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The Davinci Code

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I think one of the most fascinating things about our world, from the beginning of the early man, are the constellations in the sky, they are in the same place.

Even in the days of yore, pictures of the constellations can be found in caves and in artwork of those who have gone before us.

While we as a people have elvolved into what we are today, the sky has remained the same from early times. To me it's fascinating because I can see something in the night sky that my ancestors also saw.

Ancient religions, worthy seamen/women used and in some cases still use those constellations to steer their beliefs by.

Do I believe in UFO's, another life on another distant planet ? You bet I do, but I wonder if they see the same universe that we've seen over time.

Do I believe in some great Creator who clapped his hands together and bingo there we all are, or some great evolution that happened because our world was right for it? I honestly cannot answer those questions and that will probably never be actually answered, simply because we have no absolute proof of one over the other of how it all started.


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While we as a people have elvolved into what we are today, the sky has remained the same from early times. To me it's fascinating because I can see something in the night sky that my ancestors also saw.

Ancient religions, worthy seamen/women used and in some cases still use those constellations to steer their beliefs by.

Umm...someone who is into astronomy can probably correct me, but haven't the constellations CHANGED over the millenia? What we see tonight as light from Cygnus is light that is very, very, VERY old. In the time it took that light to travel to our bloodshot eyes, those stars could have gone nova, for all we know.

So no, I'm not sure that what we are seeing now is the EXACT same thing...

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

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It's true; as the universe expands, the relative positions of the stars, nebulae, galaxies, etc. change, so the constellations we see are not technically identical to the constellations our ancestors saw when they first reckoned it was getting a bit boring hanging out in the trees all day long. Granted, the changes occur gradually over 10's of thousands of years. Since recorded human history goes back maybe 30,000 years, Rumba's assertion is still valid. Save for a supernova here and there, it's ostensibly the same sky.

What has changed remarkably over time is how the different cultures of the world have agreed upon conventional naming of the constellations. The major thrust of this movement occurred during the Renaissance, when the scientific community had finally grown in numbers sufficient to allow enough intellectual snobs to gather in one place and harrumph in unison about a great number of things that we now know are incorrect.

For instance, some cultures looked at the Big Dipper and saw an ox cart or a chariot. Still others saw a large bear. Eventually, we all started calling it a bear that looks remarkable like a spoon that's gone 10 rounds with Uri Gellar.

Did I mention somewhere in there that Rumba's correct? ;);)

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

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From Constellations: Frequently Asked Questions:

Are the constellations permanent?

Ancient astronomers often spoke of the "fixed stars," which maintained permanent positions in the sky. And, indeed, the stars do seem almost fixed in place; the patterns they form look much the same today as they did when the constellations were first named nearly 3000 years ago. But the stars are all moving relative to the Sun, most with speeds of many kilometers per second. Because they are so very far away, it will take thousands of lifetimes to see significant changes in the star patterns. But, over time, they will change. Because of the motions of the stars within it, for example, the handle of the Big Dipper will, in about 50,000 years, appear significantly more bent than it is today (see figure at left). We will, no doubt, keep the same names for the constellations, even if the stars change their positions. Constellations are, after all, products of human imagination, not nature.

So, Rumba, Jack - we're ALL right - but you two are righterer than me!


I bow before your superior intellect!

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

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... to allow enough intellectual snobs to gather in one place and harrumph in unison about a great number of things that we now know are incorrect.

This was such a worthy stament it needed to be quoted! How true!!

NOAH: Wow... the whole world flooded in just less than a month, and us the only survivors! Hey... is that another... do you see another boat out there? Wait a minute... is that a... that's... are you seeing a skull and crossbones on that flag?

Ministry of Petty Offenses

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I have read both Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons—mainly out of curiosity. The books are okay, although the helicopter scene in A&D is rediculous. I also think the books needed a bit more editing, as Mr. Brown has a love affair with the word "now", which I find myself mentally skipping over as I read. I find it funny that books like this, and Harry Potter, can get so many people's undies in a pucker. Where I live, there are people picketing the theater, demanding that Da Vinci Code not be played.

I do belive that it is a little (well, okay, a lot) arrogant to think that we on earth are the only intelligent lifeform in the universe. Sometimes I think intellegent, and life on earth, is an oxymoron. It's the same kind of arrogance that makes some people think we are more "alive" than animals, birds, trees, etc. Anyone who has owned animals knows they have emotions, moods, and feel pain just as we do. Is a giant redwood, on earth for a thousand years, a lesser "being" just because it can't talk? Bottom line, eventually we all end up as compost. It sounds sort of doom and gloom, but I figure before the next hundred years are up, this planet will be a burnt-out cinder with a nuke cloud hovering over it—destroyed by religious fanatics.

Isn't it odd that only mankind desperatly needs to know "Why am I here? Where did I come from?" so invented religion as an attempt to answer those questions. Instead of bombarding a supreme being with our petty problems (if there is one, he/she probably wears cosmic earplugs to drown out the noise), why not just enjoy the ride?

Watch the movie Eric the Viking, who gets to Valhalla and discovers the Gods are a group of squabbling children playing games.


...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

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...I've always held the belief that "new" religions replaced "old" ones...


Personally, I think the term "replaced" might be a wee bit lacking in this instance.

Dunno, how many of the Christian Saint are the Patron saint of whatever and there is a clear connection with a old god(dess) of whatever? I know there are a few but my ale less mind cant think of anyone them.

" Never knock on Heaven's door. Ring the bell and run. He hates that"

' Whatever is not nailed down is MINE. Whatever I can pry loose, is not nailed down."

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Oh, yeah, all the little fringe benes have lots of similarities...I was talking about the wholesale dismemberment of one religion in favor of a stronger, newer, bolder one...

perhaps those fringe bennies are to make the new religion seem more palatable to thsoe who worship the old religion?

" Never knock on Heaven's door. Ring the bell and run. He hates that"

' Whatever is not nailed down is MINE. Whatever I can pry loose, is not nailed down."

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Give the man a cee-gar!!! *DING*

Step right up, folks, we've got all new religion here, there's a winner every-time!!!!

(Step back, son, yer crowdin' my style!)


...truly, a Carnival of Souls...

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

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Think Im going to open up the CHurch of Biker.

lets see. altar girls in Bikinis/ The priestess in bikinis. The usherettes in bikinis.....No wine/bread, though there will be beer and burgers.

" Never knock on Heaven's door. Ring the bell and run. He hates that"

' Whatever is not nailed down is MINE. Whatever I can pry loose, is not nailed down."

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Now THAT'S a religious experience...

"Church of the Divine Double-D" <_<:lol::lol:

...but ya GOTTA do something about that LINE outside the confessionals... ;)

Hey the priestess can be on thier knees in the confessional

" Never knock on Heaven's door. Ring the bell and run. He hates that"

' Whatever is not nailed down is MINE. Whatever I can pry loose, is not nailed down."

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I guess I'll eventually see it, but on DVD more likely than not. It seems like I'm in the mainstream of thought here, that if a movie could shake the foundation of your religion, maybe there was a problem with either your faith or religion to begin with? Any group that attempts to deny me the ability to "see for myself" is a big red flag to run. Oh yea, I like Tom Hanks as well, this just isn't really my genre of movie.

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Ah religion, major hollywierd movies, tons of money, and a few boring old french geeks. Ya gotta love it. I find it interesting that no one has gone in to the back story on this little book so with or without permission I'll take leave to dive into it even though it appears as if I am somewhat late to the party. ;)

It's the 1950's three French uber geeks (Intellectuals if you please

:lol: ) decide to prove (yet again) that the world is full of idiots. To do this they use a lot of historical research, a little clever fiction, and the worlds largest religion. Guess what the hoax although not a dud makes a very muffled explosion (maybe people were smarter then) this little bit of noise reaches what most thought would be it's hey day in January 1983 When the book Holy Blood Holy Grail is published (Yes they are the people who are suing D.B.) This non fiction best seller debunks the hoax (witch if I remeber correctly the Frencheis later admitted they just made it up) in as much as it could not have happened in the way it "authors" prescribe. It does (like most answers) raise more questions and leave open as always the possibility that Jesus and Mary were an item and did indeed have a child. More than a decade passes and an author (of somewhat undistinguished background witch includes writing a book of dating advice for women under a female pen name.) Publishes a book called the Davinci code. The book is by all accounts decent if not good attracts a large following and ta da The hoax lives!!!!!!! (Why do I suddenly have more appreciation for French Geeks? ;) )

To be honest I don't know witch is more laughable the sad individuals who think this is a "New Gospel" or those who think it's leading people away from the faith. Now to lay everything out here I am a devoted (although flawed) Christian of the protestant persuasion (Southern Baptist to be exact). I find no real restrictions or complications in my religion nor do I feel that I am some how less free or independent because of it (in fact quite the opposite and my apologies to those "free spirits" who think I'm in denial about this). (HMMMM sorry my train of thought hit a side track there back to topic.) Now to be honest I now love D.B. for providing me with the type of deep comic relief that I thought would not come again after the whole Tony Blair U-571 debacle. However as to his books I'd have to be really bored because when it comes to taking the possibilities history has left us and creating wild almost believable events in our modern era I have yet to find a better ...."story weaver" perhaps???..... than Clive Cussler. I do intend to catch the movie on DVD but hold out no real hope of seeing an epic life changing flick. As to the thought that Jesus may have been married ....why not I ain't no theologian so I can't see anything wrong in the idea. Were I to suddenly be convinced of this would it change anything for me?......Yeah I'd start looking for a genetic link in my past to the blood line of Christ!!! :lol: Well before I ramble aimlessly onward I'll close with the best wishes for all and the hope no one took offence to my ramblings.

Best regards,


P.S. A quick Sample of D.B.'s dating advice ladies ...Don't date a man who farts too much. No I am not making this up.


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Hey the priestess can be on thier knees in the confessional

The head Priestess?


" Never knock on Heaven's door. Ring the bell and run. He hates that"

' Whatever is not nailed down is MINE. Whatever I can pry loose, is not nailed down."

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I think one of the more interesting things that can shake the followers of Christ is the picture of the Last Supper.

I'm telling you now, that is Mary, or some female, next to Jesus, not John.

I've looked very closely at the picture, and I stand by what I see.

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If it is Mary., or another woman., (and I believe your right) What does that actually prove? and wasntt hat painting a painting after the fact?., Was it a true depiction at the moment of the last supper? No., it was someones interpretation., as it most art. And definitely Hollywoods art.

Basically this is all fiction. The religeons that came more recently ., last few hundreds of years., or a millenium ago., are really late anyway when you consider the age of man. how can you believe essentially a new idea. Theories., they are like &ssHol#s ., ;) Everyones got one. :)

To be honest I am surprised there are so many muslims in the world., when it it esssentially a new religion really when you think about how old a Koran is in biblical terms. Brainwashing., and the keeping of masses uneducated are key to control.

Wars historically have always been over 2 things only., No#1 is religeon. and No#2 is property., thats it. There is nothing wrong with a good story.,Indiana Jones and the last crusade., National Treasure., A fun movie is entertaining.,but thats about it. This is about the money., most things are about the money.

You all realize a Brit by the name of Mohammed Yusef a muslim ., funded the divinci code right ? Tom Hanks is a jew . Basically people enjoy pushing their own agenda. Pure and Simple.

Of course to the uneducated (Most of the globe) masses many things are believable., especially where freedom does not ring. God Bless America., I can choose what I think in this or any other debate.

I am not Lost .,I am Exploring.

"If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"

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I tend to agree with RumbaRue, why would a master artist place such ambiguity into a key persona? Unless ambiguity was was the intent. Gee, could there be more than one story involved here? ( Insert ambiguity here). ;)

Now, don't get me wrong, I profess to be a Christian, but i've never taken anything at face value. Too many variables exist when mankind gets involved. Add money and political influence as well and the best intentions go down the crapper.

For example, the Califiornia state lottery, it's good for our schools. Yea, right. If the money promised by this lottery actualy went to our schools, lunches would be free, a laptop computer could be issued to all students entering Jr. High and the teachers would be paid what they're worth. I belive the intention was good, but start adding millons of dollars and see what happens.

Sorry about the rambling....

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