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Hosting MP3's

Guest Angus McVox

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Guest Angus McVox

If you'd like to host MP3 files on pyracy.com for folks to enjoy, I can set up a section for that at pyracy.com/music - email vox@pyracy.com to arrange. I can also post links to your files if you already have them hosted elsewhere.

You can upload files into this forum, SEA SHANTIES - after you do so I'll eventually move them to pyracy.com/music and place a link from your post.


Oh Angus, Sea Shanties to hear easily from the site- when set up as you indicated- would be great! Thank-you from the bottom of my black little heart for doing this! I'll visit and take a listen again! Cheers! D.L.

Pyracy in all it's Glory,



aka DurtyLaFey

member of a few crewes....but that be a personal question.

Guest Angus MacVox
Oh Angus, Sea Shanties to hear easily from the site- when set up as you indicated- would be great! Thank-you from the bottom of my black little heart for doing this! I'll visit and take a listen again! Cheers! D.L.

Well, what I mean is, any mp3's I receive I can post on the site for you to download to your computer... If you listened to them streaming on the site repeatedly that would use up too much bandwidth...

  • 1 month later...

Are there really plans in the works for pyracy.com/music? When might we hope to experience this?

Black Cat, Captain of theMatriarch

Test everything. Hold fast to what is good. -Saint Paul's first letter to Thessalonika 5:21

Guest Angus MacVox

when someone gives us the mp3's to put there.

  • 3 months later...

Thank ye most kindly for the offer of havin' mp3's, Cap'n. I'd like to be offerin' 2 from me band, "Broadside", an all woman chantey group (all puns from the name intended). If you don't mind, I'll be doin' it in 2 posts to make it a wee bit easier.

Fair winds,



Boozin__.mp3Fetching info...

Captain of the Tinker's Damn

  • 3 weeks later...

Thank ye kindly. We have a great good time singin'. Though ye'll have t' be hearin' us live to hear some o' the "good stuff".

We'll be performin' at Pt. Townsend Wooden Boat Festival in September, if ye be in the area, mate.

Fair winds,



Captain of the Tinker's Damn

  • 4 months later...
  Angus MacVox said:
when someone gives us the mp3's to put there.

Sir Angus McVox, Aye have quite a few shanties that aye would very much enjoy sharing with the other crew members. Where would ye like me's to send em?


Sir Jewels Cole


"In casa di ladri non ci si ruba." trans. "There is honour among thieves."

  Angus McVox said:
If you'd like to host MP3 files on pyracy.com for folks to enjoy, I can set up a section for that at pyracy.com/music - email vox@pyracy.com to arrange. I can also post links to your files if you already have them hosted elsewhere.

You can upload files into this forum, SEA SHANTIES - after you do so I'll eventually move them to pyracy.com/music and place a link from your post.

Ok, one of my areas of knowledge here. If you are given MP3's by the artist or have the permission of both the artist and intillectual rights holder of the song to post a MP3 you recieve you're good to go. But, posting without permission can get you into some major problems with the artist, IR holder and the RIAA. These guys are the copyright police. Maximum fine is 11k per song and 11 years in a federal penitentury. Amoung other things I'm a DJ and this is an issue that I deal with on a weekly basis.

Just a FYI.


"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in one pretty well preserved piece without an even a kiss your hand, but to skid across the line broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out, smelling of powder, shouting ARRRG!!"


Guest Angus MacVox

Oh yeah. That's true. Well that offer is recinded then unless you've got the permission...

Otherwise, just download Kazaa and share the files.


But make sure it's Kazaa _Lite_ ya download, everybody . . . the regular Kazaa program can do nasty, _nasty_ things to yer computer . . . Kazaa Lite is the same program as Kazaa but without all the "friendly" little bugs.

I am now "Captain Charlotte Savvy." Sorry for any confusion -- I'll only be making this user-name change this once! :)
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...


Under a black flag we sail

Dead men tell no tales

Cuz, X marks the spot-Ha!

All traitors shall rot

Sharin' wenches and gold

but the sea owns our souls

:rolleyes:ROW Lyrics :lol:

A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel in his pants. The bartender

says "hey, you've got a steering wheel in your pants", the pirate replies

"yarrrrr, it's driving me nuts".


I heartily raise me tot 'o grog to ye boyo fer tryin' to get them piratical MP3's out to the good listeners! There ain't been many places to be aquiring good online tuneage fer us with the piratical bent.

Maybe we can be persuadin' Skip Henderson or Mordecai (a couple of really great piratical S. F. chantymen) to put some 'o their stuff up. If ye haven't heard "Billy Bones and Other Ditties" or the "Sons of the Buccaneers" CD's, ye really be missin' out ole' swabbie.

Anyway, me hat's off to ye, matey!

Iron Jack

Iron Jack: Scourge 'o the Shores!

Some mornings, it just doesn't seem worth it to gnaw through the leather straps.

- Emo Phillips


Buccaneers Ball Info


For a limited tyme , me mateys.

Thanks for all pyratin and the like!!!!

Silverbones MP3's

get all 5 songs:

1.Water Witch

2. Terror of the Sea

3. ROW!


5. Washed Ashore

A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel in his pants. The bartender

says "hey, you've got a steering wheel in your pants", the pirate replies

"yarrrrr, it's driving me nuts".

  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I've been lookin for the disney pirates life for me thingy but cant find an mp3 anywhere

But why is the rum gone?

Save a horse ride a cowboy!

Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy

My toes are getting pruney

Also my head is round that window is square....

My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies!

Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff


*shrug i'll never find it

But why is the rum gone?

Save a horse ride a cowboy!

Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy

My toes are getting pruney

Also my head is round that window is square....

My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies!

Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff

  • 2 months later...
  Charlotte Doyle said:
But make sure it's Kazaa _Lite_ ya download, everybody . . . the regular Kazaa program can do nasty, _nasty_ things to yer computer . . . Kazaa Lite is the same program as Kazaa but without all the "friendly" little bugs.

Well... actually it does still have bugs just different ones. *stabs the evil liar who claimed it didn't have bugs which ended up killing my computer*

  • 1 month later...

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