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Debut Sail of the Royaliste's Guns

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Bessie lass, I gots me an antenna ball too! 'cept mine be a smiley face with red n' white kercheif 'bout his head an' a gold earring! But sadly, me "vessel" be docked in the driveway awaiting repairs and current registration... she be a bit to pirate fer even me to take to the currents at the moment!!

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


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:ph34r: I'm gonna weigh in one more time here...It's all about pyracy, not sticks and stones...I assume Rumba's remarks weren't meant to spark a round of shouting,but instead, just a reflection on something she loves doing, similar to why I sail a Square-rigger..we all be guilty of our love for pyracy...Now, square away those decks, belay the scuttlebutt, and lets get back to plunderin'.....Gary, Captain, the Royaliste  :ph34r:

Ah, don't worry about me matey, just pullin' yer leg, or mast depending on which one be longer. LOL!!!! :ph34r:

I give big kudos to anyone who can afford such a ship and maintain it.

Unfortunatly, after a recent sail to Catalina on the Brigatine Irving Johnson, I'm afraid this wench's sailing days are over. Green? I can do green really, really well. Hope the fishes were hungry.


**Fair Winds And Following Seas** :ph34r:

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I got mine out at Disneyland.

I suppose.... I could take orders. Might be awhile before I get out there again though.

Maybe a month? :huh:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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Ah, terrific pictures of the Irving Johnson. Glad you have them, it's kind of hard to take a picture of the ship when you're on it. Thank you Claire for posting the pictures!

The ship is beautiful from top deck to below deck. Too bad I couldn't enjoy it more (green, really, really green), at least I wasn't at the railing 90% of the time like Philistina was, going over. I only gave up my breakfast a few times, oops, missed the ocean the first time, all over the deck, made it to the railing at the second upcoming. The nice deckhands took sea water and washed the deck off. Had to squeeze into the tiny bathroom to do my business and unfortunatly again, came out the wrong end. Had to clean up the bathroom, and dig my false teeth out of the potty where they came out in hurled fashion. Arrrrrggggghhhh, first time ever getting seasick - as I have been sailing before, but without problems.

Well I don't feel so bad, cuz even one of the volunteer deckhands got sick

too. :o:blink:

Trip back was better, but didn't eat barely anything for fear of feeding the fish again. It took me two more days to recover from that trip. Ooooh I was one sick wench! :blink::blink::blink:


**Life is what you make it, I'll make mine happy!!** :)

PS. - I only come onto the boards here once a day in the morning(once in a great while in the afternoon), so a lot of time I don't see posts until the next day. Got a beef with me? Take it up with me, not others. Thanks.

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Spoken like a Capt'n with a sturdy keel!!    :blink:

Mate's, it's important to remember that one member does not speak for an entire guild.... and I m'self, do believe that what was said was meant with a smack of Piratical thunder and was really meant to arouse some fun and theatrical squabble, not an all out war of personal attacks or name calling. 

So let's bury the cutlass and get back to the business of Ojai!!  :o

Now Capt'n of the Sturdy Keel... about those *pop guns* you'll be hauling into town.....  :blink:

Thank you Bess! Sometimes people take what I say the wrong way. Not intended. It's hard to try and figure out sometimes what a person means when you can't see their face behind a computer screen.

I mean no harm to anyone. I'm a fairly gentle, easy peson, who loves to laugh, especially at my own foibles. But hey, I'm human, I make mistakes, and besides, I can f**k up just as well as any polictian. :blink:


**Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused** :blink:

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Oooooooooooooh, the Golden Hinde. (sniff) I have fond memories of her, very fond.

She was used as the BLARNEY COCK in the film Swashbuckler.

What a wonderful, wonderful ship. She syill berthed up in Frisco??

(Huge sigh) :ph34r:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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:P Ahoy there, Saber!! One we forgot to mention, and bein's as we be West Coast pirates....the Pelican, later named the 'Golden Hind',made passage thru the Straits of Magellan in 1578,entering the Pacific to become the first Elisabethan Pirate Ship to raid the coast of New Spain commanded by Sir Francis Drake, much to the chagrin of the Spanish....70' overall, two feet shorter  than this ole girl.. :ph34r:

Speaking of Drake and the Golden Hind there's an interesting article in the current issue of "Mariner's Mirror" v.89:3 Aug. 2003 titled "Where Did Drake Careen the Golden Hind in June/July 1579? a Mariner's Assessment" by Sir Simon Cassels.

I've photocopied it and will read it this weekend. I'll give review on Tuesday and if anyone wants a copy let me know and I'll send you a copy for cost copying and postage. There's also an article on 18th c. naval tactics that looks good too.

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Aye lad, I knew you be speaking of the Original nd despite what SOME thinks... I was not around to see that one!! :ph34r:

(Close though, mightly close!!) :P

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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1. Damn! That's a whole lotta rules and regulations for a pirate outfit! Seemed counter-intuitive to me at first! I thought pirates had a blatant disregard for rules and regulations. I thought that's why they're called 'pirates.' But upon further reflection, I bet those Rules are written for a darn good reason, and I'm sure a great deal of thought was put into them. I admire that. A lot!

Actually, the Port Royal Privateers are NOT pirates, they are privateers (slight difference there).

And second -- you are right, pirates did have lots of rules (well, at least SOME rules, maybe not "lots"). They were well known for signing the articles. Most pirate crews did that -- it was a set of rules they all agreed to and signed before setting out "on the account".

I don't have time to give you a history lesson now on these topics, but check out most any book on pirates in general -- look up "privateers", and look up "articles". Try David Cordingly's "Under the Black Flag".

Blackheartedly yrs,

--Jamaica Rose

--Jamaica Rose

Editor of No Quarter Given - since 1993


"Bringing a little pirate history into everyone's life"

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Aye, Jamaica Rose. I've just received my copy of "Under the Black Flag" and am pouring over it as we speak.

And Privateers, as I understand it, were what many Pirates were, before they became pirates...

The fine line between sanctioned and unsanctioned misbehaviour...

Is that somewhat accurate?

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Saber says to say the followin' to ye' Royaliste:

"Well ye' olde salty dawg- when I shoot MY cannon 'tis not blanks I be shootin!!!"


But I say 'tis a good thing that ye' primed "Claire" well, gave her the full length o' yer ramrod and that her voice was heard all across the bay and that the ship rocked with each and every powerful explosion!!!


-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


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