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  I cant speak for blender???????

  I will bo going to faire that week end for sure.

Speaking of Blender, I haven't seen her around here for a while. I hope she's okay.

Blender is doing fine and well,as a matter of fact she has a new job and very happy

She will not be able to making it to Pa for pirate weekend.

And I may not be able to go either.....Money is tie and gas for a 2 hour road trip and back is alot these days. I Do want to make so bad though!!!!!!!!!

but I just won't know till the last minute,My little pirates birthbay is the weekend before.and she comes first....

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For what it's worth, my boys and I will probably be there Sunday.

WARNING: Since I'm in "monk mode" if you see me and say "HI" and I just grunt, please don't get upset - it's nothing personal - just a phase I'm going through. :ph34r::ph34r:

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius


To bad you cannot make Saturday. That is the only time I can go otherwise the powder monkeys do not have any down time during the weekend and I here it Monday morning. I'm tired, I need more sleep Blah, blah blah. :lol: You know how kids get.

Sealegs Constance

I am what I am


Sorry, ladies -

Saturday's a big work day for me, and I don't have enough pieces of eight to blow it off. Maybe we'll meet up somewhere else sometime...

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

Are any of the MD folks (Crimson, Blender, et al) still planning on camping near PARF on the night of the 20th/21st? If so, let me know your plans. I'd like to at least visit the encampment, maybe even reserve a spot myself.

Alas Sir Nick, Blender will be away and I be at the shore with the wee ones. We will be wit all of ye in spirit.

Rotten, evil, no-good plotting, spoon-fed, going-to-hell-in-a-handbasket lass!

Always trying to bury that little devil on my shoulder and go to the angelic side -

even if just for a moment - choking down whatever evil scheme I was plotting!!!!


A Fine Crew Indeed

My Webpage-----Pyrate Invasion at PARF-2004-----MDRF 2004 Opening Day

  I cant speak for blender???????

  I will bo going to faire that week end for sure.

Speaking of Blender, I haven't seen her around here for a while. I hope she's okay.

She actually has a new job and has been quite busy before that happened. I am sure she will pop back in soon.

Rotten, evil, no-good plotting, spoon-fed, going-to-hell-in-a-handbasket lass!

Always trying to bury that little devil on my shoulder and go to the angelic side -

even if just for a moment - choking down whatever evil scheme I was plotting!!!!


A Fine Crew Indeed

My Webpage-----Pyrate Invasion at PARF-2004-----MDRF 2004 Opening Day

For what it's worth, my boys and I will probably be there Sunday.

WARNING: Since I'm in "monk mode" if you see me and say "HI" and I just grunt, please don't get upset - it's nothing personal - just a phase I'm going through. :lol::lol:

Ooh ooh - i loooooooooove a good game of "Tempt the Monk"

Ooh ooh - i loooooooooove a good game of "Tempt the Monk"

Sorry, M'lady...

With all due respect, I've been worked on by the best in the field, and they failed miserably.

"Let steeping monks lie..."

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

Sorry, M'lady...

With all due respect, I've been worked on by the best in the field, and they failed miserably.

Goodness, dear, that sounds like something of a challenge. Don't underestimate the Weasel's ability to tempt <_<


Alright, alright. The final count is in, and I shall be there with FULL RETINUE! Yes ladies and gentlemen that is right, on Sunday, You shall see:

1 The (great) Captain William Alucard (myself)

2 First mate Dase Frost

3 Helmsman Dent

4 Ships doctor Paeregrine Bombin

5 Boozemonkey Salty Bob (Yay Salty Bob!)

6 Our Cabin Boy (but not in a creepy way)

7 Musketeer Dragus

8 Bilge Rat Brigg

9 Our Freeloading Wench (my sister, she's awesome)

10The Helmsmans Wench

11Our resident Assasain Dante Rubindale

12Maybe our Piper and his wench

13And the Captains wench if he can aquire one

So if you see 11-ish teenagers all dressed and armed to the teeth, that'll the crew of good 'ol The Good Ship Interfearance. If you see us, throw up a "Woa TGSI!" or something of the like and we'll answer back with an "AAAAYYYYHH!"


Ugh! What's the deal with all this monk talk! More than one guy I know was talking that way over the weekend. If anything it was just for attention cuz all us women around were like, "awwww....don't talk like that!" Yup, just the reaction he wanted-lol! <_<

Ugh! What's the deal with all this monk talk! More than one guy I know was talking that way over the weekend. If anything it was just for attention cuz all us women around were like, "awwww....don't talk like that!" Yup, just the reaction he wanted-lol! :lol:

Aha - i thought i smelled a trap - :D

Ugh! What's the deal with all this monk talk! More than one guy I know was talking that way over the weekend. If anything it was just for attention cuz all us women around were like, "awwww....don't talk like that!" Yup, just the reaction he wanted-lol! :lol:

Just trying to save Ms. Weasel from wasting her time... :lol:

And, if you're surrounded by women while you're saying it, it doesn't really hold water, does it now? As I said (and now say) it, I'm surrounded by library patrons of a decidedly male pursuasion, and one lady who is about 78 years old.

...and I might be a bottom-feeder, but I'm not THAT low.

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

Anyone heading up for opening weekend?

Opening weekend at PARF, I'll be there on Sunday with a couple of non-pirate type friends, though I myself most definitely will be pirate garbed. If you see a brown tricorn with little gold-leaf cutlasses around the edge, that'd be me.

The Dread Pyrate MacAnselan

aka Mick


i'll be looking for ye'all on sunday! cant wait to meet the people on here! i'll try to look for the black spot buttons, but i wont be able to get one on time so... just look for a blue corset, black skirt, white shirt. and the look of a teenager who is completely fed up with the insane people she's with. and brown hair. thats about it.


Won't be making it for Pirates weekend, just too much going on in August around the house here. I hope to get out some time in September. Actually a nearby town has it's own "Pirates Day" festival on Sept 10th so I plan on attending that, in garb of course. Went last year and only seen one guy dressed up so I'm hoping to see a few more characters roaming the streets this year.

Have a great time @PARF! :lol:


Keep an eye out for more updates....Blenderwench will be the one with the info as it grows closer.As far as I know the is open to all comers<but it is also a go gard event.After the days events are over there will be a Big pub crawl starting from 'One Eyed Mikes' .This is if nothing has changed..... :(

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