Sir Eric mentioned in another post, the second act is usually the slow one. I think the third movie will be good, although probably not quite as good as the first movie. But it should be well worth watching, so I wouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater. As for the swordfight, all I can see is that it looked logistically impossible or at least improbable. Someone should have been struck down within the first few minutes of such a fight (probably Tuco). But this is the movies... (Next movie they better give Elizabeth something interesting to do. They're missing an opportunity there. I say let her get in a serious swordfight...and let her be better than Jack. (If she turns out to be Will's sister seperated at birth, I'm gonna be pissed.)) "You're supposed to be dead!" "Am I not?"
Monterey Jack Posted July 27, 2006 Posted July 27, 2006 I just haven't developed a liking for Will much at all. He was wussy in the first one (IMO) and now he's wussy with better action sequences in this one. And lose the leather coat once in awhile! I want to see something done with Norrington; there's a hellova lot of potential there they need to tap. Overall I loved the movie, but there were slight disappointments I can live with. Most likely they'll look at 2 and go, "oops." and make 3 closer to the way the first one "felt". I did enjoy the way the characters never really "teamed up"; they all had their own agendas. I thought I'd hate the CG sea creature-crew, but even that worked out. basically....yep, I'm good with it..... Monterey Jack "yes I am a pirate 200 years too late, the cannons don't thunder, there's nothin to plunder, I'm an over-40 victim of fate, arrivin too late.........."
Red Sea Trade Posted July 27, 2006 Posted July 27, 2006 Glad I'm not alone in being disappointed. Several things stuck out at me right away (and I went to see it with lashings of dark rum in my gullet): 1. If it's good once, let's beat it to death. For example, "Why have just one big circular thing rolling down a hillside with people inside when we can have TWO DIFFERENT big circular things roll down TWO DIFFERENT hillsides with people inside them". And how about "If big, computer-generated tentacles were scary once, they'll be just as scary the next few times, after the audience knows exactly what to expect..." 2. Keira Knightly is a pretty little thing, but why must she be a whirling cuisinart of death in every one of her films? She is the size of an 8 year old boy, yet she kills more natives than smallpox or bad whiskey. I didn't see her in her recent Jane Austen film, but I assume that she hacked all of her suitors to death with a Stilton spreader. 3. Does anyone else find his or her flesh crawling when multi-bazillionaires use their films to lecture us that the REAL villains are big corporations? Who releases Jerry Bruckheimer's films, a small mom-and-pop co-op? Find another villain. How about the Spaniards? Nobody has picked on them in quite a while. Well, this won't be a popular viewpoint, but pirates never crave popularity. Red Sea Trade In days of old when ships were bold just like the men that sailed 'em, and if they showed us disrespect we tied 'em up and flailed 'em, often men of low degree and often men of steel, they'd make you walk the plank alone or haul you 'round the keel. --Adam and the Ants
Gentleman of Fortune Posted July 27, 2006 Author Posted July 27, 2006 Now come on guys... This post was for those that were dissapointed with POTC 2. Those that enjoyed the movie, are probably in the majority, but have several other threads to heap their praises.... Despite my fencing background, I quickly bore with yet "another" swordfight. If you love em' thats fine. If your heart races to car chase scenes, great for you too. But for me, they can get tiresome (Like the clone karate scene in the 2nd Matrix that went on and on and on....) I think Caraccioli summed up my take quite well... thanks. But as for the second act always being the "slow" one, I can only wonder why. Did they not spend enough on a good script and in production to make it worth while? Anywhoo... To each his own. If you enjoyed it, you are a lucky winner of the Hollywood lottery. GoF Come aboard my pirate re-enacting site Where you will find lots of information on building your authentic Pirate Impression!
Caraccioli Posted July 27, 2006 Posted July 27, 2006 Red Sea Trade said: 3. Does anyone else find his or her flesh crawling when multi-bazillionaires use their films to lecture us that the REAL villains are big corporations? Who releases Jerry Bruckheimer's films, a small mom-and-pop co-op? For the life of me I can't remember where I read this, but corporations are one of the few groups that can't fight back when they're characterized as villains. God forbid you pick as a villain (or even vaguely characterize someone as villainous) from a specific race. ("So your villain was Liechtensteinian, eh? Mr. Moviemaker, allow me to introduce the monsterous legal machine that is the ACLU...") Look at the trouble they had over using headhunters in this movie! Since the ACLU doesn't represent the corporation (quite the opposite, in fact), corporate entities get tarred and feathered in Hollywood. Whereever I read that, they cited dozens of recent movies where the villain was a corporation. Ah, the wonder of induced fear. "You're supposed to be dead!" "Am I not?"
Maggie Pricklebottom Posted July 27, 2006 Posted July 27, 2006 For me the only worthwhile scene was the very last one. Too much special effect biz, characters that were not credible, too silly at times. Will I see POTC3, heck yes, I can stare at Johnny Depp all day long. I hope they work more on the script and less on the computer effects.
Captain Ariashal Posted July 28, 2006 Posted July 28, 2006 I myself was slightly disappointed with the movie, but I loved it all de same. 'Twas good to have Jack back. Methinks it was just a segway into de Third movie. I be Cap'n of me own 'friggin ship...
Lady Seahawke Posted July 28, 2006 Posted July 28, 2006 Ok, I was disappointed...I didn't like the way Jack enter the film. If'n you were going to that, I would want to see how he got in, and bit of how he wangled his way out. Otherwise him getting into a place of such horror and getting back out in good condition was a bit of a stretch. The sword fight on the wheel was good but too long. I do hope they intend on explaining how Barbossa in somewhat of a logical way, considering he DIED in the last film, now he pops up mortal and eating an apple. Also, the bit of the dog with the keys is old, used too many times. Ok I also didn't like the way Jack met his fate...just didn't do it for me. But, I especially HATE it when the film is left open ended...sorry, I know it is a set up for the third film...but to me it was lacking big time. Each of them should be individual and unique to themselves. When a film is left opened ended, I actually lose interest because most often the ending I see in my mind's eye is better then what is then shoved toward me. And I have a whole year to put it together. I really hate opened-ended movies. I don't feel like I got my money's worth. I liked the first couple of tie-ins to the previous movie but after that it got a bit tiring. After the first couple of tie-ins it was like the writers didn't know what to put in lets remind them of the first movie. Like I said the first couple were cute...after that YAWN! On the positive side. I did like the set up of the triangle between Turner, Swann and Sparrow. Maybe Turner will reveal he isn't all one dimensional. I ESPECIALLY liked the twist on Norrington and the possibilities there. The stiff proper gent has a nasty dark side to him. I would have to see him command a pirate vessel. At least I don't want to see him return to the prior...the second sets up him going through to much. I want to see more of his changes. SO...Will I see the third, yeah, I want to see what happens and what development comes to Norrington. Is that a contradiction to what I said earlier? No, Norrington had a finish to his storyline...he completed what he set out to do. Now the question is what is next item on the agenda. I liked Governor Swann, gave more depth to the character although we didn't get much of it. there were several areas that could have used more development. Again, will go see the third, probably, but I, unlikwith the first, won't go to the theatre to see this second more then once. I'll wait for the DVD. Lady Cassandra Seahawke Captain of SIREN'S RESURRECTION, Her fleet JAGUAR'S SPIRIT, ROARING LION , SEA WITCH AND RED VIXEN For she, her captains and their crews are.... ...Amazon by Blood... ...... Warrior by Nature...... ............Pirate by Trade............ If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...
Lady Seahawke Posted July 28, 2006 Posted July 28, 2006 To further my point...I wish studios doing sequels would remember that the two longest running movies sequels are "Star Trek" and "007, James Bond" Each of the movies is a self contained story. Beginning and end. Other movie series....Those that really didn't make it were those that had the middle one left open...the base fell away and never really made a comeback strong showing... Ok, am off my soap box. Lady Cassandra Seahawke Captain of SIREN'S RESURRECTION, Her fleet JAGUAR'S SPIRIT, ROARING LION , SEA WITCH AND RED VIXEN For she, her captains and their crews are.... ...Amazon by Blood... ...... Warrior by Nature...... ............Pirate by Trade............ If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...
Capt. Hedge Posted July 28, 2006 Posted July 28, 2006 Aye, I foun th story jus a wee bit too much like th firs that I mean that it seemed like th same jokes an th same punchlines if yer gets me meanin. I likes the characters, tho...mos honourable men mos of em. Specially that Norrington. Allas liked Norrington most. Good man like him'd make a right excellent pirate. Thought he did, too, mosly. Exceptin that he couldn't shut up bout that Sparrow fella. Anywho, I's gettin off th topic here...again. Mosly liked th story...jus expected new, fresh things what would justify me likin the characters so much th firs time. Seemed like maybe jus a diffrnt version what th firs one was, like told by a diffrent man er somethin along them lines. Aye, t'was good ter see the East Indian Tradin Company th badguys fer a change!
Capn_Enigma Posted July 28, 2006 Posted July 28, 2006 Lady Seahawke said: I do hope they intend on explaining how Barbossa in somewhat of a logical way, considering he DIED in the last film, now he pops up mortal and eating an apple. Do you listen to yourself? You really want a rational explanation how a formerly undead pirate -> living pirate -> very dead pirate comes back to life again??!? "The floggings will continue until morale improves!"
Caraccioli Posted July 28, 2006 Posted July 28, 2006 Lady Seahawke said: Ok, I was disappointed...I didn't like the way Jack enter the film. If'n you were going to that, I would want to see how he got in, and bit of how he wangled his way out. I read that was cut out because the film was too long. (Did I read it here?) Lady Seahawke said: I do hope they intend on explaining how Barbossa in somewhat of a logical way, considering he DIED in the last film, now he pops up mortal and eating an apple. Amen, sister! Iron Bess promised me a year ago that I would be satisfied with the answer. (Looks like it's going to be voodoo to me. I hope I'm wrong.) Lady Seahawke said: I ESPECIALLY liked the twist on Norrington and the possibilities there. The stiff proper gent has a nasty dark side to him. I would have to see him command a pirate vessel. At least I don't want to see him return to the prior...the second sets up him going through to much. I want to see more of his changes. SO...Will I see the third, yeah, I want to see what happens and what development comes to Norrington. Is that a contradiction to what I said earlier? No, Norrington had a finish to his storyline...he completed what he set out to do. Now the question is what is next item on the agenda. Several us seem to be in agreement there. I doubt he'll turn truly pirate, though. What's happened so far doesn't support that and it would be completely against character. So I'd actually prefer he didn't. Lady Seahawke said: To further my point...I wish studios doing sequels would remember that the two longest running movies sequels are "Star Trek" and "007, James Bond" Each of the movies is a self contained story. Beginning and end. Other movie series....Those that really didn't make it were those that had the middle one left open...the base fell away and never really made a comeback strong showing... Absolutely! To recall something I said from the depths... Mission said: I'd like to see a series along the Indiana Jones or James Bond line. Give us new villians with ingenious new ideas and horrifically enticing evil purposes. It adds spice to the mix. Of course, you'd have to be able to accept the idea that other people may play the main characters if you re-use them. I doubt Depp would sign on for 3 more movies. (Then again, who knows?) Still, they have chosen to go the Star Wars/Back to the Future route. So we should probably all accept that and enjoy it for what it is. It's the best new movie I've seen this year. (Ok, it's the only new movie I've seen this year.) "You're supposed to be dead!" "Am I not?"
Caraccioli Posted July 28, 2006 Posted July 28, 2006 Capn_Enigma said: Lady Seahawke said: I do hope they intend on explaining how Barbossa in somewhat of a logical way, considering he DIED in the last film, now he pops up mortal and eating an apple. Do you listen to yourself? You really want a rational explanation how a formerly undead pirate -> living pirate -> very dead pirate comes back to life again??!? Well, they should at least follow their own rules - the ones that operate in the environment of the movie. It seems to me that they soundly established the idea that when the coins were put back into the chest, the undead became human and could die. Barbossa was shot and he died. Unless Jack missed his key organs or something. Now they're going to re-write the rules somehow and.. No, no...Iron Bess told me I'd be satisfied with the reasoning for this and I do trust her. Seriously, I do. "You're supposed to be dead!" "Am I not?"
Phillip Black Posted July 28, 2006 Posted July 28, 2006 Since the second movie left off with such a cliffhanger and on such a down note, I can't find myself passing judgement on it until I see the third movie. Either PotC2 will be a skillful segue using the standard trilogy pattern, or if PotC3 turns out poorly, it will be a symbol of the decline of the series as a whole. So far, this is looking like the Matrix trilogy to me...the first one will always be the best, but only a fan could like the 2nd and 3rd movies...I hope Disney proves me wrong and closes the trilogy with a bang! Sea Captain: Yar, that be handsome pete, he dances on the pier for nickels! Sea Captain: Arrr... you gave him a quarter, he'll be dancin all day.
Cire Posted July 28, 2006 Posted July 28, 2006 Its a Barbossa from another dimension. :) Because the world does revolve around me, and the universe is geocentric....
blackjohn Posted July 28, 2006 Posted July 28, 2006 Gentleman of Fortune said: But as for the second act always being the "slow" one, I can only wonder why. Did they not spend enough on a good script and in production to make it worth while? Yeah, I'm with you in that Carracioli summed it up for me too... and while I like to point out second film syndrome, the second film isn't always slow... Wrath of Khan... Aliens... Terminator 2... of course Aliens and Wrath of Khan share a soundtrack... oh wait, wrong thread! A friend of mine (whose dad was in the industry) usually says this when we get to talking sequels, "the suits show up." That is, the creative forces get interrupted or overwhelmed by the money making forces. My Home on the Web The Pirate Brethren Gallery Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.
Caraccioli Posted July 28, 2006 Posted July 28, 2006 Terminator 2 was actually better than the first movie. (IMHO) It could also be a time-travelling Barbossa. "You're supposed to be dead!" "Am I not?"
Cire Posted July 28, 2006 Posted July 28, 2006 Caraccioli said: It could also be a time-travelling Barbossa. If you accept the theory that any changes made in the timeline cause the timeline to branch into separate dimensions, it could be both. Or the shot just hit Barbossa's futuristic temperature regulation system (runs on oil), which sent his body into shock after not having experinced normal Caribbean temperatures in years, and when he recovered he was fine. Because the world does revolve around me, and the universe is geocentric....
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