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Are you part of a ship's crew or guild? Or are ye a rogue pyrate freelancin'? Tell us about your group. Fer example, I see William Red Wake, Petee, Diego an' Rummy are part of the Watch Dog, but I don't know anything about the Watch Dog. Do you do faires together as a group? Just curious about your affiliations if any, and to see how many guilds or crews are represented here at the pub. An just ta' loosin' things up, drinks are on me :lol:

My ship, the HMS Stranglehold is represented here in the pub by Killian, Gigi, Blaze, Ves Gillooly an' meself. We participate in Ren Faires in So Cal, but mostly the Escondido Faire and are available fer hire at private events as well.


"There be the chest, inside be the gold, we took them all. Spent them and traded them. We frittered them away on drink and food and pleasurable company. The more we gave them away, the more we came to realize... the drink would not satisfy, food turned to ash in our mouths, and all the pleasurable company in the world could not slake our lust. We are cursed men....Compelled by greed we were, and now we are consumed by it."


The Watch Dog is a virtual crew. Diego decided to attempt an experiment in virtual pyracy. Think of it as a form of Role-Playing or Theater in the round. The players make up a virtual crew that adventures in the Caribbean through the shared story of its many authors.

I was asked to be Captain of the ship, even though I live miles from any other crew members in the real world. In addition to participating as a writer, I sometimes coordinate plots and subplots with the other members of the crew.

The Watch Dog is a small, lithe little frigate based on the Shtandart (http://www.shtandart.com/). The evolution of the ship began with the selection of crew members. Most of the crew was recruited early on by Diego. After the project gained speed, we worked on the various plots and backstory for the ship. Players created their own backstory, but the Watch Dog was a damaged ship rescued from decay after a dark past as a blackbirder (slave ship). She was scraped, repaired and repainted.

Now she serves as home to two dozen pirate players.

Many of the crew members have met one another in real life. I have yet to attend a faire or festival with any of the crew, but PIP is just around the corner.





The Watch Dog is a virtual crew. Diego decided to attempt an experiment in virtual pyracy. Think of it as a form of Role-Playing or Theater in the round. The players make up a virtual crew that adventures in the Caribbean through the shared story of its many authors.

I was asked to be Captain of the ship, even though I live miles from any other crew members in the real world. In addition to participating as a writer, I sometimes coordinate plots and subplots with the other members of the crew.

The Watch Dog is a small, lithe little frigate based on the Shtandart (http://www.shtandart.com/). The evolution of the ship began with the selection of crew members. Most of the crew was recruited early on by Diego. After the project gained speed, we worked on the various plots and backstory for the ship. Players created their own backstory, but the Watch Dog was a damaged ship rescued from decay after a dark past as a blackbirder (slave ship). She was scraped, repaired and repainted.

Now she serves as home to two dozen pirate players.

Many of the crew members have met one another in real life. I have yet to attend a faire or festival with any of the crew, but PIP is just around the corner.

That be a very good idea, I'd never think of anything like that


I am the Captain of the Iron Lotus. I am also the Commodore of the Allied Outlanders Fleet. The Iron Lotus is a Pirate "Household" within the SCA... We attend SCA events and Ren Faires, among other things. Our goal is to have fun, while promoting a bit of history. We also hold Cannon-firing Demonstrations, which are quite popular.

Under my command are the Iron Lotus and the Everlasting Virgin. The Iron Lotus is my "flagship" and the two "ships" operate somewhat on an independant basis, each with their own goals to follow, but working together to promote Nautial/Pirate/Privateer Personas within the local SCA groups. The Iron Lotus was founded in May, 2003, at a local SCA event... Me and a few like minded pirates gathered together and held a "Ship's Meeting", where we discussed forming a Crew. We decided to have an independant Household, and held a Captain's Vote. They agreed that since I had done much of the legwork to get this venture started, that I would make a fine Captain. We adjourned the meeting, and the Iron Lotus was born. A few months later, my Quartermaster approached me with a tale of how he won a ship in a drinking contest... A Spaniard from Southern Ansteorra(our SCA Kingdom) had a ship group that he had tried to start, but was really doing nothing with... so he bet my quartermaster in a drinking contest, which lost him the Ship. The Ship was named the Drunken Gunnar, and so the Iron Lotus Fleet was born...

The Iron Lotus Fleet acquired yet another Ship on her first Anniversary, in 2004. It started out as a joke, some of us had raided a ship-shaped park, and claimed it for the Iron Lotus Fleet. We named it the Everlasting Virgin, and has since became a ship in it's own right, with it's own crew members and Captain. The Iron Lotus Fleet's goal became to unite most of the like-minded pirates in our SCA Kingdom.

Early in the Summer of 2005, The Drunken Gunnar's Captain decided to retire from his Captaincy, and passed his ship down to his Quartermaster, Bulwyf. Bulwyf quickly decided to cut and run, and the Drunken Gunnar decided to leave the Iron Lotus Fleet.

Now we have negotiated a Letter of Marque from the Baroness of one of our Local SCA groups... We also have negotiations on the table to acquire a 15+ member Ship named the Esmerelda for the Iron Lotus Fleet.

The Allied Outlanders Fleet currently has 5 Ships that operate within 3 or 4 of the SCA's "Kingdoms". You'll have to ask Admiral Kaulum for more details on how his portion of the Fleet was formed.


Captain of the Iron Lotus

It is the angle that holds the rope, not the size of the hole.

I belong to the Tales of the Seven Seas pirate group. (T.O.S.S. site) We're a group of reinactors who do history reinactments as well as entertainment. We've done everything from battle sails to parades with our float, the Land Shark to raids on corporate parties and other events. There is a core group which participates in most events and helps with the management of them, but our leader Claire (AKA Poison Quill) has the last word on all things. She has turned an idea into a really fun and functional pirate group.



I'm Captain of the Scorpion Pirates with our ship named Scraping By. We currently have 9 members including myself. You can see pictures of our crew under attack here.

The Scorpion Pirates

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


Aye, me be a freelancer. Have yet to see a crew round these parts. Perhaps I may have to start it I says!

"A merry life and a short one be my motto"

Avid the PA ren faire, or live nearby? We're trying to start a club/group to do some fun things outside of the faire! www.countyerdoubloons.com/tavern

I'm Captain of the Scorpion Pirates with our ship named Scraping By. We currently have 9 members including myself. You can see pictures of our crew under attack here.

The Scorpion Pirates

Hey BP, does your sailboat look like the one in the pic's or is that yours?


Lets see I belong to a group of five pirate including myself. We basically go to ren. fests. together and some activities we do together. I am the bosun of the ship and yes I do have a cat and nine tails as well as a whip. My sister Mad Woman Cheryl in the first mate of the ship and she is a member of the pryacy board. Gute Morgan is the captain of our ship he is a member of the pyracy board also. Our Gunner in Crispy Dick is not a member of the board and is in a wheel chair. Felicity Flint Lock is our navigator, she is not a member of the board and she is blind so you can imagine how many ships we have been through. She got a great sence of humor and wanted the job right way. ANyway that is our crew. WOuld tell you the know of our ship but we do not keep on long enough to name her. B)

Sealegs Constance

I am what I am


Thanks Captain Redwake yer explanation is worthy of yer title! Aye it be a simple and an easy excitment allowing fer thought and interaction. Much more so than the weak endeavors of most cyber threads.... I think it being fer the most part as Sir William so elloquently put it a sort of theater in the round where its differences are the actual players keeping the differences real and un bastardized by a single authors attempt at rollplaying fer so many...... It is a dream that has become realized. It is a living breathing attempt at pyracy through creative (following historical events and correctness) writing and cyber connection with involved dedicated free men and women of the Pyrates seven (cyber) seas.....

I am involved in a renaisance clan known out here as the Biggins and through them I am privateer on Voyage of Reprizal where I was first the lookout on the scout ship osprey and now am first mate on the Pax Decimus. We have four ficticious ships and together have attended many faires and have been given letters of marque from the queen at two. We have a slow moving website where there were three ships and now four with the Pax's addition. There are five maybe seven of which players out of 50 some are members actually come by and visit and ad to the interest. As a result I still am not and wasn't at all getting my pirate fix through V o R and thats when I found Pyracy.com last year... I threw the live action idea out into the fire so to speak played the ships first mate to the point of asking many of the active and well written posters here what they thought about the idea of a cyber ship writing its own script into the history books of pyracy.com and to my amazement it's better and more interesting (even as a book reads) than I ever thought possible. Yes we are looking for new players and when in ports we anchor in, we can certainly pick them up. There is an interview needed to join and I'd like to welcome those interested on the get go. Pyrates, pyrating, thank you Pryacy.com! Huzzah!

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.


Well, aside from bein the master gunner on the watch dog and an applicant with the Port Royal Privateers, I don't really have an official crew as it were. I mean I do got one, but we aint got no name or nuthin yet. It would consist of Skull Pirate Carter, Leatherneck, Von Red, Crimson Carl and his lackey’s and said wenches. We also end up paling around with Diego, Rummy, Scarlet, Puss in Boots and Devlyn. But I don’t wan’t to speak for them by saying they be in our crew.


I may be a 'captain,' but as far as a crew goes, I'm currently (as Jack Sparrow would say) in the market. So I suppose that would make me a freelancer.

The Wit and Wisdom of Capt. Jack Sparrow:

The deepest circle of hell is reserved for betrayers and mutineers.

Wherever we want to go, we go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and hull and a deck and sails. That's what a ship needs. But what a ship is... what the Black Pearl really is... is freedom.

Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid.

The only rules that really matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can't do.

Will Turner: You cheated.

Jack Sparrow: [shrugs] Pirate.


Hey BP, does your sailboat look like the one in the pic's or is that yours?

Yes, that's "Scraping By". It be a wee bit boat, but she's a sailboat in the desert. What do you expect. If you look in the background on the first picture, you can see the ASU SunDevil Football Stadium. I'm racing this weekend, so I should have some pics with me in them by next week.


~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


Hey BP, does your sailboat look like the one in the pic's or is that yours?

Yes, that's "Scraping By". It be a wee bit boat, but she's a sailboat in the desert. What do you expect. If you look in the background on the first picture, you can see the ASU SunDevil Football Stadium. I'm racing this weekend, so I should have some pics with me in them by next week.



Hmmmm, have you thought about putting wheels on the thing and racing across the desert with it? :D

Really, I am impressed! :D


oh, my crew...

i'm sorta-kinda captain of the Skeletal Sparrow (oh wait, it blew up... nevermind then) and i must belong to a dozen sites or groups or forums but i havent actually gone to an event in a group.


I be with the crew of the barking spider in the outlands,

We be 25 years or more old. Most of the crew has been around for 15 years or longer. We have a crew of 20 to 30 pyrates ( a few fall over board). We sword fight, we arch, we dance, what, ya got a problem with dancing?

In 25 years we have had a few capt'ns. And are currently on our 4th.

We attend SCA events and other like events.



Tails of the Seven Seas................. and a good group (hey... thanks Claire..............)

That be the group I be with.... but I'm also with (kinda got drafted) Pyrates of th' Coast


Pyratical loyalty.................. eeergh.. I like both groups.... they both be good.........

So a good 'arty "Aaaaaaaaaarggh" to the fun people we "play" with..................

  • 2 weeks later...

I've been the Guildmaster for three different renaissance faire groups, only one of which had a ship; nowadays I'm the Director of a more WMA oriented group, the Historical Maritime Combat Association, instructing in a variety of 17th-19th c. maritime weapons from cutlass to tomahawk, knife, sabre and even pike. We just finished a great class in Michigan this past August aboard a riverboat and are aiming for another similar class in the San Francisco bay area this May.

We still have all the piratical gear and I've been working on combat styles prevelent to the buccaneer period for local presentations.

Always looking for new folk to play with!



Monterey Jack

"yes I am a pirate 200 years too late,

the cannons don't thunder, there's nothin to plunder,

I'm an over-40 victim of fate,

arrivin too late.........."


a member of me crew jest dropped in! aye, black jim is the captain of the maverick! i dont really know what my position on board is, but... im captain of me own ship so it dont really matter.


I'm master gunner of a gun crew that operates on a number of different levels. We go where needed, to ships and events that don't have enough gunners or guns to put on shows. We work on the Half Moon and the Schooner Quinnipiac and we've also worked on the Providence, and hope to again, now she's back. Also, we're part of the loose coalition of 17th century Re-enactment groups that can do anything from 1580-1690 as gunners, musketeers, or general living history displays. We have 4 cannon, lots of various muskets, and more swords than we can count. Sort of a mercenary artillery company, I guess.

It consists of Myself, Francois, Joseph, Conneach, Gwen, and Clarissa as core members and a number of others that turn with us when needed or are available.



Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.



I am the creator, manager, producer, webmistress and Captain of "The Salty Kiss." My crew is known as "The Ladies of the Salty Kiss" or "TLotSK." While we are ren faire based, we have done historical demonstrations at local public schools, movie promotions, a summer reading program and finale feast as well as faire (tv and live) promotions. We are an all female crew who's characters portray Crown Privateers. On stage, we perform both staged and improvisational comdey shows. We also have a "bad habit" of taking over the nearest lane at a faire for a game of bocci or "pyrate lunch" (in the middle of the lane) or for a short "pyrate nap" (love to hear the kids and adults holler when one of the "dead" pirates jump! :unsure: ). Each of the crew bears a "gem name" and our costuming reflects that gem name (following the ren faire performers "10 foot rule of recognition").

"The Kiss" started out four years ago during a stint I pulled on the noble court at a local ren faire. It wasn't until the next year that things started flowing, with a few of my fellow rennie ladies asking to join the "crew" - and by sheer scheduling misunderstanding with a major faire that the stage show side of "The Kiss" came about.

Three years later, we are still performing at ren faires and other venues. Currently, I am researching the logistics of beginning my own Pirate Festival when my stint at the local University is completed. Until that day, "The Kiss" will continue as it always has - writing our own comdey shows and routines, and creating our props from things a pirate would have on board as cargo.

For more information on "The Kiss" and to see our gallery, visit www.theladiesofthesaltykiss.com and follow the links.

With Respects,

Capt'n Emerald

Captain Emerald Shaunassey O' The Salty Kiss



I have the good fortune to be the captain of The Pyrates of the Coast, a band or pirates and wenches anchored in Central Florida. Our crewe spans from the Gulf to the Atlantic Coast, with others sailing in from afar when called upon. We are a crewe of 20, the youngest being 7 and the oldest 81. We do a lot of community service, personal appearances and corporate events. Part of the crewe serves as the band, performing a wide range of music. All of us are experts at working a crowd, improvisation and serving as goodwill ambassadors. We also dabble in some re-enactment, though the limitations of that preclude a lot of improv, at least the way we do it. Think of it as Who's Line is it Anyway with pirates.

We used to be based out of Seattle but the captain couldn't stay away from the palm trees and places where real pirates once lived (not necessarily Portlando, Florida in general). Since then the entire crewe has changed in numbers and members.

No formal membership. If we like ya, you sail with us. The leadership is a benevolent dictatorship - the captain is in charge. No meetings, no allegiances with formal organizations such as SCA or faires. We sail under our own flag. We're really one large family actually.

We travel often - Port Royal is this week, we head to Puerto Rico in April for a corporate gig and then perhaps to the Bahamas in September. Ah, a pirate's life.

-- Captain of the Blackheart


-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com

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