Ransom Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 "And leave all the gold and riches? Are ya daft woman? I didn't brave Spiders, flames, and getting shot at just ta leave everything behind!" ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
Red Cat Jenny Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 "Waall who be stayin behind then? Ye heard th wench...we need ta git er back inna th cage then..." I can't spend me riches if I'm locked up! Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.... Her reputation was her livelihood. I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice! My inner voice sometimes has an accent! My wont? A delicious rip in time...
The Spider Posted January 1, 2007 Posted January 1, 2007 The red head gasps, and struggles in vain, "You don't understand, do you? I can't reenter the cage." She addresses the pirate with the dagger against her throat, "Hold my hair if you must, but let go of the necklace and I'll show you!" Redcat assures Ransom she has a firm grasp of her mane, and Ransom reluctantly releases the necklace. The red head pulls the necklace off her throat and through the cage, and it disappears! Ransom shouts that it's a trick. Red Cat doesn't look so sure. Jacky picks up a coin and tosses it through the bars, and it disappears. "I told you the treasure can't be removed from the cage, do you believe me now!", the red head shouts.
oderlesseye Posted January 1, 2007 Posted January 1, 2007 Oderlesseye declarws he will fight to the death if nessesary to have his loot and protect the others from the Spider... Eyes declares the disapearin act is a trick and pulls a magic pouch of pixy dust he had aquired from Tia Mia in another previous adventure.... Eyes opens the bag o'magic. Bad breath and all Eyes blows the pea green glittering dust into the cage ...and demands the key or else! http://www.myspace.com/oderlesseyehttp://www.facebook....esseye?ref=nameHangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words: Quote "My treasure to he who can understand."
Jacky Tar Posted January 1, 2007 Posted January 1, 2007 "Red Cat let's try somethin', push the door luv; if it opens, walk out of the cage." Red Cat pushes the door, an it opens. She walks through the door, still holdin' the red head's hair. "CrazyChole follow Red Cat, an don't let the red head get away." Jacky turns t' Eyes, "Uncock an lower the pistol mate. Don't want any accidents." The red head is pinned between the door an the cage. CrazyChole steps out t' help Red Cat strong arm the red head. CrazyChole has an arm bar on the red head; so, Red Cat lets go of her hair, an steps clear of the door way. The door slams shut! Red Cat is angrily tuggin' on the door, wit' Ransom pushin' from the inside, but it won't budge. "Red Cat, check yer pockets luv." Red Cat finds the cage key in her pocket. She turns t' the red head, an accuses her of dispositin' the key there. "Red Cat, try the key!" Red Cat places the key in the lock, an turns the key till the lock clicks. But she still can't open the door. "Step back, Red Cat." I push on the door, an it opens! I stare at the red head, "Ye left out that little detail about the key, didn't ye?" Wot else wasn't she tellin' us?
Red Cat Jenny Posted January 1, 2007 Posted January 1, 2007 After reluctantly releasing the red head an steppin away from her mates. Red Cat was stuck outside with them all still in! Bugger!!!! Then the key was foun...in her own pocket! " Oi !! I thot I wazza one who had the lightest touch for pockets?!" She declares incredulously. As Jacky Tar steps from the cage and begins t question the firey headed stranger, Red Cat stares daggers at her..one part o her mind tryin t figure out if th dissapearin o treasure be a slight o hand, and one part sizin her up for a weak spot.. thar hasta be a bargainin point thinks she...everyone has a price..or a secret wot's wort a price.... Eyes is about to toss nother piece o gold out ta see if'n Tia's powder works. Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.... Her reputation was her livelihood. I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice! My inner voice sometimes has an accent! My wont? A delicious rip in time...
The Spider Posted January 1, 2007 Posted January 1, 2007 The red haired pirate, follows the pirate they call Jacky out of the cage, and all the treasure she was wearing disappears. The cage door closes again, for the last time, with the pirate and his pixie dust still inside the cage.
oderlesseye Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 Wit a sly grin knowin somethin about the ol'e dust.... Oderlesseye Yells out loudly and His head nodding wildly, as he shakes the thick Bar doors.... THe disaperin curse is lifted only for those whose hands has been in contact wit it.....!!!! so When ye pic something up it will have the dust on it and the person will be able to keep it ifen that person is will to face The Spider and it's protective powers.. Oderlesseye places the loaded flyntlock behind his back... thinkin to himself perhaps the Spider can be persuaded wit a bilgerat to spew silk thread on those who wish a dim future for this pirate... Lemmeee out ! Ye Eighty legged Hairy scoundral! Snarling at Me nemissis Jacky Tar who just assuridly would leave Oderlesseye behind in the dark wit the imfamous Rum drinkin Spider ~ Aurr - Aurrr... Ther Red head looks at me lustily and slowly traces her index finger underneath me chin and warns me in a soft tone of voice not to act too fast though Eyes knows Whaty lies within one of those Chest.... http://www.myspace.com/oderlesseyehttp://www.facebook....esseye?ref=nameHangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words: Quote "My treasure to he who can understand."
The Spider Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 "Poor silly pirate, yer friends have left you to guard the treasure.", the red head reaches through the bars and strokes the chin of the pirate, they call Eyes. "Sir, don't worry you will sleep soon!"
Jacky Tar Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 I pull the red head away from the cage, "No one is leavin' anyone." I turn t' Eyes, "Eyes, we'll get ye out of here, I swear it!" "Where is that key?" The key is no longer in the lock. I turn t' everyone, "Check yer pockets!" Ransom steps forward wit' the key, an places it in the lock, an once again the key is turned (click!). Eyes pushes on the door, but it will not budge. I roughly grab the red head, an menacingly ask, "How do we get Eyes out of this blasted cage?"
Red Cat Jenny Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 Red Cat recocks her flintlock....slowly.. for effect ..the noise breaking the silence in a distinct and menacing manner.. an leans in ta the wench Jacky be wrenchin.."Ye know lass.." the Cat says slowly , gesturing towards Jacky then back at the red head with the pistol "He ain't one wot's known fer a lotta patience" "If'n ye wants ta keep that pretty noggin o yers perched on them shoulders..... I'd suggest ye don't wait too long".. Chloe an Ransom crowd about too an the wench be surrounded an lookin like she juuuust may crack.. Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.... Her reputation was her livelihood. I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice! My inner voice sometimes has an accent! My wont? A delicious rip in time...
Ransom Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 To help the red-haired woman get the...point...I pull my rapier out and hover the tip in front of her right eye. "Let me give you a hint, sweetie, coming from one red head to another, there is no way we are going to leave our mate in that cage, so now might be a good time for you to deal straight with us. Unless, of course, you want to be a one-eyed red head." ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
The Spider Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 Tears stream down the red head's face, "I told you the last one in the cage stays in the cage!" Ransom looks ready to thrust her rapier in the woman's eye. She sobs, "You have all been in the cage, so you can't open it again, you must find someone who hasn't been in the cage to open it. I swear that's the truth!" Ransom lowers her rapier, and the lass wipes her tears, "As for the key, it always finds one of the last ones out of the cage. Fear not, your friend will sleep till one comes to take his place." She points at Eyes, "See! It's begins already." Eyes' lids look heavy, and he is leaning against the bars.
oderlesseye Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 False Ransom .... Has ye got the surgeons saw lass ? After all this "cage" is wood on the other three sides beings this is a ship... Eyes can cut me way out ifen ye can slip the saw to me wit out the "Spider" knowin.... :) Oderlesseye Taunts the Spider to draw near..... shaking a bit from the adrenalin, Eyes yell at the spider saying it be 'Yellow Bellied' ! http://www.myspace.com/oderlesseyehttp://www.facebook....esseye?ref=nameHangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words: Quote "My treasure to he who can understand."
Red Cat Jenny Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 "Eyes! Eyes!!! wake up man! don't fall asleep it be trickery!" Red Cat yells desperately at the sleepy pirate who was a moment ago animated, now slumping in th cage ..."Ransom! keep that scoundrel from sleepin!!" Thrustin her pistol a bit closer an grabbin th woman by the collar..Red Cat means only business now.."Now yew listen here lassie...I'v ed enuf o this rot! Ye live down here...wherever this be... so you know whar t find us summone ta put in here...or someway ta put the spider in here" "Now I suggest....ye start thinkin reeeeeeeel hard..." she pauses for a moment before adding "Afore ye lose what ye think wit!" Behind her eyes wakes up again as Ransom tosses a bucket o water his way.. Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.... Her reputation was her livelihood. I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice! My inner voice sometimes has an accent! My wont? A delicious rip in time...
oderlesseye Posted January 2, 2007 Posted January 2, 2007 Quote "Eyes! Eyes!!! wake up man! don't fall asleep it be trickery!" Musta been the Pixie dust! http://www.myspace.com/oderlesseyehttp://www.facebook....esseye?ref=nameHangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words: Quote "My treasure to he who can understand."
Jacky Tar Posted January 3, 2007 Posted January 3, 2007 Eyes is drippin' wet, an fadin' fast, "Eyes, Eyes... stay awake man!" I turn to Red Cat, an release my grip on the red head, "Watch her!" Plan A Turnin' back t' study the cage, "I've seen this type of door before, theses are half pin barrel hinges..." **Anyone?** "... with the right leverage, and the proper application of strength, the door will lift free!" Plan B "I think we can get the spider t' open this fer us. CrazyChole, how many cookies have we got left?" Plan C Keep t' the Code... Let Eyes sleep, an go back t' the pub, celebrate the new year!
Ransom Posted January 3, 2007 Posted January 3, 2007 "Awe, Jacky, I don't like plane C, even if the gob did nearly shoot me dead." I give Eyes a prod with the rapier, just to keep him awake. "Why don't you apply the proper amount of strength, and lift the door free?" ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
Jacky Tar Posted January 3, 2007 Posted January 3, 2007 Takin' a spar fer a lever an a crate as a fulcrum, we attempt to lift the cage door off it's hinges. "We need more weight on the lever!" (Still waitin' fer some help... a little more muscle... Chole works out... Wot been t' the gym, already?)
Red Cat Jenny Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 Red Cat passes the wench she been threatenin t' chloe an jumps on ta help Jacky an Ransom pull the lever.. luckily she's got a lot in her pockets which adds sum weight..Draggin the redhead along, the mighty Crazy Chloe adds them two as well.. an the door lifts free with a screech o rusty pins an a clank as it crashes t' th deck raising a cloud o dust ! Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.... Her reputation was her livelihood. I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice! My inner voice sometimes has an accent! My wont? A delicious rip in time...
oderlesseye Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 Oderlesseye happily chokes on the very dust that the ol'e door has kicked up.. Thank ye kindly mates ! Now Eyes has business wit that dar damneed Spider...... Oderlesseye steps out away from the crowd and lears closley to The Spider...Eyes Reveals the Flyntlock he has been hold onto behind his back and takes quick steady aim, as best as Eye's could any way.... ( still drousy) Eyes point the weopen at the third eye of the beast and fires... Oderlesseye's aim turned out good enough, He made "eye contact" and The spider reacted violently, Jumping about, the ol'e ship tremmers and quakes. ..... The Spider takes hold nother belayin pin and plunges it into the new hole in it's grotesque aray of eyes, having two wooden eyes now instead of one. Six Eyes to go! Oderlesseye exclaimes to the other pirates ..yelling it also at the Spider as a warnin eyes ney be messed wit so! The Spider recoils to a corner near the poopdeck of the ship and leaps accross the hollow dark and damp cave ,to a wall and crawls away.... Hisssssing at Oderlesseye, that It will return....... ...Oderlesseyes reaction is one cander and carefree having his mommentary freedom and revenge... Oderlesseye grimmices wit a satified smirk of tell-tale victory... He turns his attention to the treasure heap before him and the others and wades in deep and disapeers for a tyme and then reapears neary to one of the chest.. Oderlesseye begins to kick at the ol'e rotten wooden/iron lock of The third chest to which does not fall of but instesd the whole lid falls away and exposes... Oderlesseye Faints wit excitement... http://www.myspace.com/oderlesseyehttp://www.facebook....esseye?ref=nameHangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words: Quote "My treasure to he who can understand."
Ransom Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 Between the dust and the rum, the floor is starting to resemble oatmeal, which is totally forgotton when Eyes kicks off the lid to the big chest. "Jeez Louise, would ya look at that!" ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
Red Cat Jenny Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 " Is that waht I think it be?" "GASP!" Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.... Her reputation was her livelihood. I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice! My inner voice sometimes has an accent! My wont? A delicious rip in time...
Jacky Tar Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 "Aye, a gold plated spittoon! Would look nice next t' the bar in the pub, too; if we ever get out of here."
Red Cat Jenny Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 Squintin through the smeary glass in the below decks door.. Red Cat wonders aloud.."hmmm think Tall Mike still be sleepin up thar wi th rope danglin down an all?" Then she catches what Jacky say... "A WHAT??!!!" Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.... Her reputation was her livelihood. I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice! My inner voice sometimes has an accent! My wont? A delicious rip in time...
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