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I know some of ya are groaning and wondering why again... I'm sure many of us as bitched about how high they are.

Why does this have anything to do with piracy? Well... how else will we all get to our events? Hmm? Need gas for that vehicle of yours!

A few of ya have gone off to events already this weekend. Grand! Bavo.. Lucky you!

I am now having a HARD enough time attempting to keep gas in my vehicle. It's $2.59 here in Cedar Rapids Iowa... REALLY high for us. I heard it's $2.80 around Chicago.. and nearly $3 out on the east coast.

Honestly...I don't know about the rest of you.. but I CANNOT continue to pay this much in gas! I've already paid 2 extra years worth of gas compared to what the price use to be since 2002. I haven't the money for it all. I'm a returning College student relying upon Financial Aid.. or was since now I am sick and cannot really do anything but trying to get myself back on my feet...literially.

When will we ever really say "enough is enough!"? How will we say that? I've already complained to my Senators and Representatives about it. Many times.

Am I the only one who is having it real hard with forking money out to make the big gas guys rich? And no... I don't blame just Bush, I'm a Republican... why just blame him? I blame EVERY bloody Politician in office right now! They should know better than to allow this!

I'd REALLY hate to do the same darn thing that was done with the Boston Tea Party... I'm rather environmental that I wouldn't do that. Though, commandeering an oil tanker a la pirate style?

But seriously... how many of you out there are sick of all this? How much of the gas price hike is affecting your going to events?


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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Agreed, its gotten a wee bit out o' hand in my opinion, but at the moment there's not much I can due but fork over the cash every few days.

and yer right it is between 2.89 and 3.05 out here on Long Island.

I hate t'think of how bad it is in Louisiana


I know I am probably not going to all of a sudden become popular with this one but........, I dont see where its all that bad? I guess in England its well over the equivelant of 5 to 6 bux? Perhaps GoF or Foxe will chime in here about the UK or Europe but I think on a global level we are getting it pretty reasonable.

Also I dont think its really so much a government issue as much as it is a free market., myself I charge for my services what the market will bare., as most other services do. I know my Insurance is HUGE and quadrupled sine 911 and I have never had a claim even threatened against my company., We have a clean bill of health. My Phone Book Adds are huge money every month ect., ect., point is., those people are charging me what the market will bare.

The Oil Companies are not government owned in this country really they are stock sold corporations and need to show a proffit to keep stockholders happy. Would you buy stock from a loser company that could not show earnings? I sure wouldnt.

Also I dont think our polititions control foriegn oil companies either? perhaps I am wrong and some of the companies ARE run by the Congress House and Senate., I was just unaware of it.

I wish I had a better story., I hate to sound negative.,I too would like lower fuel., you bet. I am not defending them., But I will say., the rising fuel prices have not risen as fast as minimum wage has by pecentage over the last 25 years., Oil hasnt risen as fast as the cost of Cable or many other things people deem necessities.

I dont want anyone mad at me., I just dont think its too bad., as a matter of fact I think we've had it easy., on many fronts here at home.

I am not Lost .,I am Exploring.

"If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"


It's gotten bad I must admit and it's put a small dent in our pockets to the point where we've had to cut back and sacrifice certain things that we enjoy.{Are we tired of it?}Sure am,but as HarborMaster mentioned.It's not the governments fault.It's the private owners of the gas stations around our areas.{Price gouging}I know the government is looking into the gas gouging or at least that's what's being reported.It could get worse.Hell I have another baby coming in November and I sure would like to be able to spend the extra cash on the new addition.But what can we do but just endure it for now right?


"Not all men seek rest and peace, some are born with the spirit of the storm in their blood, restless harbingers of violence and bloodshed, knowing no other path."Ivory Coast Cutthroats?P1.gif


I'm too much a Patriot to enjoy the ideal of tossing my money away to someone who has a hell of a lot more money than I do.

I don't own stocks, I don't have cable, I don't have a lot personally. I find very little out there worth putting my money towards. The re-enacting and events were worth it especially when gas was down below $2.

I'm aware that there are people who are slapping on these high prices for their own greedy nature. And yes, I feel so very sorry for those hard hit in the gulf region by hurricanes, no fair for them. And it's no fair for us.

Yes, other places have gas rather high compared to us... but, hell! England is generally the size of Illinois! Alas... I cannot just walk around Cedar Rapids here... as it's not all that walking friendly... nor does it have reliable public transportation ( 2 hours to get across town on bus - which is all we have - compared to 20 minutes by car!). Your own vehicle is all you have. I know people who travel and have to travel up to 70 miles a day round trip. A couple more than that. It hurts... it really hurts.

I, personally, don't want to idly sit by as I fork over money to someone who REALLY doesn't need it as I can find better things to do with my money such as help those poor folks in the south .. not just the hurricanes but with the recent tornadoes as well!

How long can we endure such gas greed? Until you find yourself on the streets in a Hoverville tin shack? filing bankruptcy?

I just feel like my freedoms as an American are not freedoms at all. I can vote, yes... I do.. but most of the time, voting for folks is not worth it. I tire so much of the issues at hand with gun control (I'm finding it extremely hard just to obtain the right gun powder for my carbine)...

No.. personally... I think it's time to say enough is enough. I don't want to be tossed into more financial troubles over the fact that some 6 digit bastard out there wants more money at the cost of millions of others suffering. It's just not right!

Captain Bloodscalp.. I'd hate to see your family suffer and all with a new arrival on it's way by the end of this year. That's something to be joyous about.

And most true there on the other things rising quickly, Harbourmaster. I hear ya there. Minimum Wage? What be that? In my opinion, anything under $20 is not cutting it! Unfortunately where I live.. $9 an hour is the average for most folks. It's sickening.

No... I know I am going way out and winging out over this... but, I haven't money to belt out. It's really irritating me when I see the gas stations prices continuously going up and never going down! Robberies around here have increased, you name it... a lot had increased!

I don't want to sit still over all this any more. I can't! Honestly... I can't. I didn't bargain for more hardships when I returned to college.

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!



I, for one - and I figure most here neither - ain't mad at you for your views, but I'll certainly disagree with 'em... :rolleyes:

Yes, gas prices in England are much higher than ours. They got public transportation that'll take you anywhere you need to go, also. Not so for many places here in the States. Texas, for instance. You could get across town if you absolutely had to, but you better not be on a time constraint, and pretty much forget going from one city to another, unless you're talking maybe Fort Worth to Dallas.

And, as Lady Barbossa mentioned, things here in the States are just generally a long way from each other. Particularly Texas.

And oil companies may not be gov't owned in the States, but they are very much gov't supported - and that's not a shot at the current admin, just 'cuz they come from oil families, that's a shot all 'round (though it may be a wee bit more right at the moment than at other times).

So, yeah, gas prices are a hardship, but not a huge one for me personally just yet. I drive ten miles each way to one job, three to another. It's forty to visit family, and the nearest event I go to regularly (Scarborough Faire) is about forty or so as well - so my gas bills are more of an annoyance to me personally so far, but I understand how many people are getting pretty smacked down by 'em...


Don't forget to figure in the average wage for the working "class" people has decreased by 16% in the last ten years while the cost of living has increased by more than 30% in the same time frame. Yes it is the governments fauklt for paying corporations to re-locate in poor countries for cheap labor. And now they want to legalize illegal immigration so they're corporate cocks*ers can get cheap labor here,(as they already do), further destroying our economic situation. BULLSHIT! :rolleyes:

Capt. Bo


You guys sure give a lot of credence to the government's ability to do things. The most I can say for government involvement in private enterprise is...well, I can't think of a thing! The government has the unerring ability to make things more complex and, thus, make them more expensive. I'm for privatizing anything that can be, allowing the free market to operate freely and paring down the governmental budget ( :rolleyes: Excuse me while I dry my eyes) so I can keep more of my tax bite. That aside...

Everything we do is a choice. If you have a car, that's a choice. If it gets 20 miles to the gallon, that's a choice. If you live far from work/family/the city center where all the stores are, that's a choice.

As for the complaining that the government or corporate America doesn't supply your area with public transportation... First, you have chosen to live in such a place and you can change that decision: from my experience, Chicago, Atlanta and DC have decent public transport systems. Second, you may already have some sort of public transport available but you choose not to use it. Almost every community I've seen has some sort of transport system, but most people choose to have cars rather than support it (so it can make a profit and continue to expand and improve). Maybe your area doesn't have a transport system. If so, see option 1.

You are where you are and what you are because of the choices you have made. If you don't like where and what you are, you are free to make new choices.

Now, as for big oil and all this eyewash about collusion, let me share parts of an interesting article (I know it's long, but be brave and read the whole thing).

First, the price of oil is a worldwide commodity price. (Natural gas is set on a national or North American basis.) It is set on commodities markets all over the world, but largely in the United States and Britain. This was not always the case. Once, oil prices were set by a cartel, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, or OPEC. But now, with the advent of free markets in oil futures, oil prices are set on a market.

This means that the price of oil cannot be set by any one person, like Hugo Chávez, or by any one country, like Saudi Arabia or Kuwait. Many entities, people and events can affect the price of oil, but it is ultimately set on a world market. This is an incredible advance over the old system in many ways. The main one is that, barring a major war, there cannot now be times when oil is simply unavailable. The price will allocate the output so that there will always be gasoline and heating oil available, at some price.

For those of us who lived and suffered through the oil shocks and closed gas stations in the early and late 1970’s before there was a free market in oil futures, this is a blow for freedom. I cannot imagine that any sane person would rather have no gasoline available at the pump, but at an (imaginary) low price, than have gasoline available at a high price. The free market in oil involves greedy speculators and maniac traders, but they make sure that gasoline is available - and that is no small thing.

Next, “profit” is not a bad word. When profit is earned by oil companies, it does not go to King John or to the Sheriff of Nottingham. It goes mostly to widows and orphans and pension funds who are owners of the big oil companies. They risked their savings for years when oil prices were low and profits were modest. Now, when they have a good quarter, the Bill O’Reillys want to take it away from them. Why? If, instead of saying “stockholders of oil companies,” you say widows and orphans and pensioners, do you, Senator Barbara Boxer, really think that allowing them to have a good profit is an awful idea? If oil company profits are bad, why are profits at hedge funds sacrosanct?


Do we really want to punish the people who risk billions to bring us oil from deep under the ocean, then pump it out, refine it, add chemicals to it to make it less polluting, then have it on the corner for us to put into our cars - and still sell it at a price less than that of a bottle of water from a tap that’s been barely filtered? Why do we hate the oil companies that basically make our lives possible and turn a blind eye to the people making millions basically by playing poker against one another?

Next, what possible evidence is there of any price collusion by oil companies? If there were such price fixing, it would be illegal already under existing antitrust laws. For decades, in investigation after investigation, no collusion has been found. If it exists now, the Justice Department can find it. But why just suppose it’s there because a huge storm in the prime energy-producing region of our nation knocked out refineries and caused gas prices to rise? Occam’s razor: Do not multiply entities. If it seems that a simple explanation is the explanation, go for it unless there is proof to the contrary.

AND what historical evidence do we have that government meddling in the oil and gas patch improves the situation? Under my old boss, President Richard M. Nixon, we tried an amazingly complex system of regulating the price of already found, or “old,” oil while allowing a free market in “new” oil. The results were a disaster. Under President Jimmy Carter, we had Congressional movement toward actual gasoline rationing. Did any of it do a bit of good? No, but since we have had the free market in oil, we have had peaks and valleys in price, but no real cutoffs - and this is a blessing indeed.

By the way, if the oil companies could fix prices at artificially high levels, why have they allowed them to collapse in the last few weeks? Why not keep them high indefinitely? Or did Bill O’Reilly scare off Big Oil?

Yes, I loathe the speculative premium in energy prices. Yes, I wish that I did not have to pay as much when I fill up my car. But the idea that there is a conspiracy at work, the idea that Congress can make it better by regulation - that’s insanity. To let the free market, the best economic idea of all history, work its magic - that’s good sense.


If you want to go after someone who's really wasting your money, go after the government. Take a good look at how much you gave to them this year when you do (or choose to have done for you) your income taxes. There's some money I could use...

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."



Just a quick word about the "6 digit bastard out there". I have a very dear friend who falls into this category. Yes his family lives well and he drives a fancy car but they are the most civic minded people I have ever known. Their circle of friends all seem to be very giving souls. Additionally they are encouraging their children to be giving. At the end of the year the children choose where a great portion of their savings will be donated and even take the funds directly to the organization. His company has donated entire homes, furnished to people in need.

I agree, they are in the financial position to be so generous and many of us are not. I am also not saying that all "6 digit bastard out there" are so giving. Just wanted to put in my two cents.

No.. personally... I think it's time to say enough is enough. I don't want to be tossed into more financial troubles over the fact that some 6 digit bastard out there wants more money at the cost of millions of others suffering. It's just not right!

I feel you in everything your saying LadyBarbossa.I really do.I'm against anyone or thing that takes away from my family without it being my own choice to do so.If there is a sacrifice that needs to be done,I rather have that choice to make instead of someone else making it for me and my family.

I'm also a patriot of my country and think that this nation is one of the best nations in the world,even with any and all the flaws we have.Be it our nations leaders or anything or anyone else.I was raised to always put my family above all else.Shoot my family was always barely getting by when I was growing up.[40]now. :) Anything I've gained now was done through hard work and saving my bucks so we could have the nice things that we all enjoy having.

I try not to complain too much,but instead I try to create my own surroundings by making the best out of what I have wether those things be from me and my wifes hard work and Gods good blessings.

I think we all struggle no matter what level we're on financially.It seems to be easy for me to look at others and what they have and compare it to what I have or do not have.If I do that then yes it can be very depressing,but instead of doing that I keep my eyes on my own plate and try to make the best of all things.The best way I've found to keep my head up is to focus on the good things around me,but not ignoring the things that seem to be bad.{Balance} :rolleyes:

Captain Bloodscalp.. I'd hate to see your family suffer and all with a new arrival on it's way by the end of this year. That's something to be joyous about.
I appreciate that really.I don't think anyone wants to see people suffer especially their own families.Hell I give to my family first and foremost and if I can lend a hand with someone elses problems I never hesitate to do so.If I can't help them with materials they need then I simpley pray for God to supply their needs if I can not.Try not to let it bother you so much.It takes alot of courage to speak out to people they way your doing now with your personal emotions and I salute you for the steps you've made here about this.


"Not all men seek rest and peace, some are born with the spirit of the storm in their blood, restless harbingers of violence and bloodshed, knowing no other path."Ivory Coast Cutthroats?P1.gif



You are where you are and what you are because of the choices you have made. If you don't like where and what you are, you are free to make new choices.

This is the best single sentance of the thread so far.

Followed by Silkies

Just a quick word about the "6 digit bastard out there". I have a very dear friend who falls into this category. Yes his family lives well and he drives a fancy car but they are the most civic minded people I have ever known. Their circle of friends all seem to be very giving souls. Additionally they are encouraging their children to be giving. At the end of the year the children choose where a great portion of their savings will be donated and even take the funds directly to the organization. His company has donated entire homes, furnished to people in need.

I paid more in Taxes than a minimum wage worker gross all year last Feb., coupled with the quarterlys due Jan 31., and now April 31 .,I will be up to 23,000 in taxes paid since Jan 1 06. I have no savings at all from this years earnings yet.,grossed NADA for me personally after paying the bills so far this year......, But of course that now leaves the next 8 months all MINE !

With all of this said.,let me go back to Missions statement.,about making new choices.

I have an 8th grade education., been on the streets since I was 14. Never got any unemployment., Welfare.,or any other public assistance of any kind ever., I am living PROOF., anyone can make it in America.

If you cant make it here., you cant stand anywhere. I am not just saying this., Its actually true. I have Nasty., Nasty thing most wouldnt touch., and consider to be GROSS. Many think they are better than me.

I went to work at 14 grabbing chickens from chicken shit filled barns barehanded in the dark., and taking them up to a truck., later I moved on too cows at a dairy. Now for 20 years I deal in human sewage., some around my area., consider me., "Lewis Counties Director of Fecal Aquisition".I dont like my life., its all been in shit literally.

I bought a 1 bedroom house., next to a train., located under an over pass., and I heard the story from my parents.,when I left home., "You wont amount to shit and you will live under a bridge"

Well folks it all came true.. I am proud to say however.,If I can make it., anyone can., and if they are not., its them. My Parapalegic brother., is a computer tech in LA., he is kicking ass and he uses the Public Transportation he rides it 2 hours each way from Rancho C into LA.

He chooses to function in society without legs., I am proud of him and consider all excuses from anyone with 2 leggs as BS

And people wonder why I would want to move to a Jungle out in the Philippines and retire early to go play pirate amongst 7107 islands. ?

Part of it is because I am tired. I have sacrificed and done without., every holiday., on call., 24 and 7., no days off., its been alot., and its been tough..., soon I reap the rewards., this is what its all about for me. And I am grateful for it. I am discapline to an exetreme ., to achieve it., a choice.

Again please dont take me wrong., this is just my story., and I am grateful for my country and the opportunities its aallowed even a loser like me to make., because of the U.S. I will retire 17 years early at age 48. No matter who is in office.


You are where you are and what you are because of the choices you have made. If you don't like where and what you are, you are free to make new choices.

Its been up too me.

I am not Lost .,I am Exploring.

"If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"


I hear ya there HarborMaster.I think we all have a history to tell about our backgrounds and hard knocks growing up.When me and my brother were{Brother 4years old & myself 3years old}My father and mother divorced and put us in a foster home.We spent 2 years there until my mother came back with a new husband and took us out of there .We spent two years with her until she decided it was time for my father to take care of us and she shipped us off tp San Diego to live with my father.I was a terror and was always in some kind of trouble,to the point where my father kicked me out of the house when I was 13 years of age and I spent all of my youth running around trying to find my place in life.All of my teenage life was spent in government placements like,juvenile hall,group homes and 24 hour schools.

I couldn't give my parents any credit to where I'm sitting now.They were too busy trying to live their own lives instead of raising their own kids.

It angered me to no end that they threw away their own flesh and blood instead of sticking it out and making things work for the best of the whole family instead of themselves.I carried that around with me for years.

Whenever I was between a rock and a hard place wether I put myself there or just a turn of hard luck I was told to take it like a man and learn from it.Or"You made your bed now sleep in it."{My fathers advice}.It took a while for me to finally come to the relization that if anything was going to happen in my life that was positive it was going to have to come from me and my choices.I chose to learn from all of my hardships and become the man I am today.I may not have 6 digits on my paycheck,but I'm proud of who I am and I'm proud of my family.I don't let anyone step on my shoes or make decisions for me and mine.Especially if I can help it.I never had anyone I could turn to for help and most of the time I simply willed to do things for myself instead of inviting others into my situations.


"Not all men seek rest and peace, some are born with the spirit of the storm in their blood, restless harbingers of violence and bloodshed, knowing no other path."Ivory Coast Cutthroats?P1.gif


CaptainBloodscalp You are a bigger man than most.,and better for it.

I was a jerk and that why I wasnt at home after 14. It was my fault. It would have sucked to be my parents. I love my folks., and we get along great today. One thing I will say I did get from being on my own so young., andYou got as well. The ability to survive.,which I believe is THEE most valuable thing you can give to a child.

Cheers to you sir CaptainBloodscalp :rolleyes:

I am not Lost .,I am Exploring.

"If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"


Lady B.

Forgive me if I sounded less than understanding. I was once a college student and I know how tight money can be. Additionally I personally am not feeling the pinch of gas prices right now because I am not driving much these days (right hand limited in use + 5 on the floor = little driving.). Additionally you have been side lined with this wicked sickness that is haunting you. ...I'd be looking for someone to scream at too!

Feel better and keep sounding off at will! Well, not at Will ...unless he deserves it! :rolleyes:

CaptainBloodscalp You are a bigger man than most.,and better for it.

I was a jerk and that why I wasnt at home after 14. It was my fault. It would have sucked to be my parents. I love my folks., and we get along great today. One thing I will say I did get from being on my own so young., andYou got as well. The ability to survive.,which I believe is THEE most valuable thing you can give to a child.

Cheers to you sir CaptainBloodscalp

Here!Here!I'll drink to that.

To hard knocks and lessons well learned!Cheers!To you to Sir! :P:P:P


"Not all men seek rest and peace, some are born with the spirit of the storm in their blood, restless harbingers of violence and bloodshed, knowing no other path."Ivory Coast Cutthroats?P1.gif


I just want the high gas prices to go down. Is it so hard to ask?

Yes, I make choices, too. Get in the vehicle to go to school or not? Well if I don't, I fail. Go to the doctor or not? If I don't, no medicine to get better. Get in the vehicle or not to go to the store or somewhere for food, clothing, necessities, etc or not. Do I get gas in my vehicle or not? If not, then I won't be able to go anywhere unless I want to spend more money on a taxi or spend 2 -3 hours to get to my destination when generally in a car would take me 15 mins.

Not all choices that affect my life are made by myself.

My travels to events are pretty far... on average 4 - 6+ hours one way! That's a lot! I could decide not to go, true.

If I am complaining (& I'm usually not all that vocal about issues) and not all that positive, aye.. I've sat still long enough. It hurts, all... it really hurts!


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


You can ask.

It would not be that hard to ask I suppose.

However I would not write your congressman about it anymore., there is nothing he can do. I would not write your Senator either.

Perhaps you could write to these people ;


Obere Donaustrasse 93

A-1020 Vienna,


Mr. Umar Aminu

Perhaps he could set up a meeting for you with the 11 heads of state that make up OPEC . There you would be able to ask the right people for a rate reduction on crude oil and fuel and state your case.

By the way if anyone is interested in a Job OPEC does have a job opening Research Anylist

I am not Lost .,I am Exploring.

"If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"

However I would not write your congressman about it anymore

Wouldn't do any good anyway..... they have all been paid off....

Dang.... for th' good old days when Pyracy wasn't protected by Corperate lawyers..... :P


Ahhh... the image of us pirates commandeering a tanker... how interesting an image would that be?

Thank you Harbormaster. Seriously .. if that's worth a shot to ask at least. I may be a whiny American to some.. but, there is a point. Granted I think the gas is rather high everywhere. Tis silly.


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Thars nothin wrong with spillin yur heart about things that bother you las.Clears out thee ol'heart and makes ye feel better.Here's a tankard ta ye las!Cheers! :lol::rolleyes:


"Not all men seek rest and peace, some are born with the spirit of the storm in their blood, restless harbingers of violence and bloodshed, knowing no other path."Ivory Coast Cutthroats?P1.gif


Oh I never said you were a whiny American., and no-one would question your patriotism neither. Its just something we are gonna have to deal with tho., I remember in 1970 in Idaho., Gas was .34 a gallon at the "Little Stinker Gas Stations" But that never coming back again. If we ever get back to 2.00 would be a miracle., but its gone.

Just for an example., something to think about. A 4" piece of Stainless steel round bar is 336.00 per foot now. and all of these Rigs., Off shore or onshore. drill pipe which is DOM pipe., all of this stuff is at an all time high., and every peice of tooling used to get or process is made of steels or other fancy alloys. plus wage incrases. I think it will go up., but I really dont believe its ever coming down because there are so many other material prices involved with making the whole thing go around. Many times as I am figuring my bills I am thinkin., Damn everyones tryin ta keep me down..., and they are. :lol: We just gotta try an keep them down. Cheers Lady B :lol: too Patriotism ! :lol:

I am not Lost .,I am Exploring.

"If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"


Aye... and they wonder how us younger folk will survive? Poor wages and high prices on things? ...Makes for history to repeat itself.

Poor college student or single parent raking in less than $15k a year.. yeah.. it's rough to the point it's depressing.

Some people pinch pennies when in a bind... for those making wages of $30k or less a year (and $25k to $30k a year is normal here and less).... it's hard to keep up with the demands of rising costs but no wage increase.

We be pushing ourselves to an all time low and worse.

:::Rolls in a couple kegs:: Hell... ok, we need somethin' t' get our minds off this a wee bit... if not defuse the situation. Cause oh, the 21st century life is just not as fun any more as it use to be.

But the gas prices being high is a killer of events. Pitching in over $100 to go to an event.. yikes! It adds up! And that's just gas.


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

:::Rolls in a couple kegs:: Hell... ok, we need somethin' t' get our minds off this a wee bit... if not defuse the situation. Cause oh, the 21st century life is just not as fun any more as it use to be.
Here!Here!I'll drink ta that! :lol:


"Not all men seek rest and peace, some are born with the spirit of the storm in their blood, restless harbingers of violence and bloodshed, knowing no other path."Ivory Coast Cutthroats?P1.gif


Though.. ya have to admit... the site of us pirates commandeering a tanker would be interesting... if not funny. Sort of.


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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