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Hear! ye Here Ye! You lot of bloody sea dogs. Be the first to hear that the Hawaiian Chiftain is on the market! The vessel is listed with the very reputable firm of McGrath Pacific.

Now no Hawaiian Chiftain bashing! She is now in me charge and I will defend her to the last man!

Details of the vessel will be at www.mcgrathpacific.com

Those destined to hang, shall not fear drowning

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Hear! ye Here Ye! You lot of bloody sea dogs. Be the first to hear that the Hawaiian Chiftain is on the market! The vessel is listed with the very reputable firm of McGrath Pacific.

Now no Hawaiian Chiftain bashing! She is now in me charge and I will defend her to the last man!

Details of the vessel will be at www.mcgrathpacific.com

Old news, Bully! We posted her for sale a few weeks back, when she negotiated her month to month deal on her slip.. With that twin diesel, twin keel, steel hull, I'd bet she'd make a great fishin' rig!! ;);):D

Now, if'n ye be 'up to defendin' her', we'll see ya on the water! ;)



My dear Royalist

Your news was but a rumor! She is now officialy for sale! Selling her me self I am!

Defend her! If ever ye were to take such a fine prize, ye would defend her also!

Watch for the sharpshooters in the rigging

Those destined to hang, shall not fear drowning


Twasn't a rumor, it was Ian to the harbormaster, and that's no rumor...But, yes, she's pretty, just dont sail well, and you know us wooden boat sailors. eh?....We'll have a weather eye to the riggin', but remember, we carry a lot 'o sidearms too!... ;) But, lookin' forward to some new targets, anyhoo!



Hmm, then there's the underlying reality....Californian sold to SD Maritime museum,..Bay Lady sitting empty in South Beach, Rondezvous sold to Monterrey, needin' 500K to keep operating, Kau'ilani sold last year, for sale again, Now the Chieftain.....Methinks the Bay Area has become to costly to be able to maintain any economical support for Tallships to call 'home'...Just a thought, eh?.....


Methinks the Bay Area has become to costly to be able to maintain any economical support for Tallships to call 'home'...Just a thought, eh?.....

Then Methinks Me not want ter stay in a coastal region that be too expensive fer tall ships...!


YARRR! The Oktober be silent now! Just call me "REDD!"


Har, Sinclaire! Did yez see that? Shall we buy us a Pineapple? T'would truly put the lime in the coconut, so it would. Course, that wouldn't do nuffink for yer digestive problems, niether... ;)

Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean that they're not after me.


I must disagree my brothers. Living on the Bay does cost a pretty Penny. But the Chieftain is by no means the grandest prize on the Bay!

For a commercial operation this be the place to operate! Now don’t go off about the Chieftain being a commercial operation, piracy was a commercial operation! Commerce got the bloody ships on the sea, Commerce is GOOD. Commerce gives pyrates something to hunt for!

I am doing my best to sell her to a local Capt! I want to keep her on the Bay! When the Californian was for sale, or got a ship load of non-profit types to purchase her, but no luck!

Those destined to hang, shall not fear drowning


Argh ! I sez we otta buy tha Chieftan an` then takes The Lady as a prize !!! Then we`d be tha most feared dogs ta hit tha high seas , yez we be ?! Avast , so long as ye don`t burn it all ta a crisp , eh , ya ol` gasflabber !?!


Do unto others.... because it`s fun !?!


Gasflabber!? Gives a whole new shade o meaning ta "fire in the hole," don't it? Hah, the Lady as a prize. Now THAR's an idear. The Lady has stolen me heart, seems like I should return de favor.

Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean that they're not after me.


Mebee we`s otta just takes `em both ? I`m thinkin` hard on it , yez I be .

Fire in tha hole , indeed !!! I gots a 12-pounder just waitin` fa action !!!



Do unto others.... because it`s fun !?!


Well Royalist, you may make fun of the Hawaiian Cheiftan, and though she may be in a different class than one you prefer, I have had the opportunity to sail on that fine ship many years ago at the Dana Point, Tall Ships event, I loved it! I think the Cheiftan is a fine ship, and if I had the money to buy her and upkeep I would, but I don't and unfortunately, neither does my stomach.

Bully MacGraw, I hope you find someone who will treat her well.

Rumba Rue

**Sailing on the big blue wet thing** ;)


I thinks the ole Chieftan is a mighty fine vessel meself, as I've said before. And a full kitchen, and headroom, too. Tres’ kewl, sez I.

Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean that they're not after me.


And if we had ham, we'd have ham and eggs, if we had eggs..Guessed ye missed the point, Rhumba!....Take out a loan, go in debt, etc..., and enjoy her! ;) And as far as fun, well, we've spent many a dubloon enhancing the enjoyment 'o her passengers, so unless ye live on my side 'o Richardson's Bay, ye most likely have no idea 'o my involvement with sailing ships(yes, mostly wooden, I'll agree, as they are mainly the ones in need of 'Tallship help', although I do volunteer welding and rigging work in the area...)..Poking fun crew to crew, vessel to vessel, is as old a tradition as any................


They've been complaining for a while about 'not making ends meet' in the charter trade, as it costs a bundle for annual inspections, etc. to meet the strict criteria to operate commercially. The largest principal shareholder, (Ian) and one of the captains, is prepping for having a child...I'd sell him mine, had I known he was lookin'!! :ph34r:


Now both the ships ye be talkin about be fine, BUT NO SHIP is as good as the Royaliste. She is quick, forgiving o new hands, has good canons and a swivle gun. As fer her crew we can't be beat (oh and by the by we haven't been).

But what makes a good ship n' crew anyway? The Captian and ours is the best hands down. More pictures of the Lady to follow. By the by how does a tall ship sail forward with her sails backfilled? :ph34r:


Aye, there's just something about the Royaliste that makes you fall madly in love with her. She weaves her spell on our pirates, that much is for sure!! Once they set foot on her deck, they are bewitched! (all in a good way of course!) She gets under your skin and all other ships sudden look like tug boats by comparison...LOL!

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



The question was asked why the vessel is being sold. and one responded that they were not making ends meet.

I saw the books. The HC is a very sucessfull charter business. Running a strong business year after year takes a lot out of you.

It is the time for her owner to move on to his next adventure.



Those destined to hang, shall not fear drowning


Scuttlebutt I heard last time I was shipped aboard the Lady Washington yarnnin' an' drinken' withe the chieftens was that Ian was jes' gettin' tired o' running the business.

Oh, an' Royaliste. Fer all yer shameless self promotion, an' braggin' (not that there be anything wrong with that), I find it a wee bit queer that last time I clapped eyes on ye, YA WEREN'T SAILIN' WHEN YA WAS UNDER WAY! Yer sails were set, yet no hands was workin' them sails.. There was canvas luffin' everywhere, yet ya tore through them waters like the devil 'imself were after ya. Why be that, do ya think? An' the completely comin' about with out never tackin' at all was impressive. If memory serves me well enough, me capin said somethin' ta the effect of "Mr. gunner, don't fire on 'em, ye'll only encourage 'em, and if they're not going to sail, we don't want that" Come ta think of it yer lack o' sailin' brought the crew o' Lady down so much we was forced ta present our collective sterns to ya after we docked.

Regardless, carry on with yer braggin', ya got a mighty fine motor yacht ta be proud of there.


So the Lady Washington is beautiful and has good manners, too! Everything ye'd expect in such a loverly maiden o' the sea.


Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean that they're not after me.



Sailing with the motor runnin` ain't exactly sailin`, Royalist !

Har , har , har !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me thinks he otter swap `at ol` rickety boat fer sompin` wot gots trainin` wheels attached .

Do unto others.... because it`s fun !?!

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