Scarlet Jenny Posted February 29, 2004 Posted February 29, 2004 Well, me hearties, it's Oscar night, so how 'bout we drink to Johnny Depp, to wish him loads of luck! "But why's the rum gone?!" Avast, ye limey lubber! Didn't ye think if Scarlet Jenny (Cutthroat Lass, Scourge o' the Seas, Deadly Duchess o' the Deep) hated ye, ye'd be sliced, skinned an' sunk to Davey Jones' locker? Aaaar! Ye would, and ye'd better start believin' it
JoshuaRed Posted March 1, 2004 Posted March 1, 2004 sigh... twas not to be this year fer Johnny I'm afraid....but as they say "It's an honor just to be nominated..." And hey - look at the upside....Bill Murray didn't win! :)
endkaos Posted March 1, 2004 Posted March 1, 2004 Did you see Murray's face. I thought he was going to throw a hissy fit. He could never be a pirate. A pirate may be a criminal, but he's always a gentleman. :) ~Tori Like any unmanned ship, a novice sailor will eventually steer into the wind and then in circles.
El Pirata Posted March 1, 2004 Posted March 1, 2004 SO the Oscars were tonight and I missed them? Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.
endkaos Posted March 1, 2004 Posted March 1, 2004 Yep.... all four hours of it............ ~Tori Like any unmanned ship, a novice sailor will eventually steer into the wind and then in circles.
skots13 Posted March 1, 2004 Posted March 1, 2004 Geee...Did Lord of the Rings get an Oscar? Capt. BLACK SKOT "Permit me aboard and I'll be takin yer ship!" "Don't permit me abourd and I'll still be takin yer ship!"
Hunting Hawk Posted March 1, 2004 Posted March 1, 2004 I may be biased, but I think Depp can act circles around Sean Penn. It be them bloody pirates in Hollywood what stole that Oscar an' give it to the wrong actor. I think, therefor I am. Or maybe I just think I am.
Saskia Posted March 1, 2004 Posted March 1, 2004 Ach... of course Depp can act circles around Penn. He's a fantastic actor. How many Oscars has he ever won anyway? I don't follow these things, but my impression is he hasn't gotten as many as he deserves.
JoshuaRed Posted March 1, 2004 Posted March 1, 2004 Depp has never won an oscar. Though to the best of my knowledge, Penn never won either until last night. Here's an interesting tidbit: in the E! preshow, one of the "experts" mentioned that Depp still had a good shot at winning because his performance in POTC earned that movie more box office dollars than all the other movies of the other nominated actors COMBINED. Make no mistake, as cool as POTC was, it wouldn't have been half as good without Depp. It was the word-of-mouth buzz of Depp's show-stealing performance that made POTC do as well as it did last summer. A true grass-roots victory!
Hunting Hawk Posted March 1, 2004 Posted March 1, 2004 I know one thing, Penn's oscar winning performance never started the cult following that Depp seems to have started. Have you noticed how many teens want to be pirates now? I think, therefor I am. Or maybe I just think I am.
Iron Bess Posted March 1, 2004 Posted March 1, 2004 Now, now mates.... 'tis true we feel we have been robbed (imagine THAT for a bunch o' Pirates!)... But Capt'n Jack will be back. And with a vengence if the story boards are tell'n no lie! Johnny has yet another chance to be nominated for this terrific character. And besides... if Disney can find a way to make some money of him, we'll be up to our eyeballs in Sparrow gee-gaws! Drink up me hearties Yop Ho!! Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!
Scarlet Jenny Posted March 1, 2004 Author Posted March 1, 2004 ::sighs:: maybe next time... Avast, ye limey lubber! Didn't ye think if Scarlet Jenny (Cutthroat Lass, Scourge o' the Seas, Deadly Duchess o' the Deep) hated ye, ye'd be sliced, skinned an' sunk to Davey Jones' locker? Aaaar! Ye would, and ye'd better start believin' it
imadrunkenpirate Posted March 1, 2004 Posted March 1, 2004 Aye... I'll be one to admit that me spirits were down in the depths yesterday night after Sean Penn was announced winner... Fer a pirate of Johnny...he was robbed a bunch. I noticed POTC got nominated fer a lot, and then LOTR (Lord of the Rings) had te get nominated in the same category. The total movie ended up with 11 bloody oscars... I'll be one te' admit, I was getting as seasick as a landlubby when I kept seeing thar director get up with his UNBUTTONED tux (not te' mention thar stain on his left shoulder)... he looked VERY poorly put together... just my opinoin... Remember- What goes on at the Oscars... STAYS at the Oscars! Cabinlass Maggie It'll be the rope's end for that one, me bucko.
JoshuaRed Posted March 1, 2004 Posted March 1, 2004 Quote And with a vengence if the story boards are tell'n no lie! My interest is thoroughly piqued Bess. But I assume you would be keelhauled for even hinting at just a smidgeon of the new storyline so I won't even ask. But if it's good enough to thrill you, I'm sure we'll all be equally thrilled. As long as they retain that surprising integrity of the first movie I'll be happy.
Iron Bess Posted March 1, 2004 Posted March 1, 2004 JoshuaRed said: Quote And with a vengence if the story boards are tell'n no lie! My interest is thoroughly piqued Bess. But I assume you would be keelhauled for even hinting at just a smidgeon of the new storyline so I won't even ask. But if it's good enough to thrill you, I'm sure we'll all be equally thrilled. As long as they retain that surprising integrity of the first movie I'll be happy. I think the lads are doing the POTC2&3 right proud and Jack will be a right busy boy. Some pretty weighty stuff along with some side splitting ideas and, shall we say... off the cuff ideas. I think, that should they stay true to the course thay are this minute plotting...this whole Pub crew will be somewhat shocked, momentarily stunned and then feel like chuckl'n and cheer'n all at the same time. Aye, it's good to be a Pirate! Here's to Capt'n Jacks chances NEXT year. Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!
Iron Bess Posted March 1, 2004 Posted March 1, 2004 Cabinlass Maggie said: I noticed POTC got nominated fer a lot, and then LOTR (Lord of the Rings) had te get nominated in the same category. The total movie ended up with 11 bloody oscars... I'll be one te' admit, I was getting as seasick as a landlubby when I kept seeing thar director get up with his UNBUTTONED tux (not te' mention thar stain on his left shoulder)... he looked VERY poorly put together... just my opinoin... Remember- What goes on at the Oscars... STAYS at the Oscars! Cabinlass Maggie Now now lass... remember, before last night Fantasy films were persona non grata at the Oscars. No film with even a wiff ever took home an Oscar for best picture. We ought to be right grateful that they have stormed the gate and now the fileds will be wide open from now on. Why... even a Pirate movie could win! (Did everyone know that Disney had the rights to LOTR and decided they didn't want to spend that much money to make it?? ) As for Peter Jackson... it's alright if he looks a mite desheveled. I for one think the lad really IS a hobbit! Working with the As*** I do, it's right nice to see a guy that has no pretensions. Besides, his *inner* gifts just broke Hollywood records and altered film making for the future. I don't think anyone is going to cast very big stones and if they do... we have to consider the sources. I'll bet they would be the pompous, self important ones that put others down to elevate themselves. And besides... Peter DID wear shoes!!! Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!
Red Maria Posted March 1, 2004 Posted March 1, 2004 I was just glad that PJ was in long pants and wearing real shoes! Jackson & LOTR deserved everything they got. I was as much pleased to see LOTR get the Oscars as I was dissappointed that Johnny didn't get his even though I thought his was the more innovative and creative performance. Sean Penn's perfromance was very good but he didn't reinvent the genre he preformed in like the Depp-miester did. Mr. D was trully a miester (that is master in German) actor. Trully gracious too. Did you see how he was with Kiesha Castle-Hughes from Whale Rider? She was asked who of anyone there would she most like to meet. She said Johnny Depp. Why? "Cause he's a hunk!" (Glad to see after all these years he hasn't lost his Tiger Beat crowd ) Shortly before the Start of the Oscars Keisha was led over to where Johnny was sitting and introduced. He was knid and gracious congratulating her, wishing her well and telling her he really like her work. He was kind and paternal (in a good way :-) ) What a gentleman! Next up in Charlie & The Chocolate Factory. If anyone could out do Gene Wilder he can!
Capt. Morgan Posted March 1, 2004 Posted March 1, 2004 Yup, here's to Johnny's chances again in the future! He got no Oscar, but he wasn't completely overlooked (SAG, People's Choice, etc...) come to think of it, to be awarded Best Actor by your peers, as well as the fans, well, to me that would take the cake over a bunch of besotted old fogies in "The Academy" anyhoo... *sigh* the Oscar woulda been great, though! Touche' Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend Pyrates of the Coast "All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket." "Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."
Sparrow's Pyrate Queen Posted March 1, 2004 Posted March 1, 2004 Though I was hopin' Johnny would win (what proper pirate wouldn't?), I'm just glad Bill Murray didn' win. As fer the Keisha Castle-Hughes bit, if I were her, I would 'ave liked the meetin' to be...more natural. The girl seemed right nervous an' a little embarassed. (Maybe it's just me imaginaton.) Did 'e look terrific last night or what? Wow! 'ere's to next year, Johnny!! Quote Some pretty weighty stuff along with some side splitting ideas and, shall we say... off the cuff ideas.I think, that should they stay true to the course thay are this minute plotting...this whole Pub crew will be somewhat shocked, momentarily stunned and then feel like chuckl'n and cheer'n all at the same time. What's this now, Bess? "Shocked and ... stunned"? Too bad ye can't give us any specifics. Steadfast, with purpose that none can restrain, He braves all, and is true to his Quest. And he uses the weapons a clever man can: A pistol, a sword, and a jest. For tho' all who see, brand him merely a fool And he travels alone, without friend, He suffers their scorn and disdain and contempt And despite all, wins through in the end. -- "The Pirate, Jack Sparrow" N. J. Sorenson
Black Deacon Posted March 1, 2004 Posted March 1, 2004 I would like to congradulate Charlize for being the first true African-American Oscar winner. -------------- "Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in one pretty well preserved piece without an even a kiss your hand, but to skid across the line broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out, smelling of powder, shouting ARRRG!!"
Iron Bess Posted March 1, 2004 Posted March 1, 2004 Sparrow said: What's this now, Bess? "Shocked and ... stunned"? Too bad ye can't give us any specifics. Naw, sorry to me very bones love... but have no fear, I believe the trilogy is in the best of hands! :) Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!
Red Bess Posted March 2, 2004 Posted March 2, 2004 Quote I was just glad that PJ was in long pants and wearing real shoes! As much as I would have liked to see Johnny win Best Actor, I was tickled pink to see LOTR sweep! Now, it does get a bit one-sided for an awards show to have such a dominating film and it would be nice to know who came in 2nd for some of those awards. My guess is Master and Commander would have taken more awards if they hadn't been up against LOTR. And you would think POTC would have won Visual Effects if it wasn't for the WETA Workshop and Gollum and those giant elephant things. But the LOTR trilogy is, IMHO, the best 3 films since the original Star Wars. And, yes, fantasy and comedy are trendy in Hollywood now, which bodes well for our lad in the future. Quote Next up in Charlie & The Chocolate Factory. If anyone could out do Gene Wilder he can! Maybe here's his Oscar. Ladies in Scarlet: Piratical Art and Accessories
Sjöröveren Posted March 2, 2004 Posted March 2, 2004 As a fellow fat bearded guy with glasses and a penchant for shorts and no shoes, and who last combed his hair when Democrats Ruled the Earth, I hope the Peter Jackson look catches on. Unfortunately for us, Capt. Jack is just a bit more handsome, by a few orders of magnitude. Hey Johnny! Go eat a few dozen Krispie Kremes so Peter and I can look good! the Fool's Gold Pirates
Iron Bess Posted March 2, 2004 Posted March 2, 2004 Sjöröveren said: As a fellow fat bearded guy with glasses and a penchant for shorts and no shoes, and who last combed his hair when Democrats Ruled the Earth, I hope the Peter Jackson look catches on. Unfortunately for us, Capt. Jack is just a bit more handsome, by a few orders of magnitude. Hey Johnny! Go eat a few dozen Krispie Kremes so Peter and I can look good! Awww.... beauty is in the eye of the beholder mate!! Now, I be right plain m'self but it never stopped me! (Okay, okay!! SO I had them on a blades end. So sue me!) Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!
Black Deacon Posted March 2, 2004 Posted March 2, 2004 I thought Beauty was in the eye of the Beer holder? -------------- "Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in one pretty well preserved piece without an even a kiss your hand, but to skid across the line broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out, smelling of powder, shouting ARRRG!!"
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