LadyBarbossa Posted January 3, 2004 Posted January 3, 2004 I noticed a lot of pyratical events happenin' along the coasts & elsewhere. But is there anythin' happening that is a little closer to home here in the midwest... along the mighty Mississippi? Any Ren fests? Even any pirates ponderin' a get together? If not... I be stuck here... landlocked in Eastern Iowa... more than willing to do somethin'.. even if only just to meet up for a pint or glass o' wine. I'm ichin' for some plunderin'! :: evil grinz:: What say ye out there?! Huzzah! Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
Captian Wolfy Wench Posted January 7, 2004 Posted January 7, 2004 I couldn't tell ye off the top of me 'ead, since I live over here in California, but a good place to look is NQG's calendar of events here: Also, I'm sure if you joined crew of a piratical group, you'd always be in on somethin'! I'm sure there're also Ren Faires out there, you jus' gotta look for 'em! Captain Wolfy Wench
LadyBarbossa Posted January 8, 2004 Author Posted January 8, 2004 Yes.. I've tried both... the calender & searchin' for a crew.. but none in my area. the only ones I am aware of in the midwest is the one in Kansas, Minnesota & Wisconsin... more than 4 hours from my current locale. Especially Kansas. I have been ponderin' startin' up a crew along the ol mighty Mississippi. :) Time will tell. Need to get connected with a few 'round here to see who is serious. Maybe treat them to a Rev War weekend as well. Discuss terms & articles over Rum & god knows what all sorts of drink the Continental Marines have! Anyone 'round the mighty Mississippi up for it? I'll be working on forms & all. Huzzah! Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
Desert Pyrate Posted January 8, 2004 Posted January 8, 2004 Ahoy to any northern New Mexico pirates that would be interested in starting a crew. We don't have water, but we might have enough pyratical spirit to warrant a meetup. Anyone have interest? I need something to do when I'm *not* in the Bay Area.
Capt. Morgan Posted January 8, 2004 Posted January 8, 2004 Someone say "Marines"? I'm soooo there, dude! And they drank grog and powdered lime juice, just like the swabbies... I'm in Illinois, for info Touche' Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend Pyrates of the Coast "All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket." "Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."
LadyBarbossa Posted January 8, 2004 Author Posted January 8, 2004 Capt. Morgan said: Someone say "Marines"? I'm soooo there, dude! And they drank grog and powdered lime juice, just like the swabbies...I'm in Illinois, for info Aye, Cap'n Morgan! Marines! Continentals nonetheless. Lively & livid bunch they be. Right nice gents. :) I'm sure they are looking for more men to join up. But Aye! Would be lookin' to enjoy the company of Cap'n Morgan as a ship mate. Any ideas of events 'round these parts? Only one I am aware of is the Ren Fest in the Amanas. I think that there are a couple more over along the ol' Miss. Form a crew.. maybe 2. Have some good competition & such. What say you, mate? Huzzah! Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
Misery Posted January 10, 2004 Posted January 10, 2004 at least your not a pirate stuck in the desert like me (vegas) and desert pirate sailing the sands gets old so fast... lol
Elizabeth_Swann Posted January 10, 2004 Posted January 10, 2004 I'm nearly landlocked- Lake Erie is up north of my state, but I live in central OH, so that's no fun. But, there is a Ren Faire in July or August for 2 weekends near my home, if anyone else happens to be landlocked in the Buckeye State. *hope shining in eyes* Even if you live near the border of Pennsylvania or Indiana or Kentucky, I'd be glad to know some ' ye pyrates are landlocked near me! :) Drink up me hearties, yo ho!
imadrunkenpirate Posted January 11, 2004 Posted January 11, 2004 aye.. me be agreeing to ye. i be up in the chicago area.. and i be tellin ye.. there aint nothin to plunder here, mate! us pirates really need a gatherin to go out on a rage.. wat say u to that? It'll be the rope's end for that one, me bucko.
Katie Nameless Posted January 12, 2004 Posted January 12, 2004 Quote I'm nearly landlocked- Lake Erie is up north of my state, but I live in central OH, so that's no fun. Fancy that! We're neighbors! Yes, the Renaissance Faire in Ohio is LOTS of fun, I can attest. There's a Pirate sword smithy somewhere around there. I got teased quite a bit. Nearly had to kill a man trying to peek up me skirt by lifting it up with the end of an eppe. Oh, but there are many things there that pirates of all kinds would enjoy. The human chess tournament, in which the English Queen takes on the Pirate Queen with living pieces (one guess who always wins ). And a pirate stage show, hopefully yours truly will be in that next year. And there's....romance, if that be your direction. There's theme weekends. Fool's weekend, Scottish weekend, Bier weekend, and of course, the most popular, most crowded, most overdone bells-in-the-air, roses-down-the-bodice, kissing-in-the-trees, feeding-one-another-chocolates weekend....Lovers' weekend. A seedy pirate such as yerselves can even fall victim to the crushing romance that is Lovers' weekend. *sigh* ....Not that I had an experience or anything. Anyway, here's the link! "Oh, never, never, never again, If I live to be a hundred or a hundred and ten. I fell to the ground and I couldn't get up After drinking a pint of the Johnny Jump Up." ~"Johnny Jump Up" -Gaelic Storm "This is one race of people for whom psychoanalysis is of no use whatsoever." -Sigmund Freud (on the Irish)
LadyBarbossa Posted January 12, 2004 Author Posted January 12, 2004 imadrunkenpirate said: aye.. me be agreeing to ye. i be up in the chicago area.. and i be tellin ye.. there aint nothin to plunder here, mate! us pirates really need a gatherin to go out on a rage.. wat say u to that? I'm with ya there, shipmate. Need more pyratical events her ein the midwest. I've done a fair travel to the Chicago area. Suppose.. I will check with the tourism bureau & see if they will have a Tall Ship fest again in 2004 like they did the last weekend in July 2003. I was rather bummed cause I was in Chicago during that time.. actually I was leaving Chicago.. so, never got the chance to swing by the Navy Pier to take a glimpse of the ships. Maybe if they have another Tall Ships event, we should make plans for that? Plus there was mention of a Ren Faire that is around... Kenosha, WI.. just north of Chicago.. lovely area.. really. A couple events over in Chicago.. maybe a couple along the ol Miss. I'm game! Huzzah! Anastazia ~Master & Commander of the Resurrection Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
the Royaliste Posted January 12, 2004 Posted January 12, 2004 Hmm, Tallships Great Lakes 2003 will not repeat in 2004..It works like this..Odd years, East Coast and Great Lakes..Even years, West Coast..So, Next Great Lakes is 2005, A.S.T.A.(American Sail Training Ass'n) Sponsors the events. :)
LadyBarbossa Posted January 12, 2004 Author Posted January 12, 2004 Awww.. bummers. Well... I'll patiently await the return of the ships in 2005 then. Until then... still up for any get togethers.. or events. LOL... I'll be going to re-enactments as always this year. How many? Don't know. Quebec looks interesting.. just depends on whether I can make it or not... another country, that's rather a slight challenge at this time. Well... Thank ye much, Royliste-mun for the info. I tried checking up on the ships that made it for the Tall Ships event in Chicago July 2003, but they never mentioned what ships. Was kinda bummed. Hopefully, the next time I go, I'll see a familiar ship. Huzzah! Anastazia ~Master & Commander of the Resurrection Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
Captain Emerald Shaunassey Posted January 12, 2004 Posted January 12, 2004 Lady Barbarosa, If you are interested in attending Ren Faires, might I suggest you take a look-see at (The Directorie of Renaissance Faires). Sir Michael Bonk has an extensive listing of faires from around the world. You can search by date or map for events that tickle your fancy. Cap'n Emerald Captain Emerald Shaunassey O' The Salty Kiss
LadyBarbossa Posted January 14, 2004 Author Posted January 14, 2004 Why, Thank ye Catain Emerald. Most kind of ya. Huzzah! Anastazia ~Master & Commander of the Resurrection Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
Sassy Posted January 14, 2004 Posted January 14, 2004 Ay'll be tak'n a luk see at that fair site meself. Thank ye fer post'n the link Captain Shaunassey.
Isabella Posted January 15, 2004 Posted January 15, 2004 I'm in SW Ohio! Ahoy! It's good to see I'm not the only Land lock one here. I agree about Sir Mike's site :) Please take from yer plunder, and lend him some donations if you will. :) I did faire with him, and he is worth blowing some booty on! :)
Captain Emerald Shaunassey Posted January 17, 2004 Posted January 17, 2004 Ladies, you are quite welcome! Cap'n Emerald Captain Emerald Shaunassey O' The Salty Kiss
Sjöröveren Posted January 17, 2004 Posted January 17, 2004 Not exactly a piratical faire, but there's an event comin up in August 04 just a bit north of Toronto. It's called the Battle of Georgian Bay, and appears to be an 1812 event, but there looks to be a fair number of tall ships involved. Site is at but there's not much there yet. Not exactly the Midwest either, but a nice place to visit, and it's on big water. the Fool's Gold Pirates
the Royaliste Posted January 17, 2004 Posted January 17, 2004 'ere's a pic from that event a few years back!..They really have a good time! 'Royaliste'..........................'St. Lawrence II' (in black)
Candy Posted January 18, 2004 Posted January 18, 2004 Not sure what part of the Midwest you be near. There is a renaissance Festival near St. Louis, a place called Wentzville Which takes place the last 3 weekends in May and first weekend in June I believe. They had a pirate show called "Captains Outrageous" . And there be various pirates roaming the grounds also. I think they also had a pirate ship stage. KCRF in September and October, usually has a Pirate Weekend and we have the Jolly Rogers (they have a great show...singing and joking)on a pirate ship stage that is bigger and better then St. Louis. KCRF has been going on near 28 years and St, Louis is only in its 5th year. :) There are all sorts of little Ren faires all over the Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma area, some only a weekend long and some better then others. Check . They have a lot listed. Scarborough Faire near Dallas is a great Ren Faire also, with a goodly amount of pirates, and I can't remember there pirate group, my hubby said it was "The Bilge Pumps". We visit Ren Faires on vacations, so have visited quite a few. Huzzah!! Candy
Isabella Posted January 18, 2004 Posted January 18, 2004 Ohio Renaissance Festival also does a Pirates weekend. That's about as Piratey as it gets there, along with the Pirates Show that is there every weekend with their 30 foot boat. :)
Katie Nameless Posted January 19, 2004 Posted January 19, 2004 the Royaliste said: 'ere's a pic from that event a few years back!..They really have a good time! 'Royaliste'..........................'St. Lawrence II' (in black) *perks up at the word "tallship" ....Tallship? ....Must....comman-....-deer....*collapses* "Oh, never, never, never again, If I live to be a hundred or a hundred and ten. I fell to the ground and I couldn't get up After drinking a pint of the Johnny Jump Up." ~"Johnny Jump Up" -Gaelic Storm "This is one race of people for whom psychoanalysis is of no use whatsoever." -Sigmund Freud (on the Irish)
Isabella Posted January 19, 2004 Posted January 19, 2004 If your in South Western Ohio, my husband and I are buying a sail boat this Spring, it's not a tall ship, but it's a lovely boat none the less. :) We'll be happy to take on day crew, for sunnin' and sailing. We're hoping to do some sailing while the Ohio Faire is going on, so if your out, drop us a line. :)
LadyBarbossa Posted January 19, 2004 Author Posted January 19, 2004 Thanx, Royaliste-mun captain. Tis a pity I missed out on all that all these years. Oh, well. As for all the renfaires around.. I've heard of the KCRF. Though that's pushing it there as well as to a long ways away for me to travel. Chicago is kinda pushing it at times. That's about 4 hours from my locale. Well... I know I will try to attend the Ren Faire at the Amanas on Labor day weekend. So.. if anyone willing to join me.. they are more than welcome to. Hoping to get down to GARF to join Jack & Barbossa & a few others in causing some havoc & fun... sometime 'round april .. maybe May. Maybe on the weekend of my Birthday. We shall see. :: knocks on wood:: Maybe if god be willin'... I'll swing up to WI for the Ren Fest there. Who knows. Like I said, depends on my re-enactment schedule as well. Huzzah! Anastazia ~Master & Commander of the Resurrection Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
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