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As to how many pirates we have- please see the link below for an accurate explaination. We have pirates who participate in partnership with other groups and active pirates who participate from out of state as well as locally and in southern CA.

Pirates on Account at Tales of the Seven Seas

We sail with the Royaliste out of San Francisco :blink:

We also work with other tall ships that visit San Francisco, usually bringing guests in off the streets to visit the ships. We do several parades throughout the course of the year and a several festivals and faires. We do volunteer work and fund raisers for charitable organizations. I do pirate history presentations for adult groups, convalescent homes and public libraries. I also do children's pirate storytime readings for public libraries. We do special events, such as the Pirates of the Caribbean media premiere in the south bay area.

We do scripted skits that are always humorous, and can include anything from a drenching with a bucket of water to choreographed sword fights and blackpowder flintlocks. We do a lot of ad-lib on the fly as well and have a good time wherever we go.

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


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Well what can I say, just go to : portroylprivateers.org

We are the BEST well known group around - thanks to Christine and other hardy souls who started it. 'Nuff said.

I joined a year after it started.


**Life is what you make it, I'll make mine happy** :ph34r:

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My crew is known as the Pirate Brethren of Texas. We're cenetered in Dallas, but are open to the entire state. We're an all male specialize in those in alternative lifestyles [gay/lesbian, Bondage, S&M, leather, etc. Our current crew compliment is 7/8 gay, and 1/8 heterosexual], but we welcome any male to join the crew, as long as their in Texas or South Oklahoma.

We recieved a letter of Marque at Scarborough Faire from their version of Queen Margaret of Scotland and the Irles, and have also gone to see Pirates of the Caribbean in garb. :-)

We're a fairly small group, but hope to graw.


Morick Towain

Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas

Morick Towain

IBoRP #116

Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas

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A little more on the Port Royal Privateers:

2003 is our 10th anniversary. We started with 13 members; the current roster has 84 active members and applicants.

Our members live primarily in Southern California, from Thousand Oaks to San Diego; but we also have out of state members (they come to one or two events each season).

Our activities consist of maritime festivals, Ren-type fairs, and private events. One of our favorites is coming up: the Tall Ships Festival in Dana Point. We're the official pirate encampment of that festival and it seems to grow in popularity each year. Another favorite event coming up is our annual Drunken Mermaid Tavern night. This is a private party where we rent a hall and transform it for one night into a rowdy late 17th century tavern in Port Royal, Jamaica, during her hey day before the great quake of 1692.

Members and applicants receive a regularly issued newsletter (I'm working on #93 as we speak) and a subscription to No Quarter Given is included with paid membership.

Follow the link in my sig for more info, pics, etc.

Melusine de la Mer

"Well behaved women rarely make history." - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

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We are The Pyrates, a band of pirates and a pirate band.

We are homeported in Port Orchard, about nine nautical miles west of Seattle.

Our crewe numbers about 10 to 12 and we work with other crewes in the area and nationally as the need arises.

We perform a lot of community service, love to appear and perform in bars, taverns and ale houses, some paying gigs, private parties, community events and our annual town parade, even though we hate parades. We'll be at Pirates in Paraside in force this year.

The Pyrates are 10 years old now, but most of us have piratin' much longer. Our most senior pirate has been doing this sort of thing 50+ years, our newest, about six months. The average is about 24 years of piratin, pillaging and plundering.

We have wenches and pirates - the more the merrier. Always looking for more rogues and lasses to join the ranks.

See us at http://www.piratesofthecoast.com

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com

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A photo on your link shows you on board the Witch of Wood.  I sailed her  in the 80's.  Is Stan still the owner?

As far as I know, he still is. Here's a link to a page at No Quarter Given with some recent information:

Tall Ships: www.noquartergiven.net/ships2.htm

Melusine de la Mer

"Well behaved women rarely make history." - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

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:blink: I wanted to mention a couple things about the Port Royal Privateers, since another post on another thread led me to believe there might be some misconceptions.

1. We are not affiliated with any particular ship. The picture on our home page of the Witch of Wood was taken several years ago, and it was just a great photo op. Over the years, we have been privileged to sail on many wonderful ships.

2. We follow a well established and time tested set of guidelines, and are quite democratic, much as real pirates were. We don't have a "captain" or specific leader. We have a Board of 4 which is elected every 2 years, and at any time, any of the board members can be voted out by the membership. The Board doesn't really run the group as much as it carries out the wishes of the membership at large. We just do the "grunt work" that no one else is really interested in (filling out event applications, dealing with event organizers, keeping track of club accounts, maintaining encampment equipment and organizing things for events, generating the club newsletter and moderating the club's listserve).

We are celebrating our 10th anniversary this year. Of course, we've had our share of growing pains, and with so many strong personalities in the group, we'll continue to run across a few bumps in the road as we journey on our next 10 years. But we currently boast an active roster of 87 members and applicants, and the inquiries from interested potential members just keep coming. I think we've been doing something right, eh? :blink:

Lorelei de la Mer

Secretary, Port Royal Privateers

Founding Member

Port Royal Privateers

Melusine de la Mer

"Well behaved women rarely make history." - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

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Speaking of anniversarys...

Tales of the Seven Seas will be celebrating it's first anniversary at the Ojai Pirate Faire. It was there last year that I looked over to my loyal pirate gal Sasha and said..

"Ya know... we ought to start our own pirate guild since there aren't any in northern CA!!"

PRP and NQG were both instrumental in helping us get started- first by the literature on the NQG website about starting your own guild and secondly by being listed on the crews to sign on with page, through which we had several pirates join up with us. I was also helped tremendously by a lady from the Guild of St. Gregory, a 20 year+ old organization. She served as my mentor by email and gave me a great deal of encouragement.

*raising me tankard*

So would like to propose a toast to the senior guilds- A hearty thanks to ye' for being supportive of the new pirates on the island- been a helluva first year and lookin' forward to many more!!


*glug - glug- glug - sssssslurrrrrrrrrrp!!!!* :blink:

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


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To tell ye a bit about Ye Pyrate Brotherhood:

We hail from Long Island, NY, home to that ne'er-do well foul-up Capt. Kidd (Note: the first one, not our good shipmate Capt. Kidd of the Free Men of the Sea, who's a decent chap to be sure). The core crew membership's been around since 1999 with crew comin' and goin' as it suits 'em. At present we've about an even dozen steady pyrates on board. We are in essence "acting renacters" who combine story-telling with choreographed swordplay and assorted pyrotechnics to capture the public's imagination, lead them on treasure hunts, and generally keep the spirit of the "Sweet Trade" alive. We do about 15 shows a year at various Pirate and Harbor festivals around the Northeast. Despite our theatrical bent, we put a strong emphasis on historical accuracy in both our equipment and performances.


Capt. Ian "Mad Dog" Davies,

Ye Pyrate Brotherhood

"The Code of Our Brotherhood is Better than all the Lies of Nations!"

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:) So, this'll be my first call to the roster..I'll be openin' up the articles to me Ship for volunteer crew,as with the Lady Washington, express your interest here or the Ship's website, and we'll be workin' out details when I gauge the response.... :ph34r: ...Gary, Captain of the Royaliste

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Tell me about your guild/group/ship.

What are yer numbers?

Whar do ye sail out of?

What activities?

My group and I are all members of the International Fellowship of Royal Privateers Our (fantasy) ship is the Thanos and she's docked at the Carolina Renaissance Faire (Concord, NC)

We've only been in existence about a year and a bit. I have roughly fifteen crewmembers so far. Alas, since it's a fantasy ship, we don't sail very far at all. (Sorta like King Arthur's horse in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, savvy?) As for activities, we've got a Pyrate Weekend planned for the Carolina Faire, and we're in the early stages of a feast to raise money for cancer research (breast and testicular cancer, specifically)

Mad Kestrel

Privateer #9, IFoRP

Captain of the Thanos (Fairhaven, CRF)

But why is the rum gone? - Capt Jack Sparrow

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My group and I are all members of the International Fellowship of Royal Privateers Our (fantasy) ship is the Thanos and she's docked at the Carolina Renaissance Faire (Concord, NC)


Someone ELSE who is in the IFRP!! ;D

I was WAITING for someone to bring that up :P *shiftyeyes*

Thank goodness there is another person from that (dis)reputable establishment here :ph34r:

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am robbing you, tossing you overboard, and stealing your ship!"

-the only thing more dangerous than her.. is her needle-

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