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Aye Lass.... I have always found that a square (or as the Limeys call it a "Reef") Knot works best fer me. Keeps 'er taught and wont come undone unless ye want 'er ta. Also just yer basic O'er-hand knot does the trick-so long as you place both ends tergether and tie it double and you have plenty o' material ter work with....

- 10 Fathoms Deep on the Road to Hell... Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum...


Try dropping a line to Designs_By_Janelle@comcast.net. I bought my headscarves from her, and their great. They're actually oversized "3-point" cotton bandanas, and you can use them for more than headcoverings. She sells them for $15 plus shipping.

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


Heres how ye do it! Now fold yer square in half at the diagnol. Now pull the bottom half down several inches. In other words ye have a small triangle on top of a bigger triangle.

When tied over yer head, ye have a bigger tail. Tie off with a reef knott.


Those destined to hang, shall not fear drowning


...so here's my concern when I was tying me beau's silk scarf on his head, after taking the two diagonal edges and tying the knot, what do you do with the center point material, do you make sure it is tied into the knot over it and around it...this is what I am not sure about...the third end of material.....can ye fella's help me out here....

thanks to all that have responded so far....

~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx



Yah... that end gets tucked under the knot. If you twist the ends first, you can get it to fit better. And if the weather is hot, soakiing the whole thing in water then tieing it makes it fit better, and is much cooler.....


Ye be welcome missy. Ifin yer still 'avin questions, I will be wearin' a headscarf at Corona and can show you how it be tied.

Guest ScurveySeaDog
Tuck it under the knot.

and dont wear them in compton


Compton has absolutely no relevance here.

back on topic:

I really need to get me a period-style bandana... the one I wear now is a modern do-rag. :lol:


Captain of the Iron Lotus

It is the angle that holds the rope, not the size of the hole.
the one I wear now is a modern do-rag

Do-rags and Dome tents........ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh......!

Sorry, it's just a personel rant I have against them....... :lol:

I was going to write a how to tie a scarf (head-rag) on my web page, then decided maybe not, but now, maybe I will (along with my rant against do-rags..... :D )


Capt. Mac., I dug around in me drawers were I store antique silk scarves and boiled it down to one for me beau to wear to the fair this weekend. It is mostly white with a tiny black paisley design with faint pink and lt. blue, and show's it's age. It has a soft color and texture to it and even a bit of a teensy few holes in the ends, just to make it look ragged enough for a seadawg to be sportin. If you don't want that new bandana look check second hand or antique shops and peruse the silk scarves you may find one that has a more period or aged feel to it.

~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx



As a general comment, silk is often a very "slippery" material and you may have trouble getting it to stay put. Particularly when wearing it over hair.


That's what I love about those cotton 3-point bandanas. Tie it on, no fuss, no muss. And the long tails keep the sun off your neck nicely. :)

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


Aye, I'm going to get me a more period-style bandana... just haven't gotten around to it yet. :lol:

And I have a french double-bell wedge pavilion tent... no dome tents here... :rolleyes:


Captain of the Iron Lotus

It is the angle that holds the rope, not the size of the hole.

OK.... Rant here....... "I HATE DO-RAGS............" and dome tents... when I was in the SCA.....well they have no "period camp"... set up a nice camp, but the Eric is already full.... so whereeles..... anyway... set it up, wake up the next morning souronded by DANG DOME TENTS........

You get a chunk of cloth..... just a little less that a yard wide..28" or there about.... fold if in half....(diagongoly or something spelled that way) put the center of it agenst yer forehead..... pull the other ends around yer 'ed..... tie a knot.... and you have a head-rag/scarf.......

OK... what I wear is just cotton.... Wally-World special..... $2.00 per yard.....

So for $2.00 I have a head-rag/ scarf..... its all in how you tie the sucker.......... I wanna get sone silk... but as Duchess says..... might be a bit slipery.... but iff it can hold a knot.... it should work.......


I've been makin' me own rags for a few years now as I have a big head :ph34r:

Basically I go to walmart (*shudders) and buy a yard of material. I cut it in half and hem the edges to make a 3 point bandana.

All I do is tie it in the back in a square knot with the tail tucked underneath the knot.

  • 2 weeks later...

Intresting point about bandana tying, I'd never thought about it really, i use a good old fashioned Granny Knot!


A Granny knot Bleddyn! Get ye back on land boy! Turn one of yer second knot around and ye will have a propper reef knot!

Granny knot indeed! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Those destined to hang, shall not fear drowning

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