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2nd annual Baltimore Pirate Invasion

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It is that time again to put the word out.

The 2nd annual Baltimore Pirate Invasion of fells Point will be on the 25th of March.

We had A great time last year and we can't wait to do it again.

More details will be posted as to the times and pubs that are on this year invasion.

But one thing is for sure,there is fun to be had and freinds to made just like last year.

Help us make this years Baltiomore Pirate ivasion one to remember!!



Hey! That's the weekend of my birthday ... I'd love to come down to Fells Point and see how real pirates party. And I'd have an excuse to stop by and squeeze my neice and nephling, too, a coupla swabbies-in-training. :)

  • 1 month later...

Pyrate Invasion II: The Heavy Seas

Listen Up you Swabs!!

It be a little over 3 weeks 'till we hit the streets of Fells Point in search of plunder and booty (or is it booty to plunder??...)

Regardless...right now would be a great time ta be on the lookout for a helmsmen to get ya back to ye home port after a night of drinkin and carrying on.

This year we be havin several more taverns a 'beggin for us to plunder! A treasure map of the area will be provided to you the night of the invasion indicating the ports o'call and also some optional locations if you be wantin to stir up a raidin party with ye mates!

We be plannin games, drink specials, and booty bags for the first 200 pirates who register. Events begin at 6:00 p.m. on March 25, 2006 at One Eyed Mikes in Fells Point.

We would also like to extend a hearty HUZZAH and much gratification to Clipper City Brewery for all their fyne work in helping coordinate this year's invasion. As a token of appreciation, be sure to bring extra doubloons to sample all the wonderful flavours o' grog that they be discountin' to us pirates.

Per Baltimore City's regulations, no weapons blades and no drinking on the streets. Per our own desires, garb preferred but of course not mandatory.

More details will soon be posted on our website, so please check back often at www.baltimorepyrateinvasion.com

Thank ye kindly,

The Crimson Corsair and the Blender Wench

A Wench By Any Other Name..... Would Not Taste the Same!

Proudly serving as Bartender and standing orders of Second Mate on the notorious Juryrig Crew!


I am sending the link to my friends right now.

I have been waiting for the date of this with much excitement!!!!!!!!!

Is this a piratical attired affair?


Well now mate, know ye of an establishment that might be in the way of needing some ertertainment fer the event? Some tavern like as not or mayhap an eatery that would like some lively music from the foc'sle and a few from the Capt's cabin.

The Brigands would love an excuse to make the journey from our port in NY on the Isle of Long.

Any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated!


The Brigands


Latitude: 410500N

Longitude: 0730000W

Pirate music at it's best, from 1650 onwards


The Brigands


I'm planning on being there, stationwagon permitting. Where does one get a list of area oubs going along with the piratical theme?

  Capt Thighbiter said:
Well now mate, know ye of an establishment that might be in the way of needing some ertertainment fer the event? Some tavern like as not or mayhap an eatery that would like some lively music from the foc'sle and a few from the Capt's cabin.

The Brigands would love an excuse to make the journey from our port in NY on the Isle of Long.

Any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated!


The Brigands


Latitude: 410500N

Longitude: 0730000W

Thanks for the offer to entertain Capt.

If things go well we will be signing shanties and pub songs ourselves.

But we would love have you join in the shinanagains anyway.

This years invasion is really starting to shape up....

We have pirates coming in from PA. Ohio,and VA Beach. There looks to be about a dozen taverns on-board with us to plunder this year.

Right know we are looking at about 150 pirates on the loose in Fells Point. I hope you and your Brigandscan make it down for a night of fun.

You can check-out some pictures from last years invasion and get some more info at www.baltimorepyrateinvasion.com

Talk to ya latter

Crimson Corsair

  greenighs said:
I'm planning on being there, stationwagon permitting. Where does one get a list of area oubs going along with the piratical theme?

We do hope your staionwagon can make to Baltimore.

The bars and pubs are looking forword to use being there....

The reason we chose Fells Point is due to its rich privateering history.

Fells Point was know as the Pirates Den to the British Navy around the time of the war of 1812.

Many of the Clippers' that the British Navy hated where built right here in Fells Point.

And this year the Baltimore Harbor will be celebrating its 300th anniversary...


Crimson Corsair,

Must one register? Or can we just show up. Because, you see, my husband has a job interview the day before... If he gets it, we'll want to celebrate. But if he doesn't, he'll have to work that day. :P

So can we just show up and meet you at One Eye'd Mike's? :lol:


Building an Empire... one prickety stitch at a time!


I didn't see a place to register, am I missing a link on the Invasion site?

I'm warning ya right now, aside from my tricorn, I will NOT be in period attire. I'll be hand-stitching that when the patterns are available, and I'm in no hurry for all that sewing ... :lol:

I will be meeting up with some reef club friends there, so the fish geeks can meet the Pyrates! Aarrr!


Greenighs, don't be afraid of me! I'm not the period police. :P

It's a pub crawl with a pirate theme, for chrissakes, girl! I probably won't be in period attire either... I mean, how stupid would I look, walking down Fells Point in a 1690s Hunting Costume with a train (but no horse or gun)! :lol:


Building an Empire... one prickety stitch at a time!


Grenighs & Kass, are you guys planning on dressing non-period pirate or street clothes? I'm probley dressing pirate myself..but not everyone I'm going with is planning to.


If I can make it, I'm definitely dressing pirate! :rolleyes:


Building an Empire... one prickety stitch at a time!


Hmmm, probably piratesque street clothes (capris with stripy socks, buckle shoes ((yes, those 13 pairs of Doc Marten maryjanes do come in handy)), and some sort of pirate- or nautical-themed top .... ) and my greeeeeen tricorn from the MacKay! Gyaaarrrr!

Oh, and I'm so excited, a bunch of my seahorse buddies and me are getting a tour of a seahorse aquaculture facility run by the syngnathid specialist from the National Aquarium! Which, for those of you who are not fish geeks, is a cool thing. I might even get the specialist guy to come to the pub crawl!


The website is www.baltimorepirateinvasion.com

or www.baltimorepyrateinvasion.com

There are pictures from last years invasion as well as details to this years invasion.

As last year this does not cost anything to join in....I do hope to get the bars and pubs to drop there cover charges to us in the invasion like last year

When i Said "register" all you do is sign a guess book and you get a Goody bag with stuff and a Baltimore Pirate Invasion Botton that lets the bars now you are on the ivasion and that gets you deals on the Clippy City beverage line of beers. There are only going to be 200 bags....

This is a Gard encouraged event.....(please no weapons)

I will be posting more details as the date gets closer ....

Last year was a blast....

A numder of Pyracy Pirates made it out....

Guest xXDCXx

Post edited by Moderator due to on going complaints. :P


Capt. you are going to have ta hit the phone book or the net in search of an inn or something.I dont' know of any off hand.

that are is a bit priciy when it comes to the hotels.....

I do wish you luck on your search for an inn. There are alot of chain motels just outside the city,That is where I would start.



I'll be there! Can't wait. This is going to be crazy fun!




Chaos, panic, pandemonium - my work here is done.


Crew Of The Vigilant

Baltimore Maryland Based

17th & 18th Century Naval Living History

Crew Of The Vigilant

  Capt Thighbiter said:
Mate, ye have 2/3 of the Brigands making the voyage from the port o' New York! Any inns ye might know of, where a gentleman of fortune could sling his bunk?

Glad to hear you are making it down!

Will you be @ Hamton this year?

Captain Duncan McGuyver

Crew Of The Vigilant

Baltimore Maryland Based

17th & 18th Century Naval Living History

Crew Of The Vigilant

The Juryrig

MDRF Based Social & Renfaire Crew

The Juryrig

Port Tortuga

A Piracy based Pennsic household

B09 Block, The Highlands (Up Hill & Left)

Port Tortuga


The Pyrate Invasion Website has been updated with 'lil tidbits of information so check it out:


Reminder to folks that this is next weekend. So dust off the garb, line up the babysitters, and get ready for a night out at Fells Point (21 and over, please).

More to follow.....

A Wench By Any Other Name..... Would Not Taste the Same!

Proudly serving as Bartender and standing orders of Second Mate on the notorious Juryrig Crew!

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