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Pirate vs Ninja

But it's kinda an apples vs. onion kind of comparison.....

Let me guess....... it goes something like this....

"who would win in a fight between pyrates and ninjas "

" Hey you... in th' black jammies.......yah you....".... BOOM

Gun Foo beats kung foo..... :D

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  Rogue Mermaid said:
I saw a shirt at Hot Topic that said "Pirates and Ninjas don't get along". I disagree, three of my best friends are black belted ninjas.


Oh my. Do they actually refer to themselves as "black belted ninjas" or is this something you call them?


No they don't brag about it or anything. Two of them own a ninjitzu (I can't spell) school where they teach and the other one studies with them. I tried a beginner's class and one of the other students accidently hurt me by being over aggressive. I switched to Tai Bo after that :lol:

:lol: i didn't wanna put Ninja....so i brought up samurai instead. I am balanced between Ninja and Pirate.... :lol: ...I sail the seas of Japan and rob the innocents with stealth and cunning. :)
...I sail the seas of Japan and rob the innocents with stealth and cunning.

Kinda hard to sneek up on another ship unless you paint it all black...... <_<

I know there were Chineese pirates... not sure about Japaneese, but I don't think they would be ninjas..... kind of a different profession.....


Just for funzies.......

from "The Samurai a Military History" S.R. Turnbull

the Naval campaign in the Korean War 1592-1598

"But thier experience was not of the high seas, nor indeed were their ships, for the history of Japanese piracy was one of seaborne raids on coastal or river towns. Besides, most of the Japanese fleet presently engaged were essentially transport vessels, both in function and design, and the Japanese idea of a warship was no more than a floating platform for samurai.

So much for the Japanese. In contrast, the Korean vessels were warships- big, fast and, if certain obstinate Korean traditions are to be beleaved.... iron clad battleships"

"...the Koreans had no firearms in the form that the Japanese knew, i.e. arquebuses. But they were well acquainted with gunpowder, and it was in the form of cannon that Korean firepower had developed. The guns fitted to the turtle boats were about three feet long and fired either shot of steel-headed darts....With a total of fourty or more guns per ship their armament was truly formidable."


Well the Korean campaign was the closest to time period, with Naval action... (And hearing ALL about the turtle boats when I was stationed in Korea....) <_<


Yea well...I guess that'd do it!

Right now I'm tryin' t' figger out why cigarette smoke looks grey when it's really brown...

  Kalum said:
Yea well...I guess that'd do it!

Right now I'm tryin' t' figger out why cigarette smoke looks grey when it's really brown...

Oooo. Do please allow me to shed some light on this subject. The cigarette smoke is very fine particles floating in the air. These particles cause any light hitting them to diffract. Since blue light has a shorter wavelength it is more prone to scattering than red wavelength which occupy the opposite end of the spectrum. Thus while all the red/orange light passes through or is only diffracted a very small amount, the blue is scattered all over the place and we see a blueish tinge to the smoke. It's all physics.

The Duchess


Wow...thanks Duchess! :ph34r:

Didn't think anyone was gonna tackle that one...interesting how things happen ain't it?


Ok ciagrette smoke explained........ how bout this one......

If there is acid in your stomach... (to digest your food, and sometimes the stomach linning as ulcers.....)

Then why when you barf on the toe of yer boots, dosen't the acid eat through th' leather....

(does all the rum kinda cut down on the acid ?) :ph34r:

  Patrick Hand said:
Ok ciagrette smoke explained........ how bout this one......

If there is acid in your stomach... (to digest your food, and sometimes the stomach linning as ulcers.....)

Then why when you barf on the toe of yer boots, dosen't the acid eat through th' leather....

(does all the rum kinda cut down on the acid ?) :ph34r:

Well, can't help on this one. It is more biology than physics. :ph34r:

The Duchess


dang........ to drunk to think right,,, and not liking the world.... there are times when bein single just kinda sucks..... maybe tomarow it will get better... but right now.... sorru for the bad post......... just bummed..............


;) The dreaded hornies. ;)

Sometimes I feel like my life and the dreaded hornies just don't mix!

  • 2 weeks later...

Hadda epifony(sp) tonight......" we are living in heaven right now......."

then started to listen to "Hair" ... got into the music.... ( guess thats the way epifonys work................)

gave the cat (wonder what happened to the other kitty,,, maybe the racoons got it.... don't know) lots of scratchies.... and Harly the BIG dog buncha scratchies also.... they like it more that any woman I've ever met........ (see... still single........)

Pyrate... zen sh*t.... or ..... this stuff just happend............I HAVE NO STINKING IDEA........

but it is kinda fun......... :ph34r:

Want to see what happens next...... YAY................... " some times life is so wierd that it is fun.......

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