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Make a Wish Found. Pirate Adventure Oct 24th!!

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Ahoy mates!

On Sunday October 24th, 2004 Tales of the Seven Seas will be working with Make a Wish Foundation to help grant the wish of a 13 year-old boy with a life threatening illness.

The boy's name is Blake and he wished "to sail on a pirate ship, dress like a pirate and act." It's going to be a big surprise. (shhhh!!) He won't know his wish is to be granted until it actually happens!

Our pirates will be 'kidnapping' the entire family, taking them aboard the tall ship Royaliste and going out for a sailing adventure! I'm currently recruiting other ships to battle us and modern boats to harass us, as well as working to organize a ship to shore battle with the cannoneers on Angel Island. It should be a VERY exciting pirate adventure!!

We have collected a GRAND treasure of pirate swag for the lad to take home after his adventure, thanks to the generous donations of brethren pirates!! Below is a partial list of pirate swag contributors and contributors donating their services. There were a few at the Ojai Pirate Faire that I did not get names for, so if you see a name missing below, please contact me so that I can give credit where it is due!!

Captain Rasha

The Gypsy Pirates

Port Royal Privateers

Jamaica Rose


The Rum Runners

St. Elizabeth's Guild

The Guild of St Gregory / Crew of the Dirty Rotten Oar

Moonstruck Designs

Bully McGraw

Midieval Fantasies

Tales of the Seven Seas

Laura Cox-Conrad


Richard Becker / Bloodthirsty Pirate Tales


Anyone who would like to contribute pirate swag (no actual money please) it can be mailed to

Claire Warren

c/o SVC

6201 San Ignacio Ave

San Jose, CA 95119

Please include an email address so that we can give you our hearty thanks! All treasures will be given to Blake on Oct 24th. I'll post lots of photos!!

Thanks everyone!!

-Claire aka "Poison Quill"

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


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Hmmm, don't see the Tallship Royaliste or crew on the list, but then...we'll be there for sure!!....Tomorrow we are fabricating some later period caplocks to the cannons to try and keep the hazards on deck to a minimum for his family during all of this potential cannonfire......And confirmation came on the gunpowder order, so............Yo-Ho!...and we all know the rest!


Ahoy 'Quill!..I'll put this 'ere seein' as how email's RR faulty. Erik is onboard for this; either with the Hindeloopen, or the new photo boat. He's aquired a stern-drive day cruiser that will be a much finer way to shoot than the dink. So, we should be thinkin' 'o a camera person for him...Then we are guaranteed good photo's for the family from off deck...

  TalesOfTheSevenSeas said:
WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!! :rolleyes: Awesome! I'd like to put Ryan out with Erik again to film, as well as a couple of pirates if that sounds good to Erik. Can you get a hold of John and Suzie and see if Briar Rose would like to give chase too?!! I just emailed Hayden aboard Aldebaran.

You know, I've emailed and called them, for a couple of things, and gotten no reply as of late. But, fear not, we'll do fine. I'll cue my sawbones in on it today, and if he's available, he'll want to use a few pirates on his yacht, and he'd love the usual 'chase'. Here's a ponderance tho.....Don't suppose that Blake reads this 'pub', do ye??..otherwise, the gig's up!!!!!!!


Aye, we've got Aldebaran, Hindelupen (or a photo boat), possibly the fireboat and Bully's longboat not to mention the Lady Washington and Hawaiian Chieftain earlier in the day. Thanks for trying with Briar Rose.

I had thought of Blake finding out about the surprise here too. Hopefully he won't stumble across us in the next 23 days or so. Not sure how to safeguard against that without asking all posts to be deleted and taking the discussion into email only. Hmmmm. Unless we tried to code everything with initials like MAW for Make a Wish.

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



Just figured I'd breathe a little air back into this 'ere one. The gunpowder shipment has arrived, and if'n ye not be a 'T.O.S.S.' member, ye kin donate thru the Privateer website powder-support page

...We've checked out the spot for fittin' the 'ole square-rigger in, have a little donated small craft support to make sure we don't get 'aground' on anythin', and the restaraunt plannin' continues.........The ship's sailin' quite dandy after the haulout and refit, so the water adventure should be rollicking good fun for the little buccaneer!!!.......Pirates invadin' and plunderin' Pier 39, Hmmm, got kind 'o a ring to it, eh wot?? Then off to sea, for one just like this...............



I had to chuckle a bit when I saw that photo again... notice my "floating rope trick?" I never did finish photoshopping it! *smacks self on forehead*

Aye, plans are coming along very well. Pier 39 is offering complimentary parking for the pirates coming by land and hands to assist us in docking. Nice folks there to be sure!!!!

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas




Mr. Pintel from the Pirates of the Caribbean film is signing a great photo for Blake.... *'Ello Poppet!*

Send me an address so I can get it into the mails to you tomorrow when he brings it over.

You can send it to my private address m'love. :ph34r:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



That's fantastic, lass!!...I was just fixin' to close up a spot below, where we put in new planks, but now I'll put 'Pintel' there 'afore I close 'er up!!...........Give 'im RR regards for the thought...We've finished the 'locks for the cannons, so Blake will be able to 'fire away' in relative safety!... :ph34r:

.......Just pull the cord, and.....


...This is really turnin' out gRReat...'A general note: My camera shipboard is kaput, and Best Buy won't make good, so be sure to bring one, someone, eh?.........


Good on y'all, and best wishes to the boy, hope it all goes to plan.

are you allowed to give him real pirate rum too?

It's probably not very moral, but now I've got my hopes up that a kid here will want a pirate adventure too.


this is just another reason i love this sight everyone is so suportive i really wish i could send you guys something to help but seeing as i am feeling a bit of a money crunch i cant go out and get him anything but give him a good time and a smile from me.

But why is the rum gone?

Save a horse ride a cowboy!

Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy

My toes are getting pruney

Also my head is round that window is square....

My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies!

Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff


Man, the new 'locks work rather 'spiffy', to say the least!..Blake will be able to salute the Lady Washington with a real bang, a broadside at his own doin's!!........Gonna be a busy time 'o reloadin' for all the activity we've planned, altho'...We'll have a bit 'o a break from the Cityfront to Angel Island to meet up with the cannoneers at the fort!...Yo-Ho!....Yep, a pirate's life for me!...Us...Um, well, dang near everybody!



Aye, thanks fer the photos Cap'n,

Them pics bring a tear to this 'ole blighters eye. T'was that excursion when I first clapped eyes on the dear Royaliste, . . . from the deck of the Lady Wash. If'n I only knew then.


Iron Jack: Scourge 'o the Shores!

Some mornings, it just doesn't seem worth it to gnaw through the leather straps.

- Emo Phillips


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