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(Chuckle) Orlando Bloom won't live to see 30years old if'n he doesn't stop jumping off the roof of mobil dressing rooms onto cardboard boxes.


Welcome Elizabeth. Your turn to buy the drinks.

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



"Orlando Bloom's dreamy in "Pirates"!"

Hold yer tongue, woman... for I am not a man! :P

I prefer an aged salt like ol' Jack meself. I like me men rugged an worn in like a good hat.

Welcome miss Swann all the same :P


"Ah, the city.. with all it's people and their accumulated wealth, yes?"




  Dreamie D said:
"Orlando Bloom's dreamy in "Pirates"!"

Hold yer tongue, woman... for I am not a man! ;)

I prefer an aged salt like ol' Jack meself. I like me men rugged an worn in like a good hat.

Welcome miss Swann all the same :P

Why, Miss Dreamie ....... It's good to know that some women still like those of us "older used models". :P



There do be a bit o' polarity among the ladies. Those who favor the looks of Jack or those who favor the vaguely effeminate confused looks of Mr. Bloom.

Can you tell on which side I stand? :)

The Duchess


To be fair... the lad is as nice as they come. He seems (so far) uneffected by his stardom and was polite and kind with everyone he worked with while at Disney.

He's just gonna die young if he does not stop being so stupid! :P Leave the stunts to the stunt men! (At least whilst your on company payroll!) :P

I get paid to say things like that. ;)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



So He's jumping off of buildings is he....I thought he broke his back falling out of a third story building a few years ago or so....doesn't seem like a lad who pays much attention to his mistakes, eh?

"The time was when ships passing one another at sea backed their topsails and had a 'gam,' and on parting fired guns; but those good old days have gone. People have hardly time nowadays to speak even on the broad ocean, where news is news, and as for a salute of guns, they cannot afford the powder. There are no poetry-enshrined freighters on the sea now; it is a prosy life when we have no time to bid one another good morning."

- Capt. Joshua Slocum


That be a right tongue-twister, Quill. :lol:

I saw footage of Mr. Bloom bungie-jumping while in New Zealand for LOTR filming. He be a reckless one, he be. Course that may o'been why they chose him fer Legalos.


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

Guest Pyrate Molly
  Dreamie D said:
I prefer an aged salt like ol' Jack meself. I like me men rugged an worn in like a good hat.

Well said, Dreamie. Pyrate Molly here ain't too perticuliar though. She wouldn't throw either one of 'em outta her hammock, given the chance. :)

  TalesOfTheSevenSeas said:
So Elizabeth, in otherwords, ye' be sayin' that yer bloomin' crazy fer Bloom and that ye' want Bloom in yer bloomin' bloomers, deflowerin' the bloomin' blossom o' yer womanhood... right?



That 'urt me 'ead, Quill.....


"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am robbing you, tossing you overboard, and stealing your ship!"

-the only thing more dangerous than her.. is her needle-


Well, I s'pose I'll 'ave to agree with you some on the subject, Dreamy! *sigh* :blink:


Drink up me hearties, yo ho! drink.gif

  Duchess said:
There do be a bit o' polarity among the ladies. Those who favor the looks of Jack or those who favor the vaguely effeminate confused looks of Mr. Bloom.

Can you tell on which side I stand? :)

The Duchess

Well, I guess I prefer the "vaguely effeminate confused looks of Mr. Depp" meself :ph34r:


Lucky Penny: "Tight corset? Got the quick an' easy solution for that problem, mates...

Now..where be m'seam ripper.....

*on the hunt!*"

Heh... ye ever have the boning in yer bodice turn in on ye? I ripped that out, sure enough. The bloody thing must'a damaged me innards, 'cause it took a few hours t' feel like I wasnt suffocating. :ph34r:

Any of the ladies have suggestions for those BLOOMIN' wrinkles ye get in yer leather bodice? I likes 'em smooth and taught I do.... :ph34r:

"Well said, Dreamie. Pyrate Molly here ain't too perticuliar though. She wouldn't throw either one of 'em outta her hammock, given the chance. "

And I'd agree with ya on that, Molly. Just statin' me biggest preference :)

***gives Quill more rum***


"Ah, the city.. with all it's people and their accumulated wealth, yes?"




  Dreamie D said:
"Any of the ladies have suggestions for those BLOOMIN' wrinkles ye get in yer leather bodice? I likes 'em smooth and taught I do.... "

Yeah, make them fit better i.e. tighter in spots, and more bonin' in the right places.

Now get that naughty thought out of your head. That's *not* what I meant by "bonin'". *smirk* Although you'd probably forget about the wrinkles in your leather bodice if it were with the right person. Wasn't this a discussion about Bloom vs. Depp? I vote Depp. . . older wiser smarter pirates are sexy. Bloom needs some corrupting before he gets interesting.



"Corrupted Pirate in Training"


"Let them eat cake. No wait, kill 'em all instead, and plunder the cake for yourself. Mmmmm, cake. . ."


I'll 'ave to put me two cents in on this on. Bloom may be handsome, but he doesn't 'ave anything on Jack, come on, who can resist the rough, weather worn, mysterious qualities that Sparrows got? :)


Aye, 'fraid Sparrows got my vote. I like my guys weird, can't get much weirder than Cap'n Jack! :)

Not to say the elf dude isn't nice to rest yer eyes on!

"Grrrrr!"-My dog

"When life isn't all that peachy, eat an apple. Moron."-Shorty The Gothic Sausage


Just to put in me 2 doubloons, Jack Sparrow is me dream man....


Avast, ye limey lubber! Didn't ye think if Scarlet Jenny (Cutthroat Lass, Scourge o' the Seas, Deadly Duchess o' the Deep) hated ye, ye'd be sliced, skinned an' sunk to Davey Jones' locker? Aaaar! Ye would, and ye'd better start believin' it


Hmmm, tough decision.........oh who am I kiddin'? I take 'em both. Just think of all the fun that could be had corrupting young Will (or Orlando) into a proper pyrate. oooooooo- me timbers are a shiverin' now!

Black Pearl

"An apt and true reply was given to Alexander the Great by a pirate who had been seized. For when that king had asked the man what he meant by keeping hostile possession of the sea, he answered with bold pride. 'What thou meanest by seizing the whole earth; but because I do it with a petty ship, I am called a robber, whilst thou who dost it with a great fleet art styled emperor." Saint Augustine


Well when it comes to corrupting one to the best of my ability, I'd have ta take Will. B)

Ah yes, me job would be well done, the lad would have a whole new outlook on life after I got done with him. B)

Rumba Rue

**Nine out of ten men who have tried camels prefer women** B)

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