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Beyond the Golden Gate!


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We sailed out underneath the Golden Gate bridge and out onto the open sea... what a spectacular sail!!! It was beautifully clear day with warm weather and rolling swells.

Black dolphins leapt from the water in front of us, seals swam alongside looking for treats, and flocks of various waterfowl flew, swam and dived around us.

As always, we were armed to the teeth and fired on the Hawaiian Chieftain on our way out of the Gate- This produced a very loud, very shrill scream from one of the Chieftain's passengers- At least we THINK it was a passenger, as we've never known the crew to scream in high feminine cries when we fired on them before. Although I suppose there is a first time for everything, right?!!!

(just kidding around, I mean it all in good fun!!) :ph34r:

Click to see the Royaliste's guns being fired

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


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Methinks that be a grand idea ye have there... would be great to pull up alongside with a boat full o' rogueishly clad pirates brandishing cutlasses and flintlocks and let the tourists get an eyefull upclose, eh?!!

"Look Martha! Those swords are made out of metal!!!"


-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


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Guest Angus MacVox

truly spectacular photos. I'm going to have to schedule my next california vacation in accord with yer itenerary royaliste!

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:) Always available for Brethren,Mate! :ph34r: ..and with out a lot of words, it looked 'bad' that morning, the Hawaiian Chieftain turned back, due to heavy fog.But, Sailing is always a crap shoot, we had the marine forcast, and we took our chance, and, man, it paid off in spades..Wish every time I took out guests,it was like this....but, the Sea is always a mystery, you have to keep confronting it for rewards.......a lot of days like this now, tho, until the rains come...

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great pictures!!!

what type of craft is the Hawaiian Chieftan?

Capt Weaver

"No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; for being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned. A man in jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company. "

Dr. Samuel Johnson

Capt Weaver's Pirate Perversions

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A Richards designed,built in the late 70's 65' on deck ,steel hulled,twin keeled, merchant imitation Gaff-rigged square tops'l ketch.Built in Hawaii for the tourist trade. There are three Square Tops'l ketches on the Tallship Registry. All on the West Coast, two here in S.F. Bay, one So. Cal. Alphabetically, the Argus, Hawaiian Chieftain, and the Royaliste. :ph34r:

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I always love it when you post pics from going out on the Royaliste... it's almost like I'm there! And the girls never miss any video involving the firing of the cannons! You made my day, thanks!

"You have a woman's skin, m'lord! I'll wager that hides never been rubbed with salt and flayed off to make stockin's for a pirates best cabin boy!"

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Ahoy Mates :ph34r:

Ah but it would take just a breeze and a whisper to get me to leave work today to head to the Royaliste.

As Captain said, you gotta take your chances with the sea and sailing, fog, rain, swells and hail, it don't matter at all when your sailin....

Now for the Hawaiian Chieftain, its purty to look at and it might be great to sit on but???? Do ya just wanna sit or do you want to SAIL.

Then we have the Royaliste!

Set to be sailed, ready to fire, quick to board! She's the Queen of the Bay!


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Glad you're enjoying the photos and hope that some of you will be out for a sail!

Poor Saber, on the way to work this morning I looked at him and said...

"ye' know love, if we just headed north on 101 instead of turning off, we could be sailing within an hour or so."

It was an unkind suggestion on a day when we're going 8am to 10pm non-stop and then a brutal mountain commute home. I'm afraid I've ruined his day and now the tie around his neck feels like a noose!

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


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Oh the Pain

On the drama

Oh Crap I'm at work!!!! :ph34r:

I can feel the double wisor tightening around my next, the chair below my bottom begin to sway to and fro, soon it will be time to meet the Land Captain of the School...

Perhaps its a day to dance with the Captain's daughter.


OH do I miss being on the sea.

Landlocked Saber :ph34r:

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What wonderous pictures!!! I can smell the salt aire even here in smog shrouded Burbank. :ph34r:

Claire, you've an artisit's eye without peer! :ph34r:

(even felt a twinge of sea sick!) :ph34r:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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So.... your saying that the sight of your ships figurehead hurling her lunch off the bow of yer ship would... be detrimental to the Royaliste's reputation huh??? :ph34r:


You may be right!! :ph34r:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Arrr. The Royaliste be a fine ship, sez I. Being a Bay Area Pirate, meself...I would love to see her sail along the Barbary coast in person some day! The engravings ye posted on the wall (over all the well aged maps) be truly spectacular! B)


YARRR! The Oktober be silent now! Just call me "REDD!"

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