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POTC plot holes... ***SPOILER WARNING***

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I think we need to distinguish between plot holes and physics holes. Plot holes are things like if Jack Sparrow could enjoy rum as a zombie (which I think we've established wasn't a hole, just a misunderstanding.) Plot holes are when the story sets up its rules and then breaks them (and those REALLY grate at my nerves.) By and large, I think this movie was pretty much free of major plot holes.

Now physics holes - don't even get me started. Walking underwater with an inverted boat full of air??? Wouldn't that float? The Black Pearl with only shreds for sails? And how come Jack's pistol was able to fire in the end - it spent half it's time under water!!!

Of course, there's also those weird little things that, while not necessarily holes, are just questionable. For example, if I'm going to chase after a hijacked ship, when I catch it, am I going to have every last member of my crew swing over, thus leaving my own ship completely unprotected to be hijacked instead???

But then, this IS a movie about zombie pirates and their quest for fresh fruit, so why nitpick? I LOVED THIS MOVIE!!!!!


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:P Aye, mates. And the moon's effect on the tides only matters when ye' are tryin' to make port, not go aground doing so. Tides mean nothing to open ocean sailing on a square ship. They needed to sink the Interceptor, ta make room for the 'real' fastest ship in the Carribean, Me! :P

*sniff* but I loved the Interceptor! and now my heart is broken! *sobs pathetically over her loss*

Right then, now that's out of the way...

Hmm, I still don't buy the thing with the moon, the timing doesn't quite work out. But oh well, it's a silly but otherwise bloody BRILLIANT movie anyway.

But then there's my biggest question: Why did they call it a curse? I mean, sure, you can't quench your thirst, eat food, or go wenching and enjoy it, but hey, that's life on a boat anyway! I'd love a curse like that! It is now my life's goal to be a mad pirate who turns into a CG skeleton in the moon's light :ph34r:

:huh: Being a tall ship captain, I have a bit o' trouble with a small glitch.When Jack and Will first heist the Interceptor, and Jack is explaining ' the way things are' to Will, a turn of the wheel thisaway and a turn of the wheel thataway jibes the brig's main boom striking Will. Not heavy air, to really fill the sail, and it coudn't happen as the wheel is controlling the rudder, the mainsheet controls the boom, and needs a hella strong wind to do that!, Small change, but oh well. :ph34r:

Hey Royaliste - I had a similar concern - was the sail even OUT when the the boom slammed across? I seem to remember Orlando's character having a face to face conversation with Cap'n Sparrow while hanging onto the boom from the opposite side, WITHOUT any canvas in his face.

But then, I've only seen it the once (thus far) so maybe I missed some details.



Ya know, me buckos, the deal with the moon? In most pagan terms the full moon (and the new if ya wanna get technical) lasts three days. Go watch it sometime, I am sure you sailors have noticed a few good nights of brightness! Would THAT account for it? Maybe?

"You have a woman's skin, m'lord! I'll wager that hides never been rubbed with salt and flayed off to make stockin's for a pirates best cabin boy!"


Aye Ladds n' Lasses,

Ye must remember too, wi' todays rapid transit, we be spoiled wi' how little tyme it takes ta get from place ta place... I donna remember them sayin' 'ow much tyme went passed betwixt th' action... It very well coulda been o'er a months tyme... And 'ow often did they show th' moon in her full glory? It be plenty bright thru the cycle leadin' up to an' just passed th' full moon as well...

Royaliste, might ye know 'ow long it takes, in you ship, ta get from Port Royal o'er to Tortuga?

Mad Maudlin, Pagan Pyrate do ya be? Well Blessed Be...


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins



I swear upon Saint Elmo, ye nay be turned in by this Ladd!!!


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins


:huh: Dorian, i'd be guessin' a day or so,as its not downwind, so the squares would be brailed, and the ship fore and aft rigged ,Gaff in my case. The trades would be to the starboard quarter. :ph34r: a good day in these ships average 100- 125 nautical miles

What I've read on travel in the age of sail is that Jamaica to Tortuga would generally be a four day sail, give or take one depending on the wind. But I'm thinking that a month could easily pass in that time PLUS the time spent mustering the crew, preparing for the voyage, and chasing down Barbossa, eh?


Gotcha! Thanks fer the tip Royaliste! That's quite impressive that a fast vessel rigged fore and aft could get from Port Royal to Tortuga in 1-2 days. Very cool!


Heres my take on things

  JoshuaRed said:

:ph34r: What happened to the defeated pirate crew once the curse was lifted? I assume they were hung, but it's not shown.

most likly hung but to keep a PG13 rating it was not shown since there would be no reprive for them

:ph34r: What happened to the treasure Jack made off with from the cave? One minute he's rowing back to the Dauntless with Will and Liz, draped in gold. Next scene he's on the gallows. Did he give it to Will so he could become a gentleman pirate?

most likly the British goverment got it since the govener was onboard the ship when Jack was arrested

:ph34r: How did Jack get cursed if he wasn’t with the crew when they took the cursed treasure? They marooned him on the way to the island, right?

already been covered to my satisfaction

:ph34r: How did Jack come to learn of Isla De Muerta? And if he knew he was cursed, why wouldn't he be magically drawn to the gold just like the Black Pearl crew? Or is that why he showed up in Port Royal in the first place?

some one else showed him first then he got/made the compass that pointed the way there or he was just that good and was navigate in his head only and used the compass as a prop that only he knew how to use

:ph34r: How could he get drunk on rum if he was cursed? It was made pretty clear that all they could do was sail the sea tracking down the gold....

this has been covered

:ph34r: Where are the other inhabitants of the Caribbean? Spanish? French?

hidding from the Black Pearl

:ph34r: If they can’t die, and Bootstrap Bill was cursed too, shouldn't he be sitting at the bottom of the sea somewhere chained to a cannonball, bored as hell? Course soon as the curse is lifted, he'd drown I guess....

well he was a pirate and was most likely cursed as well

but he had what 10 to 15 years to drag or break free of the cannonball

My guess is that he'll show up in the sequel maybe missing a hand or foot

:ph34r: Port Royal is supposed to be "the wickedest city on earth"…where is everyone?

already covered

:ph34r: How could Jack sail a brig with just Will who’s all lubber?

Jack is just that good

look at when we first see him sailing into Port Royal he bails what 3 buckets of water and that is just enough so that he can step off the mainmast as comes to port the first time and not get his feet wet


Knotworking for a better tomorrow

Sir John Perrot

Vice-Admiral to seas of South Wales,captain of the HMS Revenge

Member of The Bell of St.Ives(best customer at the Bell)

Brutal Harmony,Ice Cream Social,and Last Call (have no idea where that tenor came from I sing bass)


The oopsie that had me crew fussin' was the fact that the Pearl was flyin' Jack Rackham's flag...

But I got over it right quick. Jack Sparrow can make this pirate lass overlook most anything! :huh:

Trust me when I say that were it Kestrel on the island instead of Elizabeth, there'd have been no signal fire...well, not until the rum was all drunk up, in any case. :ph34r:

Mad Kestrel

Privateer #9, IFoRP

Captain of the Thanos (Fairhaven, CRF)

But why is the rum gone? - Capt Jack Sparrow


I went back and saw POTC for the third time... and although I too, am willing to overlook anything less that perfect in for the dashing Captain Jack Sparrow, I do have fun finding the little imperfections.

Watch for this one next time... when Jack makes his escape and slides down the rope with his wrists in irons...

How in bloody blazes did he get a suspended, rope BETWEEN his cuffed wrists, so he could slide down it?!!! A removable arm perhaps?!! Or was there enough chain to throw it over sideways? I guess our hero Cap'n Jack Sparrow managed it the same way he roped together two sea turtles using the hair off his own back to escape the deserted island, eh?!!!

(ye' gotta love a good sea dawg's tale!! ARRRRRRRRRRR!!)

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


  • 2 weeks later...

Well I think with POTC they can make a 3 part series. If you think about it, it would help answer some of the questions people may have regarding the plot and its holes. You could make a prequel telling the story of Sparrow, and the crew of the Black Pearl. This would cover Sparrow's abandonment on the island, the mutiny of the crew as well as whatever happened to Boot Strap Bill. Then of course you have POTC. Then you could have a sequel that maybe does the adventures of Sparrow and Turner or whatever story you could devise to follow up POTC. It could be a good 3 part series that involves pyracy. It all depends on how well you direct/produce the films. I also do not advocate turning it into an endless series or prolonged series like Star Wars and a few Horror series. But that just my 2 cents.


  • 2 months later...

I don't know if anyone already mentioned this plot foible or not- but I stumbled across this info in the book "The East India Company Trade and Conquest From 1600" and thought it was interesting-

In Pirates of the Caribbean, which takes place in the 1700's, Norrington notes the letter "P" branded on Jack Sparrows forearm and comments that Jack had "...a bit of a run-in with the East India Company."

But in the 1700's the East India Company was called by other names. From 1600 until 1709 it was "The Governor and Company of Merchants of London trading into the East Indies."

Then there was a merger with another company, and in 1709 it became "The United Company of Merchants of London trading into the East Indies"

That remained the legal name until it was changed to the East india Company in 1874. The first mention of the name East India Company appears in a charter act of 1833. It was also known by the nicknames of "The Company", "The Honorable Company" and "John Company".

Now hows that for ultra-nit-picky, eh?!! *grin* obviously if Norrington had called it anything other than the East India Company, 99.9% of a modern audience wouldn't have know what he was talking about.

Which leads to another question... how much of a modern audience event knows what the East India Company was?

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


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