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POTC 2&3 Rumors, none verified

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  Charity said:
ALRIGHT :ph34r:

I can't believe this, now THIS is news i wanted to hear :ph34r::ph34r::huh::huh::huh::huh::huh:

Geoffey Rush.. BACK FOR 2 AND 3


I posted it weeks ago that he was coming back.

EVERYONE is coming back. :)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Dog Brown would kick his arse all over the Caribbean, ladies...

He kills his own brother, has another one shot, tries to kill his niece, kills one crew member for complaining not enough food was aboard and another for killing his other brother. That's not counting all the dead bodies in the battle, the pub scene... Barbossa's way too nice and sweet to be legendary. Pick a real bad arse with absolutely no redeeming value...

(just havin' fun withcha)....don't want cannon threats or oaths to be tossed about now...

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
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"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com

  Capt. Z said:
:o thar be a 3rd one also?

Where the @!#@$# have you been? <_< It's been talked about for over 6 months that they are doing POTC 2 and 3 at the same time. Similar to LOTR and Matrix Trilogies.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.

  Charity said:
I posted it weeks ago that he was coming back.

Did you mention it was for BOTH 2&3?

If so, i apologise for not seeing it.


Everyone is back on board. :o

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


  hurricane said:
Dog Brown would kick his arse all over the Caribbean, ladies...

He kills his own brother, has another one shot, tries to kill his niece, kills one crew member for complaining not enough food was aboard and another for killing his other brother. That's not counting all the dead bodies in the battle, the pub scene... Barbossa's way too nice and sweet to be legendary. Pick a real bad arse with absolutely no redeeming value...

(just havin' fun withcha)....don't want cannon threats or oaths to be tossed about now...

Not as good looking as Barbossa, nor as charming. Which is what makes him a really cool villian. Bad, but also charming and vulnerable. Not much fun if they're just pure evil.


Sorry, but ive been going through all that what was going on..i must have missed it :)'

I'm sure i missed a lot more :o

Not as good looking as Barbossa, nor as charming. Which is what makes him a really cool villian. Bad, but also charming and vulnerable. Not much fun if they're just pure evil.

I agree :)

The bad guys always do seem to be the goodlooking ones too :o

I always fell for the bad guys LOL.

  hurricane said:
Dog Brown would kick his arse all over the Caribbean, ladies...

He kills his own brother, has another one shot, tries to kill his niece, kills one crew member for complaining not enough food was aboard and another for killing his other brother. That's not counting all the dead bodies in the battle, the pub scene... Barbossa's way too nice and sweet to be legendary. Pick a real bad arse with absolutely no redeeming value...

(just havin' fun withcha)....don't want cannon threats or oaths to be tossed about now...

Aye, but no one could revel in his duties like Dog Brown. And that redeems him. . . sorta.


He's coming back for both? that awsome!

'Do not be afraid to dream, for out of such fragile things come miracles'


oh how i loath sequalls still it is nice to see barbossa is on the mend

But why is the rum gone?

Save a horse ride a cowboy!

Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy

My toes are getting pruney

Also my head is round that window is square....

My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies!

Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff


I read this at http://www.orlandomultimedia.net/

Pirates of the Caribbean II casting

posted by Jas, 09/22/04

Mo informed us of some of the new casting roles for POTC 2. Johnny Depp, Keira Knightley and Orlando are all set to reprise their roles in POTC 2. The new roles are Davey Jones, a second lead, villain (30-40 years old); Commodor, third supporting lead, good guy turned bad guy (50-60), Will's Father, first supporting lead (45-55); Peg Leg Pete, second supporting lead, a pirate (20-30)

So Bess, is the article telling the truth?


Well.. for one.. in the commentary with the Writers they DID say that Bill Turner IS dead! the "Crushing black oblivion" kinda hinted to that.

Davey Jones? I'm sorry first thing that pops up in my mind is Davey Jones of the Monkees in their TV series when they were battling pirates! B) Peg Leg Pete?

Or worse. the Commadore turned bad? B)

Frankly... I respect the Bess & those of the crew cannot say a thing about the film.. & actually I like it that way. I love a good surprise!


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Yeah..would be nice wouldn't it?

It's getting a long wait with so many rumours, but i'm sure as soon as things are out officially we'll hear it from Bess.


wait a second... Jack shot 'im in the end o' the first one. Wouldn't havin' im come back from the dead be just a little awkward ta pull off plotwise?

O' course, we never actually know fer certain tha' he died, just tha' he were shot in the chest...

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