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Mutant PiPmas Ornaments


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...is that you get back all full of memories and bonhomie toward your fellow Pub members and you just don't give damn all for trite things like Christmas and the day to day routines of life. I remember looking at Christmas and shopping and all that stuff last year and thinking how wan it seemed by comparison. Even as the colors fade and wash out of the cherished PiP memories, I still find myself looking at life as it as and thinking,

"Reality just doesn't compare."

It won't do."

Ya' know? Curiously, PiP is the only event where this sort of ennui sets in for me. The other events are fun and everything, but somehow they're stuffy and too formal in comparison.

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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I hear yah Mission. I've a feeling my upcoming Christmas trip to CO will be glazed over with warm fuzzy thoughts and bouts of nostalgia for PiP, rather than excitement for travel to my old haunts (and visits with family). :lol:

On the other hand, I appreciated PiP because it filled what I would call a void at the beginning of December. I tend to be downtrodden this time of year (despite fantastic friends), as it has more of a family feel to it than other holidays (and I've no family out here).

Edited by Cpt Sophia M Eisley

Perhaps we'll meet again under better circumstances. ---(---(@

Dead Men...Tell No Tales.

Welcome, Foolish Mortals...

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Ah, yes, "The holiday between Thanksgiving and Christmas with the family you wish you had." Only we do have that family, just not genetically related ones. It's even deeper. We chose this family. And I daresay that at one time or the other we have sacrificed to see each other, suffered the misery of de feet, spent a drop or two of blood here and there. More than I can say for some of my "real" family.

And for those who haven't been there, PiP is lived in full color. Sleep optional.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...

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You know, since finding PIP, I have to admit, we have let Christmas slip by every year practically unnoticed. Sure, I see the decorations, and hear the carols, but Mission, I agree it all pales in comparison. I haven't bothered with a tree or decorations, in years now, it seems a chore. PIP has become our winter holiday, our time with family. The days leading up to it are more exciting than waiting for Santa as a child, and seeing our friends has become the equivalent of that shiny red bike under the tree. I'm sure things might be different if we had children, then again, maybe not. Growing up, somewhere along the way, this time of year lost the magic it had in childhood. Thanks to all of you and the fun we share, every year I get a glimpse of what its like to be a kid again. The new "slogan" hits the nail on the head, it truly is the Holiday between Thanksgiving and Christmas with the family I'm so truly grateful to have.

Merry PIPmas everyone!




“PIRACY, n. Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it.”

Ambrose Bierce

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well this is an easy fix.... on the first day of PIP "MAS" my true love gave to me..... now how did that song go in the tavern?

all I can remember is...

5 gold earrings.... bum bum bum bum

4 squawking parrots

3 flintlock pistols

2 cannon balls

and a peg leg for my left knee!!

Thanks to Mr. Silverhawk!!


“PIRACY, n. Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it.”

Ambrose Bierce

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I don't really celebrate Christmas on a major scale anymore. My son is grown and gone. My wife Susi's sons are all grown. We have 3 granddaughters that we do more Christmas for. Susi and I get each other mostly books that we want. We call relatives that are out of town. That's about it. Iguess I've lost the Christmas spirit, what ever that is. PIP is my one true holiday I look forward to now.

Merry PIPness and a Happy PIP Year!!!!


Buccaneer - Services to the highest bidder!!!

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Hurricane and I were talking and came up with an idea.

We make a habit of picking up a Christmas ornament whenever we go somewhere to bring home and build on the tree of 'places we've been'...

Why not have a PIP tree or at least PIP ornaments next year. I'm not talking some cheesy commercial things, but those of us who are crafty types make up ornaments to sell as a fundraiser. I would be happy to contribute some to this...any other takers?

Diosa De Cancion

aka Mary Read


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The elder snottie, Lugie, suggested real cool Christmas stockings so just let me know what ye all decide on making....

and for what ever my two cents are worth... the trouble with PiP is... it just doesn't last long enough...

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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The mrs. (#1) and I used to make ornaments out of femo. They worked rather well in the desert environment where we used to live. They seem to work here as well as B.O.'s Fish Wagon still has the square grouper we made for Buddy some 15 years ago. I imagine femo can be found in the "big city" at any crafts store.



Fort Taylor Pyrate Fest MySpace Page

Master Hairbone's MySpace Page


There is no more equitable judge than a cannon

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Hurricane and I were talking and came up with an idea.

We make a habit of picking up a Christmas ornament whenever we go somewhere to bring home and build on the tree of 'places we've been'...

Why not have a PIP tree or at least PIP ornaments next year. I'm not talking some cheesy commercial things, but those of us who are crafty types make up ornaments to sell as a fundraiser. I would be happy to contribute some to this...any other takers?

Edward and I do that with ornaments too. I love our eclectic tree.

Great idea. I'd be willing to make some macrame ornaments.

If you're gonna give me a headache, please bring me an aspirin!


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This could be very fun....I do beaded ornaments as well. This could be a blast.

At the least we could do this for us after hours....at the most if we all feel creative we could even possibly sell them during the day as a fundraiser.....

I figure with all of our creative minds, there could be fantastic things coming out of this.

Capt Sterling, were you talking full sized stockings or small ones that go on a tree? Either way would be neat!

Diosa De Cancion

aka Mary Read


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Snotties wanted to do full size but small for the tree will work just as well....yer wish is my command

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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...is that you get back all full of memories and bonhomie toward your fellow Pub members and you just don't give damn all for trite things like Christmas and the day to day routines of life. I remember looking at Christmas and shopping and all that stuff last year and thinking how wan it seemed by comparison. Even as the colors fade and wash out of the cherished PiP memories, I still find myself looking at life as it as and thinking,

"Reality just doesn't compare."

It won't do."

Ya' know? Curiously, PiP is the only event where this sort of ennui sets in for me. The other events are fun and everything, but somehow they're stuffy and too formal in comparison.

You need to go to Baconfe...oh wait. Meat.

We do a Chocolatefest in January.





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yer wish is my command

woohoo! I think I will keep copying that quote... Usually I figure people say that the other way around to you. I'll have to test it out sometime and see if you really mean it :D

Either size stockings would be good, totally up to you, I was just wondering what you were thinking...

Diosa De Cancion

aka Mary Read


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Did someone say Chocolate FEST!?!?! Where is that?? How do i get there? Is it PC? How many days is it? ---Nell

Chrispy says "oo ooo can I decorate a tree with my van??" again LOL

should we make the ornaments pyrate themed?? I'm thinking mini-cannons out of femo :D


“PIRACY, n. Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it.”

Ambrose Bierce

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Did someone say Chocolate FEST!?!?! Where is that?? How do i get there? Is it PC? How many days is it? ---Nell

Chrispy says "oo ooo can I decorate a tree with my van??" again LOL

should we make the ornaments pyrate themed?? I'm thinking mini-cannons out of femo :D

Or for Crispy, a stack of cannonballs with a few missing :)

I think you could go pirate or nautical or whatnot.... I was thinking some of mine would have pirate charms and such worked in, others would just be in black and silver and such....

and William, I think you are about to get all the women from Pyracy out there for ChocolateFest!!!

Edited by Goddess in the Bodice

Diosa De Cancion

aka Mary Read


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Is it possible that we could make Christmas ornaments that portray your 'personna'?

Now thats a GREAT idea... then we could collect each other!!


“PIRACY, n. Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it.”

Ambrose Bierce

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Where William?!? Chocolate in January? Yes, good idea, but would it not be befitting Feburary due to Valentine's Day?

Let me explain. We have the Chocolatefest in January. Lots of it. We have waaaaay too much chocolate.

Then when February rolls around we have chocolate...AGAIN.





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