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I be on me way to fredom meself. hoping for the last chain to be cut by the first of the year.

Course that free me from the shore. me life at sea be taken by me Merry for good. That be set of irons i wear willingly


"That's the navy for you. Rum in the scuppers today. Blood in the scuppers tomorrow."

Thrist is a shameless disease. So here's to a shameful cure!

"Loyalty, honesty and directness are traits I admire. Insecurity, snipes and disrespect I will not tolerate in the least."

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Scupper Posted on Aug 21 2004, 09:52 PM

  I be on me way to fredom meself. hoping for the last chain to be cut by the first of the year.

Course that free me from the shore. me life at sea be taken by me Merry for good. That be set of irons i wear willingly

was wonderin what you were doin in the singles bar there scup....had to come in and check up on you!!!


"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones

  Scupper said:
I be on me way to fredom meself. hoping for the last chain to be cut by the first of the year.

Course that free me from the shore. me life at sea be taken by me Merry for good.  That be  set of irons i wear willingly


He asked me about the irons, but I asked him about the furry cuffs. :(

I promise to take good care of him, and not overtire him out, nor tease him til he is ready to scream.. too much.

and yes I am interested. I havn't been dating since Bush was in office..

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!


Christine Posted on Aug 21 2004, 11:54 PM

  The married and attached peeps find us single peeps an interesting breed-lol! 

"Been there, slain that"

*thanks black deacon, lol


"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones


:) I've heard this oft times afore. Being single is only great iffen ye've ne'er found yer life parallel. I waved tha flag loft an true fer o'er two dex. Meseff, ah married young(I also merried young)and fine'ly realized ta meez own seff, it was everthing I wanted because I hadn't figured out what I wanted. Now getting past wott ye want is tha biggest bundle, cozzin the want an need be on diff'rent coach route usually. Secret bein, the merge uv tha two. Me first wiff an me fell out cozzin me wants an needs wernt on the same log page as hers(and never would be, trust me). BUT lemme tell ye lads an lasses, there be true an truer hope fer betterment. I would ne'er thought it could be meseff, but there is a parallel out there. I've been wit summ that had me t'inkin they were of tha same course, but twas not tuh be. Wott twas tuh be izza ting me soul izza mazed by daily. Me wife. Until ye are lucked 'nuff ta find dat unbelievable luvv ye can't fathom it. Corny? Corn on unbelievers. I'm amazed an consumed daily by a long list of t'ings 'bout her. I could wish no greater pleasure on another than the ultimate love uv two.

Fill ye winds wit hope an ye heart wit tha passions an dreams that stem all storm an turmoil to less. Love and luck is the fortune of our lives. May we appreciate and spend the worth of it.


Irish line by birth and passioned from result,

Sincerely all,

Teamus 'Rogue' MacRoegan


The thing is I live in California, the divorce captial of the world. Actually, that be Hollyweird, er, Hollywood that gets that title-lol! So many friends of mine got married after getting out of high school and are already divorced. Okay, they rushed into it and were too young. But then there's ones who have been married like 3 times. I'm like, "okay, it just ain't working, stop!" My parents are divorced, both their parents are divorced. My dad's dad has been married 7 times! I just have always been turned off by marriage, even at a young age, when my parents were happy together. I always thought it silly that you need a piece of paper that says you can be together. A friend of mine from high school, her mom was with this guy for 16 years. They were very happy, but they were always bugged to get married, make it official and all that. And eventually they did. 2 years later they were divorced. Look at Kurt Russel and Goldie Hawn, those 2 will never get married. They're happy just the way they are. Why fix something if it's not broken? But to those of you who are married and make it work, congrats to you. It's rare, but it's great to see some can make it work. :)


well Rogue seems you have a keeper there. Tok me 42 years to find mine. :) eh Merry?


"That's the navy for you. Rum in the scuppers today. Blood in the scuppers tomorrow."

Thrist is a shameless disease. So here's to a shameful cure!

"Loyalty, honesty and directness are traits I admire. Insecurity, snipes and disrespect I will not tolerate in the least."


despite some storm clouds and thunderheads, we seem to be heading towards the same horizon. most of the time..

42?? more like 20, but I'll give ya them on account. give me the 60 years I ask for, and we'll call it even.

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!



Well, this here is a free port, but I don't let any ship dock too long! Too many fine, tall ships out there to want one to drop anchor for more than a little shore leave ... but I never board another woman's craft. There are too many ships in the sea for anyone to have to share, far as I'm concerned. :lol:


I'm a single mom of two young children by choice. I made that decision when my son was seven months old and I was six weeks pregnant with my daughter. My son is now 29 months old and my daughter is 15 months old. I moved over 300 miles away from their father. They do not see their father. Some of you may think that to be unfair, but I will not let the kids see their father for what he is. A drug addict and the lifestyle that goes with it at the extreme end. It hasn't been easy, let me tell you. Especially when my daughter was born by c-section(just like my son had to be born), and I have no family within a thousand miles. There have been long nights and days. Am I seeking sympathy, certainly not. It was a choice I made and I am glad I made it.

My children, even at their young age, have responsibilities. When I clean up their room, they are to stay in the room with me. I ask my son to put things away during that time, my daughter at her young age catches on and brings toys to me. I try to teach them that there are consequenses to their actions. My son is at the age of temper tantrums, and he gets sent to his room when he has one when he is not getting his way. He may run down the hallway yelling and screaming, but at least he listens and goes to his room when told. How many 2 year olds do you know that do that? When he is told to "have a seat" for time out, he may complain, but he does as he is told and he stays there until I tell him he can come out (usually a couple of minutes). People ask me if they sleep in their own beds or rooms (they each have their own room) and I say yes, unless they are sick. Many people seem shocked by that, or ask how I do it. They are put down at a certain time everynight, tucked in, the light turned out, and they stay in bed and go to sleep. Being a single mom isn't easy, lemme tell ya, and one day they will learn the truth about their father. They may be mad at me for a time, but as they grow older they will see their father for what he is. And I do have legal and permanent custody of them for reasons I will not get into here. The man stopped paying child support when I was seven months pregnant with my daughter, and to this day is over $5000 behind. He has gone thru eight jobs in two years, and was unemployed for 10 months of that time. He has moved no less than a dozen times during the same period. For holidays and birthdays, he has never EVER even sent a card much less a present. As I have said to him, if you can't be a positive role model, you wont be a role model at all.

Before I found out I was pregnant, I accepted that I would never have any children and really had decided that I wasn't going to have children. But fates have a funny way of making themselves known, no matter what you do. (Not once but twice!) Did my life change dramastically because of children? Yes. Would I go back? Nope. Do I ever wish that I could go back to not having children? Nope. I love my children, and want the best for them, for them to have opportunities that I never had. Even when they manage to get hold of a bag of flour and have thrown it everywhere, you can't help but laugh with flour covered faces and hair. Certainly a Kodak moment.

Do I wish I was married? Well, yes and no. Im extremely set in my ways, hard headed, strong willed, independent and I refuse to let my morals, ethics, or goals to be swayed. If I find a soul mate, so be it, if I don't, so be it. I'm not looking, and I'm not going to. Am I happy? Well, lets just say I am content. I have a family to take care of, to share love, and to enjoy and it would take a heck of a man for me to let him join my family. My only hope is that my children one day understand why I left their father and took him out of their lives.


Some could only wish to have a wonderful mother as yourself. Good head on your shoulders and a strong sense of family values.

You must be related to my Mother!

Your children are going to grow up to be fine sensible adults, unlike most that I know.

Keep up the good work!

"Remember, on a pirate ship, in pirate waters, in a pirate world, ask no questions. Believe only what you see. No, believe half of what you see."... Burt Lancaster




MInd if I join you guys? Been single since January. Had no idea it was going to be this much fun....Although I have one foot in the boat with the rest of you guys about how there's no room in my life for a relationship right now. I'm honestly thinking that there may never be. And I'm ok with that. I'm just gonna be the little old purple haired lady with the 58 cats. :(

Men are like a deck of cards - You need a heart to love them, a diamond to marry them, a club to beat them and a spade to bury the bastards.


welcome ta the bar lass :(

aye a single life is fun . few disadvantages , but some great benifits as well. after saturday night I'm not sure which is going to kill me first. the single women or the doubles of rum.

that's the great part of being single ..... time to spend doing projects that would be put off if'n ya had a steady relationship going.

but i digress. I love being single and I know it's not for everyone.


Its nice when your single but you still have someone to cuddle, Kiss at night and have good times in the days But I have niether so Its sucks.

No luck meeting anyone that clicks or Someone to sweep me of the deck :( I need to get out way more B) Most of the time when I do go out and meet people THre too scared to talk to me B)


Tabitha, wanna borrow my old white shawl and granny glasses? :lol:

And thank ya Master Studley for your kind comment. :huh:

I have a saying, My true love either died a birth, lives at the south pole, or got kicked off his white horse and is suffering from permanent amnesia. :lol::lol::lol:


Silver Steele-Thanks for the offer!

Leave your true love to his amnesia. I've dated a few knights and they aren't all they are cracked up to be. :huh:

Men are like a deck of cards - You need a heart to love them, a diamond to marry them, a club to beat them and a spade to bury the bastards.


Aye I have been alone in the Captains cabin since since shortly after the begining of the year. For me sailing solo has been a fun adventure. I do love the freedom of being single, but I would like to share that adventure with someone. There is no rushing when that day will happen, so till then I will continue to enjoy being a single Captain.

A round to all the singles on me ! :D

Captain Duncan McGuyver

Crew Of The Vigilant

Baltimore Maryland Based

17th & 18th Century Naval Living History

Crew Of The Vigilant

The Juryrig

MDRF Based Social & Renfaire Crew

The Juryrig

Port Tortuga

A Piracy based Pennsic household

B09 Block, The Highlands (Up Hill & Left)

Port Tortuga


And who do you girls think has to polish that shiny armor and keep that white steed's fur nice'n brushed? Reason the more to go with a sloppy bum. He won't care 'bout such things :D


i'm single single single, i ended a relationship in early january and it dosen't look like love is heading my way anytime soon. i'm to busy to go out and meet people, and there is no chance of finding it at work, i work at a woman's gym, no guys allowed. so my only chance to meet anyone will probably be at faire and since i'm also working there i don't have much time for mingling. so here's to the single life! :D

"Time Flies When Your Having RUM!!!!"

"But everyone talks with a British accent when they drink."

Stow Away on the Juryrig


Instead of looking at the negative, look to the positive! Look at the advantages of being single!

You get the whole couch to yourself.

You don't have to share the TV and argue over what is on.

You don't have to share the computer.

You can get home from work at whatever time you like.

You can lie in bed in the morning for as long as you like.

You can take up the entire bed while you sleep.

You get ALL the blankets!

You get ALL the pillows!

No snoring annoyances!

Nobody sees what you look like first thing in the morning.

You can turn on a light to get dressed in the morning, instead of fumbling around in the dark.

You dont have to deal with being woken up from a light being turned on in the morning.

You can go to bed when you want.

Toilet seat, need I say more?

No arguments over whether the TP goes over or under on the rack.

You have half as much laundry to do.

No walking in the bathroom, and finding a pile of clothes and towels in the middle of the floor.

You don't have to check with anyone before going out.

You can spend your money any way you see fit.

You choose what groceries you want and what brands.

If you want to drink directly out of the milk carton you can.

You never have to worry if the milk carton has been directly drunk out of.

You can slump around the house in any old thing.

You don't have to deal with another persons grumpy mood.

You don't have to deal with another person when you are grumpy.

If you clean up your house/condo/apt/car, it will stay neat until you mess it upagain.

You don't have to deal with, your NOT actually wearing that out?!

You can be happy with who you are, not for what another person wants you to be.



Who keeps the armor clean and the horses brushed?.....That would be the squires.....for the company I work for that would be myself and my friend Michelle...... :D

Men are like a deck of cards - You need a heart to love them, a diamond to marry them, a club to beat them and a spade to bury the bastards.


Hehehe, having squires around that could do the household, the cleaning and cooking, taking care of the horse... I could use one of them in my room. Then again, I don't like guys to hang out in my room. Feels awkward :huh:

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