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*Sigh* The more you learn....

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...the less you know.

Does anyone else just feel overwhelmed here sometimes, when studying early 18th century seafaring life? Geez, I swear the more I learn the more questions it brings up. So many dead ends, so much we'll never know. So many texts still to read...it makes the head spin! Hopefully in 20 years I feel like I can call myself an expert on GAOP. And I've been studying it like a madman for 10 years already!


Well I think it is a damn good sign that you feel like that.

A person can know enough to fill ten encyclopaedias, but if they don't realise that they still know only a small minority of what there is to be known, then they will remain a fool in my eyes.

On a subject of little relevance to pirates (except to Belladonna Bess, who has an unhealthy interest in botany), I once worked with a man who is by any account a botanical expert, and perhaps one of the greats (well he is my personal hero anyway).

Never once did I see him bothered when he couldn't answer a question or made a mistake, if he was stumped he would say so (ok I know it was a rare event, but I did see it happen).

He was also not so great that he couldn't ask the opinion of a lowly bilge rat (or technician as I was officially titled) like myself. He is still learning and doing valuable work in botany, and he is now about 75.

If ye think ye have a lot to learn - YE BE RIGHT!

But that's a good thing.

Belladonna Bess (who is new to this whole pirate research thing but is disturbingly knowledgable about poisonous plants)


I agree completely the more you research the more questions that arise everything from the big ones to the minute day to day affairs and if you are like me that researches from mid 15th Century through the early 1800s the permutations and keeping things straight is somewhat difficult however, it is interesting to say how common sense, naval tradition and mythos (superstition) spanned from the early days through even today. When I get too wrapped up in research I just ask myself what might seem an odd question. "If I was put in those conditions with those resources what would I do?" The interesting thing is that after posing that question and revising my line of research I am able to quickly find supporting evidence to match simple common sense based on naval tradition and mythos (superstition).

Cap'n Sin


I really,really hate it when, after deep research on a particular vessel or spec. or factoid on a particular ship, I finally arrive at a half a dozen or so all 'official' signed off versions of what is factual, and hardly any of it jives!!...Jeesh!..Bloody historians, and their own 'agendas'!........


Yeah! exactly! Researching a niche in history like ours is like sticking your head a little too far down the rabbit hole, and you get stuck. You can't get any farther down, but can't wriggle back out the way you came. So you hang in limbo.


Yer absolutely right, shipmate. I reckon that's why far too many are content with being Aargh! pirates, rather than learning serious history. :blink:

Capt. William

"The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"


Yeah but I've learned far too many fascinating things to ever go back to being an Argh Pirate. :)

Hey LOOK - It's Nick Fury! John, I've sort of reached that very conclusion to dig deeper than ever and tumble headlong into that hole.


While involved researching various nautical themes / vessels, some recurring themes pertain to the political back stabbing, selfish-ego motivation, & government scapegoats. After spending hours reading these historical accounts, I'll pick up the day's newspaper & go: "Hey, I was just reading this!"


Mates, the more Ye Learn, the More Ye Learn there is to Learn-if Ye Takes My Meanin'.

:blink: RtR :D

"For I have dipped My Hands in Muddy Waters, and Must a Pirate be- A short but Merry Life shall be My Motto!"- Bartholomew Roberts


And as long as yer learnin' yer alive, once ya stop, yer dead. :blink:

Not that that made any sense...

BTW - I learned a long time ago that it's ARRR - not ARRRRGH....ARRRRGH (var. Aaauugh) is the sound ya make JUST before ya stop learnin'...*see above, or Black Beast of Aaauugh

Now, as far as the 'Arrrr' Pirates go, I think I can speak fer some of 'em since I'm somewhere in between on this matter. I LOVE the authenticity angle, and I LOVE learning...HOWEVER...if I REALLY wanna have fun at an event, I don't want to be bogged down with worry about the accuracy of my costume. For me, it comes down to my OCD - if I can't be 100% accurate, I'll fret and fuss and drive myself nuts - it's all or nuttin' fer me....so sometimes (for the sake of my own sanity) I say, '#$@!% it' and dress the way I bloody well please!

ARRRRR!! So there!




One of the realy great things about replying to threads, is I can type with my toungue furmly in cheek.... :lol:

Thought on Aaaargh....

I'm going to be in the Dublin CA. parade in two weeks, in the past when people see a pyrate, they will gleefully yell aaargh.... and I usuly respond back the same... but now that I know better, the next person who yell aargh at me I will give them a minimum 15 minute disertation on how unauthentic that is, followed by more information that pyrated Did NOT wear ear rings, nor make people walk the plank. If I have time before thier eyes glaze over, I might even explain how pirates looked exactly the same as regular seamen.... who's going to argue with a cultass wielding pyrate with the publics education in mind....

...... or maybe not....... :lol:

(for my own information, I do care what period pyrates wore, and what they did, but most of the time the public isn't that interested.....)

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