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I think the non-talking ones are the 7" ones, right??  (I'm on dial-up right now and don't wanna check the linkage..  :ph34r:   )

I thought they are the same size as the talking ones, with out the electronics.....not posted at the site though :ph34r:

Sorry about the hyperlink.....here's the right onewww.deadmentellnotales.com

"Congratulations Madame, that's another town you've destroyed." William Shaw

I'm the "honest one" Jack Sparrow warned you about, honestly....Red Handed!


Alright, I've consulted and Mini-Me said she'll ask out smiling Jack (he can be made to frown later) only if Phil will build them a ship. :ph34r:

The Duchess


Red Handed Jill, the upcoming Jack, Will, Barbossa & really interesting, cool figure of which they should make more are all 7" tall. The talking Jack is 18" tall. However, both the 7" and 18" Jacks share the same sculpt.

Phil...you should get to work on that ship! ("What are you lookin' at?! Back to work!" :ph34r: ) The trouble will be in deciding scale. Of course, you could take the Lionel route and just make it whatever scale you feel like at the time. None of those Plasticville™ people Lionel made would ever fit on their trains!

Since were on the topic....

Bess, since you appear to have knowledge of the artists (although the link between NECA and and the Disney studios suggested in one of your posts sincerely confuses me), when they go about making the undead Jack, please ask them if they will consider using the scene where he has his sword drawn in front of him angled down and is moving to attack Barbossa. If they're not sure of the scene, I will be more than happy to send them screen shots with no recompense required or expected. :ph34r:

When they go about doing an undead Barbossa, please suggest they use the scene where he throws the bottle of wine against the bulkhead door.

And if they're thinking about an undead Koehler, encourage them. They could use the scene where he's fighting Norrington. Heck, they could make it a two pack.

If you do and they do, I shall be forever in your debt. (Personally, I plan only to buy undead characters now that I have the 18" Jack. :ph34r: )

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."



thanks, dasNdanger, I didn't know that about Johnny Depp, and I thought I knew a lot! :ph34r:

I have listened to the commentary on the dvd, and knew that he was at odds with the director at the time. I like it when he says something about killing the writers for that bloody hard line he says, and messed up on numerous times, perhaps that just got to him.


And I am a BIG Johnny Depp fan, but I don't have the dolls, I don't think my husband would be too keen on me playing with one :ph34r: and I'm with Christine, I'd rather have the real thing to play with anyhow! :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:


And I am a BIG Johnny Depp fan, but I don't have the dolls, I don't think my husband would be too keen on me playing with one :ph34r: and I'm with Christine, I'd rather have the real thing to play with anyhow! :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

Hey - my hubby let's me play with Jack - he just rolls his eyes and goes back to watching Desperate Housewives... :ph34r: He doesn't care about me having the doll, especially since I pointed out to him that Jack's pants don't come off... *DANG!!* :ph34r:



Phil...you should get to work on that ship! ("What are you lookin' at?! Back to work!" :ph34r: ) The trouble will be in deciding scale. ...

LOL - with a 7" AND 18" figure? ONE o' them's gonna have to play the dwarf...

Let's see - for the 7-incher, that would be close to 1/10th scale, right? (Phil plays with his protractor and coddles his compass)...

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius


I'll coddle yer compass too...well at least you ain't plastic and yer pants aren't sewn on..... :ph34r:

Rumba Rue

**Nine out of ten men who have tried camels, prefer women** :ph34r:


Hmmm....18" and talks vs. 7" and silent.......I'm with them that would go fer the full scale version (with the banana would be fine by me) :rolleyes:

A pretty boat ...er...ship to go wit it would be grand! :rolleyes:

"Congratulations Madame, that's another town you've destroyed." William Shaw

I'm the "honest one" Jack Sparrow warned you about, honestly....Red Handed!

I'll coddle yer compass too...well at least you ain't plastic and yer pants aren't sewn on..... :rolleyes:

One never knows, M'lady - one never knows... :rolleyes:

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

Rumba Rue  -- Nine out of ten men who have tried camels prefer women!

Where in the world do you get a camel in the middle of the ocean? I guess on long voyages you'll do anything for a distraction. :)


...you'd prolly need to stop in at yer local Drama Dairy... :ph34r:

::groaner:: :ph34r::ph34r:

"Congratulations Madame, that's another town you've destroyed." William Shaw

I'm the "honest one" Jack Sparrow warned you about, honestly....Red Handed!

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