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Roll Call 2009

William Brand

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EXCELLENT! Hopefully I will have a tent of me own by then.

Now, who wants to teach me how to use the cutlass I bought from Callenish??

If we wind up crossing paths in St. Augustine in March, bug me about sword play... I've been working with wife and the other couple (Nick and Ashley) on the same methods used by the Archangel Crewe, which I hear are fairly compatable with what many of the other crewes are using....

You'll be at Searles' Raid? Fantastic! We are planning to set up for that as well!

It would be a pleasure to spend time with you all again!


Diosa De Cancion

aka Mary Read


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You'll be at Searles' Raid? Fantastic! We are planning to set up for that as well!

It would be a pleasure to spend time with you all again!


Hey Diosa,

We did discuss meeting Red Jessi there, but we have yet to sort out the details (and confirm we are going). I started a thread for discussing that event Here on the Events section of the pub.

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EXCELLENT! Hopefully I will have a tent of me own by then.

Now, who wants to teach me how to use the cutlass I bought from Callenish??

If we wind up crossing paths in St. Augustine in March, bug me about sword play... I've been working with wife and the other couple (Nick and Ashley) on the same methods used by the Archangel Crewe, which I hear are fairly compatable with what many of the other crewes are using....

Oh goodie! Something else to bug you about! I did tell Kate that you guys were likely to be stuck with me. hehe Now we just need to get rid of that pesky "if" in the beginning of your statement, and all will be well with the world!

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I hope to be there and foresee no issues about attending, what with several promising prospects on the horizon. I've put myself down as a representative. How many of the Mercury's representatives from this year would like to do it again next year?





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I hope to be there and foresee no issues about attending, what with several promising prospects on the horizon. I've put myself down as a representative. How many of the Mercury's representatives from this year would like to do it again next year?

I would be willing to, although I do have to plead guilty on missing the Sunday meeting... But otherwise I have no problem with that, it was a pretty easy task.

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I hope to be there and foresee no issues about attending, what with several promising prospects on the horizon. I've put myself down as a representative. How many of the Mercury's representatives from this year would like to do it again next year?

I'm in. Spread the load, says I, and at least one of us might remember what was said...Besides its the best time to catch Hairbone and Spike on matters concerning the auction.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...

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Cutter's Crew is in - that be: Capt. Cutter & Jaded Jetty ---- and far as we know our mates wit "Pieces of Eight" maybe ajoining us next yer fer they now be knowing what they be missin' if not.. Thanks again to all the fine Pirates fer making this another GREAT year..... Oh yea & (Apple Pie) will be a coming wit as well..........

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I've no crew, but I am planning on attending and camping beachside again.

Ye be welcome in the Bone Island Buccaneer camp Red Jessi, always room for another tent. We have room in front of Not Nigel's camp....... on the beachside.

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Lily! (hiya!) It was you who had your haircut for charity (along with the gents), right? :huh: The resulting cut looked quite nice. :D

Aye, that was me. The cut sure was interesting. :rolleyes: I got it cleaned up yesterday and it looks much better now. Speaking of which, the woman that did the fixing for me, is willing to give out gift certificates for clean ups for all those willing to donate their hair next year.

Edward and I will most likely come early and stay late again.

If you're gonna give me a headache, please bring me an aspirin!


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I'll be there with a tent. . .


What?! I'm not coming. No way. You and your freaking borrowed mead are evil. Put you in the previously safe confines of the encampment and... Good God! (Plus I won't have any surgical equipment left...)

Don't worry, it's just for looks. I'm want to set the tent up so I can pretend to be cool. You really think I'm going to camp - be serious.

Ouch Who threw that?

Actually Sunday night or Monday morning, I realized that I shouldn't drive back to the hotel and fell asleep in my car - maybe I would have been better off on the beach. Anyway it would have been nice to have had somewhere more intentional to pass out.

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OMG and they call me the dumb blond....

Me and the snotties are in...same place Grace and Dutch are in.... :lol:

Edited by Capt. Sterling

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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I'll be there with a tent. . .


What?! I'm not coming. No way. You and your freaking borrowed mead are evil. Put you in the previously safe confines of the encampment and... Good God! (Plus I won't have any surgical equipment left...)

Don't worry, it's just for looks. I'm want to set the tent up so I can pretend to be cool. You really think I'm going to camp - be serious.

Hey, if nothing of interest or intrigue changes between now a freaking year from now, I'd entertain going in halfsies with you to rent a two BR condo (So long as the BR doors lock. With a key. And there's a safe in there.). I'm half sorta' maybe thinking of setting up a chintzy tent with a fly for displaying my surgical equipment.

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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Confirmed!!!!! I just put my vacation request in with my boss. Dec 1st until the end. They said " kinda early, aren't you?" My reply, I'm going no matter what!!! Their Reply "Ok, if you must." Rubber stamped and done. I think they figured they can abuse me for 11 months but pushing ir would be hazardous to the business. They know I hang with a bunch of pirates who would sack the place and rescue me anyway. Less damage on their part.


Buccaneer - Services to the highest bidder!!!

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