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Aye ;)


"There be the chest, inside be the gold, we took them all. Spent them and traded them. We frittered them away on drink and food and pleasurable company. The more we gave them away, the more we came to realize... the drink would not satisfy, food turned to ash in our mouths, and all the pleasurable company in the world could not slake our lust. We are cursed men....Compelled by greed we were, and now we are consumed by it."


Aye and I'm in which means Sandy and Ruby are too. As I'm their Captain, they says Aye to Pirates of the Treasure Cove name as well.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


Then I says we be the Pirates of Treasure Cove mates......

Aye to the crew as it begins and ends within that which can and can't.

We can, they can't. We begin, they end..... We are, they aren't. Let's do it.

Business is:

We have the need for volunteers to work a small guild yard in Palm Springs Friday Saturday and Sunday March 24th, 25th and 26th here's the skivvy:


Ok then ye rat bastards not like ye need time off ergh anything but there be two more weeks following on the immediate in Escondido. April 1st and 2nd and then again the next weekend April 8th and 9th

I will fill out the paperwork and send it in when three for sures and five yes for one day for Palm Springs steps forward so Ye knows whos ye be and ye knows who yer brethren be get in touch with them and get them accounted for!

We need stools I'd liken to see the members get there own three legged leather top stools fer sittin on (it's not our need to be in recliners watchin the happenings) so ifin the chair is uncomfortable ye might just not be sittin to much and producin so much more! If anys of ye knows a leather man who can tool our names in the seats that'd be cool we can make the wooden legs. See attached:

http://www.harborviewantiques.com/Antique....p?iid=33333&c=0 this is a picture

http://www.soton.ac.uk/~tpg/Woodworking3.htm this is how to make one

http://www.campmor.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...mberId=12500226 cheap metal legs (oh by the way I have rabbit skins you can cover the cordura nylon seats with) but i don't know what to do about the metal legs????

We need books! If you've got some you can put yer name in they will remain your property as all of the guild yard will and should be until which time so as it deems needed we can begin storing all accesories used in our encampment. We need barrels, trunks, treasure chests, crates and old (really old looking) floor throws. We need we need we need..... So whats coming to the table? Shyte we need a table. We needs a ships bell! I'd like ta think when the readins begins thems that are about to listen will sit on the ground I'd liken to put them all on some kind of covering. Inventory lineup starts here....

We need volunteers to record the info as it comes in. I'd liken ta gets email addresses and phone numbers fer the likes a all a you, me mates. I would nominate the who's I see ta be the best as it appears to me but I think the appropriate way is volunteers.

So Pirates of Treasure Cove what ye got?


Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

i don't know what to do about the metal legs????

There's now a spray paint that gives things a texture like hammered metal. Rough up the metal with sandpaper and then use this stuff and it should look fine.



What I can supply:

Treasure chest with goodies to see

Three wooden fold up chairs, and one wooden chair with arms- sorry but stools are kind of hard on backs...

Two pictures of maps framed for people to look at

Numerous odds and ends, including a nice big ship's wheel


I have two six foot folding metal tables that can be covered with some kind of cloth - it will do until wooden tables are procured. I also have a card table with cloth covers that will work until something else comes along.

1 large size area rug (won't fit the whole pavillion though)

**My availability for the Escondido spring faire is nill. Sorry, but it's when I make money selling my feather hat pins.**


I suggest purchasing some of those nifty Shepard's hooks that have the double hangers. One side can be used to hold up a back wall so that personal items and tents won't be seen, the other side can hold lanterns, especially good for nighttime look.

I have 3 books, maybe 4 suitable for kids. Also good for reading out of for people to learn pirate history- which could be taught as a 'class'.


Diego, ye know ye have me support and any of me fineries that ye think woulf be suitable...

ye have me pavilion, me 10 x12 woven rug, assordid treasure trunks, goblets, candles, lanterns, 2 wood and canvas folding captain chairs...and anything else ye need.

I can be at faires only on Sundays this year as my business has te come first...no money, no faires...so sign me up fer duty on Sundays as needed!

Scarlet McBayne

" Touch not the Cat without a Sheild " McBayne motto

"red is the Rose in yander garden grows

Fair is the Lily of the Valley"


ditto Pirate Pete!.............no fridays mostly... mostly...

keep it simple

Keep it clean

Never say a cross word

That you really don't mean

I don't do windows, nor do floors

but really don't mind doin'

A Piratin' Gig every once in a while! :ph34r:

Pyracy in all it's Glory,



aka DurtyLaFey

member of a few crewes....but that be a personal question.

What I can supply:

Treasure chest with goodies to see

Three wooden fold up chairs, and one wooden chair with arms- sorry but stools are kind of hard on backs...

Two pictures of maps framed for people to look at

Numerous odds and ends, including a nice big ship's wheel


I have two six foot folding metal tables that can be covered with some kind of cloth - it will do until wooden tables are procured. I also have a card table with cloth covers that will work until something else comes along.

1 large size area rug (won't fit the whole pavillion though)

**My availability for the Escondido spring faire is nill. Sorry, but it's when I make money selling my feather hat pins.**

you'll be there just over in your booth selling right? there where the ale stand can spit hello across the path to you right????

Petee fridays I got! but need two others (family) to help set up (I'm too cripled to do it all) Thursday night and work the yard friday as we will need to send one (or more) to gate for two hours to meet and greet / peace tie at each faire as well!

I were thinkin about grass (Palm frons) umbrellas instead of the huge tent steel contraption In Palm Springs we camp across the street in an empty lot anyway. Or someone can hang a hammock on the screen fence behind us (I already think I know where we'll get squeezed in but I need two to tango here!

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


Agreed, Tom Wilson will squeeze people/Guilds into the tiniest spaces he can. Very bad. Having done Palm Springs in the past, I personally don't care for it or the venue it's held at--it sucks.

Don't invest in umbrella stuff - it can get windy in Palm Springs and at other events and the poles can break- been there, done that, didn't work.

Putting that pavillion Scarlett has up and down at events will get very tiresome, very fast. I suggest purchasing a good easy-up that can simply be folded up and stashed away when not in use. The top can be covered with material.

Anyway, I went to JoAnn's and picked up a bunch of burlap for the two tables I have to cover them.


you guys seen that wired together bamboo used for fencing around (well where I've seen it) to hide the pool heater and air blowers for jacuzzis anyway I found palm fron fencing 6' tall 16 feet long 23.00 I figured eight of them and I could build a 24 by 24 foot area with cielings on a third of it and three bedrooms 8 X 8 built right in behind. we'll need burlap 6 -8 feet wide to use as doors and walk throughs I have gone over the plan with my engineer here and he says its sound. the poles will be 3 inch diameter round seven foot eucalyptus fence poles with six inch holes cut into each end. one end will set on top of a rebar pole 16 inches long driven 10 inches into the ground with an eight inch piece of rebar set into the top exposing two inches to accomodate the tops. a plug will be afashioned to go on top of to lock down the tops. then the genius is the walls are 6 foot high and the poles are seven allowing for both ambient light to enter dark corners and wind to breeze on through ... Any way I've been really busy today and I must seek out the need of people for friday and the set up will be measuring the disatances of the poles marking the ground setting them and attaching the fences the cieling can go up when tall people show up just kidding two three foot step stools will be needed as well. Geeze I hope no ones allergic to palm???? Someone write down two fire extinguishers......

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

Those palm fron umbrella covers are pricey

thats why I blew off the umbrella and the stand (which is more than the umbrella) this way we'll have walls and a separation from front (where the public can visit) and the back where they can't just stumble into.....Coolers and weapons storage a cot for a napper or two

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


That bamboo fencing will not last being unrolled and rolled up constantly. The wire used to string them together is of the cheapest kind. Most encampments use fabric to string between poles as it is easier to attach and pack up and lasts a longer. I believe most use painters canvas or burlap to string between the posts.

If'n yer still planning to come out for President's weekend. Perhaps we can take a run to Estrella War. They encampments look luxurious using period equipment. The crew of Barking Spyder especially does a nice job.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


I agree with Pearl, that bamboo fencing is short-lived, also you can see through it.

I have at least two good sized painter's canvas that I put grommets in so that they can be hung up as walls or tops for shade.

**Note: I actually do have a very heavy-duty umbrella stand not in use...good for say a simple addition to the camp, nothing more if one wants to use some kind of umbrella like the 'market' type.


Well, I've got an old tufted oriental rug 12x12 available. It has a small round hole to one side of it and little chewed on one corner. It be 100% wool with a canvas backing. I used it for the Pappas Charity event encampment. It looked fabulous.

Oh, and Ruby doesn't sit on a stool either. Not to create a mutiny, but making people purchase a particular type of of seating be a bit much. We are seasoned pirates here and we know what "period looking" seats we prefer.

I say let pirates provider their own seats for sitting. If you want a particular one used for reading to the kiddies, go ahead and try the "stool" out for yourself with 20-25 kiddies. Ye will see that those stools only be good for shoeing horses and yes, I already own one. I use it for working on me boat's hull wilst it's on its trailer. All them patch jobs. :P

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.

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