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Question about POTC - why now?

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After watching POTC again yesterday, it occurred to me that the question of why Barbossa was coming to find the medallion at that time. Why not sooner? Curious, was there an age thing that wasn't explained, or did I miss it somewhere?

Rumba Rue

**I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message** <_<


when I watched the movie the thought and conversation thereafter in the movie seem to indicate that the medalllion called to them.

After it was dropped in the sea water. ie. the wave moving outward. Until then they didn't know where it was. They had been trying to find it but, it hadn't "spoken to them" until that moment.

Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...


Interesting. I guess it's taken them those 8 years to roam about the Carribean and retrieve all the other coins. Why save this one till last instead of doing it first? Poetic justice I suppose. :) Or maybe the drawer Elizabeth hid the coin in was lead lined and kept the coins magic at bay... <_<


I have to agree with Lady Seahawke. Thats what I thought when I saw it, although that doesn't explain why they didn't find the medallion at the beginning of the movie because will was floating in the water, wouldn't they have been "called" then? :lol:

Why save this one till last instead of doing it first? Poetic justice I suppose.  Or maybe the drawer Elizabeth hid the coin in was lead lined and kept the coins magic at bay... 

Heh . . . Superman jokes aside :) I think that's probably the case. I mean, not the lead bit *grins*, but the fact that the pirates had no way of "sensing" the wearabouts of the medallion until it hit the water. I imagine they simply hunted up and down the Caribbean for those 881 other pieces, in no particular order -- but it was the one that Bootstrap had sent away that seemed nearly impossible to find. Until 'Liz'beth was kind enough to fall into the sea for them, I mean. :lol:

Thats what I thought when I saw it, although that doesn't explain why they didn't find the medallion at the beginning of the movie because will was floating in the water, wouldn't they have been "called" then?

For some reason, they seemed not to want to be seen by Norrington's ship. I got that sense, anyway -- the Pearl was headed away from the ship Elizabeth and Co. were on. They might have thought that the medallion had sunk to the bottom of the sea and was lost, or something like that -- whatever the case, they seemed reluctant to show themselves to Norrington and crew.

Also, there didn't seem to be any sort of "shock wave" sent out from Will floating with his medallion on top of that board. Beats the heck outta me as to why that would be the case -- but regardless, Barbossa and company just seemed to realize they were out-matched for the moment, and high-tailed it outta there. That's the sense I got of things, anyway. :)

"Pirates ... were of that old breed of rover whose port lay always a little farther on, a little beyond the skyline ... if they lived riotously let it be urged in their favor that at least they lived."

~ John Masefield

Those who live by the sword, get shot instead.



Eh, When ol' billy was floating as a kid, Ol' Barbosa Didn't know about the curse yet, they were all still alive and the curse hadn't kicked in from getting fatal wounds, so just losing one medallion didn't seem such a big deal at the time...o course, then that 'peculiar' bit o' the curse kicked in, heh, he musta looked real stupid :lol:


I'm inclined to agree with the medallion touching the water. I've been pondering a few things as well since I saw the movie months ago. & Honestly, found a lot of them not having any loose ends, amazingly enough.

I can see that the gold would find the water easier to call to pirates.. since pirates are water thieves. Giving specific locale & who is holding, etc.

As to Will at the beginning... he was on a piece from the merchant ship.. the gold may have or should I say have informed the pirates that it was there.. but with the arrival of the Dauntless.. you think that they were willing to run up against that specific ship when it's already on the alert? Despite the pirates are cursed.

I'm sure they realized within a month at most if not a couple days what was happening to them. & finding the scattered pieces... being as.. persistant as they are, I'm sure it didn't take them too long to return all but the one piece of gold to the chest.

There are other things in the movie that make me VERY curious & wonder if it will coinside with the sequel.. like the chest... is actually an Incan chest, though the gold is of Aztec design. Plus the Aztec gold looks much like the calender, a couple Mexican friends of mine, plus an friend who is studying Aztec culture & I noticed this.

Another friend of mine pondered about the 3rd time we saw it in the theaters, that if Elizabeth had dropped it, why were they in a panic if she dropped it? Couldn't they just go under the water & retrieve it? Like they did closer to the end with sneaking aboard the Dauntless? My opinion is... do you REALLY want to stay in port for god knows how long combing the bottom of the port searching for the bloody piece when it's right there in front of you? Plus, it makes for a great dramatic scene.

I was able to take what appeared to be loop holes & notice they were covered rather well.

Another is Bootstrap... well... writers say he's dead... & .. if you see closer to the end.. with Mallot & Grapple, knocked over the side, I think they splintered into pieces & bits of bone into the water... As well as Jacoby & the 2 other pirates with the staff or whatever through them... they were blown up... so... with Bootstrap sunk to the "crushing black oblivion".... I don't think this was some shallow lagoon that Barbossa dumped him off into... ei.. like Titanic... dragged down to the depths of the abyss it's in, eaten up by water bacteria, etc.. Yeah... I can see how he is actually.. dead.... with no moonlight, one REALLY can't live under the water. Barbossa didn't say they couldn't breathe... he just can't feel certain pleasures & fancies.. same as when he & Jack are in the sword battle, again my friend was wondering how Barbossa as well as a couple other pirates were able to react to pain.. well... depends, I replied... if one is used to it.. or you have been hit in that area before.. or, if the bone was hit. It was pleasures that they couldn't feel, didn't mean that pain was one thing they couldn't feel since they felt the pain of hunger & thirst.

So... fun finding the loop holes then coming to find out, they were covered rather well.



~Master & Commander of the Resurrection


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Eh, methinks, that even though you say they didn't want the medallion thrown over the edge because they are lazy. that they couldn't survive neatly underwater, but, in favor of special effects and having dead people walk, the movie making folk 'forgot' that fact so they can have a nice scene near the end...of having dead people walk with special effects. eh, maybe I'll agree with you after some marsupial meat and more whiskey


Well you all seem to be wrong! You see there's a line by either Barbossa or one of his crew that says, "she be the right age".

Which is why I questioned the age thing in the first place. Go back and watch the movie again.

Hiding the coin or having it fall into the water aren't right. Remember, in the beginning when she was dreaming and she saw the Pearl that's when she remembered the coin and where she had put it. Why now?

That's my question.

Rumba Rue

**My job is to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable** :ph34r:


"She be the right age" pertains to her being Bill's offspring, and nothing else. They ask her about the coin being a family heirloom to try to establish if this the child to whom Bill sent the coin. When they spilled her blood, they were trying to get Bill's bloodline on the coin. It's all related.

This is my idea of chronology. They discover they are cursed. Perhaps Bill discovers before the others. In any case, he sends the coin off to his kid.

The pirates discover the curse and search to retrieve the coins.

They find out Bill sent off the coin so they kill him.

Then they discover they need blood as well as the coin to free themselves from the curse.

So they look for the coin AND THE CHILD. When Will and Elizabeth are children, the Black Pearl is an active threat, albeit a phantom-y one. But when they're adults, people doubt its existence. Because the coin hadn't touched water in those intervening eight years or so, the Black Pearl faded away, so to speak, their activities diminshed, because the coin wasn't calling to them. If you recall, one of the marines didn't even believe the Black Pearl was a real ship. That indicates to me it hadn't been sited in a while.

When the coin hit the water - lo and behold, the Pearl appears! I think the water is the key.

"The time was when ships passing one another at sea backed their topsails and had a 'gam,' and on parting fired guns; but those good old days have gone. People have hardly time nowadays to speak even on the broad ocean, where news is news, and as for a salute of guns, they cannot afford the powder. There are no poetry-enshrined freighters on the sea now; it is a prosy life when we have no time to bid one another good morning."

- Capt. Joshua Slocum


Thank you.

"The time was when ships passing one another at sea backed their topsails and had a 'gam,' and on parting fired guns; but those good old days have gone. People have hardly time nowadays to speak even on the broad ocean, where news is news, and as for a salute of guns, they cannot afford the powder. There are no poetry-enshrined freighters on the sea now; it is a prosy life when we have no time to bid one another good morning."

- Capt. Joshua Slocum


I agree, that's a terrific account, more than my rum-damaged brain could figure out. Thank you!

Rumba Rue

**You like pain? Try wearing a corset!** :ph34r:


Eh, i see you all agree with BJM, but I just can't have that happening can I? Methinks, BSB gave the medallion to will jnr, for sentimental reasons or somesuch, he didn't know bout the curse at the time, they offed 'im just because he was a whinging sod and kept preaching that they shouldnt'a abandoned ol' jack, eh, call me a fool if ye will, but i'm a pedantic sod and everyone is entitled to my opinion, eh.

  • 2 months later...

I chalk it all up to one of me favorite sayings that I usually say to someone who is ponderin' questions about movies that they cannot figure out......like "why does this happen?"...or "why didn't that happen"...or even still..."I don't get it"...... To all this I says:

"It's in the Script!"


Deadly Drucilla


Pause My Friend, As You Pass By. -As You Are, So Once Was I. -As I Am, So Shall You Be. -Prepare You Then, To Follow Me.

(written on a gravestone)

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