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So over the last week or two, I slowly put together a leather portmanteau (I was taking my time, and have been busy with other things as well).

I made a small one, as this was my first attempt, and I needed and wanted something to put all of my black powder cleaning and loading supplies in (they were busting my haversack at the seams :P ).


The whole thing is about 5 to 6 inches in diameter, and about 15 inches long. Normally it would have a leather strap, but Diosa made this awesome inkle woven strap for me to use, and I thought it would make a much nicer and cooler strap. I am currently making a second small luggage size one (about 7 inches by 20 inches) that will be for the Santa Maria charity auction, and then I will be making the wife one big enough for her (which is larger yet :P ).

It is made entirely from veg-tan leather and hand stitched with waxed hemp thread. I dyed it using the dye that Tandy Leather factory typically sells (I forget the brand name). The buckles are actually later period shoe buckles, but they are way too tight for the leather being as thick as it is, so they were kind of a mistake. The other thing I learned in making this first one, is that while the straps (that go all the way around the body) add a neat look and more strength to the thing, the extra effort was not worth it, so any future ones I make will have straps that attach at the front and bottom (and do not get sewn all the way around).

Another picture

And a more front on view


Ahoy! Mr. Bagley. T'is meself, Dutch o' the "Meka"II. Me Compliments an hopin ye be o' good health an cheer for Spring hath come, Huzzah! I be wantin t' tell ye that th' portmanteau be a thing o' beauty! I bin growin used to our powder monkey, "Slow Match" keepin me stowed t' the plimsol wi' me charges that I got nuthin fer shore use but me haversack! Now a craft sech as the likes o' your'n be the trick, Aye!


I've got a horse hide on the shelf earmarked for one of these. As soon as I get through the backlog of cartridge box orders.

Did you put the wooden stiffener between leather pieces to stiffen the ends? I've seen various takes on the encircling straps. One that seems to make sense is that they were also used to secure the portanteau to a saddle or to a pack saddle.


Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.



I'll try and take some pics of the inside tonight and post them tomorrow... Thanks for the compliments!

No wooden stiffener Hawkyns,I used thicker leather for the end pieces (6-7 oz. for the body, and 8-9 oz. for the ends).


Nice job Michael!

I was thinking about making a map/document case along those lines.

I still have a few solid brass buckles left (1" & 3/4") that I used to put on Artillery Powder bags if ya need some

and recently Tandy has added some solid brass buckles to their line.


Aye... Plunder Awaits!


Ooooo.... tis right nice there, Bagley! Thanks for postin' it here. :P

I'm impressed. How much for a monster such as that?

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

Ooooo.... tis right nice there, Bagley! Thanks for postin' it here. :P I'm impressed. How much for a monster such as that?

~Lady B

Currently I have no plans to make these to sell (for now).... Except for the slightly larger one to be donated to the auction for the Santa Maria, and the price for that will be determined by how well the auction goes.

But just so you have an idea, THIS LINK takes you to the web page of someone who is selling these in a small size, I have searched a lot for these, and that link is to the one closest to the same size as the one I made above, and the cheapest price I could find, and it is $130! And also keep in mind it is also a little smaller! Larger ones tend to range $200 to $300 or more, I have seen them priced up to $1200 for very large ones.


If there is anyone out there interested in buying one of these, I did find THIS ONE on eBay for $46. At that price it is a STEAL!!! It is very plain and not dyed, and very similar in size to the one I made. Let me tell you, it cost me at least that in just materials to make one, so I don't know how this person (whoever he or she may be) is selling this at that price!


Well it looks machine stitched and if they're buying leather in bulk that might help the raw material price. It's also not dyed which of course adds cost.

  • 3 weeks later...

I finally finished the larger sized version. This one is about 7 inches in diameter, and about 20 inches long. It would be perfect for a light weekend piece of luggage. This one will be going up for auction later this week as a part of the charity auction for the Santa Maria event.

I'll post link to the pics rather than posting the pics, because I took a bunch of them trying to get the best pic for eBay.

End View

Above View

Angle View

Front View

Top View

Inside View 1

Inside View

After the I get through next weekend, I will be starting a large size one for the wife (about 9 inches diameter, and 24 inches long). I think she wants it in brown, so I'll post some images of that when it is complete for comparison


Looks good Michael! hope you start this auction with an honest price so that it bring in the $$$$ for the ship Would hate to see it go too far below value and not be worth the effort you put into it for the Santa Maria

  • 2 months later...

I finally finished the large size portmanteau for the wife. This one is about 23"-24" inches wide, and about 9" in diameter (+/-). This time I only stitched the straps on at the bottom, with each strap being held on with two squares of stitching, and then the strap guides visible on the top of the lid. Kate did all the dyeing herself, and will be coating it in leather conditioner/sealer later today.


And it goes without saying that you'll be making more of these for sale. Great stuff.

While in the future these might be available for order/sale... For the short term, I am switching gears and only making stuff for the wife and I. I have so many half finished projects and projects I very much want to start and complete, and many of these projects are in this state due to my generosity towards others (and a bit of compromise for profit). If anyone is really interested, try and contact me come November(ish) to see if I am back into making stuff for others again.

  • 3 weeks later...

I'm still in awe, Mr Bagley. I've fancied to have at least one for several years now but never was able to obtain one. As ye pointed out, they are incredibly pricy! Most places I have seen put the more decent usable ones at a few hundred. Yikes! I could use that sort of money for a Marquee tent!

Shall watch the eBay site. Perhaps someone will sell them on etsy. They'd be easier to lug around to events than a chest I'm sure. Especially if you need to carry about something a lot. Or you haven't much room to store in yo'r tent. Great for the cavalry reenactors and anyone else upon horseback at events.

Again, once again, ye amaze me with yo'r prowess with leather, good sir.

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Not to take away from Mr. Bagley's fine work, but I can suggest a leather worker who made a fine port. for me.


His work is top notch and I have acquired many leather items from him over the years (the portmanteau, several belts, a fantastic scabbard and from for my sword, a cartridge box and a wallet). All great work and have held up over the years of hard labor that my wife has placed me under.



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