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Avast Thar, Stitch!!!..........

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Arrrrrrr... B) .....Me ol' black 'eart be touched...(sniff)...me 'eartfelt thanks ta me kind 'earted mates. tiss been a grand year indeed an look'n fore ta an even grander year ahead....lots o' plunder'n an adventures ahead.... :ph34r:

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Happy Birthday, to the best foredeck mate I get the pleasure of sailing & swapping tall tales with!

I'm off to do my auntiechiliconconnie duties with a baby pyrate in training, if I have my way!

I'll break my dry spell (2 days or thereabouts) and drink some fine pyrate rum in celebration of my bud's B-day! :ph34r:B)

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:P:P Best wishes to ye, me bully boy. May the Tradewinds always blow fair for ye, Yer ship fleet and their's slow, And may Lord Neptune hold ye in the palm of 'is hand!!!Happy Birthday!! :P Silante'

Crimson Crow

Privateer & Commander of "Finnegan's Wake"

Faodaidh fearg sealltainn a strigh air cridh an duine ghlic, ach comhnaichdh i an amadain.

(Anger may look in on a wise man's heart, but it abides in the heart of a fool.)

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Stitch, I'm a bit late on this, but happy berthday to ya..and many more.

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!


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Well it's a stitch here, a stitch there, an' soon we'll see a whole lotta Stitch everywhere! That's cuz it's 'is birthday!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! An' may yer stitches never drop. B)

Rumba Rue

**Yo ho yo ho happy pirates are we!** :)

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