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Shoulda known I'd find Cap'n Bo in here, lookin t replace the drinks he had t'buy not that long ago! :ph34r:

Welcome here ye are Maggie!

....an'.....er......I'll be havin a mai tai with a twist o mango and not too tart mind ye, as I'm watchin me wei......er I mean, RUM! straight up!!!


Monterey Jack

"yes I am a pirate 200 years too late,

the cannons don't thunder, there's nothin to plunder,

I'm an over-40 victim of fate,

arrivin too late.........."

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are you kidding with a name like that I could care less if you filled out your profile. Welcome aboard lass we been expecting you. (Damn now i have to clean my keyboard) Ray I'll have an ice tea (turns back to the nice Pricklebottom lass) grammercy (hold the glass up in salud)

Touch somebody you don't know today with a smile.

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Welcome Maggie.

Pricklebottom is an interesting name.

A pirate by heart, a pirate in my soul

I always steal whatever I need, no self-control

I always long to sail my ship and explore the sea

So you'd better beware me!

Because Captain Pirate is near. And a girl too so fear

Don't you dare to question me and I might let you live

I fight and kill those without skill

So surrender now...and bow!

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Pricklebottom is an interesting name

Aye, it be. When first I glanced at it, I thought it read, 'Picklebottom', which is quite an image in itself.

Well, Maggie, WELCOME to ye! Our Pub is a ramblin establishment, so take yer time and enjoy yer wanderings. Ray (our bartender), I'll have a double Stoli's on the rocks. Gramercy.

I wonder if one of the most important steps on our journey is the one in which we throw away the map.

-- Loreena McKennitt

My fathers knew of wind and tide, and my blood is maritime.

-- Stan Rogers

I don't pretend to be captain weird.

I just do what I do.

-- Johnny Depp

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Me big ears heard tell about free drynk! Nay, it doesn't matter yer name (although it is truly....uh...different :rolleyes: )

I'll be havin' good ol' rum, if ye please. Welcome aboard!


You will be flogged. And God willing, come morning, you will be flogged some more.

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Ahoy, Mags..

I see ye found safe harbour......

Tis grande t' be seein' yer fine face here t' th' Pub....I was gettin' a bit lonely wit'out ye.....


As fer th' double.....I be drinkin' it dry......an' orderin' another! ;)

An' suggest ye do the same!

Aye, now....are ye gonna tease these poor laddies......or, are ye going t' be tellin' 'em about yer fine an' glorious Pricklebottom.....?


Fair winds to ye......an' I'm sure we'll be tippin' a few afore th' tale is done.....


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Me thinks you could use a drink after getting into all that cactus! Don't know where you've been, but now you're here, enjoy!

I'm sure the guys here will enjoy trying to figure out where them supposed cactus stickers are.... :lol:

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aurgg ya to ya Ms. Maggie Pricklebottom, oh such a painful name to be sittin down, but your in Luck co'z te oderr Lasses dig on dancing on the tables. Perhap ye needs joinin em'. I'm sure Ms. Bunny Cutlass and Rummy and the rest of the Rabble Rousers will assist you outa the pickle Barrel... B)

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:

"My treasure to he who can understand."

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Aye, "pricklebottom"....now that be a name I kin, uh,....get behind.....me apologies I couldn't resist.....welcome to ye, lass, pleasure to be makin' yer aquaintance n I be 'avin a pint o stout, thank ye.....'eres be to Ms. Ticklebottom....er, what it be....... :lol:

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Tis truly wonderous to be welcomed so warmly by so many...even if some do equate "Pricklebottom" with cactus...me thinks those priates somehow got lost in a desert, I be hopin' they not be navigatin' my ship any time soon.

Me bloomers' secret tis known by only a few...how'ere...ye stand a better chance with a good strong Irish brogue or an understandable Scots burr.

I need to figure out what to be feedin' Mimi Foxmorton when we be viewing "Blackbeard" weekend next...drinks are obvious, but me supply of hardtack is getting low.

Barkeep, order up another round all around! Huzzah!

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Ahoy, Mags....

I be a wee bit easier t' be pleasin'......

I'll no need the laddie's burr t' be understandable in th' least....

I be right well versed in mime....

Aye....an' nothin' beats a pirate in a kilt........

(an' yes.....I KNOW it be NOT period.........but, a piratess can be dreamin' now...can't she...?)


As fer me victuals......I'll be leavin' THAT in yer capable hand......

we could always.....EAT A LIME........


Fair Winds......


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I definitely be lookin' for the elusive kilted pirates...might even be inclined to show one me pricklebottom bloomers. We mighten make due haste to steer the Bloomer towards the highlands....might be kilted pirates lurking in the hills. Where is Saltina that navigator of ours....she can't ne'r git us where we want to be goin'.

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:lol: Pricklebottom? that takes some real irons missy. Miss Maggie - welcome. thanke fer the drink - Rayyyy - tall black rum - throw me a lime - now were was I - Maggie - tell a bit about yeself lass. I wager there may be more than one curious about ye. Give us a good story lass - you know we likes a good tale now and then.

Willie the rumrunner :lol:

You can ner' have enough sand in yer stew.

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