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Off to see POTC yet again tonight!! One of my most loyal pirate gals is flying up from San Diego for the Jack London Square event. She hasn't seen it yet, because she's been waiting for a time when she could go in costume. So I've got my wench wear out in the car and I'm picking her up at the airport! This will be my 5th time, second one in costume.


-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



I about fell out of my chair laughing... for a genre they referred to it as Action, CRIME... CRIME??? AAAAAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa! Only crime thar is the distinct lack of US lot being there!!!


"You have a woman's skin, m'lord! I'll wager that hides never been rubbed with salt and flayed off to make stockin's for a pirates best cabin boy!"


saw it fer the 4th time in theaters just the other day! in costume i might add! ye should have seen the look on the ticket person's face when me friend and i sauntered up! :angry:


Sequel? I've heard it's a certainty ...we are speculating that it will involve Wills father, Bootstrap...who may have been dropped off the boat with weights on his bootstraps...but wouldn't die, being one of those cursed......even weighted he'd have had ten years (or so) to walk to the nearest coast....though a "prequel" would be cool.

Going to see it again tomorrow (having the theatre to my mature self, now that education is again in progress)...but...(in the "finale" sword fight)......when did Jack return his coin to the chest? Z


Has anyone gone with their crewe, in garb, and Rocky Horrored it yet?

Not necessarily throwing things around, but standing up at random moments and quoting the movie as it's playing?

Great fun, but get manager approval first.

"Yo Ho, all together

hoist the colours high

Heave Ho, theives and beggers

Never shall we die..."


"I don't care who ye say you are lad, if ye say 'savvy' one more time, I'll bury this cutlass in that thick skull

of yers!"

-Captain John Young - PILF


Oh how temptin' it would be...though many o' my jabs no one'd get, so I'd be the only one laughin' :ph34r:

Hate it when that happens...

As for the sequel..oh do I 'ave m'theories already.

We're gonna be seein' that beastly monkey again. Lil' blighter...

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am robbing you, tossing you overboard, and stealing your ship!"

-the only thing more dangerous than her.. is her needle-


I really enjoyed the movie. I saw it while I was in Panama back in August and going to the same place where in 1671 Sir Henry Morgan sacked the city of Panama Viejo the following day was a real treat. The only part I didn't like was the fact that the movie was in Spanish and some of the translations did not go as well as one would want them to go. I'll be the first in line when the DVD comes out even if it means playing hooky from work to be the first one to own it.

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.


Has anyone figured out why William, and later Elizabeth were not "cursed" while in posession of the Aztec coin? Since one didn't have to be one of the original raiders (Sparrow wasn't and the curse affected him when he palmed a coin)

What a dad! Imagine sending a cursed coin to you kid! Every pirate childs Christmas wish......Dear Blackbeard, (Yo ho, yo ho ho), I want a cutlass, a Jolly Roger, a fast ship...and oh, yes a cursed coin of Aztec gold!

Still haven't made it to my second viewing, hope it stays in the theatres another few weeks while I catch up on all the dull stuff.............tiny TV, no Dvd, must see it on the BIG screen....

  Zephyr said:
Has anyone figured out why William, and later Elizabeth were not "cursed" while in posession of the Aztec coin? Since one didn't have to be one of the original raiders (Sparrow wasn't and the curse affected him when he palmed a coin)

What a dad! Imagine sending a cursed coin to you kid! Every pirate childs Christmas wish......Dear Blackbeard, (Yo ho, yo ho ho), I want a cutlass, a Jolly Roger, a fast ship...and oh, yes a cursed coin of Aztec gold!

Still haven't made it to my second viewing, hope it stays in the theatres another few weeks while I catch up on all the dull stuff.............tiny TV, no Dvd, must see it on the BIG screen....

It's all about how the coin is handled.

Will and Elizabeth did not steal the coin from the chest outright as Jack did. If you take it directly from the chest, you become cursed until all the coins come back and you give a bit of your blood.

Mmmmm. I love to pick at plots :)

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am robbing you, tossing you overboard, and stealing your ship!"

-the only thing more dangerous than her.. is her needle-


Ahoy there,

First of all, there was quite a bit of information that I couldn't decifer in that movie, brilliant as it was. I loved it, too! The compass was one of them, and indeed, Commodore Norrington did fail to examine the compass as he should.

I have a question . . . however, it would spoil the ending for the unfortunate mates who haven't yet seen it. I'll have to keep it to myself . . . or save it for later. :ph34r:

anyways, I realize this prob'ly ain't the place for it (being that this ain't a chat room and all), but Iron Bess, if that be yer name, I can't quite recall, are you involved with film? I realize this question may not make sense but I was following yer conversations with the other pirates here and I couldn't help but notice that you discussed the (possibly) upcoming sequel with significant knowledge. I just wondered.

Thanks very much.

PS Lucky Penny Hawkings, yer a true genius!!!!! Yer conclusions about the plot cleared my mind of all doubts!!! :ph34r:

  KindheartedKylie said:
PS Lucky Penny Hawkings, yer a true genius!!!!! Yer conclusions about the plot cleared my mind of all doubts!!! :ph34r:


Not so much a genius as having seen the movie....five? Six times?

That, and having a bit o' film study under me belt, I 'ave a habit o' lookin' at stuff that others tend t' miss...an' missin' things other find because I'm too busy not seein' th' forest for th' trees!

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am robbing you, tossing you overboard, and stealing your ship!"

-the only thing more dangerous than her.. is her needle-

  Lucky Penny Hawkings said:
That, and having a bit o' film study under me belt, I 'ave a habit o' lookin' at stuff that others tend t' miss...an' missin' things other find because I'm too busy not seein' th' forest for th' trees!

hello again

just replying to Lucky Penny, I (once again) realize that this is not a chat room, but so be it. I was just wondering if you could discuss farther your study of film and tell me where you studied it.

Thanks! :ph34r:

  KindheartedKylie said:
just replying to Lucky Penny, I (once again) realize that this is not a chat room, but so be it. I was just wondering if you could discuss farther your study of film and tell me where you studied it.

Thanks! :ph34r:

*LOL* I don' think a few messages will hurt us much, an' if all else fails, someone will flog us!

Went to school at Michigan State, have a degree in Telecommunications..ye ol' emphasis on video production. Took several classes on film theory, which more or less translates to watching movies and writing papers on things like hidden meanings of objects (say, the sled in Citizen Kane) an' stuff like that. The things ye never really look for when yer watchin' a movie, all the sudden yer prof wants a five page paper on it!

M'better off as a pirate, I am. ARRRRRR! :ph34r:

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am robbing you, tossing you overboard, and stealing your ship!"

-the only thing more dangerous than her.. is her needle-

  the Royaliste said:
:) See??... I just knowed she was smart enuff fer a gunner's mate, not just a seamstress!..... :ph34r:

Ah, but bein' a seamstress is a lovely cover, dont'cha think? No one would ever know th' wiser that I'm dangerous! :ph34r:

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am robbing you, tossing you overboard, and stealing your ship!"

-the only thing more dangerous than her.. is her needle-


Except o' course, fer yer pointy shears, yer zillions of wee pins, all them needles.... never, ever, make a seamstress mad at ye... (crotch in the pants are too short? Oh, so sorry... what do you mean one sleeve is an inch too short!???!!) :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

  BoneHunterLane said:
Except o' course, fer yer pointy shears, yer zillions of wee pins, all them needles.... never, ever, make a seamstress mad at ye... (crotch in the pants are too short? Oh, so sorry... what do you mean one sleeve is an inch too short!???!!) :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

ROTDLMAO!!!!!!!! :ph34r:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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