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  Nelson Cooke said:
You bloaks are PAYING for hotel rooms? I need one too. Maybe we can pirate the Ramada. If that doesn't work, as a fallback, how much of a disadvantage trafficwise and crap like that, would it be to stay at a place three or four miles out?


Pirates Of Pensacola

If ye can stay fer free with friends or relations in the area, or ye can find ye cheaper lodgin's four knots inland, 'n' ye have some knowledge o' navigatin' the area (or at least can read an infernal chart), bunk where ye can do so 'n' saves yer booty...that be Morgan's wisdom on the matter. :)

At yer bloody service,

Nathaniel "Gute" Morgan

Buccaneer, Brigand, & Cutthroat

Plundering the Spanish Main Since 1701®

"Refuse that, 'n' ye've seen th' last o' me but musket balls."


Bummer! :wub:

It seems it be about a 6.5 hour trip for me and the wife won't allocate the funds needed for spending the weekend, spent everything on our pending FLA trip, so I's wont be headin' down. Have fun and take a bunch o pictures.


Firethorn luv, donna feel bad. I also have to bow out o' this event this year. We just got a new DVD PLAYER with a Grand Caravan SXT attached to it.....along with the payments. The results from which we wuz rammed in our hind quarters by a SUV while in the middle lane of the highway traveling at 55 mph on a Saturday afternoon. Twas worse on the passenger side than the drivers. I have Physical Therepy to go to for a couple o' weeks. Seems our trips this year will be day ones......

Mad Woman Cheryl

By Odin's mighty spear, I hereby snap and go berzerk!!!"


Sorry ta hear about yer misfortune milady, here's ta a speedy recovery aye. :wub:

I hope ta see ya's at the pirates day at MDRF this summer in garb. :)

  • 3 weeks later...

tis' a bloddy shame to see such fine pyratical friends taking their absence so early.......wish you friends would hit the jackpot and join us will be a shame to miss.....................but we shall raise a flaggon in your honor shall be a grande time........and to all ye' who are attending we shall see you see you soon in hampton and a speedy recover to you m'lady

Mr. Steele

Master at Arms

Blackbeards Crew


Hoists her tankard (fill with coffee cuz, hey, for me, it's early!)

Aye! Though only fer Laaaaate saturday night and sunday.

"Show me a man with a tattoo, and I'll show you a man with an interesting past." ~Jack London

Life is a Circus, and I am the Human Cannonball.


Ay, me & Jim will be sailing down from Yorktown, Pa., & staying @ the Radisson. So, we can crawl back to our room after the grand pyrate ball.

We went last year, and had a jolly-good time ( at least what we can remember)

See ya swabs @ the ball


Together we shall sail the sea, best friends we'll always be. But, if we should ever disagree, the hell with you, and hurray for me.

:o I be making final plans to be at this fest. Only a few hours west - but would be finding a campground for the weekend. I have spyed out 1 or 2 to consider but would reward some good information with a rum or 2. :o

You can ner' have enough sand in yer stew.


Check southwest airlines. www.southwest.com

It all depends if they fly to the airports that you're looking for, but they're usually really freakin' cheap, and you can pick which flights you want. i fly with them really often, 'cause they're so cheap.

"Work is the curse of the drinking classes."


Dang..... don't think I will be going.... couldn't get the info to my boss in time......... rats......

(of course the up side of this is I maybe be able to buy another gun...... so Ok... not so bad.....)

  Indigojack said:
Ay, me & Jim will be sailing down from Yorktown, Pa., & staying @ the Radisson. So, we can crawl back to our room after the grand pyrate ball.

We went last year, and had a jolly-good time ( at least what we can remember)

See ya swabs @ the ball


It'll be good to see you folks - it's been too long!

Captain Duncan McGuyver

Crew Of The Vigilant

Baltimore Maryland Based

17th & 18th Century Naval Living History

Crew Of The Vigilant

The Juryrig

MDRF Based Social & Renfaire Crew

The Juryrig

Port Tortuga

A Piracy based Pennsic household

B09 Block, The Highlands (Up Hill & Left)

Port Tortuga


Ahoy, fellow scallywags! I have not had a chance to post on this forum for a while. However, I must say that I attended the Blackbeard Festival last year and had the time of me life! In fact, I had such a great time I hauled off and officially joined the crew of the Kalmar Nyckel, which I first cast me eyes on at last year's festivities! Aye, it was love at first sight, I tell ye!!

Of course, I will be at the Pirate Ball on Friday night. (Frankly, I am not sure if that is a "pirate ball" or a "pirate brawl," although with our crowd, they are the same thing!!) Also, you can look for me on the ship---I will be helping out with tours on Saturday and Sunday. Just ask for Cutthroat Kate.

Is a group planning to meet at a certain time at Hampton? It would be great if we all could meet to raise a pint :D at the ball or sometime during the festival.

Smooth sailing til then! Aye, mates. :D


Ahoy Mates,

Cap'n Pern 'ere,

I am sailing into port this afternoon, on the "Freedom Row" with Mr. Steele. We will be starting the setup of the pirate encampment at 0600 on Friday Morning in between scattered Showers.

You will see the members o' Blackbeard's Crew on the Stage at the Pirates Ball, Just let us know yer from Pyracy.com and we'll get together ta raise our flagons!! The rest of the weekend we will be running around doing sea battles and other skits. The period dinner on Saturday night may also be a good time to raise another pint.

See ya there!!!

Cap'n Pern


:D question for those who have been there before me - what can newbies do to volunteer for this event. There is some information on the website - just not enough. Will there be someone in charge to speak to this for the 06 event?


if it burns blue, drink it

You can ner' have enough sand in yer stew.

  Diego Santana de la Vega said:
Ifin ye gots a website there at merricks send me the link ifin ye will?

My apologies for not getting back to ya. I don't get on the forums enough. Seems our website has sunk so let me say if your interested contact me directly.



Well the festival wa a smashing success again this year. Hats off to the Blackbeard Crew for hosting the event, and allowing some of us "visiting pirates" to join in the fun. It was great to see some of the PP people there, in particular Stinky Tudor (and family) and Indigo Jack and Jim. I will have the pictures I took during the weekend posted shortly, and will provide a link.


The Pictures Are Up:

The Juryrig's Pictures From The Hampton Blackbeard Festival

Captain Duncan McGuyver

Crew Of The Vigilant

Baltimore Maryland Based

17th & 18th Century Naval Living History

Crew Of The Vigilant

The Juryrig

MDRF Based Social & Renfaire Crew

The Juryrig

Port Tortuga

A Piracy based Pennsic household

B09 Block, The Highlands (Up Hill & Left)

Port Tortuga


we had a great time what a great crew we met in the jury rig ... we were made to feel very welcome ....josh the scourge and i will be there again with more advanced notice before next year's event




Twas the most fun I've had in 30 years. Me first er' pirate event I arrived with little idea what to expect. The welcome of the pirates in camp was great - even fer us tourists. Wish I could claim to be a pirate - maybe next year. By the end of the weekend I at least looked like a pirate.

Thanks to all there -

Has anyone seen my bottle of rum??? ;)

Willie the rum runner

You can ner' have enough sand in yer stew.



Thank you to all who travelled to Hamptontowne to attend the Festival. I hope that you felt welcome and enjoyed your time on our fair city.

Thank you also for the photos.

Next year's event will be June 3 & 4 with the Ball on Friday the 2nd. Please mark your log books.

Huzzah! :huh:

Billy Flynt

Blackbeard's Crew

Master of Events

"Now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates. " - Mark Twain

  • 2 weeks later...

we're making a new period tent to join the encampment next year rather than staying at the family campground available on langley air force base 4 miles (5-6 mins) from the harbour .... :lol:

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