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What instrument do ye play?

Mad Matt

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I'm bitten by the music bug and want to learn to play guitar. Funds bein' what they are, 'twill be a while afore I get started. Just wonderin' what instruments are played by those here and how'd you get started? Piratical or not...


You will be flogged. And God willing, come morning, you will be flogged some more.

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Heh I was debating about making a post like this about 15 minutes ago :)

I played saxophone and trumpet for a few years because my parents made me but it faded because it sounds like crap by itself.

I played electric guitar for a while(something that sounds good by itself) but that's fading(as far as interest goes) and I am currently trying to teach myself dulcimer I like the celtic sound.

"A merry life and a short one be my motto"

Avid the PA ren faire, or live nearby? We're trying to start a club/group to do some fun things outside of the faire! www.countyerdoubloons.com/tavern

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Hey.......good call....bin a muzo fer years......I plays:

Trombone........grade 5,

Trumpet/cornet....grade 6

Flute, recorder, picollo...

Elec guitar.....(used t' be in a rockband)...

Harmonica.....(Cos' I digs th' Blues man).

Vox........yeah, I sings.....



Yes, it be pointy…..and ye be at the wrong side o’ it.

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French Horn

Tenor Guitar

5 string banjo


-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com

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Nice to see an interest here. I'm wanting to get the Epiphone Lynyrd Skynyrd Les Paul and a Peavey TransTube Bandit II amp. That is, of course, unless I can afford the extra money for a Line 6 Spider II 2x12 amp. Can't wait until I get enough together to afford it and get started. Costs $1100 with the Line 6 amp and guitar setup. That's even without new strings, strap, picks, tuners, etc.

May be a healthier hobby than all my drinkin' tho'!



You will be flogged. And God willing, come morning, you will be flogged some more.

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I used to play the clarinet and the piano. The piano is a lovely instrument to listen to, except when played by someone under the age of 12.

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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Percussionist here... traditional irish frame drum (bodhran) bones and other assorting things I can smack together and get a rythm going.

NOAH: Wow... the whole world flooded in just less than a month, and us the only survivors! Hey... is that another... do you see another boat out there? Wait a minute... is that a... that's... are you seeing a skull and crossbones on that flag?

Ministry of Petty Offenses

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Aye, Mick!  Sounds wonderful!  What kind of music d' ye be playin'?  (I have my own theory based on the LP...)

Well, lots of classic rock stuff, and I love blues jams, but truth be told, I keep finding myself drawn back to 70's/80's metal (Priest, Zep, AC/DC, Nugent, Sabbath, etc). I used to play in garage bands in the early 80's (had a screaming SG back then, played through a fender bassman which went to 11), but real life interfered. Just picked up the LP about 6 months ago, after about 20+ years of not playing. Having a blast so far, jamming with a couple other guys and a drum machine. So far we can play a mean Living After Midnight! :(

The Dread Pyrate MacAnselan

aka Mick

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I play fiddle. When New Providence started back in February our musical director demanded that *everyone* in the group play and instrument and not just sing vocals AND not everyone play the tambourine! So I was trying to think of an instrument to play that wasn’t a tambourine when she brought in a violin. It was something she had bought years ago to learn to play but discovered a deformity of one of her fingers prevented her from holding the bow properly. She wanted to see if anyone one knew how to play or wanted to learn.

She showed it me and I was immediately harkening back to when my brother David tried to teach me to play when I was 10 and he was 12. Not a good experience to say the least. So I was hesitant to try. I picked up an instrument at a folk music store called a strumstick that was very easy to learn too easy as matter of fact. My mind kept on going back to that fiddle and I decide I needed to get over my childhood trauma and give it a go.

I made a deal with Amy that she would loan me the fiddle, I would find a teacher, give it a try and if I took too it she would sell the fiddle to me at a reasonable price. I had the bow rehaired because it was a mess and infested with bow bugs. I’ve also had the bridge replaced as it was a piece of crap that didn’t align the strings right so they kept falling out of tune and breaking. Afterall that She just gave me the violin.

Now a strange thing happened. One day one of my old co-workers stopped by to see our new office in the old rare book reading room. Her name is Becky and I knew she played violin in an orchestra and also Scottish fiddle in a duo. I figured she know a good teacher so I asked her if she knew of a teacher and she said that she did and that she had started teaching herself.

I asked the price and she said $20.00 per hr. So since the begining of March I have been going every Tuesday evening to class from 6:30-7:30 pm. I practice everyday from ½ hour to 2 hours depending on my schedule. I’m finally getting to the point where the cat doesn’t hide under the bed when I play.

I can play the Derelict pretty well now and I am working on Krushkin Lan and a tune called Nancy Dawson (used in the RN to announce the grog ration). I'm trying to do research on what a fiddler would have played during the GAoP. Then build a repertoire besides anything I may one day do with the band. Afterall there were fiddlers aboard pirate ships often pressed into service cause pirates like music! :)

Edited by Red Maria
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I used to play a full drum kit, but that wasn't portable enough, so more recently, I took up the bodhran. Also play the ukelele, but I've been remiss in practicing, so I'm not as good as I'd like to be. (The uke isn't exactly one of your more piratical instruments...)


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I, too, love classis rock and blues. I think I got the bug from listening to Metallica and G 'n' R, though. Between Slash's bluesy feel to his licks and Hetfield's heavy 'chunks' of metal, it's difficult to chose between playing lead or rhythm guitar.

I need to get off my butt and get a Hendrix CD, too. Must learn from the masters!


You will be flogged. And God willing, come morning, you will be flogged some more.

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I play fiddle.  When New Providence started back in February when New Providence started our musical director demand that *everyone* in the group play and instrument and not just sing vocals AND not everyone play the tambourine!  So I was trying to think of an instrument to play that wasn’t a tambourine when she brought in a violin.  It was something she had bought years ago to learn to play but discovered a deformity of one of her fingers prevented her from holding the bow properly.  She wanted to see if anyone one knew how to play or wanted to learn. 

She showed it me and I was immediately harkening back to when my brother David tried to teach me to play when I was 10 and he was 12.  Not a good experience to say the least. So I was hesitant the try.  I picked up an instrument at a folk music store called a strumstick that was very easy to learn too easy as matter of fact.  My mind kept on going back to that fiddle and I decide I needed to get over my childhood trauma and give it a go.

I made a deal with Amy that she would loan me the fiddle, I would find a teacher, give it a try and if  I took too it she would sell the fiddle to me at a reasonable price. I had the bow rehaired because it was a mess and infested with bow bugs.  I’ve also had the bridge replaced as it was a piece of crap that didn’t align the strings right so they kept falling out of tune and breaking.  Afterall that She just gave me the violin.

Now a strange thing happened.  One day one of my old co-workers stopped by to see our new office in the old rare book reading room.  Her name is Becky and I knew she played violin in an orchestra and also Scottish fiddle in a duo.  I figured she know a good teacher so I asked her if she knew of a teacher and she said that she did and that she had started teaching herself. 

I asked the price and she said $20.00 per hr. So since the begging of March I have been going every Tuesday evening to class from 6:30-7:30 pm.  I practice everyday from ½ hour to 2 hours depending on my schedule.  I’m finally getting to the point where the cat doesn’t hide under the bed when I play.

I can play the Derelict pretty well now and I am working on Krushkin Lan and a tune called Nancy Dawson (used in the RN to announce the grog ration).  I'm trying to do research on what a fiddler would have played during the GAoP.  Then build a repertoire besides anything I may one day due with the band. Afterall  there were fiddlers aboard pirate ships often pressed into service cause pirates like music!  :)

That is really cool; an inspiring story. Cheers to you! :lol:

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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I play 12 string guitar.

I started with a 6 string in 1967, and progressed upward to the 12 in 1987.

I use to sing really well, but time and other things have taken it's toll on my voice.

There was a time in my young life I had the voice of an opera singer, (high soprano) and my mother and her sister (my aunt) begged me to enter a special school for such. But alas I cannot read music- I pick it up by ear, that was my downfall.

My fingers can't do all the fancy work that many guitarists can. So I end up adapting to cords that will work with my voice and fingers.

My guitar though not a well known brand name, (it's a Lyle, which at the time I paid $200 for) is in almost perfect condition. I've had to have it repaired three times due to the bowing effect that is caused by the many strings pulled taught.

I finally broke down and bought a hard case (I originally had one of those 'chip-board' cases) for it several years ago to help protect the instrument. It still sounds just as wonderful as the day I bought it. thumbs1.gif

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What was it that led you to 12 strings? Just wondering since you said you can't do fancy things on a guitar. Most people I've heard go to 12 are accomplished guitarists, looking for a specific sound for a specific song. Not many people play 12's all the time.


You will be flogged. And God willing, come morning, you will be flogged some more.

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While not part of my period repetroire I started to learn by ear "Yo ho Yo Ho a Pirate's Life for me" Also a new scale C major to go with it. I hadn't been able to find the sheet music so I gave a recording to my teacher and she figured out the notes (learning by ear skills aern't up to snuff yet). Three bars out of a 5 bar song!

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What was it that led you to 12 strings? Just wondering since you said you can't do fancy things on a guitar. Most people I've heard go to 12 are accomplished guitarists, looking for a specific sound for a specific song. Not many people play 12's all the time.

I went to a 12 string because I like the fuller sound.

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My babies...


As well as the guitars, mandolin and bouzouki pictured I also play tin whistle, bit of bass guitar and double-bass, bit of flute, bodhran, bit of banjo (5 string). I've got some old English bagpipes that need some repair work before I can learn to play them and I'm in the process of building a hurgy-gurdy. Oh, and I can just about scrape a tune or two out of the concertina and melodeon that live on top of the harmonium (which I can't play more than one finger at a time).

I did start to learn the fiddle, but I just couldn't get my guitarist's fingers to hold the bow right and after 18 months of making no progress and alienating all of my friends, family and neighbours I decided to swallow my pride and give in.

I play all sorts of music. The first band I played in was a blues band, and since then I've played rock, more blues, jazz, lots of folk-rock, and my latest ambition is to get a folk-rock shanty band off the ground.


"With this Fore-Staff he fansies he does Wonders, when, God knows, it amounts to no more but only to solve that simple Question, Where are we? Which every chi'd in London can tell you." - Ned Ward The Wooden World Dissected, 1707


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My babies...


As well as the guitars, mandolin and bouzouki pictured I also play tin whistle, bit of bass guitar and double-bass, bit of flute, bodhran, bit of banjo (5 string). I've got some old English bagpipes that need some repair work before I can learn to play them and I'm in the process of building a hurgy-gurdy. Oh, and I can just about scrape a tune or two out of the concertina and melodeon that live on top of the harmonium (which I can't play more than one finger at a time).

I did start to learn the fiddle, but I just couldn't get my guitarist's fingers to hold the bow right and after 18 months of making no progress and alienating all of my friends, family and neighbours I decided to swallow my pride and give in.

I play all sorts of music. The first band I played in was a blues band, and since then I've played rock, more blues, jazz, lots of folk-rock, and my latest ambition is to get a folk-rock shanty band off the ground.

Nice collection.

I just sold of my american strat in a limited edition purple/maroon color. I miss her but I started with the dulcimer and it just sat there. I kept my cheapy basic fender guitar though with all my stuff for if i ever felt the urge :)

"A merry life and a short one be my motto"

Avid the PA ren faire, or live nearby? We're trying to start a club/group to do some fun things outside of the faire! www.countyerdoubloons.com/tavern

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I play bass guitar. I have a Yamaha BB400 that I learned on, a Conklin 4 string and a Warwick 4 string fretless is what I play now. I've also written music and have co-written and produced a CD of original music with a former band-mate. You can check out the tracks by visiting CDBABY.COM and searching for Until Further Notice by No Agenda.


"There be the chest, inside be the gold, we took them all. Spent them and traded them. We frittered them away on drink and food and pleasurable company. The more we gave them away, the more we came to realize... the drink would not satisfy, food turned to ash in our mouths, and all the pleasurable company in the world could not slake our lust. We are cursed men....Compelled by greed we were, and now we are consumed by it."

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