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So we're talking May 14,15 and 16 2010???

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Mr. Dogge brings up a very good point. ;)

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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soooo....the dates were confirmed...yes??

Ooooohhhh yeeeaaahhhh... That little detail... ;) My mistake. Yes the May 15th and 16th dates are confirmed, with the night of the 14th for those who want to camp out the extra night and be there promptly for the morning battle planning sessions. Another item in the works, is the possibility of an extra water craft so we mighthave three vessels to attack the ship from (as in MAYBE, POSSIBLY, NOT SURE YET). ;) I'll let everyone know as soon as that detail solidifies or not (or when someone reminds me to say something ;) ) Thanks for reminding me about my dropping the ball on that. I do remember now promising to confirm the dates shortly after the annual Ship Volunteer party last month.

I'm still hanging on waiting for any information on the possibility of a Friday evening function.

On the whole, this event is shaping up rather well... There are a lot more participants coming (even factoring in the usual last minute real life snags), so this should be the greatest Santa Maria pirate adventure yet! Even better, a lot of the new interest is coming from outside of the pub, so this should infuse a fair amount of "new blood" into the event which is usually a change for the better! Not that I wouldn't want more pubbers there ( I really would love to see more of you guys and gals out here), but adding to the whole is great no matter where the addition comes from!


will there be cake?

ok....either way....I am ready to committ to a hardfast....definite...maybe...probably...most assuradley tryin to make..... ;)

i'll go ask the wife... ;)

will there be cake?

If you promise to bring your pretty yeller dress... shift... bathing gown... or whatever... there will most possibly... maybe... could be...

Ahhh forget it, I'll go ask the wife... ;)


Miss Kate will definitely be downtown on Friday (as of now, I have to work Friday...when it comes closer to the time if no one else has asked off, I may ask to have the day off) and can be to the ship by 5:05 pm if anyone needs to meet me there for whatever reason. No sense in me driving the half hour home, just to turn around and come right back.

Darling Mathe....Matha....MAdDogge....if you're well behaved, there may be cake. Rum cake. I don't think that I could torture another bakery to write your name in icing on a cake...


And you should bring your snood. Snood. Snood. Snood. ;) You should bring that bedraggled brother of yours and his skunk, too.

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."



On an unrelated note, I've had a few inquiries as to donations for the auction. For those who are considering donating something to the auction, now would be a pretty good time to start thinking about it. In the past, we've had some awesome donations of hand made items, beginning items like that now would help us greatly ensure the auction transpires on time (for the first time... ;) ). Please contact either Mark G or Kate_Souris or Jennie_G or even myself regarding donations. Any help on this front would be HUGELY appreciated! The auction has been one of the greater fund raising efforts in these events, often coming close in fund raising to the actual additional volumes of tickets sales the ship does on the days of these pirate weekends.

A list of past contributors can be found at this link. Please let us know how you would like to be credited for your donation on this list, and provide a link to your business if you think it will help possibly direct people your way. We like to reciprocate any help we get in any way we can! ;)

Also if you have contributed in the past and aren't on that list, let me know so I can correct the list!


This sounds like too much fun and something that the public will fall in love with.

I would love to help promote this as much as I can. I am also interested in donating something. Do you think a sword would fetch enough to cover its value or should I try a knife or something small like a knife?


-1st Mate of Pirates Magazine

-Bladesmith/Owner of That Works Studio




This sounds like too much fun and something that the public will fall in love with.

I would love to help promote this as much as I can. I am also interested in donating something. Do you think a sword would fetch enough to cover its value or should I try a knife or something small like a knife?

Hey Matt, Thanks for the interest!!!

In the past, swords have been one of the best selling items in the auctions, however, in all the dozens of items that have gone through the auctions, I have seen less than a few get bid up to their "retail" value... Soooo with that in mind, although I love you sword work, and think one of your swords could fetch a pretty penny and good donation to the ship, it would likely go for a fair bit less than you would sell it for, in which case perhaps a knife/dagger would be better?

It's your call really, all the previous swords we have had donated to the cause were likely swords that would retail in the $100 to $150 range, and went for $80 to $90 in auction. We've not had the chance to test the waters with a premium piece of steel art like you deal in. Pretty much, any donation you make will likely be heavily bid on and be most appreciated by all parties involved (bidder, auctioneers, and the ship as a cause).

Let me know what you think!



I think I can put together something that will work. Maybe a short sword or a long knife :) Maybe we could get it done eary and have it up on the site to help generate interest before the event.

Also, give some thought as to how I could help you promote this event. I have quite a good bit of tools to get the word out. Right away I would say get a flyer put together so I can post it on the Pirates Magazine Myspace and such. Im open to ideas there.


-1st Mate of Pirates Magazine

-Bladesmith/Owner of That Works Studio





Hey, are Count D' and Rosabella coming again?

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


Hey, are Count D' and Rosabella coming again?

I'm not sure, I have posted the info on their groups forum... And there seems to be interest and talk about it from various people in their group... But nothing solid yet. I do hope they come, they were a ton of fun to hang out with. And D'Booty has some seriously extensive knowledge of the Buccaneers... And a great deal of it committed to memory as well!


Let him know we want him back. :)

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


  • 2 weeks later...

I'm trying to work it out so I may be able to make it up there. Does anyone know of a decent campground where I may drop off the camper? I'm all for spending the nights aboard, but my wench wouldn't go for that.

How is/are the crew(s) made up? Anyone need a marooner?



Crews? It's not been quite that formal to date. Although I think it would be neat of some other folks joined me in creating a display (physical or skill) of some sort. In the past, much of this event has tended to have an educational cast to it as they lead tours around the Santa Maria. (Note: this is just IMHO - I am not one of the organizers or anything.)

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


I'm trying to work it out so I may be able to make it up there. Does anyone know of a decent campground where I may drop off the camper? I'm all for spending the nights aboard, but my wench wouldn't go for that.

How is/are the crew(s) made up? Anyone need a marooner?


Regarding Crews.... Uhm, the local organizing crew is pretty loosely organized and not at all formal... (Read this link for more info on that), and we have not yet had enough visiting participants of any one crew to really need to draw lines in the sand.... Despite there being only about 10 of us locals, and an average about about 30 participants at each of the last few events of this type. To date, this event has very much been a no formal crew event, and that seems to work best, and honestly, I hope that continues. So pretty much everyone that shows up, shows up as a marooner. So I think you'll fit in wonderfully! :angry:

As for camping.... The wife just did a pretty thorough search in the area, and the below is what she came up with.

Alton RV Park - This one is likely the closest to the ship, but only for RVs. This park is on the same major street that passes by the ship (Broad Street), but from the look of the map it would be about a half hour drive west of where the ship is in the middle of the city.

Jackson Lake Park - Is about three or four miles from where we live (it is about a 20 to 25 minute drive to the ship from where we live). It is hard to tell from the web site, but it looks like this place offers both RV and tent camping.

KOA Buckeye Lake - is the KOA Callenish was talking about. Buckeye lake is about a 45 minute drive east of where the ship is at. It might be the cheapest of the options, and likely the closest to the freeway, but the longest drive of the close options.

Let me know if yo want more options. I will also add these camp sites to the "just the facts" thread for ease of future reference. (and maybe add them to the web site as well).


I'm trying to work it out so I may be able to make it up there. Does anyone know of a decent campground where I may drop off the camper? I'm all for spending the nights aboard, but my wench wouldn't go for that.

How is/are the crew(s) made up? Anyone need a marooner?


There are some campgrounds in Columbus but none of them are anywhere near downtown.

A quick search on Google came up with one at 6552 W. Broad. The ship is around 100 W Broad which should give you an idea of how far out this is.

You might be able to park at Veteran's Memorial which is right across the river. They let RVs stay overnight for special events.



Thanks for the information mates. I haven't been in the area for almost 30 years, and even then only one week-end a month to do Navy Reserve duty at Rickenbacker.

If I'm able to make it, I'll be bringing my "dog & pony" stuff that's shown in my gallery. I can set up a display, or mill about in a piratical manner. Either one is good for me. I'll continue to check for updates here and on the web-site.

Thanks again.


Let him know we want him back. :)

Well, they still didn't say "No", but they did say it would be very unlikely that they will make it for May... ;) But on the bright side, they said that they were planning on coming back for the September "Talk Like a Pirate" weekend event. ;)

I also made a few updates on the "Just the Facts" topic here on the thread... I'll be adding more to that and the web site in the coming weeks.

Let him know we want him back. :)

Well, they still didn't say "No", but they did say it would be very unlikely that they will make it for May... ;) But on the bright side, they said that they were planning on coming back for the September "Talk Like a Pirate" weekend event. ;)

I also made a few updates on the "Just the Facts" topic here on the thread... I'll be adding more to that and the web site in the coming weeks.

I need to be able to update that thread.



I am going to try to make it... it's all going to depend on $$$ for airfare in the next month or so. If I do, I have some period games to play with kiddies and after talking to Kate I am looking for some sheep knuckles to add to the collection :)

For anyone considering going, this is a very enjoyable event. I really had a blast there last year and sleeping on the ship was doubly cool! :)

Diosa De Cancion

aka Mary Read


I need to be able to update that thread.


Hey Mark, I have "un-locked" that topic so it can be updated. If anything gets posted there that doesn't fit, I can move the post to this thread (or a more appropriate place). Let me know if you need anything else.


I talked with Linda Ketcham a little about the event. She confirmed that we can put people up in the visitor center if we run out of room on the ship.

It would be silly to say that people can't sleep in the park since several homeless people sleep there nightly but I would not recommend it.


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