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Mistress Alexander,

If this set of stays works wonderfully enough, have you considered making a proper pattern template out of Oak Tag (gee, I hope that is the right term)? This was a wonderful idea that Mother Rose suggested not too long ago.

Then you can make as many as you fancy!

Member of "The Forsaken"

  Cheeky Actress said:
Mistress Alexander,

If this set of stays works wonderfully enough, have you considered making a proper pattern template out of Oak Tag (gee, I hope that is the right term)? This was a wonderful idea that Mother Rose suggested not too long ago.

Then you can make as many as you fancy!

Bwahahahahaha. Oh my goodness. This is the first pattern I've ever made. I'm still waiting for someone to teach me how to actually read a real one. Ask me about the attempt I made to make a pair of bloomers using a simplicity pattern. They would have turned out great if I were 300 pounds. I really should have paid more attention in home economics.

All kidding aside, what is Oak Tag? It sounds like a wonderful idea and I'd really like more information. Do you know how to do this Mistress and would you be willing to teach me?

If you're gonna give me a headache, please bring me an aspirin!


Posted (edited)


Edited by Capt. Sterling

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



Posted (edited)


Edited by Capt. Sterling

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




Today has been a pretty slow day for sewing. I made a pocket for the cross pieces and whipped stitched them in place. I'm not sure if this is the correct way to do this but it seemed like the logical thing to do. I believe I have them in the right place. At least that's the way it looks in the Waugh book. I can't wait to see if the cross pieces help.


After that, I sewed the lining together, trimmed of all excess seam allowances and pressed them flat. Then I placed the lining on top and using a running stitch, sewed the lining to the stays.

If you're gonna give me a headache, please bring me an aspirin!



Since yesterday I was a slacker, today I hit the ground running (after coffee). I trimmed up the excess lining and made a few adjustments to a couple of tabs.


Then it was time for marking the eyelet holes. Using a white marking pencil, I began marking 1/2" from the top and ending approx 1" from the bottom. I know this has been posted several times before but here it is again.

"The Zen of Spiral Lacing" http://www.festiveattyre.com/research/lacing/lacing.html


Using a button stick, I'll open the holes and begin sewing the eyelets.

If you're gonna give me a headache, please bring me an aspirin!



One extra little feature I did on Jessica's stays (the only part of the sewing I contributed to) was to sew the eyelets through the outer and interlining layers, then sew a matching set of eyelets in only the lining... I did this to facilitate cleaning, so now she can take just the lining out and clean it by itself. Might have been more effort than what it will be worth, but I thought it was a nice touch and worth sharing to those considering making stays or in the various steps of making them now.

  michaelsbagley said:
One extra little feature I did on Jessica's stays (the only part of the sewing I contributed to) was to sew the eyelets through the outer and interlining layers, then sew a matching set of eyelets in only the lining... I did this to facilitate cleaning, so now she can take just the lining out and clean it by itself. Might have been more effort than what it will be worth, but I thought it was a nice touch and worth sharing to those considering making stays or in the various steps of making them now.

Just out of curiosity, why would you need to clean your stays? In 15 years of reenacting (and I'm BRAND new to GAoP but have done both earlier and later but could be mistaken for this period) I have never washed my stays or corsets because they don't get dirty. Shifts/Chemise get washed VERY frequently because they are close to my body - and that's their purpose, to collect the dirt and body oils.

  beryana said:
Just out of curiosity, why would you need to clean your stays? In 15 years of reenacting (and I'm BRAND new to GAoP but have done both earlier and later but could be mistaken for this period) I have never washed my stays or corsets because they don't get dirty. Shifts/Chemise get washed VERY frequently because they are close to my body - and that's their purpose, to collect the dirt and body oils.

Having never have worn stays, I wouldn't know how dirty they might or might not get. The wife's oldest set of stays is about a year old, and after only one year of regular wear, she has never had to wash them either. I think she may have done a surface cleaning on the lining after one particularly hot and sweaty event in North Carolina last year. I just asked her about it, and apparently it was the outside she washed, and not the inside (as I thought), and that was due to her going around without a mantua or any other proper outer garment (it was VERY hot) and playing rather roughly.


That's not a bad idea Michael. However, the thought of sewing twice as many eyelets isn't all that appealing to me at the moment, :lol: Plus I have no idea how to make the lining removable without having to undo the binding. The thought of that task makes me shudder. I guess I just won't get dirty. :lol:

I'm halfway through the eyelets now, there's a good chance I'll be done by this evening. Here's Sophie making sure I do a good job.


If you're gonna give me a headache, please bring me an aspirin!




I'm working on a sewing project as well (my first, and thererfor NOT Stays) and I've been watching Big Love - Season 1. hee!

  beryana said:
Just out of curiosity, why would you need to clean your stays? In 15 years of reenacting (and I'm BRAND new to GAoP but have done both earlier and later but could be mistaken for this period) I have never washed my stays or corsets because they don't get dirty. Shifts/Chemise get washed VERY frequently because they are close to my body - and that's their purpose, to collect the dirt and body oils.

Well. We were at an event in which I was tackled in the grass and rolled around a bit. Aside from that, at previous events, folks were touching the new stays and such because my husband hand sewed them and they were all lovely and such. So yeah....they got dirty. Nothing a little Kiss Off and an old toothbrush couldn't handle. Oh....and a washcloth on the lining cause two days in North Carolina in August....whoo...LOL!

Lily....you look EXACTLY like I do today. In PJ pants. Hair pulled up. Sewing a project on the couch.

Are you watching Star Wars too?!?!?!?!

hehe. No this is a job for the Lord of the Rings, extended version.

I'm working on a sewing project as well (my first, and thererfor NOT Stays) and I've been watching Big Love - Season 1. hee!

Well, Ladies...I guess we have a theme going here...

Sat at the computer all day and watched "The Last King" ...again! Love this movie though...

Member of "The Forsaken"


The eyelets are done. Yippee. Now I can watch the end of the movie in piece. I did try them on and lace them up. That was soooooooooo much fun doing that by myself. I should have woken O'Keeffe up but I don't think he would have been too happy about that. They fit wonderfully. I don't know if the cross pieces are helping or if it's just because I made them smaller but I do seem to have some extra lift.


The end is in sight. Tomorrow I'll do the eyelets for the straps and start working on the binding.

If you're gonna give me a headache, please bring me an aspirin!


Posted (edited)

I am sure he would rather unlace them.

BTW ...excellent assistance this has been...even thought I am not sewing at this time I know where to look.

Edited by Silkie McDonough

Hey Lily....how are those eyelets coming? Dying to see how its shaping up....

And it's all your fault....I am going to make another set of less fancy stays out of linen....same pattern as my red silk ones (the custom pattern). I am also considering some front lacing stays like the pink V&A ones. Will post photos when I get started.


I finished the eyelets on the straps this morning while I patiently waited for the mailman to bring my binding.

Here are the unbound stays.


I need to make a slight adjustment to the straps.


All I have left is the binding. I forgot today was a holiday and no mail. It should be here tomorrow.

If you're gonna give me a headache, please bring me an aspirin!



Those look fantastic....I really like how you made the boning follow the lines of the seams...it looks really nice and I bet it is nice and supportive.

What are you using as edgebinding? I usually just make my own out of the leftovers from the stays, so I was curious.

Posted (edited)

Thank you Lady Brower & Kate. They are very supportive and comfortable. It does feel a little different without the busc but it does make them more comfortable.

I thought about making my own but I didn't have enough left over material. I barely had enough for the stays, lol I will be using cotton twill tape purchased from Booth Draper. I'm keeping the color a mystery until they're finished. :rolleyes:

Edited by Haunting Lily

If you're gonna give me a headache, please bring me an aspirin!


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