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I liked the bloopers reel. I was surprised to see only two deleted scenes. (And delighted to find one focused Pintel and Ragetti). (Of course, the whole Singapore opening should have been in the deleted scenes... :lol: )

I also went back and watched the end, Calypso and all. As difficult as I know the maelstrom scene was to make (they went on and on and on and on about it in Cinefex), I would still have rather seen the various pirate ships take on the Armada. Alas, everyone except the main group were just window dressing... :huh:

BTW, what good does it do to fire cannon when your ship is at a 30 or 45 degree angle? You're sure not going to hit the ship on the other side. All that gunpowder and shot wasted shooting projectiles down the spout! And can you imagine trying to haul those monsters back to reload them? Oi! The end fight was just too silly...Jack balancing on a spar when the ship is tipping into a maelstrom? Davy Jones (write him out, please write him out) walking on the same spar with that slippery crustacean leg? Firing bow cannon accurately at a ship in that huge storm? Silly, silly, silly...

Although, I liked the post-credits ending with Will's son. I still can't imagine Elizabeth waiting 10 years for a day with someone, but there you are. Oh, and it's nice to be able to watch the movie with the subtitles on. Between Will and Davy Jones, I think there was a contest to see who could slur their lines the worst. (Orlando Bloom does this all the time. He has a slight lisp or something, I swear.)

"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.” -Oscar Wilde

"If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted is really true, there would be little hope of advance." -Orville Wright


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I liked the discussion with Keith Richards. There was a rumor before 2 that he was going to be in the movies and someone (not sure if it was here or at PiratesInfo) said that he would ruin the movie. Even then, I thought this was an ignorant comment. (How can one person ruin a movie? It takes a whole crew of people to ruin a movie.) Richards was a neat addition, even if he is a bit spacey.

"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.” -Oscar Wilde

"If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted is really true, there would be little hope of advance." -Orville Wright



Without giving away too much of the movie because some are still waiting to get it...I LOVED IT...of course I loved 1 and 2 as well. Geoffrey was brilliant per usual(did you see him in Quills? magnificant!!!)...Not enough Barbossa and Jack barbs but what was left in was so funny. Wish the one deleted scene of them could have remained in the movie but at least it is on the disc.

Not enough of Marty though. Marty had more lines in DMC...

And Johnny...well, he just make Jack so perfect...it's hard to tell the 2 apart ;-)

Can't wait for Jack to come back!


I'd appreciate seeing a Director's Cut boxed set. Maybe before the possible 4th film? :o

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


Yeah... I understand there is some boxed set coming out next year. :o

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


possible 4th film?

"probable" 4th film... ;-)

Noted, love. Here's to hoping. :huh:

*twirls his "WWJSD" bracelet*

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

possible 4th film?

"probable" 4th film... ;-)

Noted, love. Here's to hoping. :huh:

Hoping for what? That Disney kills pirate movies dead dead dead for good on their fourth attempt? So that no director of renown touches a pirate- related script with a ten feet boathook for years to come? Have we yet forgotten the calm after "Cutthroat Island"? The dire warnings after the third POTC piece did not suffice, did they?

But you're right, the hope dies last.


"The floggings will continue until morale improves!"


I sincerely doubt that a single studio can bring about the downfall of an entire genre. If that were true, then George Lucas should have doomed Sci-Fi flicks forever with his abysmal "Star Wars: Episodes I-III".

So, we'll just have to wait and see.

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

possible 4th film?

"probable" 4th film... ;-)

Noted, love. Here's to hoping. :P

Hoping for what? That Disney kills pirate movies dead dead dead for good on their fourth attempt? So that no director of renown touches a pirate- related script with a ten feet boathook for years to come? Have we yet forgotten the calm after "Cutthroat Island"? The dire warnings after the third POTC piece did not suffice, did they?

But you're right, the hope dies last.

I don't think that any director other than Bruckheimer will do the 4th...I don't think Disney would ask anyone else.

Jaramush? Gillian? Peckinpah,Burton(Oh can you imagine Jack Sparrow transending from Tim's mind? lol)...

But the POTC francise is not an authentic historical factual movie about pirates. It was never meant to be that...but POTC pushed "pirates" into the front of the line and I believe it helped pirate renenacting groups,troupes,festivals,faires move into the lime light... and I am sure that the pirate based businesses are doing much more better these years than years ago pre-POTC...

There's not one person in the crew of POTC movies that NEEDS the money or fame...And Johnny Depp would NEVER

compromise his role of Jack Sparrow to any lesser quality than he has thus far produced. He' most concerned with the quality rather than the paycheck...

I myself had no complaints with DMC nor AWE. I don't spend time trying to find the historical correctness of maps or names of islands or costumes. I spend the time trying to find references to Johnny's other movies(which there are several little nuances in both movies)...and the connections to Ted and Terry's other films...Again this is coming from a pure Depp movie fan and now I enjoy reading the true history of pirates...Through all interests I have met many wonderful friends and I was fortunate to meet Marty Klebba and now I volunteer for his charity. All good things come around to more good...Life is too short so enjoy it the way you want to! History or fiction-both are healthy!


Now that's what I'm talking about. The PotC movies are ultimately (1) monster movies set in a pirate world, (2) existential escapism at it's best, and (3) rollicking damned good fantasy storytelling. If you expect anything more, you've set yourself up for disappointment. The movies are supposed to be fun. Escapist fun. Let's face it; if they portrayed pirate life accurately, it would be a mortifyingly boring tale, interjected with ungratifying spaces of panicked action.

Let's just accept it for what it is. A fun ride. You have to admit, undead monkey cannonballs are just damned funny. Maps you can spin into what you need them to be? Now we've got some fun. Real life is too bizarre in the most ugly possible fashion. Let's all enjoy the escape without taking ourselves too seriously, shall we? Otherwise, we're all in for a damned dull go 'round.

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


I am not talking about historically accurate pirate movies. When I go into a theatre, I am already in "suspension of disbelief mode". Any props that are GaoP correct, fine. But I am not looking for any tiny mistake, going like Nelson from the "Simpsons": "Haha!".

Otherwise, one could never enjoy masterpieces like the "Crimson Buccaneer", "Pirates!" or "Swashbuckler".

But... and here comes the catch... if a major (as in MAJOR) studio like Disney screws up POTC, as they almost done in part 3, the outcome can be quite disastrous to the genre.

Remember Carolco? MAJOR studio, big league player in the 70s, 80s and 90s with blockbusters like "Total Recall", "Terminator 2", "Basic Instinct".

Enter Renny Harlin and the script for "Cutthroat Island". Wham! There goes Carolco! Movie's budget: 100 Megabucks, gross income: 10 Megabucks. Biggest loss in cinematic history.

And for the next almost 10 years, each movie producer would say when confronted with a pirate script: "I guess we'd rather not. Think of Carolco."

Not that Disney could happen the same. Even with a loss twice as big, they probably will still live to film another day. But perhaps they should have a reeeeeeaaaaal long creative pause to think up an innovative script. Just putting the same characters and the same phrases ("Why's the rum gone?") into a blender and hope for a new taste won't do.

Oh, and before anyone starts off about poor misunderstood "Cutthroat Island": I do like the damn flick. :P


"The floggings will continue until morale improves!"



Why over critique and over analize this film?

Kids like it, adults like it, teens like it.

NO film will be as perfect as we want it to be. But, PotC has given us a wild and adventurous ride. Hell, how many of us would LOVE to be on the Black Pearl during that Maelstrom scene?!?! :::Raises hand:::

Much like Polar Express... just accept it, believe and enjoy! Don't analize, forget logic, stop processing should-be's and leave behind the doubt.

Would ye rather NOT have a Pirate Film?

I'm grateful for such a film...otherwise, I doubt if I would have known about this place, met other people had tons of fun at various events, or made such glorious outfits, etc.

If they make a 4th... I'll highly welcome it. :ph34r:

~Lady B


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


From what I have seen at another website...The first movie was grand! (I wholeheartedly concurred with the feeling) The proof so many people were wanting to be Jack the influx was amazing.

Then the second one came out, people went to it expecting so much and was disappointed and those that had been involved in writing pirate type fan fic began to drop off.

The third came out and the pirate storylines and boards novels began to dry up. There are still one or two still going over there. But it seems, sad to say, all but one is stuggling to stay afloat with the pirate theme.

YEAH, I know those connected in some way with the trilogy have already started with their "stop crticizing the films" etc. Been through it before. But, IMHO, the truth is the truth.

I bought the first DVD IMMEDIATELY, I finally got the second when I found it a clearance bin. OK, curosity got the better of me, shrug, I didn't pay much for it so thought I would take a looksie.

At the moment I don't have any inclination to get the third. Maybe if, as with the second, I ever find it on clearance...at a major reduced price I might consider it. Will have to wait and see.

JUST remember this Thread asked for opinions. Don't scream foul if the opinions are other then what you wanted to hear.

IF'n you wanted to hear only one side of it, you should have posted that requirement in the beginning.

Have a happy Winter Solstice!

Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...


Harsh words when the general concensus has been thumbs down for AWE and opinions appear that folks never saw the film or still have a grudge against DMC.

Opinions be fine on AWE. A couple folks gave those opinions in general about Beckett's demise or the Locker scene with Jack... etc.

I found AWE a complete delight. Perhaps I do enjoy those charming fantasies with wild romps and adventures. And the glorious return of Barbossa of course.

If it had bad sound, horrible graphics, unbearable acting, terrible lines - and I have seen a couple films like this - then I'd consider it a waste of film.

All in all, I consider it a fun film.

Granted I thought the part with Jack in the Locker was rather way out there.

Ehhh, true. Each to their own. But I'll be damned if folks bitch about a film without it givin' it fair chance! Frankly, AWE is WAY, WAY better than the bombardment of these freakin' political ads on TV! I'll be soon ending up like Jack in the Locker!

Any, annoys me. Just think about how grand it is just having a decent pirate film out there. Could be worse now. Could be no more pirate films EVER! I suppose I'm fed up with all th' bitchin' about how disappointing Pirate Films are. If ye be disappointed in th' story or the turn out of a film... make yo'r bloody own film! Star Wars fans do it.

Opinion... WHAT in specific did ye not like about th' film? What scenes bothered ye? What characters did ye fancy what others did ye think needed better work? Why did ye not like it or what did ye like about a scene?

I think that's a better asking of opinions instead of sounding carbon copy that AWE wasn't good cause of DMC. And, aye, that's what I hear everywhere.

Love th' lot of ye... and consider ye all with honor and respect. But, damnit all, why belly ache over a film ye never saw or only saw once?!?

Missin' out on the special features, too. What more ye want of this film? Let alone any pirate film?

I like the DVD cover for the limited edition. Very nice. The Special Features are just grand. Love the "easter eggs"... salt flats, reintroducing the "rocks" to the salt flats.. hilarious.

All in all a nice layout and look. Thumbs up.

:::Standing here with a loaded pistol; annoyed with the copycat complaining & criticing of AWE:::

~Lady B


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


I saw AWE, I have stated on another thread what I liked and didn't like about 2 and 3. (Absolutely no reason to rehash that.) And certain ones came out and stated I was over doing the opinions since my opinions was other then what was really wanted. The same IMHO seems to be happening here to others. SHRUG, it is what it is.

BACK ON TOPIC...This thread asked about the DVD #3. I have stated I bought, via clearance #2 as I was curious about any extras on the DVD. I was disappointed on that also. So, I am not inclined to purchase number 3 via DVD. Actually, someone queried if I had it indicating I may get it for the holidays I told them thanks but no thanks. THAT is MY OPINION

AS STATED PREVIOUS...if you want an honest opinion fine...if you want to hear what you like to hear fine. JUST BE SURE TO MAKE WHAT YOU REALLY WANT CLEAR! If not, DO NOT come at those who offer their own honest OPINION if it is contrary to your own.

Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...


Basically people don't like what they don't understand. If at all they don't understand something 100% then they'll say they don't like it. Anyone who has said they didn't like Pirates 2 and 3 also said they didn't understand certain stuff, were confused or whatever. It also comes down to being a true fan of these movies. It's either you love them or you don't, plain and simple.


I understood the films, I just didn't like 2 & 3 except for a minor few parts.

I AM NOT GOING TO BE DRAG'D INTO THIS AGAIN...(wham. wham...head against 'puter screen...wham wham...owie owie...not do'n it...nope...nadda...ouch!..owie...putting me blade back into its sheath) There is just too much that is so much more important then this.


Let's agree to disagree...

HUZZAH! Raise a toast to ya all! :ph34r:

Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...

I understood the films, I just didn't like 2 & 3 except for a minor few parts.

I AM NOT GOING TO BE DRAG'D INTO THIS AGAIN...(wham. wham...head against 'puter screen...wham wham...owie owie...not do'n it...nope...nadda...ouch!..owie...putting me blade back into its sheath) There is just too much that is so much more important then this.


Let's agree to disagree...

HUZZAH! Raise a toast to ya all! :ph34r:

Well, then it's the 2nd part of my post:

It also comes down to being a true fan of these movies. It's either you love them or you don't, plain and simple.

It's fine, not everyone is going to love everything about these movies, that's just the way it goes. So, more for the fans who do love them! :ph34r:


Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...


I loved PotC and DMC. I really like AWE, but I feel let down. It's the same feeling I got when I saw Star Wars I-III. You had how many years to work on this, improve your ideas, listen to fans, and read stuff other people were putting out there and you give us JarJar... :lol:

Same feeling with AWE. I recall that the scriptwas being developed as they were casting and filming it showed. I thought DMC went along nicely. We got to see witty Jack at his best on cannibal island. We saw a good fight scene on Tortuga and Isle Cruise(sp?). It was a bit over the top with the water wheel, but it was fun. We got exposed to some of Jack's past with Tia Dolma. Through her we saw some magic and mystery in the world. Awesome bad guys that really pose a threat.

As for AWE, I think the it's problem was quantity over quality. Sure those little quiches are tasty, and you can eat an entire tray but you still want a steak and potato for dinner. The only fight scene I can remember is the maelstrom, it was good and climatic and all. But, little quiche... The kraken, the big baddie in DMC is killed off with one sentence... They show it later to add impact to Jack and Hector's exchange, and to give Pintel and Reggati some lines... Shipwreck island, cool idea! It's a shame they didn't have Beckett's force invade and have a fight scene there, once again little quiche... Captain Teague. Yeah it's cool and all that Keith Richards was the inspiration for Jack and he got to play his dad. But an actor and some more background would have been awesome. By now the patteren is established. There was so many things that were dangled in front of us that we didn't get to fully experience.

As for the characters in AWE, they were overwhelmed by the action instead of providing us an in to what was happening. Jack, got shafted in AWE. He was so quirky in the first two, I don't remember any scene in AWE that brought back that same sense of, I wanted to be Jack.

Will Turner turned into a robot. Must save father, love of my life... girl issues... nah I'm going to focus on my father who left me a long time ago. If he was going to be so driven, have him dump Elizabeth. After seeing all the issues those two had I was hoping they wouldn't get married... good thing they only see each other every ten years or they would have to go to counseling to resolve those issues. I didn't have any empathy for them as a couple anymore. It was one thing when Elizabeth was hiding what she did from Will, but it just went downhill.

Elizabeth, was a plot device and some nice eye candy. Can't think of anything else.

Hector by god was good. He was able to break out of the bad guy role and be his own person. I've always felt that interesting characters are more fun to watch than cool characters. Maybe that's what happened to Jack, he became cool and lost his fun-ness.

Norrington was there to what tie up some loose ends, add some emotion to the story...

Davy Jones, got his tadpoles snipped by Beckett. I loved Davy Jones, Bill Nighy was awesome and he was enjoyable to watch in DMC. In AWE he was an angry child. Instead of a having a range of emtion he is limited to being pissy...

Beckett, oh Beckett. I was more fearful of Mr. Colins from Pride and Predjudice. Not the one mind you with the Beckett actor but the mini-series. No if he was running the EIT Co., that would have been something to truly fear... He had a past with Jack, what the hell happened to that?

Too many ideas and not enough time. The story had to be pulled at such a quick speed that it didn't have enough time for the characters to shine like they had been able to in previous movies.

That's my 2... 10, er I'll get a calculator and post it later ;)

Conceptual Simplicity, Structural Complexity, Achieves a Greater State of humanity.

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