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What you be eating right this second?


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You can learn alot about a person from what they eat, atleast I've heard that somewhere :P . Well, whats the last thing you put in your pie-whole? Or what yea'be eating right now?

For me, toast, it's 5:33am so I had toast.

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Jest past midday 'ere...

Had a smoked ham on wheat sammich... an' a wee cherry pie...


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins


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Just had some really hard brakeable jerky, yet it did leave a good after taste in me mouth, then some breadstick things with cheese, the kind that come in the packs... Now it's time fer some swedish fish candy

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Yer killin' me....

Tha' sounds a fine meal...

Three hours til I c'n even think about th' evenin' meal...


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins


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Steak smothered in italian seasonings and garlic with a side of green beans.

i'll have what he's having! :lol:

~snow :D

with faith, trust and pixiedust, everything is possible ;)

if it be tourist season, why can't we shoot them?

IWG #3057 - Local 9

emmf steel rose player - bella donna, 2005

improv cast member and dance instructor - fort tryon medieval festival

lady neige - midsummer renaissance faire

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I don't know about where you are, but this heat it killing me, some fresh fruit would be nice.

Oooh ... some fresh strawberries or ice-cold watermelon sounds lovely right about now ... I've been chowing down on brownies all day whilst working on a Pointless Homework Assignment, and the idea of fresh fruit sounds lovely by comparison ...

Damn, now I'm hungry. :lol:

"Pirates ... were of that old breed of rover whose port lay always a little farther on, a little beyond the skyline ... if they lived riotously let it be urged in their favor that at least they lived."

~ John Masefield

Those who live by the sword, get shot instead.


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i know i was wishing for what sir william was having, but, truth be told, i just had mac 'n cheese. william's looked a whole lot better - medium raw mmmmmmmmmmmm :lol:

~snow :D

with faith, trust and pixiedust, everything is possible ;)

if it be tourist season, why can't we shoot them?

IWG #3057 - Local 9

emmf steel rose player - bella donna, 2005

improv cast member and dance instructor - fort tryon medieval festival

lady neige - midsummer renaissance faire

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  • 3 weeks later...

chocolate chip cookie dough! mmmmmmmm :rolleyes:

~snow :D

with faith, trust and pixiedust, everything is possible ;)

if it be tourist season, why can't we shoot them?

IWG #3057 - Local 9

emmf steel rose player - bella donna, 2005

improv cast member and dance instructor - fort tryon medieval festival

lady neige - midsummer renaissance faire

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but she did take it all in stride and isn't holding it against you!

~snow :D

with faith, trust and pixiedust, everything is possible ;)

if it be tourist season, why can't we shoot them?

IWG #3057 - Local 9

emmf steel rose player - bella donna, 2005

improv cast member and dance instructor - fort tryon medieval festival

lady neige - midsummer renaissance faire

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