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I think that if it's not snowing after I get back from PiP, I might try to add another chunk of stove pipe at the top...... And re-tape all the joints on the flue pipe on the inside...... sheech..... and it's sopose to be an "airtight" stove...... you'd think that airtight would include smoke tight as well.......... B)

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Well th' stupid stove sorta works right now..... smoked a heck of a lot when I lit th' sucker...... but now that it's hot..... seems to be drawing....... so now (finaly) th' house be nice and warm.... (it could be the effects o' th' rum tho....)

anyways...... I be off ter bed...... read a bit.......then work again tomarrow... (onna Sunday no less...........)


So I had a botched encounter with the boyfriend this weekend....

I know that he likes motorcycling and women in tight leather get-ups (think Trinity) - and he always has some skank ...er I mean girl... on a sportbike as his desktop picture. So I thought I'd surprise him. Last Friday I showed up in all black - leather pants, a leather bodice, high heeled boots and my leather motorcycle jacket. All he did was say, "Why are you dressed like that?". So I asked if he liked it. He said something along the lines of: yeah, I looked good. Then he went back to painting his living room wall.


  Patrick Hand said:
Well th' stupid stove sorta works right now..... smoked a heck of a lot when I lit th' sucker...... but now that it's hot..... seems to be drawing....... so now (finaly) th' house be nice and warm.... (it could be the effects o' th' rum tho....)

anyways...... I be off ter bed...... read a bit.......then work again tomarrow... (onna Sunday no less...........)

Patrick,I find that when I first light up my fireplaces downstairs, it helps to "prime the pump" by placing something on top of your initial fire lay that burns hot and fast. Sort of like putting tinder on top as well as on bottom. This seems to give an initial charge of hot air up the chimney and that hot air draws the rest up after it. Works for me anyway, and the downstairs chimneys are about thirty feet tall, so it takes a little push to drive the colder initial air up.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...



Humans are strange animals, I stopped trying to figure them out a long time ago. I do know that there are some people, both male and female, who divide their fantasy lives from their real lives. What they fantasize about stays in the fantasy world and when the real world somehow slips over into the fantasy world they are thrown off and tend to react like your boyfriend did. There's nothing wrong with these people but I agree it can be annoying! Normally these are people who are still looking for who they truly are. You can take comfort in the fact that regardless of how much they claim otherwise if ANYthing out of their fantasy lives (imagine Trinity) were to show up on their door they would react the same way: dazed and confused.

Then again, there are those that will not accept what they consider fantasies because they believe that whatever is in the fantasy is above them, not for their actual consumption.

Then again, maybe this guy has come to see you in one light so much that he has trouble seeing you in another. Who knows?

Wondering as I wander meself,


"In the end, it's not the gold that sets our sails,

'Tis freedom and the promise of a better life

That raises our black flags."


its sorta like if you suddenly woke up on a pirate ship. yes, we all pretend to be pirates, we like to dress the part, act the part, and say we'd like to have been pirates, but would you like to be dropped suddenly into the 1680s, you'd probably be none too happy.

  tishsparrow said:
but would you like to be dropped suddenly into the 1680s, you'd probably be none too happy.

Oh, I dunno.... I occasionally drop m'self into th' 1750's.... only thing that really cheapens it is the 21st century folks starin' at me.... :lol:

That and the fact that most of the food I have is not hand butchered by me...

All else I could live without... mostly...


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins


  Blackbead said:
Humans are strange animals, I stopped trying to figure them out a long time ago.

Very true. Besides, at least now I know not to waste my money on fancy underpants!!! :lol:

Maybe it's a case of your classic Madonna/whore complex. He wants the second in bed and the Virgin Mary when he's painting the wall :lol:

  Red Handed Jill said:
why is there an international date line and who decided where it would be.........

I got a picture of the nimitz crossing the dateline. If I could figure out how to attach it I would.

" Never knock on Heaven's door. Ring the bell and run. He hates that"

' Whatever is not nailed down is MINE. Whatever I can pry loose, is not nailed down."


To post a photo, it has to be on the web first. Then you can post a link to it, biker. If it's only on your hard drive, you can't put it directly into a post as far as I know. (You can put it in as your avatar or in your user profile, however. (You can see this by clicking on the "My Controls" link near the top of the page. It's kind of awkward for referring people in a post, tho')

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"



I agree most whole-heartedly, Christine. And it's getting even worse during these days of gender role re-definition. I'm sure you've heard the term "metro-sexual." It's a heterosexual man who is in touch with his feminine side, who loves to drink in the beauty of a sunset and who loves to tell his woman how he truly feels. Funny how we have to label everything these days and how we have to come up with a new name for a man who likes to tell his woman that he loves her.

Ah, well, it all be a wild time here on the Main!


"In the end, it's not the gold that sets our sails,

'Tis freedom and the promise of a better life

That raises our black flags."

  • 2 weeks later...
  Christine said:
Men are just as weird as women, sometimes even more so.  They can be just as moody.  :)

yargh! It (if I may be so bold so as to say this which is an expalnation of that which was attempted to be taught to me during a time in my life I am so lucky to have made it out of) be that, we, all humans are animals and though through education ( brain training ) we are losing grasp of the instincts our predessesors lived off of. Hunting and pillaging were where (in your medium of of place and time) you were influenced by the same moons tides and solar unity. The entire animal and insect kingdom is fully in tune to these changes but we have moved away from this. Humanity has gone week! Changes in barrometric pressure instagates eating more and more often. To say men are moody? yes! yes they are, as influenced once even sometimes twice a month by the moons and tides. It has nothing to do with job, security, love or anything its just the moon is close and pressure in the atmosphere jumped up and voila, moody is the result! I would love to be a mountain man but all that I know about survival is overfowing to a shot glass sized losing effort. We are trying to find "it" though. That one thing that walks right up and smacks you in the face? The secret (and I'm not saying I'm even capable of this but) it's knowing what "it" is and acting upon it before it slips away. Moody yes thank you!

For Blackbeads sake. I guess I'm gonna need a name because:

Rummy! I love you with every ounce of my body, mind and soul.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

  Diego Santana de la Vega said:
...we, all humans are animals and though through education ( brain training ) we are losing grasp of the instincts our predessesors lived off of. ...Humanity has gone week!

Or has improved dramatically from its former state. Depends on your perspective. I'd have been dead long ago had we not improved (and made ourselves able to invent things like insulin pumps) through education.

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"


  Caraccioli said:
  Diego Santana de la Vega said:
...we, all humans are animals and though through education ( brain training ) we are losing grasp of the instincts our predessesors lived off of. ...Humanity has gone week!

Or has improved dramatically from its former state. Depends on your perspective. I'd have been dead long ago had we not improved (and made ourselves able to invent things like insulin pumps) through education.

Me own thoughts exactly.....it's called evolution or progress....don't think I want ta go back ta livin' like a caveman.....

don't think I want ta go back ta livin' like a caveman.....

I read somewhere, that Early Humans only had to work four hours per day to survive....... they had lots of time to tell storys, loaf and goof around.....


Shotgun burst topics

1 Medievil Total War is beter than Rome Total War.

2 Anyone know a good ECW history site (I'm guessing Foxe might) I'm most intrested in unit types and ranks

3 Once saw a show that said medievil peasnts worked less to support themselves than do moderen man (still wouldn't trade with em)

4 Wish one of me friends was into war games so I could test out some of these rules I've moded to work with the hex system

5 Why is it that a Cambridge proffesor on the history channel (roman expert) reminds me of Caraccioli

6 Wish I had gotten the chance to see more of the History channels show last night about Caliguas (Thats gotta be misspelled but my net is acting up and I can't get to gogle to check it) pleasure barges.

7 Why is it that Captian Twill seems to be as stop and go as the movie quotes game

8 Why is it there are so many pathetic little musems around here that never do anything. Why not use props instead of real artifacts and try to make an intresting display every once in a while.

Just some weird thoughts running through me head and one last one God's speed Richard Pryor and thanks for all the laughs.



For the record, I know next to nothing about Rome. (I know nothink! Nothink!) But I apparently sound like Yosemite Sam to some people around here. :lol:

I heard somewhere that the amount of productive time we spend at work is less than 5 or 6 hours a day. (This excludes time going for coffee, using the restroom, chatting with fellow workers, calling home to see what's for dinner, reading fool posts like this one, etc.)

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"


8 Why is it there are so many pathetic little musems around here that never do anything. Why not use props instead of real artifacts and try to make an intresting display every once in a while.

I can't remember the name of it.... It's the musem that Steve Wooznick (apple computer) had set-up ... an exploritorium.... hand on stuff for kids.... one of my ex-girlfriends , her daughter, and I went there, and it was fun.... I didn't play on the fire truck, but the corn husk dolls (well I made a voodo doll) and all the other stuff was lots of fun.

They also have a kids "hands on" at the Smithsonionan ....

To bad there are not more "Hand on" exibits for adults.... (well realy Big kids....

:ph34r: )


Dang fireplace... still smoking....

But I think I have it figured out....right now, when I light it, even with a well laied kindling base,(and flammible liquids....) it just wont start... if I open the door so it can get some air, the smoke billows out the thing (not up the chimney....)

So tomarrow (when it's cool,) I'm going to drill a few holds at the base of it so it can get some air.....

I'm going to get the (%*$&&%**#(((#$ ! to work one way or the other.....



YAH..... I got the dang fireplace working........

I took the whole thing apart.... checked and cleaned it out... looked up the chimney with a flashlight, and could see all the way to the top..... then climbed up on the roof...... and discovered that the spark arestor was compleatly solid with carbon...... poked it all out with a nail and cleared it...... then started a fire......... IT FINALY DRAWS.............

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