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Pirate Faire at Ojai CA, 2004

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The thought crosses my mind and I think..."maybe I can pull this off" and then the hitting starts and yelling and spitting and running and I think "what, am I insane?" All I want to do is keelhaul them all. Where's that cat-o-nine tails when you need it? :lol:

Now if they had a pirate kids camp (you know..drop and run), I'd be there in a heart beat. :lol:

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.

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The thought crosses my mind and I think..."maybe I can pull this off" and then the hitting starts and yelling and spitting and running and I think "what, am I insane?" All I want to do is keelhaul them all. Where's that cat-o-nine tails when you need it? :huh:

Now if they had a pirate kids camp (you know..drop and run), I'd be there in a heart beat. :huh:

Hmmm....(casts a weather eye to the yardarms)......

How be ye're supply 'o doubloons??? :huh: .......(Checks layer 'o barnacles for sharpness)...............Where'd it ever say they had ta have fun at camp???? :huh:

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The good RumbaRue did her best t'notify me o'the closin' date fer applyin' t'the PRP, but alas I missed it.  :huh:

Closing date for applying to PRP? As Red Maria mentioned, there is no "application season"; you can apply anytime.

You should contact a Board member if you have questions about PRP: me, Philistina d'Morte or Boats O'Toole. Anything sent to us via email links on our webpage go to Board members. Only Board members are authorized to give out official information about PRP--for precisely this reason, to avoid confusion!

So if you're interested in membership, what are you waiting for? :huh:

Edited to add: OK, I should have read the thread further. I see Rumba corrected Capt. Grey's misinterpretation of something she read. However, you can get your application to me as late as the day before the anniversary party to be added to the roster as an applicant and be more than welcome to attend.

Melusine de la Mer

"Well behaved women rarely make history." - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

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Thank'ee kindly, PirateQueen.

Mayhap I be findin' the time t'fill out that there application this weekend. I be likin' t'scare the children at Halloween with me pirate act; t'would be fun t'do all year 'round. :huh:


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm fully expectin' ta be there again, but I did just have a surgery date change to Sept. 16..if'n I kin stand it, as always, for a , an' nothin' be bleedin' too hard, I'll make it...If not, me first mate'll be there with a few 'o the Royaliste deck guns for a bit 'o thunder!! :ph34r:


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  • 4 weeks later...

Ahoy maties, I be gettin' anxious fer this get-together and I thought I'd bump up this thread.

It be only a little over a month away now and hopefully I'll have me frock coat done by then. :rolleyes:

I be lookin' forward t'meetin' me board brethren.


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

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Lookin' forward to meetin' you too Capt' !

I've already met you so I'm runn'n like Hell from high tide when I see you!!! :unsure:

Josh'n!!!! B)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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Lookin' forward to meetin' you too Capt' !

I've already met you so I'm runn'n like Hell from high tide when I see you!!! :lol:

Actually I don't blame ye, lass. I don't call meself the "pesterin' pirate" fer nuthin'. :lol:

I think all ye scallywags should be runnin' fer cover when I steps aboard. Me signature bar below were custom made fer me. :lol:


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

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Arr, I'll be there, sure as the sea'll! I want this year t' stay in an encampment... as I've applied to PRP but am not yet a member! Hopefully I'll be invited to stay wif them by then... if not, maybe I c'n jus' camp there with friends in me own tent.

I am so excited this year! Last year I was but a lubber, very interested in pirates bu' no' yet initiated! No garb, no nothin', jus' a love for the seas and a love for pirates. Also, hopefully, me new wench's garb will be done by then!

Captain Wolfy Wench

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Ahoy! :ph34r:

We would like to attend. Alass......(have driver will travel) but in need of driver. We do own a car...just no license yet, only lerners permit...how sad....30 with no license. We are in Merced, CA. Hope we can go this time around!

Deadly Drucilla


Cacklin' Bloody Bill Holtz


Pause My Friend, As You Pass By. -As You Are, So Once Was I. -As I Am, So Shall You Be. -Prepare You Then, To Follow Me.

(written on a gravestone)

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I'd like ta meet some of ya's from here on tha board, so if ya sees me - with the shaggy blond hair, that be's me. Me man has long black hair and a black and gold coat and we have two lilt'uns, girls. I can pop them over at the playground. Hopefully I'll have me new blue coat made, but me thinks it'll be plenty hot this weekend.

It'll be nice to know how to spot everyone.


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Well, it's rather 'official', and I won't be makin' the 'Fest this weekend, so..........Ya'll be careful with the black powder, as Raul 'n I won't be there bein' subtle 'safety officers'.......All 'o me 'Tales' rogues, DO have a gRReat time, try an' drink alla the rum in the county, and report back!......Unless somebody rolls past here with a fast car late Friday or Saturday, I'll miss seein' ye southern scallywags once again.....Jamaica, 'Bess, Red Maria, Tourin' Gentleman, etc..Hope to see you all again soon, maybe ye should carpool it this fall and come on up for an adventure on the Bay........Somebody take my place pullin' second dogwatch to make sure Jeff don' get absconded by any wenches, eh wot?

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Be well and safe, my merry friends. Know that my heart is with the all as my body must remain in the desert. Alas, I must mark my calendar has to have no conflict for next year's gathering.

Fair winds, few clouds and mild temperatures.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.

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