Capt. "Mad Dog" Davies Posted April 25, 2003 Posted April 25, 2003 Ahoy Capt. Luigi! I'm glad you appreciate "my" quote, but it is in fact from the movie "The Buccaneer" (1958). It was spoken by Charles Boyer and in it's entirety goes..."The Code of Our Brotherhood is better than all the lies of nations. There is only one thing we can trust in life, and that is that it will end in death. Well, when it comes...spit it in it's eye!". I first saw that film when I was about 5 or 6 years old, and it had a profound effect on my life, much to my poor mother's regret. That particular quote also was one of the prime factors that led to the founding and naming of Ye Pyrate Brotherhood, and we have adopted it as our official motto. Buona Fortuna, fair winds and fat prizes to ye and yer crew. Cordially, Capt. Ian "Mad Dog" Davies, Ye Pyrate Brotherhood, LINY Capt. Ian "Mad Dog" Davies, Ye Pyrate Brotherhood "The Code of Our Brotherhood is Better than all the Lies of Nations!"
Dorian Lasseter Posted April 25, 2003 Posted April 25, 2003 Greetings One & All, I sail from th' Port O' Pittsburgh, PA.... Long time into Reenacting, SCA, F&I, etc... I do early 17th C. Privateer Captain and Artilleryman 18th C, F&I halfbreed, and crew of a Privateer and a few other odds n' ends.... Mayhaps we all will meet in time... May the Spirits of the Seas look wel upon Ye... Truly, Dorian Lasseter Truly, D. Lasseter Captain, The Lucy Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air "If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41 Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins
Captain Luigi Posted April 28, 2003 Posted April 28, 2003 Pistols or cuttlas witha Tiny Williams? Ha!!! He's agotta hard enough time with those pots anda pans. We keepa him for goda humor
Capt Scarlett Posted May 7, 2003 Posted May 7, 2003 Ahoy to all my fellow seafarin' adventurers, Please allow me to intruduce meself, I am Captain Scarlett Hawkins. I'm another one of those SCA folk and reside in the dusty, desert lands of Arizona. How can one have a pirate crew in the desert? Imagination and a lot of heart. I just recently gathered up a fine crew mostly made up of beautiful lasses and one unlucky Quartermaster who has to look out for them. He has such a rough job. Our interests include, belly dancing, rapier fighting, heavy fighting, archery, calligraphy & illumination, pillaging, plundering, drinking rum and chasing the maidens (well, that's my job and the quartermaster's). In the SCA, I captain a 16th century vessel but my interests are not confined to just one time period. For it was the Golden Age of Piracy that first captured my heart and imagination. I hope to meet many more of my fellow bretheren of the sweet trade. Fair winds and calm seas, Capt. Scarlett "Mouse" Hawkins Captain of the Lusty Lady
Fletcher Hawkyns Posted May 7, 2003 Posted May 7, 2003 Another blackhearted soul from the sca looking for other rogues to capture prizes and cause all manner of grief upon the mundanes of Fredericksburg Virginia. Fair winds and gathering seas to ya. This is a great site. Fletcher Hawkyns Captain of the bark Rayven.
Capt. Flint Posted May 8, 2003 Posted May 8, 2003 To Scarlett and Fletcher.. welcome aboard. It's always good to se new folks here. arrghhhhhhhh The Capt.
Wavedancer Posted May 9, 2003 Posted May 9, 2003 I be new to pyratin', and with ginger patch secure I am findin my sealegs. Hailing from the bonny shores of Redondo Beach, have swam with the dolphins and rode the waves. NOW its time to venture! Hoisting the main and locatin the stars( in the heavens not L.A.). I am so glad to have discovered this wonderful group!. Look forward to makng this Pub a fav. Wavedancer
captweaver65 Posted May 9, 2003 Posted May 9, 2003 welcome,Wavedancer, this is a rite fine place to sit a spell with like minded scoundrels...uh... i mean sailors-hehe.good ta have ya here. Capt Weaver Capt Weaver "No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; for being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned. A man in jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company. " Dr. Samuel Johnson Capt Weaver's Pirate Perversions
capnwilliam Posted May 11, 2003 Posted May 11, 2003 Sounds like a fine crew you have, Capt. Scarlett! As you're in the SCA (as I am also), are you on the SCA-Nautical list? Capt. William Patron, Loyal Guild of St. Erasmus, Kingdom of Meridies Catain, the Seadogge Shiphold (1580's merchant vessel) "The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"
capnwilliam Posted May 11, 2003 Posted May 11, 2003 Dorian, Sounds like you've really been bitten by the reenactors' bug! Capt. William "The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"
Capt Scarlett Posted May 12, 2003 Posted May 12, 2003 capnwilliam said: Sounds like a fine crew you have, Capt. Scarlett! As you're in the SCA (as I am also), are you on the SCA-Nautical list?Capt. William Patron, Loyal Guild of St. Erasmus, Kingdom of Meridies Catain, the Seadogge Shiphold (1580's merchant vessel) I was on the SCA nautical list for a little while until everyone and their mother insisted that I join a million other lists. But, I would like to join the list again because there are quite a few folks on there who hold a wealth of knowledge on all things nautical. Would be worth it to expand my mind. Fair winds and calm seas, Capt. Scarlett "Mouse" Hawkins
Dorian Lasseter Posted May 12, 2003 Posted May 12, 2003 capnwilliam said: Dorian,Sounds like you've really been bitten by the reenactors' bug! Capt. William Aye Capt. William, I been bitten by th' bug, an' it causes me quite an' itch... Been Reenacting for 15 years on and off as the private life allows... sadly at present I get to play only a few times a year these past few... I just left a pic of meself in the Gallery o' Rogues on this here site of my most recent incarnation... Truly, D. Lasseter Captain, The Lucy Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air "If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41 Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins
BlackDavyIrons Posted August 5, 2003 Posted August 5, 2003 Ahoy! Me names Black Davy Irons an' I fare from the Eastlands of New York City. As of now I'm not a part of any crew. I hope thatt'll be changin' soon tho, I don' fancy this landlubbin hard tack an' gruel all that much. Anyhow, Me minds been meddlin' in pyratetry fer as long as I can remeber. Glad I found a group o sea dogs to pass talk with. Fair winds to yeh, Black Davy Irons
queenortart Posted August 5, 2003 Posted August 5, 2003 Greetings to one and all, I am QueenorTart, and pretty new to this Piracy lark. My hero when I was a little girl was Captain Nancy, but then I grew up. Now I've rediscovered my pirate desires through gaming (Freeforming and RPG) I'm playing in a Monkey Island RGP as Amelia Prudence Threepwood, and reading as much as I can, in preparation to game writing. How was I so sensible for all those years? Wasted I think now.... It's time to get back to the important things in life. Drinking Grog, and Squashing Buckles, and wearing pointy shoes and corsets. I look forward to shivering my timbers with you all... Q.
the Royaliste Posted August 5, 2003 Posted August 5, 2003 Ahoy, and welcome aboard lass, which ever ye be. A fine bunch o' scallywags here, and more every day...
GreyDog Posted August 12, 2003 Posted August 12, 2003 Aye...looks like I introduced meself in the wrong thread!! place is as good as another I say.. to delve a little names Bryan, I'm not an actor, swordsman nor bard...jus' an arborist outa Minnesota.....but I gots some salt in me veins, I sailed four year on the Eisenhower, I been from the Carrib to the Indian ocean & on up into the artic circle, I be a shellback & a blue nose. But alas I've nae sailed anything bigger'n a scow since then. We gots lots o' water up here but it aint got no salt in it & its all filled into potholes! In the two year I been cohortin with pirates I come to enjoy it, I now run two cyber taverns dedicated to pirate games & have been toying with the idea o' learning to fence & joining a group. (time permitting) I knows ye folks 'r more interested in serious takers fer yer groups so I'll let ye know if'n I ever get to that point! (it sure sounds like fun) ..till then I hope ye all don' mind if'n I drops anchor & drinks with ye's every now & then
the Royaliste Posted August 12, 2003 Posted August 12, 2003 Welcome, mate. The few times my feet want dry land, I'm on your western state line, Big Stone Lake. Not there often, tho. Enjoy the site, try the links, and Fair Winds
Daniel Posted August 12, 2003 Posted August 12, 2003 Hi, I'm Daniel. I started studying piracy back in 2001 in preparation for writing a novel, which is almost done now. I started fencing in early 2002. Alas, my sea-going experience is limited to nine days as a lubber aboard the Canadian brigantine St. Lawrence II. Lately I've been visiting at the pirates forum at Krysztof's site, but I thought I'd come visit here too. Awesome site!
the Royaliste Posted August 12, 2003 Posted August 12, 2003 Welcome aboard mate. Me ship's done many a reenactment with the St. Lawrence II. Just pirates here, tho. Nuttin' wrong wif' dat, izzaire?
Billie Bonnie Posted August 13, 2003 Posted August 13, 2003 I posted my reply a few days ago in the wrong I'll take another go at it ! My name is Billie Bonnie and I hail from Philadelphia PA, I have been in and out of the SCA for a while (Philly and DC) and was in an American Civil War reenacting group for a pretty long time. I just joined this group because I have been bitten by the pirate bug....ok I admit it...its because of that movie...whats it called again....oh yea, Pirates of the Caribbean. I am also interested in costuming and historic clothing (I will be attending Temple University's Graduate School next fall in their Theater dept. for Costume Design.) , learning how to sail (hopefully I will be volunteering with a ship called the Gazella in the next few months), and I am very interested in joining up with a crew (I actually have two other friends who are also interested, who were both in the SCA in Vermont and just moved to Philly). As far as historic pirates go, I am very interested in women who dressed as men in order to pass as sailors and especially pirates, hopefully there will be some discussion of this, if people have some suggested reading material on this that would be great! So, I look forward to exploring this board ! Billie PS: The name Billie Bonnie is a nick name of mine that has stuck through the SCA, Civil War reenacting and train hopping/traveling with crazy punk kids I figure it is a good pirate name too :) It is actually the given name of Billy the Kid with the Billie spelled a wee bit different. If you must know, my real name is Samantha. Pss: sorry that was so long
the Royaliste Posted August 13, 2003 Posted August 13, 2003 :) A bloody welcome to ye, Billie. Grab a pint an' join us in the scuppers...
Iron Bess Posted August 14, 2003 Posted August 14, 2003 PirateQueen said: Greetings from the Left Coast of the United States of America! I hail from the Los Angeles area (Burbank, CA) and am a member of that fine Southern California crew, the Port Royal Privateers. AHOY THERE LASS!!! This here be your ship mate, Iron Bess! Got nothing important or deep to say... just happy to see you! Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!
Alexandria Posted August 18, 2003 Posted August 18, 2003 Good day, Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Alexandria, age 34, and I am seeking work on a ship. I am recently divorced, and want a total change in my life. I am selling everything I own to realize this dream. I live in Sacramento, California, but am willing to relocate to either coast. I have no experience with boating or sailing, but I am a quick lerner. I am strong and healthy. Will exchange work for board, or can also pay a small fee. Any recommendations are appreciated. Only those serious need respond. I hope to find a ship within the next 30 days.
Captain Sage Posted August 20, 2003 Posted August 20, 2003 Welcome to ALL ye' young swabbers. *My, but this Alexandria do seem to be the serious one.* I point ya straightway to one Royaliste, my lass. I'm certain he can send you down the road of a nautical total makeover in short order. He's an authentic pirate by all accounts, not to mention a skilled sailor and avid Pub poster. .....'Matter o' fact, I expect him to find you at any time now. Fair Winds, Captain Sage Captain Sage Visit The Pirate's Realm and Blackbeard's Realm
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