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Wow never reall go the theatre but after seeing the trailer it looks like I might be making one stop before PoTC2 lol. Looks like it should be good. the acting looks good. but only time will tell...

"A merry life and a short one be my motto"

Avid the PA ren faire, or live nearby? We're trying to start a club/group to do some fun things outside of the faire! www.countyerdoubloons.com/tavern


The words, as best I remember them. Please forgive the punctuation and capitalization errors.

What life can compare with the jolly town rake's

when in his full swing of all pleasure he takes

at noon he gets up for a wet and to dine

and wings the swift hours with mirth, music and wine.

Then jogs to the playhouse and chats with the masks

And thence to the rose where he takes his three flasks

there great as a caesar he revels when drunk

and scours all he meets as he reels to his punk

Then finds the dear girl in his arms when he wakes

what life can compare to the jolly town rake's

He like the great turk has his favorite she

but the town's his seraglio and still he lives free

sometimes she's a lady but as he must range

black betty and oyster moll serve for a change

as he varies his sports his whole life is a feast

he thinks him at his soberest is most like a beast

all houses of pleasure, breaks windows and doors,

kicks bullies and cullies and lies with their whores

rare work for the surgeon and midwife he makes

what life can compare with the jolly town rake's

thus in covent garden he makes his campaigns

and no coffee house haunts but to settle his brains

he laughs at dry mortals and never does think

unless tis to get the best wenches and drink

he dwells in a tavern and lives everywhere

and improving his hour lives an age in a year

for as life is uncertain he loves to make haste

and thus he lives longest because he lives fast

then leaps in the dark and his exit he makes

what life can compare with the jolly town rake's

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.

  Christine said:
Well, Johnny Depp is in it so it has to be good!  :)

Uggghh! ((((vomit)))) :D


You will be flogged. And God willing, come morning, you will be flogged some more.

  blackjohn said:
  Pirate Petee said:
that song is great. :P   :D   ;)

Makes you want to be a libertine too, doesn't it.

Yes, yes it does. Actually, it kind of reminded me of myself during my twenties, untill I managed to get myself engaged.


Isn't the story line about a guy who goes mad from gonohrrea (sp?) and this reminds you, Petee, of yourself in your twenties? :lol:

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


Well, since you are engaged, here's another Thomas D'Urfey classic.

Come Jug, my Honey, let's to bed

John. Come Jug, my Honey, let's to bed,

It is no Sin, sin we are wed;

For when I am near thee by desire,

I burn like any Coal of Fire.

Jug. To quench thy Flames I'll soon agree,

Thou art the Sun, and I the Sea;

All Night within my Arms shalt be,

And rise each Morn as fresh as he.

CHO. Come on then, and couple together,

Come all, the Old and the Young,

The Short and the Tall;

The richer than Croesus,

And poorer than Job,

For 'tis Wedding and Bedding,

That Peoples the Globe.

John. My Heart and all's at thy command,

And tho' I've never a Foot of Land,

Yet six fat Ewes, and one milch Cow,

I think, my Jug, is Wealth enow.

Jug. A Wheel, six Platters and a Spoon,

A Jacket edg'd with blue Galloon;

My Coat, my Smock is thine, and shall

And something under best of all.

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.

  • 2 weeks later...

Actually, I thought the STD he goes mad from is syphilis. There's no cure for that, only treatments, but back then they didn't even have treatments. It slowly made you go mad and then you eventually died. Ugh, how horrible!

A friend of my guyfriend's went to a special showing of it the other day. Met Johnny as well. I got a pic in an email of him with Johnny and his little son. His son fell asleep while in the pic-lol!

  • 1 month later...

I really want to see this film. The trailer was great. And Johnny Depp is a talented actor. As is Samantha Morton.

A pirate by heart, a pirate in my soul

I always steal whatever I need, no self-control

I always long to sail my ship and explore the sea

So you'd better beware me!

Because Captain Pirate is near. And a girl too so fear

Don't you dare to question me and I might let you live

I fight and kill those without skill

So surrender now...and bow!

A friend of my guyfriend's went to a special showing of it the other day. Met Johnny as well. I got a pic in an email of him with Johnny and his little son. His son fell asleep while in the pic-lol!

he got to meet Johnny AND Jack? Cool!

What's the name of the character Johnny Depp plays? I remember hearing about this one, but I dont remember.


John Wilmot a.k.a. the Earl of Rochester

A pirate by heart, a pirate in my soul

I always steal whatever I need, no self-control

I always long to sail my ship and explore the sea

So you'd better beware me!

Because Captain Pirate is near. And a girl too so fear

Don't you dare to question me and I might let you live

I fight and kill those without skill

So surrender now...and bow!



See, me and my friend are sort of obsessed with Johnny Depp. Not to the 'stalking' level, but if he's in a movie theres more of a chance we'll go see it. and my friend has been waiting for this one to come out, she got it off of a list of movies he's going to be in. She's waiting for it because he plays some one named either Lindsey or Rachel (i have a terrible memory) and she wants to see if he's actually playing a girl.

She's kinda weird. But so am I, so I'm not one to talk...



That's hilarious!

I think Johnny would make a pretty girl. With those beautiful facial features. :)

A pirate by heart, a pirate in my soul

I always steal whatever I need, no self-control

I always long to sail my ship and explore the sea

So you'd better beware me!

Because Captain Pirate is near. And a girl too so fear

Don't you dare to question me and I might let you live

I fight and kill those without skill

So surrender now...and bow!


No, never saw it. Was it a good film? I bet he looked hot. He always does.

A pirate by heart, a pirate in my soul

I always steal whatever I need, no self-control

I always long to sail my ship and explore the sea

So you'd better beware me!

Because Captain Pirate is near. And a girl too so fear

Don't you dare to question me and I might let you live

I fight and kill those without skill

So surrender now...and bow!


i'll see if i can find a picture. I probably have one saved on here somewhere.

I'll tell you one thing: Never type "johnny depp' into google images. I got pictures of everything from ozzie osbourne to someones dog named johnny.

but here ya go:


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