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Damn to the depths whatever muttonhead thought up political-correctness for a movie!


If they portray cannibals in the movie, it will make for an interesting storyline, and I won't think twice about it... it's a blasted STORY already, not a portrayal of HISTORY. If they were asking for extras to portray "white" cannibals, I'd be hopping on a plane, flying to the set, and I'd start dancing around the cauldron myself...

Next you're going to tell me that the film can't show a white pirate killing an "african-american" pirate because it would be portrayed as racism and would be boycotted by the "african-american" community...

Get a life, you scabberous dogs! ;)


Captain of the Iron Lotus

It is the angle that holds the rope, not the size of the hole.
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After reading all this nonsense here about "political correctness" I just have to say one thing...

Does the storyline specifically call the islands by their real names? Because if not there's zero issue here in the least. I mean who would know where it was or what people were being "portrayed" in such a light?


That was my exact point, Kalum. There's no way that they'll mention that "those bloodthirsty cannibals over there dancing around the fire are CARIBS!"

They'll just be vague, generic warriors. Boy wait till the gypsies hear about the Gypsy Queen character! Then THEY'LL be up in arms too! ;)

It's typical American arrogance to pick on the little guy. Beat up Grenada and Panama for some ill conceived reasons but ignore North Korea. Same thing here. Who's going to defend a bunch of Caribs on a little island somewhere in the Caribbean when there's a buck to be made in America? And why should they really care about their own culture? We should all be so fortunate.

As cool i thought it first to be for this movie, i have to agree if it's something that portrays those people as cannibals they have the right to be upset about it or just not like it and yes, if it was a much larger group like Africans or American Indians it's called political incorrect so i think there's a lot of hypocrisy in this.

As for the quote, it's very refreshing to hear an American say this!

Don't get me wrong i have very close American friends, nothing personal here but i was watching a documentary about the horrible human rights in China and how women get abused and repressed etc, and i thought if human rights and freedom are so important for the American state/army to fight against when will they go help those Asian women over in China (and other countries) to be free?

Human rights get violated in Asia more then anywhere but no one seems to care and that is NOT a small country... ;)


So, I see they're trying to get principal filming done before Hurricane season. Given the glut of them last year, I'd say they're right smart to get out of the Carribean while they can, cannibals or not....

-- Hurricane

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
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"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com


Y'know, I really try to stay out of these things, as they're rarely worth the effort. But cripes, Hurricane, you're so freakin' proud of having your own opinion, and yet you frame it in such a way that anyone who dares disagree with you is a redneck lemming.

Be careful calling others arrogant, mate - you seem to be on a high horse of your own.



Gee, it's a good thing that we don't label those Carib indians as cannibals. We all know how harmful it is to just go and slap labels on groups - prejudice, I think it's called. ;)

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."



:huh: Huzzah! Well said Bilge and Mission.

Human rights get violated in Asia more then anywhere but no one seems to care and that is NOT a small country...

This is very true. Problem is that Asia is comprised of very large countries with very large armies who have the Bomb. And there's no spoils of war to be had, like oil. Which is why America won't go poking a stick in Asia's ribs. It's sad, and sure it's wrong. But it's the way of the world.

I'm not defending it, hell I don't like either. Apparently merely stating the way things are means you are a redneck. :rolleyes:

  OryginalCinn said:
Cannibals, hm? Now really, who would want to eat Jack Sparrow? You'd choke on the dirt. They better boil him for a really, really long time.

Now Will Turner, on the other hand...

Dirt...That was greasey oil and greasey oil doesn't wash away with water. Most likely whale blubber oil. Not to mention all that hair...from his back. :rolleyes:

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


Ah, let bygones be bygones, Red. It's so far OT it isn't funny.

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."



What is it with people wanting to EAT good looking men?

I can think of a lot more fun things to do with them and it's possible a lot of times if you want..eat'm and they're gone! :P

  Charity said:
What is it with people wanting to EAT good looking men?

I can think of a lot more fun things to do with them and it's possible a lot of times if you want..eat'm and they're gone! :P

Eat is just an expression dear. Sort of like blow. :P:P :)

  Red Maria said:
  Charity said:
What is it with people wanting to EAT good looking men?

I can think of a lot more fun things to do with them and it's possible a lot of times if you want..eat'm and they're gone!  :P

Eat is just an expression dear. Sort of like blow. :P:P :)


Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


  dasNdanger said:
  the Royaliste said:
****BURP!**.............So who's hordin' the catsup?........... :P


Didn't know ye buttered yer biscuit on that side, mate...but hey, whatever floats yer boat... *passes Royaliste the catsup*



Believe me...

the Royaliste does not butter his biscuit on that side. :P

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


  Iron Bess said:
  dasNdanger said:
  the Royaliste said:
****BURP!**.............So who's hordin' the catsup?........... B)


Didn't know ye buttered yer biscuit on that side, mate...but hey, whatever floats yer boat... *passes Royaliste the catsup*




~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


But what I really want to know...

Is there any historical reference for shoeless cannibals wearing earring(s) and ticked trews during the Golden Age of Piracy?


Oh, and whipped cream be better than ketchup!

*Ducking before me head gets knocked off!!!!*


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