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Moonlight Lagoon


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I think I'll pass on the crab meself, Tito, but I will help ye cook some for any who wants it.

::gets up from her rock and wades back to shore::

Arrr. Me treasure.

The Silver lass with a nice....... pair of eyes.

Me? Cheat? Steal? Lie? Never!

Lass seeking Lad:

100% certified lap warmer looking for one (or more) strapping lad(s) with backbone for rum filled nights and plunder filled days, if interested contact Laura Silver.

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::joins Tito by the fire and begins to prepare the crab::

I'd love ta, gives me somethin' ta do.

Arrr. Me treasure.

The Silver lass with a nice....... pair of eyes.

Me? Cheat? Steal? Lie? Never!

Lass seeking Lad:

100% certified lap warmer looking for one (or more) strapping lad(s) with backbone for rum filled nights and plunder filled days, if interested contact Laura Silver.

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Oooo... pot-luck!! Just so happens I have some salamagundi, some Tortuga rum cake, and a bottle of Myer's Legend... can I join in?!?


Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend

Pyrates of the Coast

"All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket."

"Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."

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Mary walks in obviously heavily intocicated *again* "Did i miss something?" she slured "No?" she shruged and sat down by the water holding her head.

But why is the rum gone?

Save a horse ride a cowboy!

Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy

My toes are getting pruney

Also my head is round that window is square....

My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies!

Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff

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Aye, a potluck sounds splendid ta me. ::digs around in her bottomless bag and holds a bowl triumphantly over her head:: I'll donate me favorite hearty beef stew. Made ta fill a hungry sailor's stomach.

::offers Mary a glass of cool refreshing water:: Ye alright m'dear?

Arrr. Me treasure.

The Silver lass with a nice....... pair of eyes.

Me? Cheat? Steal? Lie? Never!

Lass seeking Lad:

100% certified lap warmer looking for one (or more) strapping lad(s) with backbone for rum filled nights and plunder filled days, if interested contact Laura Silver.

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*looks at laura*

I'll be fine when i stop falling in love with me mate.

But why is the rum gone?

Save a horse ride a cowboy!

Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy

My toes are getting pruney

Also my head is round that window is square....

My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies!

Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff

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Oh dear. I'm sorry Mary m'dear. There ain't much ye can do about ye feel. Terribly frustratin' ain't it? :huh:

Arrr. Me treasure.

The Silver lass with a nice....... pair of eyes.

Me? Cheat? Steal? Lie? Never!

Lass seeking Lad:

100% certified lap warmer looking for one (or more) strapping lad(s) with backbone for rum filled nights and plunder filled days, if interested contact Laura Silver.

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::gives Mary a reasuring pat and then hops up to get herself some grub::

Tito m'dear, I'm finally back at school so I'll be sendin' that chapter along to ye. Keep an eye out for it. :)

Arrr. Me treasure.

The Silver lass with a nice....... pair of eyes.

Me? Cheat? Steal? Lie? Never!

Lass seeking Lad:

100% certified lap warmer looking for one (or more) strapping lad(s) with backbone for rum filled nights and plunder filled days, if interested contact Laura Silver.

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Tito m'dear, I'm finally back at school so I'll be sendin' that chapter along to ye. Keep an eye out for it.

Aye thank ye m'lass!!

Ok, we got Crab boil, Salmagundi, rum cake, and of course RUMMMM to washes it all down <_< If'n anybody wants, I can take yer rum and make it into Coquito to help make the season festive. :)

<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel.

WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>

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Coquito is a goodly soundin name fer somthin that does indeed sound as if thar be coconuts in its too? I bet we can be sure on that too! So a feast then an i be right back fer in town I did see a street vendor with a cart of some tantalizingly good lookin fruits and roots we can ave a nice fruit salad and steam some roots, what a wondrous time to share this nice bill o faire.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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Coquito sounds wonderful ta me! And Salmagundi I've never 'eard of but I'm happy ta try it!

::settles down with her plate near the water, dunking her feet in the cool water::

Arrr. Me treasure.

The Silver lass with a nice....... pair of eyes.

Me? Cheat? Steal? Lie? Never!

Lass seeking Lad:

100% certified lap warmer looking for one (or more) strapping lad(s) with backbone for rum filled nights and plunder filled days, if interested contact Laura Silver.

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Sniff Sniff Sniff... Somethin smells tasty... what 'er we havin? I got some freshly caught salmon steaks with a veggie stuffing handy any takers?

Doc Wiseman - Ship's Physician, Stur.. er... Surgeon Extrodinaire and general scoundrel.

Reluctant Temporary Commander of Finnegan's Wake

Piracy- Hostile Takeover without the Messy Paperwork

We're not Pirates; we're independent maritime property redistribution specialists.

Member in good standing Persian Gulf Yacht Club, Gulf of Sidra Yacht Club and the Greater Beruit Rod & Gun Club.

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Guest SirenSong

Walks quietly along the beach staring out at the moon kissed sea. Slowly reclines to sit and face the waves. Contemplates a quick swim then deciding not too lays back in the still warmed sand and reaches for the stars.

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Walks quietly along the beach staring out at the moon kissed sea. Slowly reclines to sit and face the waves. Contemplates a quick swim then deciding not too lays back in the still warmed sand and reaches for the stars.

Aye Siren m'lass come have some grub with us!! :P

<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel.

WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>

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::sits down on a moonlight coated rock and, pulling out a dagger, hums a pirate didty quietly to herself and begins to carve a peice of driftwood::

Delicious meal Tito and all others who contributed dishes and company to it. Lovely night out for an evening meal too.

Arrr. Me treasure.

The Silver lass with a nice....... pair of eyes.

Me? Cheat? Steal? Lie? Never!

Lass seeking Lad:

100% certified lap warmer looking for one (or more) strapping lad(s) with backbone for rum filled nights and plunder filled days, if interested contact Laura Silver.

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My wish would be it were January 1st, the holidays would be over. My family is pretty insane! Every year it never fails, they start arguing by Halloween and it continues on into the new year. My aunt screamed out that she wants to cancel Christmas. Her and my grandmother are going back and forth and dragging me poor mom in the middle! It's why a lot of times I go to LA for Christmas, to escape the drama-lol!

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::pauses in thought, her dagger frozen halfway through a slice::

Me holiday wish... I think it be more of a hope, I hope that me best mate D doesn't drop out of school next year. I hope she stays in school at least part-time and finishes her A.S. degree, instead of quiting and working at Target full-time.

::nods to herself::

Yep, that's my wish.

Arrr. Me treasure.

The Silver lass with a nice....... pair of eyes.

Me? Cheat? Steal? Lie? Never!

Lass seeking Lad:

100% certified lap warmer looking for one (or more) strapping lad(s) with backbone for rum filled nights and plunder filled days, if interested contact Laura Silver.

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Tito me ole son, The faire was indeed of the most goodly spread and thanks be to thee fer opening up the opportunity to give. You asked fer our wishes and I say this. Wishes and dreams are very important things they be what lives are measuered by and lost too. Tis a time of truth and a time to offer that wondrous thing called love fer sometimes we forget 'owe easy it is to touch that one someones life with a whisper of that which so glouriously flourishes in the lucky to have loved. But think not of what it is we need! Given the only thing we gots sometimes is about all that's needed. Christine I likens yer wish to be of similarity to what yer famlees be needin is a strong and heavy fisted punishment of kindness and love. Laura Tell D ya love her and show her the graph on incomes before graduation and those after. Remember it was Nixon's brother who said it's not what you know it's who ye know. Ifin ye gots it and ye can spare just a little, My wish fer us all is to share it all, everything ye gots is only worth something if ye can give it away.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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