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"Captain's orders...um.. before he fell ill," Reiley answered. "Surely you wouldn't want to go against a man's last request?"

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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Aurore drew closer, her attention never wavering from other's expression, "You lie, Monsieur..."

O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb

Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.


"Now why would I be doing such a thing?" Reiley countered. "You see Mistress, though you be his wife, there was not time to change his will. There is a letter enclosed with his papers, from Sir William. If the captain's body is not returned in good condition, or as best as possible given the length of sea travel necessary to bring it to England, then his daughter will not be taken in by Sir William and looked after, nor given her share of the estate. Seems the captain's father doesn't trust his son and has all manner of clauses making sure his son is identified and proven truly dead, before the granddaughter inherits a penny... he was that adamant about the captain not getting his share."

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




A flicker of distrust seated in soul's windows, "You are in my home, Monsieur Reilley...I caution you not to play dangerous games under my roof. The consequences of such actions might prove quite foul."

Aurore drew back a pace and turned for chamber door.

O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb

Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.


"I am afraid Mistress, by English law, the Captain was master of this house and still is until his final instructions are fulfilled and he is properly buried," Reiley gently corrected her.

"Mistress would I play you foul? The captain loved you very much, but he also loved his daughter. And I fear I am under orders to do what I must to see those carried out. All I be asking is that he remains locked in this room for the night with me to watch over him. You can come and go as you please but none others. Or must Mr. March and myself be moving him directly to the Archangel for the protection of the body and the sake of his daughter? You have them around you to look after you, she now truly has no one unless Sir William's wishes are seen to."

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




Again the olive pools centered on Medicine Man and lingered as if weighing the contents of his soul. They flicked away to where the bed dominated far wall briefly, the hardness of her expression melted a degree then returned to full force as they returned to Irishman. Aurore said nothing more as chamber portal was achieved and opened.

In corridor's dim, Christophe straightened stance with her sudden appearence.

O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb

Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.


Reiley watched her go and hated himself for his bluntness but he had to do what had to be done. Matthew Hazzards had already ridden off with instructions of his own if need be. The doctor sighed. He could understand that Aurore was not herself at the moment, surely she would not allow a mere child to be left abandoned to the streets of London? After all what was one night?

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




Christophe regarded her silently, knowing that recent altercation and after effect would not go un-noticed. What lay unvoiced translated to far more than could be imagined by most, when she moved towards stair's slanted passage downward, he naturally fell into step behind.

When the open air of outerworld was achieved, Aurore ceased stride and faced the shadow that lay in wake. With effort of control over the tempest of emotions tormenting current state of mind, she spoke in hushed tone.

"I wish the Barb to be saddled..."

Frenchman began to speak, but was belayed as hand was raised.

"I have been informed, that though by all virtue, these holdings are in Devareaux possession, I have no power here..."

Christophe's brow furrowed and tincture of anger rose in his eyes. Again the small hand was raised to belay words.

"Gather the others....We are departing this house of ill omen...."

O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb

Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.


Attention quickly refocused from setting of the sun to arrival of the captain's wife. March remained at a distance but made no effort to hide his interest in what was now taking place. Quick glance was made to upper window, where doctor stood and only shrugged his shoulders, before steady gaze once again fixed on young widow.


As Christophe made to depart on actions requested, the sounding of her voice paused intent.

"I wish this place burned to the ground when it is truly empty as the tomb it now exemplifies..."

Query washed his features.

"Only when it is empty...No good has ever come from this structure. The island needs be cleared of its' blight. It calls Le Mort to its' heart and is corrupt at its' core."

O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb

Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.


March's sudden flurry of movement disrupted Le Cour's members much as a covey of quail stirred by mongrel's restless charge in high grass field. Sean Roberts was roused from kitchen's encompassment with the thunder of buckled shoe assult upon stairwall and hall above. Quite cassual by nature, he followed silence disturbance nonchalantly by training an ear to the ruckus then retracing the path taken.

Bedchamber was gained, its' door hanging agape and the large Irishman leaned in much the same manner as Frenchman before him, watching the semi-controled chaos of English brewing. It was almost amusing to him in some lights...But, not quite. As March motioned to Sterling's repose, Sean's calm lilt sounded to the company within.

"Now, now Boyos....Tis an odd bit inna works to me own eyes. So odd it tis, tha' I must be one to ask what ye fellahs be all abou'....."

He gazed at one then almost lazily to the other.

"An' ye....." gesture was waved towards Reilley...." Yer from the Aul' Sod...an' tis a hard t'ing fer meself to imagine yer dear aul Mum did'na teach ye abou' rilein' the Dead...."

O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb

Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.


Reiley glared over at the intruder. "And sure'n 'yer dear aul Mum' would not be teachin ye to be burning a Godly man before plantin him proper in hallowed ground at the Church! Your Mistress," Reiley continued dropping the long lost accent. "Is a might upset at the moment and not thinking clearly. I doubt very much that she would be wanting to turn the captain's only daughter out onto the streets turning her into a whore!! The lass be only 12 years of age. Tis any one messin with the dead and living, tis your Mistress. Good God, one night was all we asked of her!"

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




Sean gave Reiley a good looking over, a minute trace of smile traversing squared facial wrought. "Are ye daft man?....Where ye be gettin' all o' flame an' hellfire?"

Good natured chuckle rolled forth as he looked upon the two, "T'underin' Jayz...If ye would be one to shut yer bleedin' gob an' open yer ears...."

Sean rolled his eyes heavenward, "Mother Mary an' all the angels..."

The Irishman turned away, re-entering the hallway, pausing at the halfpoint, he called back overshoulder, "Yer both a right gran' bit o' work...Runnin' abou' an' rattlin' like a couple o' aul biddies...."

He moved onward to the landing, pausing again...

"Le Flambeau Gran' ain' bein' set wit' a soul, livin' nor dead, in these walls..."

O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb

Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.


March glanced over at the doctor. "What on earth did he say?"

Reiley rolled his eyes, feeling himself relax. "She has no intentions of burning the captain's body."

"Then she be wishing to remain the night here with him?" March asked. Reiley shrugged.

"Perhaps it be best that we just bring him back to the ship now," the doctor suggested. "With her fear of the water, I just reckoned she would be more comfortable spending the night here."

"How the hell will we manage to get her onboard?" March asked, watching as the doctor fussed over the corpse.

"She needs to see the body safely sealed in the brandy cask. You did see to that did you not?" Reiley asked.

"Aye, we did," March replied. "But the Mistress...."

"Oh I don't know!!" Reiley hissed. "Keep her busy signing papers ... I am certain we can think of something by the time we arrive back at the docks."

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




One wagon and fifteen mounts sat in parade rest beyond the shadow of maison's touch. At wheeled vehicle's rear, Noir tossed regal head with impatience to current arrangement, tugging at teather securly placed on stake. Company kept silent as she threaded through their midst, what was felt inwardly so carefully burried. One glance was cast to upper floor glow, and the chamber that eminatted it before stirrup was used to gain seat. As the last stragglers came to same positioning, Christophe rode the line as if inspecting troups on campaigne. Sean walked equine comrade close to where she sat, placed a comforting hand over where her's rested then moved on.

One diamond of salt composition spiraled to break on linen adornments...

A low whistle was cast to the sunset...

Cavalcade began forward motion.

O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb

Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.


At the sounding of whistle, March moved within window frame and watched as small band rode out, forsaking beloved to care of closest friend. For a moment the first officer felt himself bristle at such callousness, but Le Cour’s ways were not theirs. He watched, moving closer to the glass, and wondered if Sterling would have ever understood her betrayal at such a time.

“What did ye tell her?” March asked finally turning away as last of the riders cleared far gate.

“That Sarah’s welfare depended on it,” Reiley said, the earlier confusion and panic slowly clearing from his being.

“Tis true enough then,” March said. “Perhaps tis better than that he does not know for such actions would surely break his heart.” He looked down at the pale form, left behind on the bed. “Oh God, John why did ye ever have to kill that man?” But no answer was forthcoming, the house remained silent as March searched his captain’s still features then, slowly, eyes traveled to watch for the most minute rise and fall of Sterling’s chest. “We’d best get him back to the ship. How long did ye say that drug would keep him under?”

“Twenty four hours,” Reiley replied. “I did not know what else to do. I thought… thought that if we could get him back to the ship, with everyone, especially the authorities, thinking him dead, and with her in tow and sail out of here, no one would ever need to know what he did. The entire thing would be long forgotten before we ever came back here again. I never dreamed she would abandon him. My God but the whole thing has backfired badly.”

March looked across at the doctor. “Better that Jacob, then the captain dying of prison fever or swinging at the end of a rope fer something he was not well enough to stop himself from doing.”

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




It would be a long way's travel beyond the edges of The Port to the confines of the Cottage. A long ride into the darkening day, into the sorrow of the night and with each sway of mount's movement, Aurore felt the conjured polish wearing off and the pain gain stregnth. Her brow became clouded with aggitation at the audacity shown by the two men tending Mari. Their arrogance, their authoritive airs...their treatment of her as if she were a simpleton.

Proud carriage was loosing ground to the grief which begged its' due and she began to believe that perhaps such should be allowed...

Perhaps, she would remain in the shelter of Cottage and never leave its' grounds again...

O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb

Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.


Like a small earthquake, slight tremor, beginning at tip of nose, grew in intensity as it moved along head, passing from neck to torso to tail, as Chestnut tried to shake off the uncomfortable harness. He had been broken for carriage but, with looks such as his, he had never been subjected to anything but a skilled and proud rider upon his back. He felt undignified as remaing cart was brought up behind him and hooked and buckled into place. But snort of impatience quieted and fine head raised, delicate ears turning toward where eyes were now fixed. Soft nicker was sounded as two carried third from the house, who was carefully laid to rest in back of cart. House was locked up before March joined doctor upon wagon seat. First glance of many concerned looks was given to condition of unconscious form. With sigh that all was as well as could be, Doctor encouraged Chestnut forward and wagon began journey from one home back to other.

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




Captain MacCraige entered the tavern and walked quickly up to the tapster. "I be lookin' fer Ms McKinney." he said. "'as she been down yet from her room?" he asked as he noticed a man all in black decend the stairs into the common room. The little dog at his feet growled deep in his chest as the man passed by. MacCraige looked down at the dog and looked again at the man as he hurried toward the door.

The tapster replied, "No sir, I have not seen Ms McKinney as of yet."

"What be her room then, I will see to her meself," after recieving directions to the room Captain MacCraige climbed the stairs to the rooms above. As MacCraige neared the door to Lilly's chamber the dog again growled deep in his throat. "What be yer problem, mate?" He asked the dog. In answer the little dog began to scratch and dig at the door frame, trying to gain admittance, growling all the while. Sensing something wrong with his friend MacCraige pounded on the door with his fist.

"Lilly," he shouted, "Ms McKinney, are ye in there lass??" banging all the while against the door frame. The little dog continued to bark and dig at the door.

MacCraige loosened his claymore in its scabbard and lifting booted heel kicked open the door and jumped inside followed by the little dog. His eyes quickly scanned the room and came to rest upon the little dog lying with his head upon the still chest of Ms McKinney.

"Bloody hellfire and damnation!!!" he exclaimed as he quickly took in the amount of blood pooled around her back. He grabbed the sheet from the bed and tore it into bandages and tried to stem the flow of blood from the wound.

"Stay with her, mate." he ordered the dog as he quickly returned to the common room.

"You there," he yelled at the tapster. "Fetch a doctor and be damned quick abou' it or ye will answer ta me." He turned on his heel and quickly returned to Ms Lilly's side.

Gently lifting her he laid her still body upon the bed and tore the back from her gown. The wound was horrible and deep. He applied bandages and did his best to make her comfortable as he waited for the doctor. The little dog jumped upon the bed and gently licked her cool cheek. He then raised his small black head and howled his regret to the ceiling.

"I know, mate. Someone will pay dearly fer this." he said, reaching over to pet the small dog. "I believe I be knowin' right where ta start our little hunt" he thought darkly of the man in black who stirred up the little dog as he left the inn. "We be seein' that bloke again, we will." :ph34r:

Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum...


When the coach finally arrived at the plantation house, Lady Violet, anticipating a warm reunion with her husband, was annoyed to discover he was ensconced in his library with one of the overseers. Shouting could be heard through the door. The servants scuttled silent and furtive as mice as they took her parcels and trunks up to her room. An air of edgy fear permeated the house.

Lady Violet turned to Mr. Kennedy. "What the devil is going on?"

"I'm sure I don't know, your Ladyship. When I departed yesterday, all was well, and Lord Cunningham was in transports of joy at your homecoming."

Lady Violet cocked her head. "At the present moment, he does not appear to be overcome by transports of joy. If he doesn't stop shouting in that unbecoming manner, he will have a fit of apoplexy. Do go in and see what is wrong."

Mr. Kennedy blanched. "Oh, no, your Ladyship. It would be more than my life is worth to open that door. Why, in his agitation, he might take that blunderbuss off the wall and shoot me."

"Don't be absurd." Lady Violet cast another look at the heavy oak door of the library. Even though it was made of ship timber, it did little to muffle the voice of her husbnd as he railed at the poor unforetunate person trapped with him. "Very well, if your courage isn't up to the task, Mr. Kennedy, I suppose I must storm the fortress myself."

Taking a deep breath, and handing Sugar to the plantation manager, Lady Violet opened the door and stepped into her husband's inner sanctum.

With rage in his eyes, he turned to see who had interrupted him. When he caught sight of his wife, his eyes bulged from his flushed face. "Good God, woman, can you not see that I am engaged in business. Do remove yourself at once."

Lady Violet remained where she was and shut the door. "Why, Bertie, dear," she always called him Bertie when she wished to get his attention, for he loathed the nickname, "whatever has put you in so foul a temper, and why is that poor man cowering in the corner like a whipped dog?"

Then in the distance she could here a great commotion. “Now what?” She muttered to herself as she went to her window.

"Murder!" A cry came from the streets. Tess raised an eyebrow with concern.

"Oh, there is never a dull moment here!" She said walking towards the window to take a better look.


Wagon plodded onward steadily returning burden to Archangel. Officer and Doctor sat quietly discussing amongst themselves Reiley’s frantic attempt to save his new captain’s life by trickery. Trickery which, so far, had proven successful but with disastrous results.

“I shall tell him, when he awakes,” March said, knowing all to well the news of wife’s leaving would not be taken well. “My God, why did ye not both just stick to the road instead of cutting across the plantations!”

The two men looked at each other as Chestnut’s step hesitated and nervous sounding was suddenly given.

“Someone’s coming,” Reiley whispered. “Quick cover him over. Until he’s safe on the ship, we need to keep up this ruse.”

March did as instructed. Slipping carefully into wagon bed, he drew sheet up and over Sterling’s head, then regained his seat next to the doctor. A glace was cast backward toward still form, image chilling First Officer to his very core.

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




With the key to Sebastian's room safe in my pocket, I returned to the Rakehell.

Africa greeted me with a cocked eye. "Where you been all dis time?"

"That is none of your business," I fired back. "Is everyone on board?"

"Yes, even Goose come back."

"Good, tell them that as soon as it's dark, we make for Kingston. We're finally going to get rid of this blasted cargo. Once that's done, and we are paid the rest of our money, we'll provision the ship and then decide where we want to go next."

"Dat good. I don' like this port, and Jimmy and Tunney be gettin' bored."

"Speaking of the crew, we're still one short since Ioan jumped ship. Anyone on the docks asking to be taken on? But I don't want any lubbers. We need a soul who knows his business."

"I see a few hangin' bout. Don't know if dey know 'bout boats though."

"Well ask around. If the new man can cook, so much the better." Then I went below to my cabin.

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


A serving girl looked in at MacCraige as he sat with his dying friend. He noticed her and said in a quiet voice.

"Has the doctor been sent for, lass?"

"Yes sir, he has" she replied

"Send the serving lad to me, if ye please." he ordered.

the girl turned and left MacCraige and the dog alone with Ms McKinney.

A few moments later the serving lad peeked in the doorway.

"Come here, boy" MacCraige said, waving the boy over. "Ken ye read?" he asked.

"No sir," the boy replied.

Hamish took quill and paper from the table and quickly wrote a note.

Mr. MacGregor,

There has been a bit o trouble here in town. I wish for you and Thomas to join me here. You are to bring my kit and my formalities. Both of you are to be dressed in clan colors. Have the men stand to with cutlass and pistol and be prepared for a moments notice to join us here. All hands are to be prepared for the worst. Repairs on the 'Reiver' are to be halted until further orders.



Hamish handed the letter to the boy along with several silver coins.

"Do ye be rememberin' where me ship lie, lad?" he asked the youngster.

"Yes sir, I do."

"Good, make haste an' see to it tha' that letter make it to me first mate's hand as quick as a wink. And tell that bloody tapster to get the bleedin' doctor here." he looked at Ms Lilly's prone body, "it may be ta late fer that, but tell 'im ta hurry er he'll feel me wrath."

"Yes sir," the boy stated as he hurried from the room.

MacCraige turned back to Ms Lilly

"Ah lass, what 'ave ye gotten yerself mixed up in? I'll be fer findin' out, that I promise ye." he declared. :ph34r:

Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum...

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