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The Pirate Hunter's Smarter Brother!

Inigo Montoya

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Though commotion wasn't wont to attract attention in such a place, as they headed to th bar, the barkeep was already welcomin them. The portly man with a shock of greying hair and an eyepatch hustled over with his odd gait borne of a past injury."God's teeth! Johnathan Roberts! I ain't seen ye in a dog's age! ye just roll in wi the tide ?" The barkeep clapped Roberts on the back and introductions were made. Roberts took the man aside after settlin the other two pirates at the bar with drink. "Dunny, I be lookin fer Red Cat Jenny.." "Red Cat! how is the gerl! Be she about wit ye?!" Roberts winced at the barkeeps exclamation "shh keep it down man! we be lookin fer her an thought she mighta come yer way. She was fit ta kill when I seen her last" Dunny saw the seriousness in Johnathan's eyes and said "hold up a minute " he dissapeared around the bar and spoke with several wenches and the other barkeeps. Shuffling back he handed Roberts a tankard. "I ain't seen her meself, but Annie there said she seen summone who fit her description down about the blacksmiths earlier this eve. Shall I put the word out for her?" Roberts raised a hand. "No, I don't want t' draw attention case she be in trouble. I'll give ye the word if it be warranted" He downed the Ale an went t' collect the two pirates to suggest they head for the Smith and the more respectable tavern just beyond. The one Jacky Tar had mentioned.

Wine, women, coin n song.

Equal shares of each says I!

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The leather wallet tucked safely away, Red Cat headed along the edge of a back alley scanning the hillside which bordered it. She hummed an old shanty quietly to herself as she travelled back toward the smithy and the road to the pub. It was a half forgotten tune about lost love and a sailor. Her step was a bit lighter and in her reverie she didn't notice the three pair of footsteps that followed... nor the slower but deliberate ones that trailed those.

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

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I didn't think Roberts would lead us into a trap, but Ransom had her doubts, an had drawn her sword. I knew Ransom felt safer wit' her sword drawn, but in a bar fight drawin' first blood wit' steel is reckless. A fist fight wasn't blood less, I'd been bloodied in a few, but ye live t' fight another day.

Roberts seemed unconcerned Ransom had drawn her sword, an he went t' talk t' the bar keep. Seein' there were no more comers, Ransom sheathed her sword. She did drum her fingers on the hilt of her sword, an adjusted her bodice once or twice. As fer me, wit' our backs t' the bar, I felt secure fer the time bein'.

I was glad when Roberts had finished wit the bar keeper, an he suggested we try the pub called the Fat Weasel. My concern about Red Cat's well bein' was mountin', an I could tell Roberts was now more anxious, too.

We returned t' the alleyway, an walk briskly toward the Fat Weasel.

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The small party took leave of the rowdy tavern, an headed down the dock road towards the Fat Weasel and the smithy. Retracing their steps along the way. As they neared the second pub Roberts spoke up.. urgency in his voice. The more he though abot Red Cat the more worried he became. He sometimes had a sense about things.. and now his sense was tellin him summin was wrong..

"It'll be headin ta dawn in a few hours and I think we should split up ta double our efforts. I'll go ahead to th Fat Weasel, Ransome ye keep a look near the smithy and the doorways here by. Jacky, if ye don't mind me suggestin, why'ncha look back near the Fancy Parrot t'is only a short walk an summone did say they'd seen er there. We'll only be a few buildings apart an we kin meet u back here by this market stall. With that Roberts turned and headed towards the Fat Weasel haste in his step.

Wine, women, coin n song.

Equal shares of each says I!

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Silas Farnborough the pirate hunter walked in his slightly hunched over manner. His long weathered face was as pinched as his black heart. He wore a permanent scowl interrupted by a deep scar, which ran in a jagged line from his left temple to just below his jaw. He walked with deliberate steps, his boots falling along the sandy path in their own peculiar cadence. Silas'd never quite lost his sea legs plus, he'd been shot in the knee once. He didn't need to hurry, tho his men were ahead. They were sure to have her in short time and usually made quick work of it. He pulled his tattered coat about him against the cold fog of the waterfront. "Aye Red Cat..he hissed in a husky whisper..ye may have slipped me in th past, but I've got ye this time.." he broke into a rotten toothed grin and cackled as he walked.

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

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I watched Roberts walk away in one direction and Jacky the other. Shaking my head, I turned toward the smithy and tried the door. It was unlocked, which I thought strange. On entering, I smelled the mixed oders of hot iron, burning coals, and cleaning oil lingering in the stuffy air. Tools, horseshoes, and half-finished weapons hung from the walls and roof rafters. In the forge, coals pulsed with a red glow under the banked ash, and I could feel the heat of it on my face.

I did a quick survey of the place. No-one was about. With the door unlocked, that was even stranger. With a final glanse around, I left the smithy and stood silently in the shadows of the building, waiting and watching. I saw and heard nothing, other than the shouts of laughter coming from The Dead Monkey, and a huge stray cat running down the lane with a dead rat in its jaws.

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

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I had turned t' walk back t' the Fancy Parrot, an stopped dead in my tracks. I knew Dillard shared the company o' the ladies at the Fancy Parrot, if he had crossed paths wit' the Cat, and we had covered the ground before there... Damn she was ahead of us, I knew it in my bones.

I ran back t' the blacksmith's, an yelled t' Ransom, "We've been followin' behind Red Cat all along, I'd bet money Dillard saw her at the Fancy Parrot. We never came upon her 'cause she was movin' away from us." Ransom sensed we'd been followin' a cold trail, an I hoped it was still warm. She agreed we'd better follow Roberts t' the Fat Weasel.

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As Jacky an Ransom started out, they met Roberts still headin towards Th Weasel. "Aye she was along here, saw someone we know n he said she'd been seen goin inta the Fancy Parrot. But that were hours ago! they think she may 'ave been followed..an if I knew by who.." his expression grew darker an meaner than when they'd entered the Dead Monkey. He flexed a hand and balled it into a fist looking about and willing the scum to appear wot might bring any harm to 'er but the alley remained empty and dark.

They hurried on towards the Weasel, splitting up as before. Roberts took the main road an Jacky an Ransom headed East to circle th Fancy Parrot once more on the way..just in case. They headed towards the back stair of the place. Had they walked past moments earlier they'd have spied a man hunched and walking briskly, preceded by a small band of thugs ...a scrap of blue velvet in his gnarled fist.

Wine, women, coin n song.

Equal shares of each says I!

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Red Cat stopped in her tracks and listened to the night.. sure she heard summin more n a gull or rabbit. A twig snapped nearby and she fell into a crouch unsheathing her cutlass. Her left hand went for the larger of the two daggers she carried, this one tucked in her baldric. Her hand was nearly wrenched free before she could grasp it, as she was grabbed by the shoulder from behind. She brought the blade out and down behind her. Meeting it's mark in her attackers thigh, she was rewarded with a scream and thrown to the ground. She rolled free and tore into a dead run up the road looking for a break in the brush as he gave chase. At the sandy curb, pulled free in the struggle, lay a little silver bell on a chain.

As she ran she counted the footfalls of her assailants..one..two... or three? The Cat found her break and scrambled up the rough dune and over towards the beach. She knew they wouldn't be far behind.

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

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I followed Jacky and Roberts, sure now that Red Cat must be in trouble. We raced down the lane, heading for the Fancy Parrot, where Jacky stopped and plucked something from the ground, and stared at it intently.

"What is it. What did you find?"

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

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I turn t' Ransom, "Roberts has us runnin' in circles! Follow me." I take Ransom by the hand, an lead her into the Fancy Parrot.

The house mistress stops us, looks at me, an looks at Ransom quizzically. Ransom takes off her hat and lets her hair tumble down. Some what relieved, the mistress says, "Will you require a room?" I thank her an say, "Mayhaps later, fer now were just passin' through!" She smiles an steps aside, an we pass out the front door.

In the street, I look fer suitable transportation back t' the Fat Weasel. Ransom looks at me, and I say, "Yes, I intend t' borrow those horses an return them 'fore they're missed. Do ye ride?" As I point t' two saddled horses, wit' out riders. I knew that was not her question, and she mounted her horse 'fore I could mount mine.

Roberts, will not like us leavin' him behind, I will hav t' deal wit' him later. We galloped off t' the Fat Weasel.

On horse back we arrive at the Fat Weasel, in short order. It's very late an I remembered there was a hitchin' post behind the pub. The Moon is high now, still in the saddle, we walk the horses t' the back o' the Fat Weasel. A lit lantern is hung by the back door, an it sounds as if there still is a crowd inside. I start t' dismount my horse, when I spy a glint o' silver on the ground. I step down, an wit' the reins still in hand, walk toward the familiar shiny object. It' Red Cat's bell an chain, I look at the sandy berm 'fore me, an notice foot prints. I remount my horse, charge over the sandy berm, an bellow at Ransom t' follow.

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Roberts ran as fast as his bulk would allow towards the Fat Weasel. "Damnit Cat" he said to himself "Ye just canna stay outa trouble can ye. Just wait till we catch up wi ye" and as he ran he hoped they did.

Wine, women, coin n song.

Equal shares of each says I!

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Crouched among the tall grass she watched with her heart pounding as they crested the dune. Counting the silhouettes in the moonlight. One, two, three... then a sight which made her blood run cold. The stilted gait, the plumed hat.. The fourth stopped at the top and stood. Her eyes wide she breathed "Sila..." but never finished speaking the name of the man she feared more n most. Her attackers were upon her and she took to the craggy dune seeking to even the contest.

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

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As Roberts arrives at the small tavern, he hears a shout from the back. Running around the corner of the place he catches sight of Jacky Tar n Ransom thundering off and over a sandy hill on horseback! In the distance he can just make out the sound of steel against steel carried on the sea wind. Looking about about in frantic desperation. He knowed he'd never catch up on foot.

Just then a well dressed patron ambles up to the hitching post and roberts waits for his chance. Impatiently willing himself to stay still until the right moment. The patron is obviously either drunk or the most inept rider Roberts has ever seen. Twice he gets his foot stuck in the stirrups and seems unsure of which side to get off. Roberts rolls his eyes able to stand it no more and lunges forward, throws the man to the ground mounting the horse as it breaks into a full gallop. He spurrs the frightened animal onward an is soon close behind the others over the dune. The sound of fighting is louder now. Just down the beach and along the dune. Among it he hears the sound of Red Cat's voice shouting curses and threats. Curses are hurled back inbetween the clash of swords and the occasional thump of someone falling in the sand and scrambling back up. Knowing her well over the years, n having fought alongside her, he could hear in her voice that she was wearing thin..

Johnathan Roberts drew his cutlass, flung himself from the horse and ran for the group. Jacky n Ransom rode towards the fight and the Cat..

Wine, women, coin n song.

Equal shares of each says I!

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Red Cat knew being small and agile she would have some advantage over them on the rough terrain, making up for anywhere she lacked in swordplay. The tables turned once, thrice and again. Up and down the sand and grass. Crimson began to stain her sleeve where one of the bastards had gotten in a lucky jab. Spurring her ire she turned on him and he paid dearly for it. Their swords were heavy and they were taller, forcing her to work harder to meet each thrust and attack in turn. With that and the climbing and maneuvering she bagan to tire. Her arm ached. Still she wielded both cutlass and dagger. Cat began to wonder if this would be the end of it..of pancakes and crazy spaniards and rummy pirates.. a commotion from the far side of the dune shook her back to the fight. She only noticed Silas turning quickly and dissapearing into the night. His cackling laughter like the sound of timbers splintering in a storm. A blow nearly made her from the left and they were off again. "Bring it on ya scum!" She shouted "It'll be yer last!" and the fray continued. Cat hoped Jacky, Ransom, Chloe or Roberts would somehow have come after her...

In the near distance hoofbeats sounded. "Well if that ain't friend, this be it fer the Ol Red Cat" she thought. She shouted and charged the men with all the force she could muster intending to take as many of em wit her as she could..

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

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I can see we may be too late, fer I count at least three against one. I spur my horse into a full sprint, draw my cutlass, an scream at the top o' my lungs. I hope the charge will draw their attention away from the one, I believe t' be Red Cat. Ransom follows my lead, an we see that their victim has fallen, an all three assailants turn t' see what is flankin' them.

Blood lust in my eyes now, over wot I believe t' be our fallen companion, no quarter will be given t' her killers!

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It had been a long time since I'd been on a horse, racing along, the wind whipping my hair. But the joy of it was blunted by the scene before me, the three assailants weilding blades at our friend, who had now fallen.

With a banshee-like scream, I aimed the horse at the nearest man, literally running him down. With a whosh of air and a grunt, he bounced off the animal's chest and was flung to the ground. Turning in my saddle and pulling the horse's head around, I started at a dead run after a man who was attempting to escape. The horse's hooves tossed glittering sprays of sand as we raced across the moonlit beach, chasing after the Cat's attacker.

With a wild laugh, I aimed the point of my rapier at the man's back.

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

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Ransom, had ploughed through one of the men, an was runnin' down the second. I drew my horse along side the third, an began t' deliver savage blows an cuts t' the man's head an shoulders. He tried t' defend against the blows, but I had sliced through the flesh an bone of his sword arm, an darkness was upon him.

With the last man standin' now dispatched, I turned t' the man on the ground, who was comin' around. I quickly dismounted, an pulled my pistol, an shot him in the chest. "That was fer Red Cat Jenny!"

I walked over t' Red Cat's body, which lain face down in the sand. I dropped to my knees next t' her body, a tear runnin' down my cheek. I noticed her torn blue sash; an sadly, I had a matchin' piece in my pocket, which we had recovered too late.

I carefully rolled her over, t' cradle her one last time. I brushed her hair from her bloodied an sand caked lips. I sat there cursin me self, when she opened one eye!

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In the course of events none had noticed Roberts absence. As he'd jumped from his horse the frightened animal had reared and kicked him square in the back knocking him to the ground. The kick wasn't so bad, but he'd struck his head on a rock and been knocked unconcious. Coming to after all was done, he sat for a moment and gathered his bearings. As his head cleared, he looked down the darkened beach and saw the figures of Jacky n Ransome huddled over someone on the ground. Roberts blood ran cold. He couldn't tell from his distance but he feared the worst. Standing unsteadily he came to their side. Jacky was cradling RedCat in his arms.. a grave loook of concern on his face. Ransome was wide eyed and looked up at Roberts. "She's alive.. "she said. He held her eyes for a moment looking for confirmation that the news wasn't too bad before he turned to look at his friend. "She's had it pretty bad I believe" added Jacky throwing an angry glare at Roberts. It registered but he didn't pay it much mind as Red Cat opened an eye and spoke

Wine, women, coin n song.

Equal shares of each says I!

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Red Cat wasn't quite sure where she be, nor if she still be among the livin. Her head hurt, her lip felt strange, it was swollen from its meeting with an elbow. She managed to open an eye..even that hurt. She was never more grateful to see Jacky Tar's face. Even if it was a bit blurry.

"My coat..." she started..

Fearing unseen injury, Jacky gently opened the right side of her coat relieved to see no immediate damage "the walle...wallet. is it there?" She could hear her words echoing in her head. Ransom spied the leather fold tied with a string and gingerly pulled it from her coat. "Aye Cat it's here"she said softly, looking up at Jacky in confusion. It seemed an odd conversation to be having but at least they had her talking. "goooooode.." was the only response and Red Cat slumped a bit.

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

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We need t' get her out of here, Roberts said. He knelt an scooped the Cat up in his arms with Jacky's help. He knew his mate to be tough, but he held her gingerly, afraid she might break at any moment. As Jacky n Ransom pulled the horses near. Red Cat, bloodied, bruised and sandy closed her eyes. The world was swimming and it made her feel better. But her mind was still foggy. "Am I dead?" ...."No !" said Roberts all too suddenly. "Gods, don't say such things Cat" .."Is he...?" She said weakly. "He's gone lass" "Ye have Mr. Tar and Miss Ransom t' thank fer yer life. I was out like a useless git" Roberts felt terrible and saying it made him feel worse. "Yer safe now..we has ye" With that she put her head on his chest and passed clean out. Roberts explained that the men hadn't killed her because she was worth more to the pirate hunter alive and worth more coin in the pockets of the sorry rum sotted thugs he hired. Most likely at the Dead Monkey. They had taken turns, their goal to wear her out and bring her to Silas in relatively one piece.

Wine, women, coin n song.

Equal shares of each says I!

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Red Cat didn't remember much that happened after Roberts, Jacky n Ransom had come. She'd been luckly that the men were attempting to only subdue her, and that they were merely drunken thugs, none too good with a sword. She'd escaped with a gash to her left arm and her right leg which weren't too serious, some bumps and bruises as well. But her side had been caught, the injury none too larger that the end of the blade which caused it, but it was in need of bandaging.

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

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"Well, there's three as won't be making any gold off of Red Cat's death. Food for crabs and gulls, they are."

I glared at Roberts. "Best get her out of here. Fast. Don't want the watch, or anyone else wondering who did the damage." I gesture to the three corpses on the beach. "Come on Jacky, we need a safe place to go. Where do you think is the best?"

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

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"The Fat Weasel is over that berm, we can go there. Red Cat's wounds need tendin'. I need some catgut an a needle, t' stitch up her side. Some alcohol t' cleanse her wounds, and a swig fer the sawbones an his patient." I looked at Ransom, "We need t' get those horses back. They still hang horse thiefs."

I look at Roberts, "Help us get the Cat t' a room at the Fat Weasel, then go wit' Ransom an get those horses back, 'fore someone misses them." I look at my weary companions, "Then some much needed sleep fer us all."

Roberts forehead is bloody, an I said, "Yer injured man! Let me look at yer wound!" He refused t' let me examine his wound, an said, "It's nothin' sir." Wit' dried blood on his own forehead, Roberts still managed t' carry Red Cat back t' the Fat Weasel wit' out help. He were a stubborn mule, an very protective of Red Cat.

It seemed t' me he knew more about who sent those thugs, an o' course he wasn't tellin' the whole story about that man he called, Silas. Or, why there was a price on Red Cat's head.

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Roberts shoulders the door of the Fat Weasel open, carefully carrying Red Cat in his arms. She's been talking nonsense on and off but mostly staying still. His head hurts. As a matter of fact it's throbbing, but he's been through worse and she's his only concern now. A room is arranged and money changed hands in exchange for no questions. He reluctantly leaves the room to return the horses with Ransom after she threatens to add another lump to his thick head. "We need ta git the things Jacky asked fer. Ye kin do nothin else fer now. Let's get these animals back first " She said hustling him out the doorway.

Wine, women, coin n song.

Equal shares of each says I!

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