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How does Friday night (next Friday!) sound to all of ye?

Akasha and I could make a Friday night gig in Redwood City. I assume yer talkin' the 26th?


Man, a Friday nite drive from anywhere to Redwood City would be brutal!

.....And as far as a sail, that be a minimum six hour each way, daylight only, check yer chart 'cuz the water outside the channel be six or less kinda thing..And that's not e'en up the creek to the port..........

besides the obvious, I ain't leavin' for over a half hour from this deck anymore in the near future.........

Stand Down, and ye may just live...

besides the obvious, I ain't leavin' for over a half hour from this deck anymore in the near future.........

Never get outta the boat....words ta live by.

All kidd'n aside Pyrate 's got a good point...Friday commutes are brutal around 101 and the penesula from most anywere in the Bay Area.



The Cap'n 'n I happen ta be on vacation this week 'n we spent enough time with the off-spring. Got a gig with um tonight then as far as I be concerned the rest o' the time be fer sailin.

Capt'n ifin we ken get this thing ta gether think it might help with

RR other plans. Might be a good way ta get whot we need two? :unsure:

I ken bring whot 'er ye need. Pot Luck seems ta be the best. We got us some mighty fine cooks in the crew! :)

I can do this on the weekends. My guess is the closer to where they are berthed we make this, the more likely they are to accept an invite. They'll need to be close to keep an eye on the ship.

My apologies to the list -- somehow I didn't receive one o' them automatic updates tellin' me there was talk about a BBQ. Stupid computer.

So, I just tuned in late. I'd be interested in a get-together, definitely, although it sounds like the dates're still up in the air.

besides the obvious, I ain't leavin' for over a half hour from this deck anymore in the near future.........

As formerly stated, if you can pull it off, I'm still pullin' my watch............


I'd be happy to take a 1/2 hour turn watching the ship, on deck with gun in hand.

BBQ sounds grand. I hope the HC and LW can make it.


"Let them eat cake. No wait, kill 'em all instead, and plunder the cake for yourself. Mmmmm, cake. . ."

besides the obvious, I ain't leavin' for over a half hour from this deck anymore in the near future.........

As formerly stated, if you can pull it off, I'm still pullin' my watch............

??? I must have missed something. Should I even ask why you're not leaving the deck for extended periods of time?

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