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Depp gets props with Oscar nom!!


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How cool is that? I'm happy for him. I can't wait to see what Captain Sparrow is like in the second installment! Ooo baby! I'm countin' days!

My guess.... pretty much like in the first movie...

Only, perhaps a little wiser! He'll make sure he has a licencing deal BEFORE the pic opens!

Guess he forgot he was dealing with the ORIGINAL Pirates, oh, uhh... I mean... Disney. B)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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B)   B)   ;)

We all knew he deserved it, and voila!! Depp is nominated for best actor!!! Fantastic! Though I fear he doesn't stand a chance against Bill Murray or Ben Kingsley. But as they say..."it's an honor just being nominated".  B)

Ben Kingsly already has an Oscar so that may factor in Depp's favor. Bill Murray was very good but he like Johnny has to contend with the fact that the Academy usually doesn't give Oscars for comic performances. It's the Sean Penn type of performance that usually get the naked gold guy.

But still to be nominated is great and I wish him the best.

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That's just it, the fact that the Academy has more or less matured enough to recognize that comic genius is just as valid, and probably more difficult to pull off than dramatic genius. They are showing this very well but including both Murray and Depp. Huzzah!

Btw, regarding Disney licensing...there actually wasn't much for POTC. I was kinda disappointed, actually. No action figures, no toys, no shirts, mugs, etc. Pretty much all you can get are the soundtrack, dvd, and movie posters and the PC game. (Which is really just Sea Dogs 2 with a POTC skin)

Maybe after the sequel they'll begin a good ol' fashioned marketing blitz. Although, it was kind of like taking the high road to allow the film to stand on it's own merit and not the sale of it's toys unlike the Matrix....

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Btw, regarding Disney licensing...there actually wasn't much for POTC. I was kinda disappointed, actually. No action figures, no toys, no shirts, mugs, etc. Pretty much all you can get are the soundtrack, dvd, and movie posters and the PC game. (Which is really just Sea Dogs 2 with a POTC skin)

Maybe after the sequel they'll begin a good ol' fashioned marketing blitz. Although, it was kind of like taking the high road to allow the film to stand on it's own merit and not the sale of it's toys unlike the Matrix....

As I've said before, Disney will not risk a dime these days unless something is a sure thing. And I can tell you... they NEVER expected it to be the hit that it was. Yes, they expected a profit of some sort but never the kind of coin they did get. (Go Gore!!)

And yes, already they are on the boards with new merch but, I have to warn you, it will mostly be aimed at youngsters and girlie-girls oohing and awwing over the Sparrow and Will. B)

Sorry..... B)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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That's just it, the fact that the Academy has more or less matured enough to recognize that comic genius is just as valid, and probably more difficult to pull off than dramatic genius. They are showing this very well but including both Murray and Depp. Huzzah!

Oh! The Academy will nominate an actor or actress for a comedy role but to win an Oscar... Tell me who was the last person to win an Oscar in the Best Actor or Actress catagory for a performance in a comedy can you think of?

But if anyone can do the Depp-meister can! :)

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Oh! The Academy will nominate an actor or actress for a comedy role but to win an Oscar... Tell me who was the last person to win an Oscar in the Best Actor or Actress catagory for a performance in a comedy can you think of?


Lee Marvin

Cat Ballou! (and of course, that horse out in the San Fernando Valley!) B)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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Oh! The Academy will nominate an actor or actress for a comedy role but to win an Oscar... Tell me who was the last person to win an Oscar in the Best Actor or Actress catagory for a performance in a comedy can you think of?


Lee Marvin

Cat Ballou! (and of course, that horse out in the San Fernando Valley!) :unsure:

38 years! I think it's time for another don't you? :unsure: Time for another drunken sott character to win!

If I had a vote it would go to his Depp-ship. :) I am hoping the members of the Academy feel the same.

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Much as I love 'em I doubt Johnnie will take home the prize.

Sean Penn or Bill M***** (I dislike him so much I refuse to say his name) will most likely take it. Although..... a surprise would be REAL nice!! :unsure:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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What a great day for pirates if Johnnie were to plunder the Oscar!!

The Gates of Hell are flung open.....

from the firey mist steps forth....The Legend....

The woman everyone warned you about....

They didn't exaggerate!


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Mr. Depp be too well known as Tim Burton's boy and that ain't gonna help his chances - despite the terriffic performance. He's been a fantastic character actor for over 20 years, but the Academy don't usually give Best Actor Oscars to character actors.

Politics, mateys; that's what drives the Academy. Sean Penn will win.


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

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Mr. Depp be too well known as Tim Burton's boy and that ain't gonna help his chances - despite the terriffic performance. He's been a fantastic character actor for over 20 years, but the Academy don't usually give Best Actor Oscars to character actors.

Politics, mateys; that's what drives the Academy. Sean Penn will win.

Geoffrey Rush got an Oscar and he's a character actor. Ben Kingsley is a charecter actor and he won an Oscar. Being a character actor doesn't hinder your chances. I've seen many a pretty boy not get one.

However furniture chewing can sometimes get you an Oscar! :unsure::unsure:

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Why the dislike of Bill Murray, Bess? Had a rough personal encounter? Just curious....

Well, lets just say the man has a history of being *not nice, egotistical, mean spirited, nasty, spoiled, self serving and rude* and we'll leave it at that. :blink:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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Btw, regarding Disney licensing...there actually wasn't much for POTC. I was kinda disappointed, actually. No action figures, no toys, no shirts, mugs, etc. Pretty much all you can get are the soundtrack, dvd, and movie posters and the PC game. (Which is really just Sea Dogs 2 with a POTC skin)

Yah its a shame Disney didn't put out shirts and stuff.

I have a totally kewl POTC shirt that celebrates the ride.

I bought it at Disney (of course) back in 97. They should follow their own example of selling stuff for the ride by selling stuff for the movie.

WHY DIDN'T McDees have their usual bunch of stuff? They put out all that stuff for Haunted Mansion and that film flopped BIG!!

<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel.

WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>

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Yah its a shame Disney didn't put out shirts and stuff.

Actually, my husband found kid-sized POTC T-shirts (with the skull head logo) for our boys, but nothing adult-sized. I think they were even on clearance at one of the Disney Stores that closed here in Minneapolis. It was a fluke, because, as you said, there has never been any marketing.

I'd have to say Johnny Depp is a pretty long shot for an Oscar, but getting nominated gives him some added crediblity and probably gives him a better shot at another nomination in the near future. He has such a wonderful resume of characters (Ed Wood is my other favorite) and eventually tenacity and talent get recognized. Well, not always, but sometimes.....We can hope, anyway....

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Geoffrey Rush got an Oscar and he's a character actor. Ben Kingsley is a charecter actor and he won an Oscar. Being a character actor doesn't hinder your chances. I've seen many a pretty boy not get one.

However furniture chewing can sometimes get you an Oscar! :lol::ph34r:

Aye, true that be Red Maria. True it be.

Although Ben Kingsley be gettin' the Oscar just fer bein' BEN KINGSLEY. :huh:

But don't get me wrong, Mr. Kingsley be a wonderful actor. But my understandin' is that Mr. Penn's performance be quite outstandin' - and he also be a hard-workin' actor.

And I be glad that Bess's assessment of Mr. Murry be matchin' what I be thinkin' he be like. Unfortunately, like sports figures, some actors don't ken that there be little ones what looks up t'them.


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

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